Build the Traveler Alliance from Scratch.

Chapter 1011 The Giant God of the Far North

Chapter 1011 The Giant God of the Far North

Hearing Yun Ye's words, Fan Xian nodded thoughtfully.

Yun Ye turned around, looked at the door of the study and said softly: "Besides, I also do this to show respect to Xiao Wu."

"In this day and age, it is still nonsense to talk about gender equality. Girls are even discriminated against in education. This discrimination is deeply rooted, and even the girls themselves believe so."

"Under such circumstances, if I directly accept Xiao Wu as my apprentice, then the outside world will definitely have many speculations, but no matter how they speculate, there will never be the possibility of 'Xiao Wu impressing Yun Hou with his intelligence and talent'."

"Even Xiao Wu herself would think that I had no choice but to accept her as my apprentice because she was secretly stealing my skills."

"This is something I cannot accept, so I plan to leave a buffer period and spread the news that Xiao Wu has been recognized by Lantian Hou and can enter and leave Yun Mansion freely. After some time, I will officially accept her as my disciple."

"In this way, I can openly tell the world that Xiao Wu won the recognition of Yun Hou with his own talent..."

Fan Xian stared at Yun Ye in a daze, then suddenly raised the corner of his mouth and said with emotion: "You are a good master, but you do things a little awkwardly."

Yun Ye smiled slightly and was about to retort when he suddenly realized something and quickly took out the Void Jade Card from his arms.

Fan Xian blinked and asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

Yun Ye took a look and smiled: "Nothing, I just met an acquaintance on the Baiyujing ship..."



Ever since hearing the news about Baiyujing from Yun Ye, the bigwigs behind Tian Xiangzi temporarily gave up on revenge and instead organized a team of a thousand people, led by Xi Tong, and headed towards the North Pole.

According to Yun Ye's description, the ladder to Baiyujing is located somewhere in the North Pole.

When they encountered the never-ending darkness in the far north and saw the rosy glow that stretched for hundreds of miles, Baiyujing was not far away.

Because Yun Ye's description was extremely vivid, and Lin Zhongtian's existence indirectly confirmed their identity as descendants of immortals, Xi Tong and everyone behind him believed Yun Ye's words.

So, after a brief preparation, Xitong led the team out from the grassland and headed towards the North Pole in a mighty manner.

When they first set out, the team of a thousand people, including Xitong, were full of hope.

But as the team moved forward, this hope that was lingering due to luck gradually turned into a torture.

Wearing leather boots and wrapped in thick clothes, they struggled forward in the wild north, facing the wind and snow.

Although they were wearing thick clothes, and some people even only left their eyes exposed, it still couldn't stop the bone-chilling cold wind from blowing into their clothes and even their bodies.

On this endless white land, there is nothing but snow.

Gradually, some people became blind. They saw too much snow and were blinded by the light reflected from the snow.

Xi Tong vaguely remembered Yun Ye mentioning that this should be the so-called snow blindness.

If Xitong remembered correctly, Yun Ye said that snow blindness was only temporary blindness and would recover on its own if one could rest for a period of time.

But this team was not the scientific expedition team of later generations after all. They could not and would not stop for these blind companions, so they could only abandon them temporarily.

In this way, people in the team began to fall behind and their numbers gradually decreased.

The reason they fell behind was of course not just snow blindness, but also the wild beasts lurking in the dark and the most brutal cold.

Some people were fine last night, but when they woke up, they found that they couldn't feel a part of their body.

If this part of the body happens to be a limb, it would be even more terrifying. A moment of carelessness, or even just a slight bump, could cause him to lose this part of the limb forever.

Those who lost fingers or arms could still move forward, but those whose toes were frozen off or even whose entire legs were necrotic had no choice but to give up the journey in despair.

As for the consequences of being abandoned, there is naturally no need to say more.

They were not like those who fell behind at the beginning. Those people still had room to return, but they had already walked very far, and having lost most of their ability to move, returning was only a luxury.

Going forward means death, going backward means death, and staying behind also means death.

In this situation where there is no way out, most people choose to end their lives quickly.

But some people still held on to the hope of survival and begged their intact companions to carry them on their sleds.

Some of those who were begged refused mercilessly, while others agreed.

Xitong knew that those who agreed did not do so out of kindness. They had almost eaten up the dry food they brought with them during the journey, and naturally there was a trace of extremely inhumane and cruel thought in taking along those people whose legs and feet were frozen.

Gradually, the team of a thousand people became a team of a hundred people, and the team of a hundred people began to gradually approach the team of ten people.

In this desperate situation, Xitong and his friends finally saw the almost eternal darkness.

On the second day when the sun stopped rising, this team of dozens of people was first filled with panic, and then they were unable to conceal their excitement.

They finally found the polar night that Yun Ye mentioned, and it must be not far from Baiyujing.

Unfortunately, as mentioned before, hope is always more torturous than despair.

At that time, they didn't know what kind of danger they had entered.

