Chapter 131 Yanshan Left Guard


Beiping was covered with a layer of hoarfrost.

The wind has gradually weakened, and sparse snowflakes are falling in the sky.

The servants of the palace put up lanterns and festoons to prepare for the New Year.

"It's really not the right time for this snow." After getting up, Zhu Gaochi ignored the waiter and complained to the aggrieved maidservant, looking at the snow on the wall.

Things about the steam engine factory, about the fertilizer, about the iron smelter, about the coke refinery, about the engineering team, about the railway, about the iron mine...

With this snow, or shutdown, or semi-stop production.

"I haven't asked Concubine An for a few days." Zhu Gaochi suddenly thought of it, patted his forehead, and forgot about it.

Hastily left Shizi Mansion and went to the Empress Palace.

After bedchamber.

Zhu Gaoxu and Zhu Gaosui were playing in the snow at the snow field, not afraid of the cold at all, followed by a group of shivering little Huangmen.

"Big brother."

"Brother, come and play."

Zhu Gaojiu held up a ball of snowballs, trying to persuade his eldest brother to join them, but Zhu Gaoxu's mouth was tightly shut, but his eyes betrayed him.

"You guys play, be careful of frostbite."

Zhu Gaochi has long lost this fun. As a person grows up, he will continue to lose childhood joy.

"You take care of the second and third."

To the Little Yellow Sect, Zhu Gaochi gave an explanation.

Just make it look like a big brother.

After hearing this, the Little Yellow Gates showed flattering smiles on their faces, and no one dared to neglect them.

"Father has praised us."

Unconvinced, Zhu Gaoxu shouted at the back of his elder brother leaving, seeing his elder brother turning his head, Zhu Gaosui nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

The battle of Jingnan cannot be separated from Zhu Gaoxu.

Zhu Gaochi smiled, "Second brother has made progress."

"Father praised us that we must be strong fighters in the future."

"Second brother was on the school field, riding a horse-drawn bow and shooting arrows, and all ten arrows hit the target. Father was very happy, and even rewarded second brother with a jade wrench."

Jade wrench fingers were widely used in the Shang Dynasty. In the Han Dynasty, as the number of stones in the bow increased, it could no longer withstand the force of drawing the bow.

In the Tang Dynasty, the ancestors did not use jade wrench much.

The economy of the Song Dynasty was prosperous, and some fingers that imitated the Han Dynasty appeared, with various styles and functions mainly as a plaything commodity.

In the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang proposed that "ceremonial officials and all Confucian officials should collect archaeological information to hear about it", so they also wore retro finger rings, mainly for decoration.

In the Qing Dynasty, the jade wrench finger became a symbol of status.

Zhu Gaoxu took out the jade wrench from his purse, with a showy face, he ran to Zhu Gaochi and held it up.

Zhu Gaochi picked up the jade wrench and deliberately waited for a while before returning it to Zhu Gaoxu.

Sure enough, Zhu Gaoxu was already grinning from ear to ear.

What's wrong with teenagers wanting approval.

"Second brother, practice your skills well. In the future, you will go out with your father and fight as a father and son soldier. Your father will definitely like it."

Zhu Gaochi felt very good.

The father led the army to fight, and the second brother charged into battle, conquering a huge country and handing it over to him to govern. What a perfect division of labor.

"We must practice our skills well." Zhu Gaoxu looked serious.

To be praised by my father and elder brother shows that I did the right thing.

"Yes, ambitious."

Seeing the harmony between the three brothers, the little Huangmen on the side also showed smiles and were happy for the young man.

The two brothers stopped playing, happily followed the eldest brother, and went back to the palace together.

"The eldest son is here."

The nuns outside laughed.

"Yeah, it's Big Brother."

The third younger sister Zhu Yuegui jumped up in surprise when she heard the voice from outside, and obediently changed into small steps and walked out under the eyes of the princess.

After seeing his eldest brother, Zhu Yuegui complained.

"Brother, you have broken your trust."

"Let's go with you next time." Zhu Gaochi said with a smile, knowing that the third sister was talking about traveling.

He took the lead and handed it over to Yuan Rong to organize.

Going out is a fun thing, and the children and young ladies of all families are unwilling to be absent. It has formed a rule, and there is no need for me to spare time to play with them.

"Did Yuan Rong not treat you well?"

"He, he only stares at Eldest Sister, and the two talk with their eyes." Zhu Yuegui whispered.

A joke is a joke, but I dare not let my mother hear it.

Zhu Gaochi felt movement behind him, turned his head, and sure enough there was an angry elder sister standing behind him, pointing at Zhu Yuegui and said: "You can't say anything good with your mouth, let's see if I will spare you today."

"Brother help."

Zhu Yuegui hid the elder sister by pulling Zhu Gaochi's clothes, the two brothers Zhu Gaoxu made a fuss, and even the younger sister ran out.

Zhu Gaochi had no choice but to stop the eldest sister, "For my sake, please forgive her this time."

"You will favor the second sister."

Zhu Yuying stomped her feet and walked into the room.

Although he knew that the eldest sister was not really angry, Zhu Gaochi still followed and persuaded, "Let's talk about Yuan Rong later, it's too shameful."

"You've learned badly too, so you're all mad at me."

Zhu Yuying rolled her eyes and ignored her elder brother.


"Brother is good or bad."

The brothers and sisters entered the inner room, and tacitly stopped talking about Yuan Rong.

Princess Yan Xu was sitting on the couch, in front of her was a flowered chair with black lacquer and scarlet cushions, and a well-dressed woman was standing there.

