Chapter 931 Beware of Your Companions

"All right!"

"Ding Xiaoxiang."

"You are absolutely right. We really don't need to rush this matter. We don't need to rush all the businesses in the town to come to our building in a day or two, a month or two."

"In fact, this is definitely impossible! Many people have rented those shops for a long time, and may have signed leases for many years. It is impossible for them to come here just because we have a good location."

Yang Qin calmed down, her brows furrowed tighter and tighter. She had to admit that she seemed to be a little too optimistic. Leasing a property was not an easy task.

"Yang Qin."

"Why do you keep worrying about this?"

"Didn't I just say that? Doing business is not about getting rich overnight. We need to do business for one, two, three, five, or even ten or twenty years."

"Once this building is built, our descendants will have a place to eat."

"It was definitely not easy to find tenants at the beginning, especially for those who have opened stores elsewhere. It is almost impossible for them to open stores here, at least not in the short term."

"But what's the problem with that?"

"If we can't recruit many merchants in two months, we can try three, four, five, or even three to five years."

"As long as our store here has a good location, it's only a matter of time before someone comes to stay in the store and do business."

"Besides, who says that only those who are already engaged in a certain business can open a shop here?"

"There are so many people in this world who want to do business and make money."

"If people who open shops in other places are unwilling to come here, some people who want to do the same business will open shops here."

"Just be patient and wait until someone comes to you."

Ding Xiaoxiang laughed.

Yang Qin understood this logic and was very anxious. In the final analysis, she was just thinking about renting out all the shops in a month or two so that she could sit at home and count the rent safely.

"Forget it!"

"Why do you think I'm in such a hurry?"

"You and Zhao Dahai own the majority of this building. If you don't worry about it, then I shouldn't worry about it either."

Yang Qin was really convinced, and Ding Xiaoxiang was really calm. It was not that she did not understand this truth, but for many things, the truth was only the truth, but whether one could really do it was another matter.

Ding Xiaoxiang knew that Yang Qin would continue to worry about this matter, but there was nothing she could do. This kind of thing could only depend on how she thought about it.

Ding Xiaoxiang and Yang Qin discussed how to speed up the process as much as possible. After the discussion, they left the town and went to the dock to find their father Ding Chongshan.


"Why did you come here?"

Ding Jie was very surprised. Ding Xiaoxiang had been very busy recently, with all kinds of things spinning around like a top.

"Didn't your parents go to your sister-in-law's house with you in a few days?"

"How's the packing going? Is everything ready?"

Ding Xiaoxiang walked in front of Ding Jie.


"It has already been packed."

"It's mainly seafood."


"I have to thank Zhao Dahai for this."

Ding Jie nodded.

In two days, I will go to Chen Miaomiao's house with my parents.

A considerable portion of the prepared things, or the valuable ones, came from Zhao Dahai.

The belly of the croaker, and the big yellow croaker that I caught during my last trip to the deep sea. I deliberately kept twenty of the bigger ones for this trip, and took ten of them from Chen Miaomiao's house, and waited for Ding Weijun to take ten more when he went to Zhang Qi's house after a while.

I don't lack money, but these two things cannot be bought with money, and it is even more impossible to buy them just because you want to.


"Everything is prepared for you and my second brother."

"This time when we go to my sister-in-law's house, we must behave well and try to marry her back."

Ding Xiaoxiang made a joke. Her elder brother Ding Jie and the second brother Ding Weijun were going to Chen Miaomiao and Zhang Qi's home, so she and Zhao Dahai had to prepare some things. This was the first time their parents came to visit them, and if they didn't bring some good things, it would be a loss of face for their family.


"How can this be possible?"

"You must marry my eldest sister-in-law!"

Ding Jie had visited Chen Miaomiao's home as early as after the Chinese New Year, and only allowed Chen Miaomiao to come here after he was very satisfied. He and his parents went there just to meet the parents of both sides, and the next step was to discuss the marriage.


"Big brother."

"What are your and my second brother's plans for the new house?"

"Build a house in the village, or buy a house in the county town or somewhere else?"

Ding Xiaoxiang was a little curious because she had never heard her eldest and second brothers talk about this matter.

Ding Jie told Ding Xiaoxiang that the matter had already been discussed. He and Ding Weijun would each build a new house in the village, and also buy another house in the county town.

“The houses built in the village are for living in during normal times.”

"The main reason for buying a house in the county town is that it will be more convenient for my children to go to school in the future, and the conditions will be better."


"Do you and Zhao Dahai have any plans in this regard? Buy a house in the county town, or just buy a house in the city. Wouldn't it be more convenient for the children to go to school when they grow up? The key is that the conditions for education will be better."

Ding Jie and Ding Weijun had already discussed this matter with Chen Miaomiao and Zhang Qiqi, and felt that they had to buy a house in the county town no matter what.

Ding Xiaoxiang shook her head. She and Zhao Dahai had not discussed this matter yet.

Ding Jie did not talk about this matter again. He knew very well what kind of personality his sister Ding Xiaoxiang had. He did not consider this matter, but he felt that it was not necessary to consider it now. When he had to consider it, he would definitely deal with it properly. The important thing was that Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang had plenty of money. Whether it was in the county, the city or even the province, they could afford to buy a house as long as they felt it was necessary. Ding Xiaoxiang followed Ding Jie into the company and took a look. She felt a little strange that she did not see her father Ding Chongshan.

"Big brother."

"Where did Dad go?"

Ding Xiaoxiang felt a little strange. Her family was in the business of purchasing seafood. Generally speaking, they would not leave the company unless there was something else to do and would stay here.

Ding Jie frowned and told General Ding that they had received a lot of orders recently and needed more fish, shrimps and crabs, but the dock was full of people and it was a bit difficult to purchase more fish, shrimps and crabs. Ding Chongshan and Ding Weijun were now trying to negotiate business with other docks and other buyers to see if they could buy some fish, shrimps and crabs from others.

