Chapter 181 Let's Go!Goal Morse Mountain (Death Falls)

For Kanda Souji.

In the world of the Spirit of the Halberd Eater, there is indeed nothing that Director Kanda needs to worry about. After all, Kanda Farm has Yuanyue, and WGO manages it for Director Kanda!

Compared with the world of the spirit of eating halberds.

A captive of food.

This is the world that Souji Kanda is looking forward to, especially this trip to Death Falls, where there are many ingredients that Souji Kanda looks forward to.

After replying to Zong Kai's email.

Souji Kanda began to prepare the things needed to go to Death Falls.


In fact, there is no preparation.

The three kitchen knives made by the second-generation Melk, dinner plates and cutlery made of perfect marble, and the most important ingredients such as Melk's stars...

The next day.

After the agreed time.

Director Kanda came to the place agreed with Zong Kai in the communicator on time
"Mr. Kanda!"

"Mr. Kanda!"

After seeing the arrival of General Manager Kanda, younger brother A and younger brother B joined together immediately, and asked excitedly to General Manager Kanda.


"A, B?" Looking at the younger brother A in front of him, Kanda Souji asked hesitantly.

This is not to blame Kanda Souji.

No way.

Little brother A is almost a different person now than when they met last time, the muscles on his body are bulging like a hard rock, and his skin has turned bronze!

Little brother A and the others still have a very obvious scar on their faces.

It's just been half a month.

Souji Kanda didn’t understand why Brother A and the two had such huge changes. I can only say that this is really a captive world of delicious food?
"Wa hahaha!"


"You're finally here!" Zong Kai, who was carrying a big axe, also walked over behind the two younger brothers A, and gave Zongji Kanda a fierce hug.

Compare the younger brother A and the two.

Zong Kaihe hasn't changed much before, but he looks fatter than half a month ago.


Against the backdrop of the two younger brothers A.

Zong Kai looks more like an ordinary passerby character, but Zong Kai himself is also the passerby king in the captive world of food.


"So it is!"

After the greeting.

Kanda Souji also finally understood why the younger brother A had such a big change.

this half month.

In order to be able to truly master the knives made by the second generation of Melk, the younger brother A and the two never let up for a moment...

Bronze skin, strong muscles, scars on the face...

These are the testimonies of their hard work.

"Hum hum!"

"Mr. Kanda, we have worked very hard during this time!" Little brother A arched his arms, posing the common movements of bodybuilders.

"All this is to live up to Master Melk!" Little brother A's voice became more and more high-pitched.

the other side.

Little brother B is like a proud and cold-faced swordsman.

Although little brother A and the others have undergone tremendous changes in appearance, but the personalities of little brother A and the others will not change in any way because of this...

"Brother Zong Kai!"

"When are we going to leave now?" After nodding his head, Director Kanda turned around and asked Zong Kai.

"Wa hahaha!"


"Don't be in a hurry, the person who came to pick us up hasn't arrived yet?" Zong Kai laughed and patted Kanda on the shoulder...


A loud booming sound came from a distance.

He looked up towards the sound.

In the sky.

A black dot slowly flew towards the four of Kanda Zongsi, and then revealed his true face.

After the storm.

A huge gourmet helicopter stopped in front of Kanda Souji and the others.

"The person who came to pick us up has arrived!"


"Then let's go now!" Zong Kai said as he took the lead towards the gourmet helicopter parked in front of him.

Zong Kai them.

Now it is a food hunter who cooperates with IGO.

In this situation.

Zong Kai was able to use IGO to use part of the power of IGO when he was carrying out the activities of catching ingredients, such as gourmet weapons, gourmet vehicles...

This is also one of the benefits provided to food hunters who cooperate with IGO.

After hearing Zong Kai's explanation.

Director Kanda finally understood why Zong Kai and the others didn't prepare any supplies at all this time, and they didn't even come as much as himself...


Take a gourmet helicopter ride to the Morse Plateau where Death Falls is located.

This is also a good thing.

The maximum speed of the gourmet helicopter can reach 300km/h, even if it is not as fast as that of Sani's partner Queen Snake, but the speed is far from that of the off-road yak!

There is a gourmet helicopter.

It only takes a day or so to set off to the Morse Plateau!


"Mr. Zong Kai!"

"The gourmet helicopter can no longer move forward, so you can proceed on your own for the rest of the journey. I will come here to pick you up in a week!" the driver said to Zong Kai and others.

Morse Hill.

The fifth highest peak in the world, with an altitude of 5000 meters!


There are a large number of powerful gourmet creatures living in Morse Mountain, capturing level 48 hill pterosaurs, capturing level 49 mammoth king kong...

These gourmet creatures.

It is also the reason why the Gourmet Helicopter cannot continue to approach Death Falls.

It’s not just Morse Mountain.

Many places in the human world are areas that gourmet machines cannot approach. They can only rely on the power of gourmet hunters themselves, or the power of gourmet creatures.

