Unlimited studio survival, I have a proficiency panel

Chapter 97 The Starving Ghost Incident (5000)

Chapter 97 The Starving Ghost Incident (5000)

Little Strong Club.

This time, many ghost masters gathered here again.

After Li Tian and Ye Jun arrived, they discovered that the ghost masters gathered here this time, except for the ghost masters from Xiaoqiang Club itself who came last time.

There are many new faces.

In it, Li Tian also saw the figure of Yang Jian.

At this time, Yang Jian's temperament was even colder and more dangerous.

When Li Tian looked at Yang Jian, Yang Jian obviously felt it, and also looked over coldly.

When he found out that it was Li Tian, ​​Yang Jian nodded indifferently as a greeting.

"Did you control the second ghost?"

Li Tian keenly noticed the shadow under Yang Jian's feet. Yang Jian's shadow was different from other people's shadows. His shadow was like ink, dark and dense.

What's more, his shadow... has no head!

"It seems that Yang Jian has gained a lot from Huanggang Village and his party."

Li Tian also nodded to Yang Jian.


In a large meeting room.

There were more than 20 people with a cold temperament, who looked different from normal people.

These people are ghost masters.

Almost all the ghost masters in Dachang City were present this time.

Apparently, the incident of the baby ghosts raging in Dachang City yesterday has caused a great sense of crisis in the hearts of many ghost masters.

Knowing that this supernatural event involves the entire Dachang City, it is impossible to guarantee it wisely.

It is necessary to unite together to deal with supernatural events in order to have the possibility of survival.

Therefore, under the order of Wang Xiaoqiang representing the headquarters, all the talents gathered here.

"Hi everyone, I believe everyone should know me, my name is Wang Xiaoqiang, the president of the Xiaoqiang Club."

"This time, in the name of the headquarters, I summoned everyone to come here."

"I think everyone knows."

"The supernatural incident this time is so serious that Dachang City has been closed and isolated."

"If you want to solve this incident, you can't rely on one or two people. You must rely on everyone present to cooperate sincerely."

"Although the headquarters is isolated outside Dachang City and cannot be entered, we have invited an authoritative figure in the spiritual world—Professor Wang Xiaoming Wang to chair the meeting and help analyze this spiritual event."

"Everyone, please look at the big screen."

Wang Xiaoqiang said, pointing to the projector behind him.

The video was connected, and immediately, a serious young man in a white coat and a graduate student appeared on the big screen.

"Wang Xiaoming?"

Li Tian looked at Wang Xiaoming's appearance on the screen, and then at Wang Xiaoqiang's appearance. He found that the two looked alike, plus the names of these two types of personalities.

"Wang Xiaoming is Wang Xiaoqiang's elder brother. Wang Xiaoqiang's relationship with the headquarters is because of Wang Xiaoming's existence."

Ye Jun next to him seemed to see the guess in Li Tian's heart, and Ye Jun helped to confirm.

"What is the origin of this Wang Xiaoming? Everyone seems to trust him when they hear his name. Is he famous?"

Li Tian asked Ye Jun suspiciously.

"Well, very famous."

"Wang Xiaoming was the first professional to study supernatural events. Before the supernatural events broke out, he had already confirmed the existence of ghosts and began to try to analyze ghosts."

"After the supernatural incident broke out, he published a number of important papers, which played a pivotal role in suppressing supernatural incidents in the early stage."

"He is a national treasure of our country."

"By the way, Li Gui's power can't affect gold, which is what he discovered first, and formed a paper to publish and inform."

Hearing Li Tian's doubts, Ye Jun explained.

"Is it amazing here?"

"Of course, otherwise, why do you think Wang Xiaoqiang would move Wang Xiaoming out, otherwise the situation cannot be suppressed."

When Li Tian and Ye Jun were talking, Wang Xiaoming in the video spoke.

"Hi everyone, I'm Wang Xiaoming."

