Chapter 882 Ding Xiaoxiang can only wait
"Uncle Shizhu!"

"It's getting foggy!"

Zhao Dahai pointed to the sea around the speedboat.

On the vast sea, you must always pay attention to weather changes. Now on the artificial islands and reefs, it is relatively far from the shore. You need to pay more attention. There is a lot of moisture on the sea surface, and fogging is very normal. But once it fogs, you have to be alert.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou stopped together and looked at the surrounding sea carefully.


"It's indeed foggy!"



"Don't worry about it now, wait and see!"


"I guess it won't take long for the fog to dissipate!"


Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou have a lot of experience in going to sea. They are not weather forecasts, but they are not much worse than weather forecasts. This is all gained from more than twenty years of experience.

Zhao Dahai nodded, but he was not careless. He carefully checked the navigation of his speedboat, then checked the engine of the speedboat, and then looked at the remaining oil on the speedboat to make sure that there was no problem and everything was normal. .

Xu Tianhua and Wu Guodong were very calm. They both had rich experience in fishing and knew that there was nothing strange about this kind of weather.

Zhao Dahai, Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou continued fishing.


"Are we going to go fishing for grouper later?"

Lei Dayou looked at the rotating electric winch in front of him, and two more catfish of about thirty kilograms took the bait.

Zhong Shizhu and Liu Bin immediately turned to look at Zhao Dahai.


"Why don't we go fishing for grouper?"

“Fishing right here!”

"One is to fish until there are no more fish here, and the other is to wait until our speedboat can't make so many fish and then go back."

Zhao Dahai made up his mind immediately without even thinking about it.

Grouper fishing?
If what he was fishing for at this time was black sea bream, yellow chicken, or an owl weighing only three to five kilograms, he would definitely go fishing for grouper right away without hesitation.

But now what is being caught here are big eagle fish weighing twenty to thirty kilograms, and the price is not low, even higher than the price of blue spots weighing less than ten kilograms.

The key is that the fish here are now very large, and the bites are very fierce. One fish after another cannot be stopped. Even if the tide rises, if you go to other places to catch other fish, you may not be able to catch them. . One is a sure way to make money and the money earned is not much less than fishing for blue spots of average size. The other is unknown.

Anyone with no brains knows how to choose.

A thousand birds in the forest is really not as good as a bird in the hand.

Zhao Dahai knows very well that when he goes fishing, he really doesn’t want to catch big fish every time. He wants to catch green spots weighing more than a hundred kilograms, or red spots weighing several dozen kilograms. He can safely catch fish and earn a lot of money. Money is very important.


"Let's hurry up and catch some more fish!"

Zhao Dahai kept looking at the sea. The fog had indeed dispersed a bit, but the waves on the sea seemed to be a little bigger, and the water flow seemed to be a little faster.

Zhao Dahai knew very well that the weather was likely to change, and people like him had to seize the time to catch more fish.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Da understood what was going on as soon as they heard what Zhao Dahai said. In addition, they all had rich experience in going to sea. After looking at the sea surface carefully, they knew what was going on.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou sped up their movements and fished without saying a word.

The wind started to get stronger.

The waves on the sea are getting bigger and bigger.

Qi Dahai turned around and looked at the time displayed on the screen, which was already eight o'clock in the morning.

Zhao Dahai looked up at the sky and found that although the fog had dispersed, the sun had not come out yet.

"Close the pole!"

"Ten minutes to clean up these fish on the deck!"

Zhao Dahai made a prompt decision and immediately shouted loudly at Zhong Shizhu and Liu Bin to put away their poles.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou looked at the sea surface a little helplessly. At this time, the owl at this point under the speedboat were still biting the hook crazily. If they fished, they could still catch a lot of fish, but there was no way. The weather The changes have begun to become more and more obvious, and it is absolutely impossible to stay here.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou immediately put away their fishing poles and began to quickly collect the fish they had caught. They opened the refrigerator and cold storage and threw the fish in one after another. Some of them had no place to put them in and could only be put there. Go inside the living water tank.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou moved very quickly. Within seven or eight minutes, the fish on the deck were either placed in the cold storage or in the live water tank.


