Elven settlers

Chapter 172

Chapter 172

Rock let out a sigh of relief, and the warm fish soup instantly warmed his hungry stomach.

The fish broth was very delicious. The catfish king meat did not dissipate after frying. Instead, the stewing made the meat very elastic, soft and tender, and the taste was very mellow. Rock almost swallowed his tongue when he ate a piece of fish just now.

"Gamei~" "Qiabo~"

After taking a sip, Geranium and Arbo also liked the fish broth very much, and squinted their eyes enjoying it.

As for Hei Lujia, it has buried its head in the soup basin now, and can only hear the sound of "click, click, click".

"Haha, eat quickly, everyone!"

Rock, Geranium, and Arbor didn't have any recollections when they saw this, and quickly dealt with the food in front of them.

After taking a few more mouthfuls of fish soup, Rock's body was already sweating slightly because of the sprinkle of pepper.

Only then did he feel that he had returned to his normal state.The warm feeling that food brings to the body is different from simply warming up to a fire. It has a kind of warmth from the inside out.

The feeling of being able to drink a steaming bowl of delicious broth after soaking cold in rainstorms and floods is amazing.

The whole bowl of fish soup and the fish Roque quickly finished, as did the other elves. Fortunately, he had anticipated this situation and boiled it a lot.

After adding another full bowl of fish soup to all the elves, including himself, Rock sat down leaning on Geranium's strong body, and continued to eat with two skewers of grilled fish skewers.

Of course, he didn't forget his elf neighbors, the sound box crickets and the round mages were also given a bowl of broth, and they were full now, playing a wonderful worm song.

Unknowingly, the rain had stopped, and the heavy dark clouds that had been covering the sky gradually dissipated, revealing the bright white crescent moon and the sky full of stars.

The water-washed night sky is extremely clear, the moonlight and stars are shining brightly, and tomorrow must be a good weather.

The sound of raindrops stopped ringing in my ears, but Rock's territory did not become silent, but became more lively.

All kinds of insects chirp one after another, and occasionally you can hear the courtship chirping of mosquito-repellent frogs.

The speaker cricket family in the oak forest is naturally one of them. They make a melodious sound like a dulcimer, forming an important group in this night symphony.

It may be that he is used to the decibels of the previous rainstorm. At this time, these wonderful sounds of nature are very clear in Rock's ears. He even heard some Pokémon that he has never seen before from these sounds.

Although there was still a lot of water vapor in the air, the ground near the campfire was almost dry, and Rock sat on the ground without feeling uncomfortable.

He should be sleeping here tonight. The beds in the camp are all wet from the rain, and he will need to be in the sun tomorrow before he can sleep.

Listening to the melodious chirping of insects, Rock and the elves finished the delicious dinner.

A whole giant catfish king like a mountain of meat was eaten by Rock and the elves, and even the bones were chewed by Heluga and Deluby.

After eating, because the blood was concentrated in the stomach, the Dai Rubys couldn't resist the sleepiness in their bodies, and they all shook their heads and wobbled.

But with a strong sense of responsibility, they still resisted the sleepiness and wanted to stick to their posts.

Seeing this, Rock hurriedly stopped them.

"Go to sleep, thank you for your hard work, there is no need to keep watch tonight."

Last night, the rocket team in the Yunhui Mountains was just eradicated, and the wave of mutant elves and beasts heading towards the territory was also wiped out, so his territory is currently safe.

As for the four elves who were suspected to be the Nido Queen Nido King who injured the Delubis, they probably won't come back for a while.

Since they still retreated after injuring eight Derbys, it meant that these guys were also seriously injured enough to withdraw from the battle.

And as intelligent wild elves, they usually stay away from that place after learning their lesson.

With his current elves who are "strong and strong", he basically doesn't have to worry about the possibility of wild elves attacking at night, and even if there is, he can respond quickly.

After hearing Roque's words, the Delubis finally gave up their resistance, and immediately fell to the ground and fell into a deep sleep.

And the woolly sheep have already gone to bed.

Infected by such an atmosphere, Rock also felt a little drowsy.He shook his head vigorously, and picked up the pots and pans after eating.

Geranium, Arbor, and Heluga lay beside the fire, accompanying Rock.

Their eyelids are half closed and their heads are biting.Sometimes when I fall asleep, my head hangs down, and then it will bounce up immediately, and then after finding Rock's figure, it resumes the state of nodding non-stop.

After packing up the kitchen utensils, Rock added some firewood to the four campfires to make the flames burn more vigorously.

At last he lay down among his elves by the fire.

Geranium's tall body was lying behind him, like a wall, helping Rock reflect the heat of the campfire, while guarding the direction for him.

The Abo monster coiled on Rock's right hand side, and a part of its body stretched out under Rock's head, and was used as a pillow by him, and Heluga was on the other side.

Rock was lying on the ground, but he didn't feel sleepy at this time, so he began to replay a series of events from last night in his mind.

The Rockets have the Kavas as rangers to cover the bottom line, so there should be no surprises.

Kawa and his wife are two good neighbors, and they can walk around more in the future.

In addition, after the battle with the Rockets, he received [-] cash and two skill discs.The two skill discs are skills that Arbor can learn, so you can learn them when you have time, and you can buy some more sheep with [-] cash.

The torrential rain did come suddenly. The summer has not passed yet, so we may need to make some preparations in advance.

In the constant divergent thinking, Rock gradually found sleepiness and fell asleep unconsciously.

With Rock falling asleep for the last time, the day full of ups and downs and exhaustion finally came to an end.

Both he and the elves slept deeply, and no one heard the crisp "click" sound coming from nearby.

If Rock is awake at this time, he will find that the elf egg he cut out from the stomach of the Catfish King's body before is shaking slightly at this time.


With a crisp sound, the elf egg opened a small hole, and then a wet head came out of the eggshell.

It looked around curiously, and there were novel sights everywhere.

At this time, it felt a little hungry, so driven by instinct, it ate all the eggshells it had broken.


It felt a little sleepy after eating, so it yawned.

But when it was just born, it couldn't hold back its curiosity. Even if it was very sleepy, it still didn't want to sleep. It wandered aimlessly, smelling here and looking there.

Under the cover of the bonfire, the figure of this newborn little guy looked a little sneaky.

(End of this chapter)

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