In the video, Wang Xiaoming introduced himself straight to the point, then looked at Wang Xiaoqiang who was standing next to him and said:
"Xiaoqiang, have you distributed all the information I sent to you?"


Wang Xiaoqiang nodded, and then he said to the crowd:

"Everyone, look in front of your seat. There is a piece of information about this incident compiled by Professor Wang. You can open it and have a look."

"very good."

Seeing this, Wang Xiaoming nodded in satisfaction, and said to the crowd:
"I've always been straight to the point when I chair a meeting."

"After research and investigation, this supernatural event, from what I have analyzed so far, is not accidental, but a continuation of the last person in charge of Dachang City, the ghost baby Zhou Zheng, who died after the ghost recovered."

Wang Xiaoming said very seriously:

"Regarding Zhou Zheng's death, there is still no conclusion."

"It is said that Zhou Zheng died from the resuscitation of a ghost."

"It is said that Zhou Zheng died of human murder, but there is no evidence."

"Today, I can basically conclude that Zhou Zheng's death was not accidental. It was Zhao Kaiming, the current head of Dachang City, who killed Zhou Zheng because of some ulterior secret, which led to this incident."


"Zhao Kaiming killed Zhou Zheng?"

"How dare he directly attack and kill a person in charge, this is too courageous."

"What is it for? He wants to kill Zhou Zheng?"

"It turned out that Zhao Kaiming caused this incident. Damn it, it turned the entire Dachang City into a hell."

Hearing Wang Xiaoming's words, the people below were in an uproar.

No one expected that the instigator of this incident was Zhao Kaiming, the current head of Dachang City.

"Where is Zhao Kaiming now?"

"This dog doesn't seem to be here today."

"Nonsense, everything about him has been exposed, how dare you come here."

"Has it been killed by the headquarters?"

"Zhao Kaiming killed Zhou Zheng, is the culprit that caused this incident?"

Li Tian's expression changed when he heard the news.

Although before coming here, I had already guessed that there might be something wrong with this Zhao Kaiming.

Otherwise, I reminded him last night that he would not be indifferent, take no measures, and allow the situation in Dachang City to deteriorate.

But when he really heard the news that Zhao Kaiming was the murderer who caused this incident, Li Tian also felt his face was hot.

I thought that Yang Jian was wrong in his judgment, that there would be no problem with this Zhao Kaiming, but who knew that he was the culprit that caused this incident.

In terms of my own level of people, there is no one else.

"Zhao Kaiming is currently missing."

"Because Dachang City is under lockdown, Zhao Kaiming should still be in Dachang City at this time."

"In addition to dealing with the supernatural incident this time, there is another important task, which is to find Zhao Kaiming and bring him to justice."

"Okay, let's stop with Zhao Kaiming's topic first."

"Let's get down to business and talk about the ghost baby."

Wang Xiaoming pulled everyone's wandering thoughts back and said:
"According to the data investigation and research, after the ghost baby escaped from Zhou Zheng's body, it should have gone through three stages of changes."

"On the second page of the information in everyone's hands, there are related pictures. You can take a look at the information in your hand."

"Of course my projection here will also release the photos."

As he said that, Wang Xiaoming in the video raised the projector behind him to project a picture.

There are three pictures on the screen, all of which are ghost babies.

The first picture was taken by Zhou Zheng in a laboratory. He was lying on a medical bed with a bulging belly, and a baby's face propped up his flesh, revealing a hideous outline.

The second picture is a blue and black child standing in the middle of the road, which was captured by the camera.

The third picture is an expressionless adult silhouette standing in a ten-story high-rise building with a blue-black atmosphere around it. The picture was taken through a glass window, which is relatively clear.

"According to our research, ghost babies can be divided into three distinct stages."

"Infancy, childhood, youth."

"This is the most obvious change of the three ghost babies. Everyone should be very clear about what this means."