There is also a young girl, wearing a vine green long skirt, wearing a mirror flower silk cloak, with a small face and short hair hanging down on her forehead, she looks even more beautiful,
"This is your second aunt and cousin."

Zhu Gaochi knew all serious relatives. Since he didn't know each other, they were either distant relatives or some other relationship.

"Second aunt, Ann."

"Cousin Ann."

"Wanfu, Eldest Prince."

"Hi, cousin." The girl followed her mother, standing upright respectfully, with her hands in front of her clothes, slightly bowing her head and knees.

The waxy voice sounds soft.

Zhu Gaochi took a look at the girl. The girl lowered her head in fright, and she could see that the roots of her ears were already red.

"You are his elder and not an outsider, just call him Brother Chi."

Princess Yan laughed.

The woman also responded with a smile, but did not dare to change her words.

Princess Yan didn't force herself, she looked at Zhu Gaochi and said, "You and your father are busy people, and you don't see anyone all day long, so you still remember to come to my place today."

"Mother is laughing at us."

There were outsiders, Zhu Gaochi stood before the collapse and did not sit down.

"Is the father going out?"

"I took people out of the mansion early in the morning, and didn't say where I was going, you two father and son." Princess Yan sighed.

Zhu Gaochi stopped talking after hearing the words.

The eldest son didn't talk much since he was a child, and now he is even more taciturn. Knowing the character of the eldest son, Mrs. Xu took the initiative to speak.

"You are here, the guests are uneasy, go back after saying hello."

"The mother began to dislike her son."

"Then you stay."

Princess Yan simply said.

Zhu Gaochi smiled as he walked, and kept walking, "Don't dare to disturb mother and second aunt chatting about family affairs, my son will come back next time."

When they got outside, Zhu Yuegui blocked the way.

"Just come and go."

"What's the matter with the third sister? We need to buy something back. Even if someone tells us, as long as there is something for sale on the street, we can buy it from you."

"Don't try to buy me off."

Seeing this, Zhu Gaochi sat down on the stool outside and leaned against the table.

"Who's in there?"

"do not know."

Zhu Yuegui sat down beside his elder brother confidently.

Zhu Gaochi ignored the third sister and turned to look at the elder sister.

Zhu Yuying shook her head, and said softly: "Recently, there are frequent visits to the family, and they are all relatives whom I have never met."

"Brother, drink tea."

The little sister came over with tea in person.

"Be careful it burns." Zhu Gaochi quickly took it, "Don't do these things next time, it's not good to get burned."

The little sister nodded vigorously.

Zhu Gaochi felt a little strange, where there are so many relatives in the family, most of them are in Yingtian Mansion.

As for the father's side, that's even more impossible.

But these things are trivial, since you can't figure it out, then don't think about it.

Taking a sip of tea, putting down the cup, Zhu Gaochi got up, "Let's go."

This time, Zhu Yuegui didn't stop him any more, but just looked at his elder brother and younger sister eagerly.

Zhu Gaochi hesitated for a while, and agreed: "Next time we travel, we will definitely participate."

When they heard this, they immediately cheered up.

"Brother must count on what he says." Zhu Gaoxu emphasized.

The two brothers went to play with the eldest sister once, and they have never missed it since then.


Zhu Gaochi nodded and left.

After leaving the palace, on the main street, various shops sweep the snow in front of their houses, and the servants of the government sweep the snow on some unattended streets.

It was snowing and the road was slippery, Zhu Gaochi did not ride a horse, but chose to travel in a carriage.

Some things are about to happen in history.

For example Sapphire will die.

Zhu Gaochi felt that what should be revealed should be revealed from all kinds of speculations and analysis of the affairs of the father and the king.

Yao Guangxiao is a nice person.

Qingshou Temple.

There are many pilgrims in the temple.

Those who seek peace, fortune, marriage, children, and future, the mud-bodied Buddha statues can handle everything.

The little novice led the nobleman into the backyard.

Yao Guangxiao personally greeted them at the door.

"Master, long time no see."

"The little prince can wait to visit the small temple and make the small temple flourish." Yao Guangxiao clasped his hands together with a very upright attitude.

The people in the mansion call him the eldest son, because Zhu Gaochi is not yet the eldest son, and there are second and third sons around, so he can't shout indiscriminately.

The relevant people outside did not have such scruples, knowing that the prince has already identified the eldest son, so they called the little prince in advance.

This is also an expression of attitude.

"Please, sir." Yao Guangxiao stepped aside.

"Master please first."

Yao Guangxiao's ingenuity and ability to predict people's hearts are undoubtedly among the best in the world, and Zhu Gaochi will not underestimate him.

Moreover, Zhu Di hesitated for a long time to rebel.

This person's agitation at least played a lot of role, strengthening Zhu Di's confidence.


Sometimes it matters, the same reason as morale.

He is Zhu Di's counselor, Zhu Gaochi will not neglect.

Yao Guangxiao was very happy with the courteous treatment he received from the Eldest Prince, and the recognition of him from two generations, his position in the Prince Yan's Mansion was unshakable.

"I don't know if the master can give some advice on the matter of the left guard of Yanshan."

After taking his seat in the monk's room, Zhu Gaochi asked.

Although the project has stopped, the manpower must be prepared in advance, and the construction will start after the spring. This time he has to take care of the left guard of Yanshan Mountain.

Gather the left guard into your hands in advance, don't delay it for a few years like in history, so that the left guard did not play its due role in the battle of Jingnan.

Zhu Di and the others are not in a hurry, because they don't know the history, and they don't know that they will be cut off and killed in a few years.

(End of this chapter)

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