After just half a month's journey, the number of people in the team began to decrease sharply.

Some people were walking on the smooth ice and suddenly disappeared. The cracks, more than one person wide, were like bloody mouths that swallowed them up mercilessly, leaving only screams lingering on the ice.

The greater danger than the sudden cracking of the ice is the polar bears lurking in the ice and snow.

In such an icy and snowy environment, even the slightest injury could potentially escalate into a fatal crisis. Therefore, whenever a polar bear attacked the team, the number of people who fell behind would increase sharply.

However, danger is often also an opportunity. The appearance of the white bear not only brought crisis, but also brought long-lost blood food to the team.

A three-meter-tall polar bear can provide sufficient blood and flesh for the entire team. The only thing to worry about is the other polar bears that follow the smell of blood...

Afterwards, the remaining twenty or so people in the team continued to march in the eternal darkness.

After an unknown amount of time, they finally saw the sky full of rosy clouds that Yun Ye had mentioned.

The colorful aurora that stretched for hundreds of miles surged in the sky like waves.

Everyone who saw this scene was shocked by the beauty of the aurora. Some of them laughed wildly after coming to their senses, while others covered their faces and cried bitterly.

But without exception, everyone was venting the emotions that had been suppressed in their hearts for a long time.

Xitong couldn't help but kneel on the ground, looking at the sunset in the sky with tears streaming down his face.

At this moment, another white bear suddenly appeared and attacked the team that had suddenly relaxed.

In this sudden and bloody battle, the entire team lost more than half of its men, the highest casualty rate of this trip.

When Xi Tong stabbed the steel knife in his hand into the white bear's heart and turned around bathed in the gushing blood, only a few people were left in the team of more than 20 people.

Seeing this scene, Xitong didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

But no matter what, the pressure of sunk costs prevents them from stopping.

In this way, the only five remaining people cleaned up the battlefield, took the bear meat, and continued to move forward along the glow of the sky.

As for the bodies of the more than ten companions, they were just thrown there and exposed in the wilderness.

It’s not that Xitong doesn’t want to bury them, but the soil in the north is too hard, and digging is time-consuming and laborious, and there is a risk of injury. They cannot waste their energy on such things and reduce their survival rate.

Strangely enough, since the glow appeared, they did not encounter any other polar bears when they continued to travel north.

Until one day, Xitong led the remaining four people through the woods and came to a snowy field with undulating mountains. Below the snow-capped mountains was a lake with thick ice, blocking their way.

Looking at the frozen lake ahead, Xitong stopped everyone, picked up a stone with a numb expression, and threw it forward.


What surprised everyone was that the flying stone did not fall on the ice surface. Instead, it was shattered into powder in mid-air by a sudden burst of blue light.

"Is this... an illusion?"

Xitong rubbed his eyes and looked at everyone in confusion.

When they came to their senses, they quickly picked up a few stones and threw them forward with force.

"Chuck! Chuck! Chuck!"

There were a few more light sounds, and all the stones were blocked by the sudden burst of blue light, and turned into powder as if they were evaporated.

Xitong widened his eyes in disbelief, and finally confirmed that everything he saw was not an illusion.

They quickly experimented with the stones and snow around them, and soon found out the range of the blue light.

Xitong exchanged a glance with the four people around him, and could see the uncontrollable excitement in each other's eyes.

This unprecedented supernatural phenomenon must be related to the destination of their trip - Baiyujing!

But they are not sure whether this blue light is only for dead things or whether it affects both dead and alive...

A big man with four fingers missing walked forward, drew the steel knife from his waist, and tentatively chopped forward.


Blue light continued to burst out on the tip of the knife, but the big man didn't feel the slightest sense of stagnation.

The knife had not been completely swung because Xitong suddenly strode forward and pulled him back.

The steel knife fell to the ground, and the big man was dragged to the ground by Xitong.

When he looked forward in confusion, he was suddenly horrified to find that only half of the steel knife that fell to the ground was left. All the parts that were in the blue light had disappeared, and the inclined cross-section was as smooth as a mirror.

"This...this is..."

The big man moved back in horror. If he had not stopped, perhaps his arm would have been swallowed by the terrifying blue light.

Xi Tong looked at the broken knife in his hand, then at the calm ice lake in front of him, and said solemnly: "Perhaps, we have really found the Baiyujing that Yun Ye mentioned..."


Perhaps Xi Tong's unintentional words touched upon the key words, and the entire world in front of him suddenly shook.

Xi Tong was frightened by the scene before him. He quickly dropped his steel knife and fled in terror with his four companions.

At this moment, the tremors suddenly stopped, and a huge portal appeared on the originally empty lake. The edge of the portal was a blue light barrier composed of countless hexagons.

Noticing something was wrong, Xi Tong subconsciously stopped and turned around, suppressing his fear.

In the world behind the door, a ten-foot-tall steel giant slowly walked out, with the searchlight on his chest emitting a dazzling light, shining directly on them...

(End of this chapter)

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