Wang Xiaoming said seriously:

"This thing is growing, and the way it grows I personally infer is...eating."

"As for what to eat, everyone should know what to eat."

"Look at the picture below."

The button of Wang Xiaoming's special projector pen, the picture jumps to the second picture.

It was a rental house. There were bloodstains all over the floor, hair scattered all over the floor, and a few scattered broken fingers. There were bloody scratches all over the walls.

It is not known what kind of desperate struggle the victim experienced before dying.

"I believe everyone knows that although ghost babies are scary, if there is only one, I believe everyone can deal with it."

"However, I think everyone has felt the great changes in Dachang City last night."

"Suddenly, many ordinary people in Dachang City became pregnant and condensed ghost babies because they absorbed the blue-black haze that shrouded Dachang City."

"According to conservative estimates, in just one night, at least [-] ghost babies were born in the entire Dachang City. They grew up on food and caused countless casualties."

Wang Xiaoming's voice was cold, but everyone could hear the anger in his voice.

Human life has really become a number in this supernatural event.

"Because of the characteristics of ghost babies, I named this supernatural event the starving ghost event."

"What? Ten thousand?"

"What are you kidding?"

"Ten thousand ghost babies, how many of us are there? Even if we all fight to revive the ghosts, we can't handle so many ghost babies."

"There are so many ghost babies, what are we going to do with them? We'll just surrender and give them to the ghost babies to eat and we'll be done soon."

"It's just ridiculous."

Hearing Wang Xiaoming's statistics, most of the ghost masters' mentality exploded and collapsed.

From last night to now, everyone has actually been attacked by ghost babies.

Even on the way to participate in the remembrance, everyone encountered a baby ghost attack.

Therefore, everyone knows that there should be quite a lot of ghost babies.

But I didn't expect that the number of ghost babies would be so outrageous.

It has reached an astonishing tens of thousands.

Although the strength of a single ghost baby is not strong, after all, it is just a diffracted body of a real ghost baby, and everyone present can easily deal with and eliminate it.

But this only refers to a single ghost baby.

If the number of ghost babies is more than ten, or even dozens of ghost babies, besieging a ghost master, then that ghost master is definitely dead.

After all, two fists are no match for four hands, let alone forty ghost hands.

"Professor Wang, the number of ghost babies is so terrifying, how can we deal with them?"

"That's right, if we want to get rid of the ghost babies one by one, then we don't need the ghost babies to do anything to us, and we will all revive the ghosts ourselves."

"To completely wipe out [-] ghost babies is simply unrealistic."

"These ghost babies are just derivatives of the real ghost babies. I think, as long as we find the source of the real ghost babies and imprison the source ghost babies, then we can destroy these derivatives?"

Many ghost masters, although most of them were frightened by the number of [-] ghost babies, there were also calm ghost masters who thought of a solution.

"That's right, if we were to completely wipe out the [-] starting baby ghost derivatives, that would be impossible."

"Just looking for these ghost babies scattered throughout Dachang City is an impossible task."

"What's more, the number of ghost babies has been increasing."

"As long as there are people in Dachang City."

"And the haze that hangs over the sky does not dissipate."

"Then as long as a person breathes, a ghost baby will be born in the body."

"So it's completely infeasible to deal with those spawned ghost babies."

"Someone actually came up with a plan just now."

"That is to find the source of the ghost baby and imprison it. This is also an important topic of our meeting."

"However, finding the source of the ghost baby is not that simple."

"I just said that ghost babies are divided into three stages."

"The photo I took above is actually the source of the ghost baby."

"The source of that ghost baby has grown to the third stage, even... the fourth stage."

"Each stage of the ghost baby, after growing up, the level of terror will increase tremendously."

"In the third stage, we can see the young ghost baby, no, it should be called the young starving ghost."

"Look at this picture of a young starving ghost."

Wang Xiaoming brought up the picture of the third stage of the ghost baby that was played before.

