Elven settlers

Chapter 213 Physical Examination and Visiting Friends

Chapter 213 Physical Examination and Visiting Friends

After leaving behind seventeen liters of premium needle-for-point honey, Rock left the Sunshine Town government with 13600 yuan in cash.

Then he found a glass product factory in the northern suburbs of Sunshine Town according to the route pointed by Minister Sissen, and bought ten glass jars with a capacity of [-] ml here.

At present, Rock's honey is mainly sold directly to government agencies, and he will not plan to retail for a long time in the future.

Therefore, these glass jars are only used when buying them as gifts, without considering the cost, so they are very delicate and beautiful.

Rock filled six glass jars with the remaining three liters of honey. Through the transparent curved jar wall, he looked at the light amber honey inside, and now he also felt that his own honey was extraordinary.

Putting the pot into Geranium's saddlebag, Roque and the elves headed for Sunshine Town Hospital.

The items to be sold in Sunshine Town this time, besides honey, are the fish skins from the three toothfish caught by the elves before.

With the experience of selling Scary Horn Antler Beads last time, Rock has his own way in this regard.

So he directly found the pharmacy of Sunshine Town Hospital, and the staff there knew him.

After looking at the toothfish skin, the purchaser gave a quotation of 1000 yuan per skin, and told him that the jagged fish skin was indeed a kind of medicinal material.

Rock did not bargain, and sold three fish skins on the spot, earning another 3000 yuan.

So far, all the items to be sold in Sunshine Town have been sold out.

In the end, he now has close to 6 yuan in cash. Although it is a lot, but considering that all the things that will cost money in the future, these budgets are still not optimistic.

"It seems that the plan must be implemented, and there is still a lack of money."

After Rock came out of the pharmacy, he stopped by the hospital for a physical examination.After all, the Elf Center is for treatment and examination of elves, and the physical examination of humans is more professional in Sunshine Town Hospital.

Routine inspections are fast, and everything is normal after the report comes out.Rock's physical indicators are very healthy. According to the doctor's words, he is in good health like a cantero.


Walking out of Sunshine Town Hospital, Hei Lujia suddenly bit down on Rock's trouser leg weakly.

He turned around and found that Geranium, Arbor and Chenglong were listless.


The sound of intestinal peristalsis came from their stomachs. Rock looked at his watch and found that it was almost two o'clock in the afternoon after this trip.

He usually eats with the elves, so usually everyone wants to be hungry together.

Today, because I got up late, I didn't have breakfast until noon. I didn't realize that it was a long time since the elves had breakfast.

"Sorry, sorry, if this is the case, let's go to the heart of the fast swim next, and it happens that I haven't eaten old Joseph's grilled steak for a long time."

"Qiabo!" "Hey Lu!" "Gamo!"


Hearing that he was going to eat grilled steak at the heart of the fast swimming, Abo blamed them for instantly becoming energetic, and his body burst out with strength again.

Only Chenglong, who has never been there before, is more puzzled, not understanding why his partners are so happy.

"Haha, the steak in the heart of the quick swim is a well-known delicacy in Sunshine Town. You will definitely like it after you try it later."

Rock explained to Chenglong, but unexpectedly, he was suddenly attacked by Geranium who couldn't wait, and threw him directly on the back with a rattan whip, and then rushed towards the heart of the fast swimming together with Hei Lujia and Abo monster. go.

In the Kuaiyongxin restaurant, customers from different places are enjoying the delicious food in the store.

This shop really lives up to its reputation, with a grand decoration and a clean environment, especially the grilled steak of the boss, which is rare and delicious.

At this moment, suddenly a ferocious Heluga broke into the store, followed by a huge Arbor and a tall and strong geranium.

The diners were a little panicked by such a change, thinking that some evil organization broke in, and some even touched the poke balls around their waists.

"Sorry, sorry, my elf was too reckless and disturbed everyone."

Rock jumped off Geranium's back in a hurry, and apologized repeatedly to the customers in the store.

After seeing a handsome trainer with a friendly expression, the diners regained their composure, and some customers even smiled understandingly at Rock.

"Long time no see, man!"

After seeing that it was Rock who entered the store, the old Joseph who was settling accounts at the counter came out immediately, and gave him a hug with open arms.


The fast-swimming frog, who was gnawing on a watermelon, also warmly greeted Rock and his elves.

"Hahaha, I haven't seen you for a long time, old Joseph, you are still so strong, and the fast-swimming frog is also very energetic."

Rock patted old Joseph's strong arms, and Abo blamed them for communicating with his long-lost friend, the fast-swimming frog.

As a well-known restaurant in Sunshine Town, Fast Swimming Heart is naturally very popular during the peak tourist season.

Fortunately, it was already past the meal time, so Rock and the others still found a place.

"What do you want to eat, tell me, I will cook it myself. These guys of yours have grown into big men, it seems that you should cook more."

Old Joseph skillfully poured a glass of iced mead for Rock, patted Geranium's strong shoulder and praised.

"Haha, it's still the same, first come ten sets of Kentero steaks, and then let the rest of you look at it. Oh yes, I brought you a present this time."

Rock picked up the wine glass with thin frost, took a big sip of wine into his mouth, breathed a sigh of relief, then took out a jar of honey that had just been filled and gave it to Old Joseph.

"Oh! This honey?!"

After Old Joseph took the honey, his eyes widened after only one glance, and then he looked at Rock in surprise.

"Haha, this is the first batch of honey produced in my territory. It has just been evaluated by the Agricultural Products Association, and the grade is super."

Rock leaned back and leaned back on the chair, smiling slightly smugly.

Old Joseph, who has been brewing mead all year round, is naturally no stranger to honey. He felt that the quality of the honey was very good as soon as he got it.

After getting an affirmative answer from Rock, he immediately watched the honey jar repeatedly and couldn't put it down.


While Rock was talking to Old Joseph, Cheng Long, who was lying on the table, sneaked to the wine glass that Rock was holding.

Although it hasn't seen the Kentero steak that its companions praised, it has already found something it is interested in, which is this air-conditioned wine glass.

After seeing Rock take a sip of the liquid in the cup and his expression became very enjoyable, Chenglong's curiosity about mead reached its peak.

It slowly moved its four fins on the table, and when it reached the edge of the cup, it smelled the mellow and sweet smell inside, and suddenly became intoxicated.

Chenglong raised his head and glanced at Rock, and found that he was concentrating on chatting, so he stuck his head into the wine glass and drank the mead in a big gulp.

The mellow and sweet taste of mead instantly captured Chenglong's taste buds, and he felt that the drink in this cup was so delicious that he couldn't stop.

"Gudu, Gudu...ha~"

After drinking most of the glass of mead in one breath, Chenglong let out a comfortable breath following Rock's example.

Immediately afterwards, a sense of dizziness struck, Chenglong only felt that he was swimming in the ocean of mead, and then fell down faintly.

"Hey! It's okay, little guy."

Rock was discussing with Old Joseph what kind of mead his own honey could produce, when he suddenly smelled a smell of alcohol into his nose.

He looked down, just in time to see Chenglong hiccupping, then lying on the table unsteadily, the wine in the glass was already empty.

(End of this chapter)

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