"Wa hahaha!"


"Then we have to rely on ourselves for the rest of the journey." Zong Kai, who was carrying a big ax, said loudly to Chief Kanda.

"no problem."

"Brother Zong Kai, let's go!" Director Kanda carried the things he brought on his back, and a look of anticipation appeared in his eyes.

Shiny silk-footed fish!

I am about to see one of the top ingredients in the human world of gourmet captives!

in the forest.

Zong Kai swung the big ax in his hand, and instantly chopped down the bushes in front of him!
Although the location of the gourmet helicopter is already in the Morse Plateau, the current location is still a very long distance from the Death Falls.


"The environment here is really uncomfortable!" After cutting down the bushes blocking the way, Zong Kai raised his hand and pulled his fur vest and complained.

Just walked a short distance.

The clothes on Zong Kai and the others had already been soaked by the moisture in the forest.

Death Falls!

One of the three major waterfalls in the human world, one trillion liters of water will fall every second, and the thickness of the waterfall alone is a full 1 kilometer...

Such an abundance of water.

Nature brings huge water resources to forests in the Morse Plateau


The water resources brought by the Morse High cause to the Death Falls have formed thousands of lakes and rivers...


"Hold on for a while."

"When we reach the river closest to us, we will be able to go to Death Falls through the river at that time, and we don't need to work so hard!" Zong Kai turned back and said.

Even after going to the second-generation Melk to ask for a knife.


In Zong Kai's eyes, Mr. Kanda is still a "weak gourmet cook" who needs to be protected by himself!
"Brother Zong Kai."

"Wait for me first!" Souji Kanda suddenly noticed that there were several clusters of white mushrooms growing on the bush ground that Zong Kai had just cut down.

Step forward.

Mr. Kanda quickly picked these white mushrooms.


"Isn't this a collagen mushroom?" Zong Kai's eyes widened instantly after seeing the white mushroom in Kanda's hands.

Collagen Mushrooms.

This is a mushroom that inhabits only fertile soil with high nutrition.

Because it is very picky about where it grows.


Collagen Mushrooms can be captured up to level 8!
Food market.

A bone collagen mushroom sells for as much as 6 yuan.


There is almost no trace of bone collagen mushrooms in the gourmet market, because bone collagen mushrooms are very rich in bone collagen, which can play a role in whitening and beautifying.

Just show up.

Collagen mushrooms will be snapped up by crazy women!

"Brother Zong Kai, it seems that our food luck is good?" After putting away the collagen mushrooms, Mr. Kanda couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

Just fended off Morse Mountain.

I caught the rare ingredient of bone collagen mushroom, which is undoubtedly a good start for this trip to Death Falls.

Continue towards Death Falls.

on the way.

Kanda Souji encountered a lot of rare ingredients, such as mirror lychees with a capture level of 30, and macaron grapes with a capture level of 20...

After reaching the river.

"A, B!"

"You two follow me to collect some broad leaves and branches..." Zong Kai asked younger brother A to follow him to collect materials for making ships.

"Yes, Master Zong Kai!"

As for Mr. Kanda.

Of course I stayed here to prepare food for Zong Kai and the others!

The ingredients caught along the way are all ingredients that do not require any cooking, so Kanda Soji simply used perfect marble utensils to pack them up!


"As expected of a bone collagen mushroom!" Zong Kai took a bite of the bone collagen mushroom, and immediately felt a strong fragrance, and his whole body relaxed instantly.

The taste is delicate and soft!

No processing required!

at the entrance.

The sticky texture of bone collagen mushrooms can not dissipate in the mouth for a long time, and it is accompanied by a sense of sobriety, as if it had been scalded beforehand.


"Are you really not going to taste this collagen mushroom?" Zong Kai asked, looking back at his younger brother A who was eating the baby beef wholeheartedly.

baby beef.

Capture level 3.

Because it lives in a tropical forest, the temperature and humidity make the baby beef naturally shaped like beef leaves, with a strong taste and a taste like roasted beef.

Go down in one bite.

The rich gravy overflowed directly!


The growth rate of baby beef is very slow, which is also the origin of the name baby in baby beef.


Baby beef, collagen mushrooms, and mirror lychees are the same ingredients that can be eaten directly without any processing!

"Master Zong Kai, no need." After hearing Zong Kai's words, Brother A replied vaguely.

Until the baby beef is eaten.

Little brother A's voice became slow and clear!

"Lord Zong Kai!"

"I'm quite satisfied with my current bronzed complexion!" Little brother A said while posing a POSS!

"This complexion!"

"That's what a man should have!" Little brother A replied loudly.

That's right.

The reason why brother A does not eat collagen mushrooms is because he wants to protect his tanned skin, while brother B eats too many collagen mushrooms.

Now his complexion has changed back.

(End of this chapter)

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