The Great Industrial Ming Dynasty Started from Beiping

Chapter 226 Children who listen to chapters are good

Chapter 226 Obedient Children Have Benefits

King Yan did not bring many troops from Beiping. He brought a few thousand soldiers from Beiping, a few thousand soldiers from Daning on the way, and more than [-] soldiers from Liaodong. The total number was only [-].

In the camp of Quang Ninh.

Zhu Di took the hand of Liao King Zhu Zhi, "I didn't expect it to be so simple, I wronged you, fifteenth brother."

Behind him was the 17-year-old Ning Wang Zhu Quan.

The young Zhu Quan still has a little childishness on his face, and his thin stature makes him look younger, which makes people look uneasy.

"Don't be wronged, the fourth brother is coming to Liaodong, the younger brother is looking forward to it day and night, and finally he is looking forward to the fourth brother." Zhu Zhi, king of Liao, looked respectful.

Although they are all disciples of the Tian Family, their strengths are vastly different.

The second brother, the third brother, the fourth brother, the three brothers are the earliest and the most powerful, not only in strength, but also in prestige.

Followed by the fifth elder brother Zhou Wang Zhu Wei.

These elder brothers were born by Empress Ma, they are incomparable to younger brothers, and they recognized the reality very early on.

"Brother Fifteen."

Ning Wang Zhu Quan shouted softly behind Zhu Di.

Zhu Quan glanced at Zhu Di, Zhu Di turned sideways slightly, Zhu Quan dared to speak, and smiled at Zhu Quan: "Seventeenth brother, I never thought we would meet again so soon."

The two are close in age, and they are studying together in Yingtian Mansion, and they both have just become feudal clans not long ago, and their relationship is better than that of several older brothers.

Just like the five brothers of the prince when they were young, no matter how conflicts occurred between the five brothers, the five brothers accounted for more than half of the Hongwu Dynasty.

Then the generals of the guards from all over the country came forward to meet several princes.

There were generals originally from Peiping, some generals transferred from other places, and several Mongolian and Jurchen generals.

The Beiping generals headed by Sun Yan were unusually respectful in front of Zhu Di, and their attitude was a little too respectful.

Zhu Di didn't take it seriously, knowing that they did this on purpose, elevating their status in front of outsiders, highlighting the meaning that King Yan is the leader.

As for Liu Zhen, no matter what his thoughts were, he went to the palace to plead guilty at the end of the year, and King Yan did entertain him warmly.

It's hard to resist both emotionally and rationally, even Liu Zhen is submissive, and the rest of the generals don't mention it.

After entering the camp, Zhu Di took the main seat without hesitation.

His father ordered him to restrain the troops from going out of Liao. When he entered the camp and sat down, his face darkened and he was suddenly full of murderous aura.

King Liao and King Ning were taken aback, thinking they had done something wrong, they couldn't help standing up, and the rest of the generals were also shocked.

Only the generals Zhu Di brought from Beiping, and the generals transferred from Daning and Liaodong from the Peking line, were used to Zhu Di's approach.

Several generals in Liaodong are not used to it, and they don't know why King Yan suddenly changed his color.

"Since the king has led the army, he has always been strict in military discipline and does not follow personal interests. No matter who he is, he will be rewarded for his achievements and punished for his mistakes."

Zhu Di glanced at the people in the big tent, King Liao and King Ning were so frightened that they didn't dare to breathe, this was the first time they saw such a fourth brother.

"Military orders are more important than the sky. Whoever dares to violate this king's orders must sacrifice his head to the flag. You must know this and keep it in your heart."


Sun Yan and other generals clasped their hands and promised loudly, and then the rest of the generals quickly followed suit, even the Kings of Liao and Ning surrendered their hands.

After establishing his prestige, Zhu Di said slowly: "Nu'ergan has been suffering from North Korea. It was not until our heavenly army arrived that North Korea dared not commit another crime."

"In my Ming Dynasty, Nuergan divided and ruled the guards, each performed its duties, and set up the Jilin Navy to transport supplies. The sage once said that all people who live in China are treated equally, and they are the people of our country."

"So in Nu'ergan, with the support of my court, all ethnic groups cultivated their lives and gained peace, but there was always Xiaoxiao who didn't do production by himself, and only burned, killed and looted everywhere. All ethnic groups could not bear the suffering."

"Today, my heavenly army has accepted the wish of all people. The army marches in. If the bandits are not punished, I will not return it. I will return the slaves to make them harmonious and peaceful."

What slaves do is boundless.

In the deep mountains and old forests, Heze is everywhere, and there is no trace of people.

During the period of the Republic of China, bandits were difficult problems to solve, not because of military reasons, but because they could not be found.

Now Zhu Di has dispatched Beiping, Daning, and Liaodong, plus [-] guards from Nuergan, [-] elite cavalry, [-] infantry, and thousands of other troops, only in the early [-]s.

Compared with previous years, the scale of the fortress is much smaller.

But although the scale is small, Zhu Di still needs to come forward in person, because the terrain of Nuergan is more complicated than the desert.

Zhu Di is ready for a protracted war, and Liaodong's production in the past few years has been a preparation for this.

The situation of Nu'er is actually very simple.

Relying on mountains to eat mountains and water to draught.

Many tribes mainly focus on fishing and hunting, living in poverty, and have not developed civilization. Many tribes don't even have writing.

The closer the tribe is to Ming Dynasty, the faster it develops, and the farther away from Daming tribe, the development has never progressed.

This creates a gap between rich and poor.

Those tribes who live in poverty and lack production materials will rob the rich tribes, but why don't the rich tribes fight back.

Because of profit.

