Elven settlers

Chapter 131 The Guardian

Chapter 131 The Guardian

After arranging tasks for the Drubys, Rock continued logging with the ten selected Mare sheep.

The last spruce log from yesterday was still in the forest, and he had to bring it back first.

In fact, these Drubbies can also participate in the transportation work, but because Rock is eager to let them master the skills of herding first, he didn't take them with him for the time being.

After subduing the Deluby group, Rock's logging work resumed smoothly again, and the progress of the project also caught up with expectations.

Five days passed in the blink of an eye, and all the [-] spruce logs of the third wooden pile had been collected.

The last wooden stack, Rock, is ready to be used to stack red pine timber.

Compared with spruce, red pine wood is more expensive, and it is very good in terms of corrosion resistance, insect resistance or other wood characteristics.

So Rock is going to use red pine wood to make the house's roof shingles, as well as door and window frames and furniture.

The red pine is distributed at higher altitudes, and if you want to harvest it, you have to go deeper into the Yunhui Mountains, and more time will be spent on transportation back and forth.

This time, Rock intends to bring Hei Lujia with him, and other things in the territory can be handed over to the Dai Rubis.

In fact, this guy has always wanted to act with his companions, and herding the Mali sheep is just a boring task for him.

Driven by such reasons, in the past few days, Heluga has taught its people to be extra attentive.

Rock found that after the wild nature was controlled, these Drubbies learned quickly. After a few days of rotation, they had gradually become familiar with the work of shepherding and patrolling.

Sometimes he asked Helujia to stay away from the Mali sheep on purpose to test the Dai Rubys, and their performance was also remarkable.

As expected of the very good shepherd and cattle dogs that Sutter said, Rock felt that the Delubys could already take on some work.

"Today's work will be left to you to complete independently, you, you and you, come here."

After breakfast, Roque is arranging work on the territory.

Da Rubi formed a semicircle and sat in front of him, watching his movements with both eyes.

Derby, who was spotted by Rock, stood up from the ground, walked behind him, and even wagged his tail and rubbed against his legs when passing by Rock.

"Keep an eye on the Mali sheep and protect them. Don't go to the bay in the south of the territory for the time being."

Rock patted De Ruby's head next to his legs and told them.

The two seriously injured Derubies also returned to the team yesterday. Today, Rock arranged for them to patrol and stay behind with four other companions, and he arranged for the other nine Derubies to graze the Mali sheep.

Such an arrangement is also impossible. Normally speaking, a skilled shepherd dog can take care of one hundred to hundreds of sheep, whether it is Mali sheep or braided sheep.

But because Rock doesn't have that many sheep at the moment, and this is the first time that the Drubys are herding sheep alone, he is not at ease.

Therefore, there are nine derubis guarding twenty Mali sheep.

"Those Mare sheep should feel very safe...?"

Roque and the elves walked through the dense virgin forest, thinking silently in their hearts.

On the grass near the territory, the Mare sheep huddled together, looking at the Derbys next to them with some fear.

These big black dogs are scattered around, staring at them.

Rock had been away for half an hour, and this was the first time that the Mare sheep envied their companions who went to pull the wood.


A greedy Mali sheep couldn't hold back the salivation of its mouth, and took a small step tentatively.

"Wow" "Woooo"

The Dai Rubys all turned their heads to look at it instantly, and Maliyang felt a little numb all of a sudden, and it felt the feeling of being electrocuted because of its insulated skin.

Fortunately, these Dairubi just took a look at it and then looked away, and Ma Liyang's body slowly relaxed.

Realizing that he hadn't been attacked, the Mare sheep became more courageous, and it stuck out its front hooves again.

Seeing that there was no other reaction from the Dai Rubis, the Mali sheep walked step by step towards the tender grass that he had just watched.


Seeing this, the other Mare sheep were not afraid anymore, they scattered in all directions and ate the fresh grass leaves.

The Delubis are still earnestly carrying out Roque's mission, cruising around the periphery of the flock, guarding the surrounding environment and paying attention to the situation of the Mali sheep.

But the Mare sheep were no longer afraid of them, and realized that these vicious looking guys were not here to eat themselves, and the Mare sheep returned to their usual liveliness.

A few naughty lambs even provoked Ruby in turn, wanting to play with them.


A Mare sheep pretended to be grazing on the ground, and sneaked up on a Deruby who was lying on the ground and looking into the distance.

After feeling that the distance between them was close enough, the Mali sheep suddenly ran a few steps to speed up, and then jumped up from the ground.

Deluby felt the movement behind him, stood up nervously, and then felt a black shadow passing over his head.

"What a baa~"

The Mare sheep, who successfully jumped over De Ruby, was very happy. He jumped and ran towards a bush. He wanted to reward himself by eating some of his favorite berries.


De Ruby, who felt that he had been tricked, was very upset. Looking at the Mare sheep running away, he had the urge to bite it.

But immediately this impulse was restrained by Da Rubi, and now its duty is to take good care of the sheep, which is the request of the chief.

The big boss is the position that Rock has recently established in the hearts of these Drubys.

After getting along with each other these days, the Delubis have realized that Helujia is the leader of their group, and Roque is the leader of the entire territory.

De Ruby and his companions are very satisfied with their current life. With a place to live, they no longer have to wander around, can eat delicious food every day, and arrange work easily.

Moreover, the big boss and his companions are very strong, and the territory is very safe, so there is no need to be afraid all the time, it must complete its mission well.

Druby lay down on the ground again, resting his head on his two front legs, watching the Mare sheep eating berries not far away.

It doesn't understand what's so good about berries, but the broth that the big boss makes in the morning is delicious.

While Druby was thinking about dinner, he suddenly smelled a pungent smell, which was very familiar to him.

"Wang Wang!"

Da Ruby jumped out of the ground, barking and rushed towards the Mare sheep who were eating berries.


The Mali sheep turned its head suspiciously, and then saw Dai Rubi running towards him with its mouth full of sharp teeth. It was so frightened that it froze in place for an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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