It was an adult figure with a expressionless face and a blue-black aura around him.

"See the blue-black aura around this figure?"

"Is it familiar?"

"That's right, this is the rudiment of the blue-black haze that is now covering Dachang City and blocking Dachang City."

"This is a special ghost realm that belongs only to starving ghosts."

"Everyone knows the effect. It will cause ghost babies to be born in the body of the person who inhales the blue-black object."

"The third stage is just a rudimentary form of ghost domain."

"And the huge ghost domain that is now shrouded outside."

"Apparently the work of the starving ghosts of the fourth stage."

"So, the source of the ghost baby that everyone has to face will be an extremely terrifying fourth-stage complete starving ghost."

"Professor Wang, where is the source of the fourth stage starving ghosts?"

"With so many of us, if we cooperate to deal with a starving ghost, it should be no problem."

"That's right, the key now is to know the location of the starving ghost. As long as we know the location of this ghost, I think we can definitely lock him up."

When everyone heard Wang Xiaoming's words, they immediately asked questions.

"As for the location of the starved ghost in the fourth stage, we haven't investigated yet."

"However, I have some guesses about the location of this starving ghost."

"According to my research on ghost babies in Dachang City."

"After the ghost baby is born, it will improve itself by eating."

"However, ghost babies will instinctively gather in a certain direction after eating."

"The direction in which most ghost babies gather is surprisingly consistent."

"I have sorted out the route where these ghost babies gather."

"In the end, it all pointed to one place - the Seventh Street in Dachang City."

Wang Xiaoming answered everyone's questions.

"The Seventh Street of Dachang City?"

"Professor Wang, what do you mean, the source of the fourth stage starving ghost is on the seventh street?"

After hearing Wang Xiaoming's answer, someone asked.

"It doesn't mean that."

"I'm just saying that most of the ghost babies converge in this direction."

"So I would venture to guess that the Starving Man might be there, but it's not certain."

"Actually, when I discovered the anomaly on Seventh Street, I immediately sent someone to investigate."

"It's a pity that the people who entered never returned."

"However, all the people I sent were ordinary people, and it's normal not to be able to find out the situation."

"So, your main task this time is to find out the situation on Seventh Street."

"If you find a starving ghost inside, you can of course be detained on the spot."

"If you can't, then don't take risks, first withdraw to share intelligence, and then make a targeted plan to gather all forces to detain them together."

"Seventh Street has three blocks, so this time I decided to divide you into three teams to explore the situation of these three blocks."

Speaking of this, Wang Xiaoming paused, and looked at the crowd through the video camera.

"Divided into three teams?"

"How to divide?"

"Shall we form our own team?"

Everyone had no opinion on Wang Xiaoming's decision to divide the teams.

After all, this incident was so horrific that it really made everyone separate and act alone, and everyone had no idea.

With team members who take care of each other, the safety factor will obviously be much higher.

Especially if there are thighs in the team, it will be more secure.

Thinking of this, everyone looked at Ye Feng one after another.

Because Ye Feng is a veteran ghost master who has controlled two fierce ghosts, and he has a good reputation.

Everyone is well aware of Ye Feng's strength.

"I propose three team captains here, and the captains will select the candidates."

As Wang Xiaoming said, he looked at Ye Feng, Yang Jian, and Li Tian.

"Xiaoqiang Club, Guiyi Ye Feng is the captain of the first team, and investigates the first block of the seventh street."

"Headquarters criminal police, Ghost Eye Yang Jian is the captain of the second team, investigating the second block of Seventh Street."

"The folk ghost master, Guishui Li Tian, ​​is the captain of the third team, investigating the third block of the seventh street."

"Ye Feng, Yang Jian, Li Tian, ​​do you three have any objections?"

Hearing that the captain of the team assigned by Wang Xiaoming, Ye Feng, Li Tian, ​​and Yang Jian hadn't spoken, the group of ghost masters below exploded.

(End of this chapter)

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