"All loose things on the armor must be packed up and fixed."


"The hatches of the living water tank are all closed and secure."


Zhao Dahai saw that the waves on the sea were very obvious, almost half a meter high, and the undulations of the speedboat were getting bigger and bigger. However, he did not rush back in the speedboat immediately, but loudly reminded Zhong Shizhu and Liu Bin that Lei Dayou After packing up the fish, you need to check the movable objects on the deck of the speedboat.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou started working immediately. In a few minutes, they had all checked, and the lids of the living cabins were securely closed.

Zhong Shizhu looked at it again and again to make sure there was no problem, and then nodded to Zhao Dahai.

"Boss Xu and Boss Wu, you two go to the cabin of the speedboat!" "Uncle Shi Zhu has an uncle Liu. You put on your raincoat and pull the rope."

Zhao Dahai roared loudly.

Xu Tianhua and Wu Guodong immediately bent down and got into the cabin. The speedboat would go very fast, and being on the deck of the speedboat would be very hard and unsafe.

You can stay on the deck when the weather is good, but now the weather is likely to get worse and worse. It is better and safer inside the cabin, and you must not cause trouble to Zhao Dahai at this time.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou immediately put on their raincoats. Instead of sitting on the refrigerator at the back of the speedboat, they walked to the refrigerator on the deck in front of the speedboat and sat down firmly. They also pulled the rope. When the speed was faster, the speedboat's The bow of the boat will be raised. If all the people stay at the back of the speedboat, it will be raised very high and very dangerous. If a few people sit in the front, they can reduce the weight and the speedboat will be safer when it travels quickly.

When Zhao Dahai saw that everyone was ready, he checked that there was nothing wrong with the speedboat again, pulled up the top-flow machine and put it in place.

Zhao Dahai started the speedboat, the low sounds of the two engines sounded, the propellers stirred the sea water, and the powerful power output pushed the speedboat forward all of a sudden, and the speed soared in a short period of time.

Zhao Dahai concentrated his mind. The speed of the speedboat was very fast. Now the weather had obviously become very bad, so he had to hurry back.

Artificial islands and reefs.

Xu Dachui, Xu Xiaochui, Song Tianping and others were fishing.

"What the hell!"

"What's going on? The tide today is quite good. What's rare is that Zhao Dahai's speedboat can't be seen at all. Why aren't there many fish?"

Xu Xiaochui kicked the deck of the speedboat hard.

Early this morning, I, my eldest brother Song Tianping, and others rushed here to catch sea bass. We waited in fear for a long time, but we didn't see Zhao Dahai's speedboat. We originally thought that we would finally be able to see the bright moon after the clouds cleared.

Have a good day of fishing and earn a little more money.

What I didn't expect was that although Zhao Dahai's speedboat didn't come, and although no one was grabbing fish, the tide today was very strong. It should have been a very suitable tide for fishing sea bass, and there should have been a lot of sea bass there, but there wasn't. Thinking that Zhao Dahai didn't show up and no one was grabbing fish, the sea bass in the reef foam area seemed to have disappeared all of a sudden.

It’s not that you can’t catch any fish, but there are really not many that can be caught.

It wouldn't be surprising if just the two brothers and Song Tianping couldn't catch fish, but there seemed to be not many people in the entire island reef bubble area, and every speedboat couldn't catch any sea bass.

"What the hell!"

"This is really hell. Could it be that if Zhao Dahai doesn't come, these sea bass won't come? In that case, it would be better for Zhao Dahai to come here to fish!"

Song Tianping cursed.

Zhao Dahai did not come to the island reef bubble area today. He and his group were thinking of having a big fight. Unexpectedly, they had nowhere to use their strength. There were not many sea bass at all. Zhao Dahai did not come. Here, they and they caught sea bass. , but becomes less.

Xu Xiaochui was right. If he had known this, Zhao Dahai would have come here to grab fish, and people like him would have been able to get more fish.


