Chapter 220 Goodbye Second Generation Melk

Gourmet meeting.

An illegal gourmet organization founded by Sanhu. The goal of the organization is to capture GOD, the main dish of Acacia's life menu, the God of Food, to rule the world.


Capturing GOD is only the apparent goal.

behind this goal.

The Gourmet Club also hides a deeper goal, that is, the goal of filling his empty appetite was born because of the death of Froze, the president of the Gourmet Club Sanhu, who went into darkness.

Own all the ingredients in the world.

For gastronomy purposes.

Yilong, who has been paying attention to the food fair activities, naturally knows everything about it. After all, Sanhu is a brother who grew up with Yilong...


If it weren't for Yilong letting Sanhu go when he was young.

Food parties are simply out of the question.

Even now.

The power of the food club is not IGO's opponent at all. After all, Jiro can be regarded as IGO's partner to a certain extent...

If either one of Yilong and Jiro is willing to take action.

The food club can be completely destroyed at any time.


Yilong also discovered that there is a special organization (ONE Gourmet Utopia) hidden under IGO and Gourmet Club, which is silently accumulating its own power.

It is for this reason.

Plus three tigers.

Yilongcai has never killed the food club, but has been silently observing the development of the food club.

Gourmet meeting.

There are no secrets to Yilong at all.

When Mansam talked about Jane Zhenzhen before, the reason why Yilong's eyes changed was because Master Jane Zhenzhen's wife and partner Chiyo's mother-in-law also joined the food party.

"Three Tigers!"

"I hope you don't go further and further away!"

"after all……"

Yilong looked at the information passed back in his hand, and his eyes suddenly became sharp.


the other side.

After receiving the invitation letter from Mansam to Shirin Temple, the four members of Kanda Souji embarked on the journey to Shirin Temple without any hurry.

Invitation card.

It indicates the opening time of Shirinji Temple.

Rare free time.

After feeding the stone fish, Souji Kanda took a trip to the Melk Peak with Lightning Fire Phoenix Feathers and Sky Vegetables caught in the Sky Vegetable Garden!

According to Lord Zong Kai’s wishes.

Even if the feathers of the Lightning Fire Phoenix were left in the hands of the three of them, they would be of little use. They might as well leave them to the gourmet chef Kanda Souji.


Souji Kanda can also get some new cooking inspiration from the lightning fire phoenix feathers.


Lightning fire phoenix feathers are not ingredients.

But the material.

The feathers of the lightning fire phoenix cannot be used to cook any dishes at all, and there is no inspiration.

under these circumstances
Souji Kanda immediately thought of the second-generation Melk, in case the feathers of the Lightning Fire Phoenix could inspire the second-generation Melk.

What about sharpening kitchen knives?

have to say.

Kanda Souji and Zong Kai are indeed partners, and they have an amazing tacit understanding in some places.


In Melk's workshop.


"I'll have to work hard for you next!" The second-generation Melk raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and then said to the Vampire King beside him.

Kitchen knife grinding is complete.


These kitchen knives need to be returned by Vampire King himself to the orderer.


The Vampire King roared, picked up the box containing the kitchen knives with both hands, and then walked outside the workshop...


"Then let's continue grinding new kitchen knives!" The second-generation Melk rolled up his sleeves and prepared to continue grinding the kitchen knives belonging to the second-generation Melk.

The kitchen knife taken away by Vampire King.

Those are kitchen knives sent by various gourmet chefs for maintenance, not an order for second-generation Melk kitchen knives.

Moved the grinding materials out.

As soon as he placed it on the whetstone, the second-generation Melk suddenly heard the voice of the Vampire King coming from outside.

After hearing the voice of Vampire King Kong.

The second-generation Melk showed a hint of joy on his face and hurriedly ran out of the workshop. The second-generation Melk heard the welcome message from the roar of the Vampire King.

Speaking of guests.

There are only a few people who can be considered guests by the Vampire King.


"Why are you free to visit me?" After arriving outside the workshop, the second-generation Melk saw Souji Kanda carrying large and small bags of ingredients at a glance, and tried to calm down.


"Brother Zong Kai and I went to the Sky Vegetable Garden!"

"Just right."

"I caught a lot of fresh sky vegetables, so I wanted you to try them, Melk!" After greeting the Vampire King, Souji Kanda smiled and replied to the second-generation Melk.

"Sky Vegetables."

“Even in the gourmet market, these are rare ingredients!”


"Sky vegetable garden?" The second-generation Melk was slightly startled.


"Where are Brother Zong Kai and the others? Didn't they come with you?" After hearing Zong Kai's name, the second-generation Melk continued to ask.

"This!" "Mr. Mansam gave us an opportunity to practice at Shilin Temple!"

"Brother Zongkai and the others are currently doing assault training in preparation for their training at Shilin Temple? That's why Brother Zongkai and the others didn't follow me!"