Wealthy tribes had no incentive to fight, and they would gain no benefit from defeating poorer tribes.

Without the support of farming civilization, the ecological environment of fishing and hunting cannot support a larger population.

Therefore, poor tribes naturally have more intentions to fight than rich tribes, whether it is for material goods or for people's hearts.

That's why punks are more aggressive than office workers.

In short.

In the current situation, most of the ethnic groups support the Ming Dynasty and are willing to be ruled by the Ming Dynasty to obtain a good living environment.

Including Nurhaci's ancestor - Mengge Timur.

The current brother Timur, in order to avoid disasters, led thousands of people to move from a distance to the area of ​​the Wumu River in the lower reaches of the Tumen River, which is the most northeastern city in North Korea and the junction of China and Russia - Huining.

But this person has already made contact with Ming Dynasty, and he is a very obedient child.

Even in the period of Zhu Di in the future.

Not only did he go to Beijing many times to meet the saints, but he was also called to lead his tribe to join the Ming army and fight against the Arutai and other tribes of the Tatar tribe.

It is precisely because of his good performance that he won the trust of the court and allowed him to move inward, close to the Liaodong area.

The historical evaluation of this migration is the greatest achievement of this person, which laid the foundation for the future of his family.

He was promoted many times, and finally became the governor of the right, and obtained the right to assist the Ming court in controlling Yangmu Dawu's men and horses.

Although these things haven't happened yet, Mengge Timur's part is not on the hit list because of his obedient performance.

Now Zhu Di's focus is on Xiyangha.

This person committed crimes and became a bandit, which made all the ministries suffer, and dealt a big blow to the prestige of the Ming court.

According to the map, Zhu Di assigned tasks to the generals, searched every area, and must find the trace of Xiyangha.

It is used to warn many uncivilized tribes so that they dare not engage in robbery anymore.

This task is no small task.

Although 2 people are quite a lot, they can be used for slaves, like pepper sprinkled on noodles, and it is called unreasonable when they encounter it.


Sheng Xi, who was stationed in Kaiping, saw Jin Zhong and Zhu Gaoxu, and couldn't figure out their reason for coming.

Jin Zhong put his posture very low in front of Sheng Xi, so Zhu Gaoxu had to be courteous to him.

"Strengthen the military household economic cooperative?"

Sheng Xi was baffled. In his opinion, China Heavy Industry's Military Household Economic Cooperative has already won a lot of people's hearts. Will it continue to be strengthened?
"Isn't the palace still satisfied?" Sheng Xi asked directly.

Zhu Gaoxu was taken aback, what does this mean!
Jin Zhong said with a smile: "It's a good thing for Kaiping. The palace is going to play, and Kaizhao defends Kaiping. I don't know what Sheng Xin thinks about it."

If Chang Yuchun was the one who restored Kaiping City, then Sheng Xi was the main general who prepared to build Kaipingwei.

This person is the general governor of the Chinese Army, and he transferred the officers and troops of the five Shanhaiwei Institutes to Kaiping to establish a guard, and sent them to the Beiping Capital Division as a guard.

The soldiers stationed at Kaipingwei were drawn from the Shanhaiwei and the guards of the Beiping Capital Division.

After completing the task of establishing the Kaiping Guard and building the Acropolis, Sheng Xi placed the troops and horses of the Peking Capital Division in different parts of the Kaiping Guard for garrison and training during the agricultural break.

In Kaipingwei before, the prestige of Sheng Xi and King Yan was evenly divided.

One is based on the preparation for the establishment of Kaiping, and the other is based on the status of the "mother's family" of Kaiping guards.

Later, King Gu was ordered to control Kaiping. When King Gu valued Sheng Xi, Sheng Xi's prestige was stronger than Zhu Di.

In the past two years, Gu Wang has been transferred back, and the situation has changed again.

I'm afraid whether it's Sheng Xi or Zhu Di, neither of them is sure. In Kaipingwei, whoever speaks is more effective.

But the county magistrate is not as good as the current one.

On the bright side, no one in the Kaiping guards would dare to disobey Sheng Xi's orders, so Sheng Xi has an advantage.

With the development of Kaiping and Daning, Beiping already belongs to the rear, and Zhu Gaochi has no reason to expand the defense. The only two places are Daning, Kaiping, and Jinzhou.

Jinzhou is a product of accidents, and it is hard to come by. It is the best policy to make a fortune in silence. Otherwise, making noise will attract people's attention, leading to the restoration of the old system, and it is too late to cry when returning to Shandong.

Daning belongs to King Ning's fief after all, even if the palace bullies other young people and actually meddles in his military power, but things can't go too far.

So it seems that there is a choice, but in fact there is no. The only breakthrough is Kaiping.

Today's Kaiping is not someone's fiefdom. Although there is no new division, the palace can use the old system to propose that Kaiping belongs to the capital of Beiping.

Then King Yan controlled Beiping's military power and controlled Kaiping rationally. This kind of vague lawsuit is actually difficult to distinguish clearly.

Therefore, Sheng Xi is the key to whether Kaiping can fall back to the Yan Palace.

If he lets go, then everything will be easy to talk about. If this person doesn't let go, there will be lawsuits, and the expansion of the guard will also face abort.

Because the responsibility was too great, Jin Zhong didn't dare to talk nonsense in front of Sheng Xi, and Zhu Gaoxu, who was ordered by his elder brother, didn't dare to talk nonsense.

"Expand the guard? Does the imperial court have any plans to expand the guard?" Sheng Xi asked curiously.

"It's the palace's idea."

Jin Zhong explained: "Kaiping has been developed so far, and it can be expanded outwards. Beiping Prefecture can afford it."

(End of this chapter)

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