"I said what's going on with you guys?"

"You were very angry when Zhao Dahai came. Now that Zhao Dahai has not come, you think there are not many seabass in this sea?"

"Actually, what does this have to do with Zhao Dahai? Haven't you noticed that although today's tide is larger and flows faster, it is more mixed?"

Xu Dahamui held the pole in his hand and kept shaking it up and down, and would pull it from time to time.

It is indeed a good thing that Zhao Dahai did not come to the reef foam area today. Unfortunately, there are really not many sea bass in the sea now, but this has nothing to do with Zhao Dahai. The sea water today is relatively turbid. , which is the fundamental reason why there aren’t many sea bass.

Xu Xiaochui and Song Tianping looked at the sea surface carefully and then noticed that the color of the sea water today was indeed muddy.


"What's going on? Is it possible that the weather is going to change? The water in the deep sea has become muddy now, and has the weather changed?"

"Will the wind and waves get bigger and bigger?"

Song Tianping was stunned for a moment, and quickly thought of what was going on. As he spoke, he couldn't help but widen his eyes and look in the direction of the depths of the sea.

Xu Dachui nodded. There is no way to be 100% sure, but it is very likely that this is the case. Even if it does not become very bad, it must have changed. Don't look at the wind and waves that have not affected the island bubble area, but The sea water in the sea is constantly flowing. The sea water has been affected and becomes more and more turbid. The fish, shrimps and crabs in the sea always know what is happening earlier than people.

"Big brother!"

"Zhao Dahai's speedboat hasn't appeared yet!"

"I finished fishing for sea bass yesterday, didn't I go in the direction of the deep sea? I guess I'm on my way back at this time, or maybe Zhao Dahai and his speedboat did a very good job fishing in Shanghai last night, so they don't want to Come back here and fish for sea bass.”

Xu Xiaochui turned around and looked at the big fishing boat parked a few hundred meters away. Whenever Zhao Dahai comes here these days, this boat will appear. They all come here to fish for sea bass. Has Zhao Dahai seen this boat now? Appearing, this can only mean that Zhao Dahai was fishing in the deep sea and did not come back.

"Can you manage so many? Let's hurry up and see if we can catch a few more fish."

“If the weather really changes, you might not be able to fish in the next few days!”

Xu Dachui shouted loudly at Xu Xiaochui.

Xu Xiaochui thought that this was really the case. Why Zhao Dahai didn't show up here had nothing to do with him. It was serious business to hurry up and fish more.

Ding Xiaoxiang stood motionless on the deck of the fishing boat, staring at the end of the sea with her eyes wide open. There was no expression on her face. Originally, she was not going to come today, but she changed her mind at the last minute and followed the fishing boat out to sea to pick her up. Zhao Dahai.

What's going on? Why haven't you come back yet?
Ding Xiaoxiang was a little anxious. Zhao Dahai had returned to the reef foam area to fish for sea bass a few days ago, but he had not come back today.


"What's going on? Why hasn't Zhao Dahai come back yet?"

Ding Dawen looked at the time, then at the sea surface, and then at the bubble area of ​​the islands to make sure there was no Zhao Dahai's speedboat.

"What's this about?"

"When fishing at sea and traveling so far away, there must be various things happening. Sometimes you encounter a lot of fish and have to fish a little later, sometimes it's because of bad weather, or something else. It’s impossible to come back on time every day for other reasons.”

"In the future, if you encounter this situation when you come out here alone with a fishing boat to wait for Zhao Dahai, there is no need to rush or do anything, just keep waiting here."

Ding Xiaoxiang was very worried, and she was getting more and more worried, but the expression on her face was very calm.

Zhao Dahai is a person who goes fishing at sea, and he travels so far away. It is really impossible to come back here on time every time, but after saying this, he is still very worried in his heart.

Ding Xiaoxiang tried hard to control her emotions. She knew from the moment she decided to marry Zhao Dahai that she would have to face such a thing. Now she couldn't do anything, let alone go out to find Zhao Dahai. The only thing she could do was Just waiting here.

(End of this chapter)

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