"These sky cucumbers were brought to you by Brother Zongkai specifically!" Souji Kanda continued.



"You and Brother Zong Kai seem to have experienced many interesting adventures during this period?" The second-generation Melk looked deeply at Souji Tian, ​​his eyes like crescent moons.


"The journey to the Sky Vegetable Garden is indeed interesting." Souji Kanda nodded.


"Melk, have you eaten?" The second generation Melk shook his head.

"No, not yet."


"It's okay not to eat on time!"

"Just right, let's use these sky vegetables to make a big meal!" Souji Kanda said as he walked towards the workshop in a familiar manner.


After hearing that Souji Kanda was preparing to cook, Vampire King looked at the second-generation Melk and gave a weak cry, with a completely inconsistent and pitiful expression on his ferocious face.

"alright, alright!"


"After you taste Kanda's food, you can go deliver the goods." The second-generation Melk said to the Vampire King in a doting and helpless manner.

"Hoo ho ho."

After hearing the words of the second generation Melk, the Vampire King's voice immediately regained its vitality.


before the table.

The second-generation Melk looked at the dishes brought out by Souji Kanda from the restaurant, and his eyes were instantly attracted by the colorful frozen vegetables in front of him.

Mentioning vegetable dishes.

Of course, in the world of Shokugeki Spirits, Shinomiya Kojiro is unavoidable.

Colorful vegetable jelly.

This dish is an innovative dish that Kojiro Shinomiya took inspiration from Sülze, a common cold dish in German cuisine.


It refers to the gelatin plate made of soup.

in German cuisine.

Since Germans are very fond of meat, in addition to vegetables, Sülze in German cuisine usually also adds ingredients such as meat and eggs.

This colorful vegetable jelly.

Since Kojiro Shinomiya got his inspiration from German cuisine, it is naturally rare to add meat and eggs.

The orange of the sky tomato, the dense orange of the marshmallow pumpkin, the golden yellow of the ten feather eggs, the emerald green of the sky cucumber, the sky blue of the sapphire shrimp, the deep green of the broccoli tree, the lotus root of the sky cabbage...

Seven colors intertwined!
Even looking at this colorful vegetable jelly is already a pleasure.


Looking at the colorful vegetable jelly in front of him, the second-generation Melk raised the spoon in his hand, somewhat reluctant to destroy the dish in front of him.


“Isn’t the food just for tasting?”


"Porgy doesn't have the same worries as you!" Souji Kanda pointed at the Vampire King who was sitting on the dining table, holding a two-meter-high piece of colorful vegetables and chewing on it, and said with a smile.

Vampires are also eaters.

The portion size of Kanda Souji's dishes must naturally take into account the huge size of Vampire King Kong, if the portion size of Vampire King Kong's dishes is the same as that of the second-generation Melk.

Just be afraid.

The gaps between Vampire King Kong’s teeth are not full!
"in addition"

"There are still a lot of dishes that haven't been served yet. Melk, just enjoy the dishes. These dishes are enough!" Souji Kanda continued.


"Kanda, then I won't be polite!"


"Melk's colorful vegetable jelly, each color combination has a different taste!" Souji Kanda continued to say to the second-generation Melk with a smile.

Colorful vegetable jelly.

Although this is a recipe that Soji Kanda learned from Kojiro Shinomiya, Souji Kanda also added his own understanding to this dish.

Super taste, super touch...

With the strengthening of the five senses.

Kanda Soji has launched a new colorful vegetable jelly. The combination of different ingredients will create different flavors on the tip of the tongue...

in other words.

This dish will have a total of 140 eight different flavors.

After speaking.

Souji Kanda turned around and walked back to the kitchen, preparing to finish the unfinished seafood and vegetable curry noodles, colorful vegetable lasagna, red wine vegetable and beef rolls...

"Eh eh?"

After hearing what Souji Kanda said, the second-generation Melk opened his mouth slightly and was shocked by the introduction of Souji Kanda's colorful vegetable jelly.

A dish.

140 Eight flavors?
the other side.

The Vampire King suddenly slowed down his eating movements, and then began to try to take a bite at the different colors of the frozen colorful vegetables.


Vampire King Kong also listened to Kanda Souji’s words!

Pursue delicious food.

This is not just for humans, it is also the innate instinct of all kinds of food creatures!

Take a bite.

After feeling the fusion taste of marshmallow pumpkin jelly and ten-feather egg jelly in his mouth, the Vampire King made an excited sound that resounded throughout the restaurant.

 The most difficult part to write in this chapter is to calculate how many flavors of vegetable jelly there are. You have to use a calculator to add and subtract two-digit numbers.

  Now it actually counts as a combination, which is terrible.

  The answer should be correct.


(End of this chapter)

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