“It’s not easy to do this, is it?”

Ding Xiaoxiang has been too busy lately, and is mainly busy with her own affairs and Zhao Dahai's. She has basically stopped caring about family matters and has not heard about this incident.

Ding Jie nodded. This was indeed not an easy thing to do. Colleagues were indeed enemies, but as long as they could afford the price, they could turn enemies into cooperative partners. The key was whether the price offered could get fish, shrimps and crabs. If so, could the family make money? If the price was too high and no money could be made, or even if there was a risk of losing money, then there was no need to do this.

Ding Xiaoxiang nodded. No matter what business you do, you are thinking about making money. If you can't make money, there is no need to cause trouble.

Ding Xiaoxiang and Ding Jie were chatting and waiting for about half an hour. Then Ding Chongshan and Ding Weijun walked in, sweating profusely.

Ding Chongshan and Ding Weijun were a little surprised when they saw Ding Xiaoxiang, and didn't know why she came here.

Ding Jie immediately boiled water to make tea.

"Xiao Xiang!"

"You've been busy lately, haven't you? How did you find time to come here?"

Ding Chongshan took a sip of hot tea.


"Brother just said that you should go to other docks to discuss business with other buyers of fish, shrimp and crabs."

"How did the talk go?"

Ding Xiaoxiang was very concerned about how Ding Chongshan went about the conversation.

Ding Chongshan shook his head. He and Ding Weijun went to several docks but failed to negotiate a deal.

When Ding Xiaoxiang heard this, she was sure that the prices offered by the other buyers were too high.



"The price these people are asking is too high. It's clear that they don't want to make money for us."

Ding Weijun was a little indignant.

"What are you doing?"

“Isn’t that how business works?”

"Or if someone comes to us and wants to buy fish, shrimp and crabs from us and they are in the same business, we will definitely offer a high price as well."

Ding Chongshan put down the teacup in his hand and turned his head to glare at Ding Weijun. Today, the negotiations in the places he visited were not going smoothly. People who do business should know what is going on. They know that this is very normal. There is no need to be angry. You must stay calm.

"Second brother."

"That's exactly what happened. There's no need to be angry. Otherwise, we should just offer a high price."

"It's all negotiated out. If we can't reach an agreement today, we can talk about it another time."

"Aren't these all just sky-high demands and then paid back?"

Ding Xiaoxiang knew that her second brother Ding Weijun must have felt wronged, or even rejected, but this was really very normal. If the negotiation failed the first time, then find another opportunity to talk. The second time, it might take eight or ten attempts to talk before the negotiation could be successful.

"These colleagues are all dog-like. When they see that Dad and you come to our door to discuss business, they know that we have sales channels."

"The high prices are not just because they want to make more money, but also because they want to find out who ordered the fish, shrimp and crab from us when the negotiation fails. They may just want to steal our sales channels."

"We just need to guard against this!"

"Nothing else matters. If these people can get more fish, shrimps and crabs, they have to sell them. They can't let them rot in their hands, right?"

"Let's wait and see. Maybe these people will come to us on their own. Even if not, we can find someone else to talk to."

"If we can come to an agreement and agree on a suitable price, then we'll do the deal. If we can't come to an agreement and the price isn't right, then we won't do it."

Ding Xiaoxiang now knows the whole thing and is not in a hurry at all. In the final analysis, business is all about making money. If you can make money, do it. If you can't, don't do it. Just be careful of these people snatching away the channels. It is better for her family not to make money than for others to make money.

"You two brothers have not had much time to do business, or maybe you are still not used to the way of doing business here at the dock."

"The methods used by big companies are indeed useful, but they are not suitable for our environment. You have to pay attention and make some adjustments."

Ding Chongshan glanced at Ding Jie and Ding Weijun who were sitting next to him. Ding Xiaoxiang saw at a glance that the key to the whole thing was that the purchasing partners she had talked to today were all trying to grab her sales channels. As long as she kept this point in mind, those purchasing partners who had enough or unsold fish, shrimps and crabs would sooner or later lower their prices or even come to her on their own initiative.

Ding Jie and Ding Weijun both nodded. Although Ding Xiaoxiang was younger than the two of them, she was actually better at doing business than the two of them. Her vision and experience were more unique and richer.


"Hasn't Zhao Dahai been out fishing recently? Basically, every time he goes out, he comes back after two days and one night."

"Plus, Zhao Dahai didn't go fishing alone. He brought Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin, and Lei Dayou with him, so there were four of them in total. They caught a lot more fish than Zhao Dahai would have if he went fishing alone."

"I bought a big fishing boat to keep the fish alive, but judging from the current situation, the fish will become more and more."

"Liu Gang and Liu Lei's restaurant and Wu Weimin's private restaurant can't handle so much fish."

"I thought that if there are too many fish caught recently, I would take some out and sell them through our sales channels."

“The purchase price is determined according to the market price.”

Ding Xiaoxiang did not continue talking about family matters. After all, she really didn't care about them anymore. She would just talk about it if she happened to come across it. Even if she was talking, she couldn't keep talking about it.


“This couldn’t be better.”

Ding Chongshan was refreshed. He really didn't expect Ding Xiaoxiang to come here to talk to him about this matter. During this period, Zhao Dahai went out to sea to catch small sea bass and put them all on the stalls in the fish market for sale. They sold very well.

What Ding Xiaoxiang is talking about now is definitely not the small sea bass, but those big fish are valuable.

"What kind of fish are they?"

Ding Chongshan was a little impatient and immediately asked what kind of fish they were. If they were really the big and valuable ones he imagined, he could make a lot of money.

(End of this chapter)

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