The Great Industrial Ming Dynasty Started from Beiping

Chapter 28 The Unfilial Son Zhu Gaochi

Chapter 28 The Unfilial Son Zhu Gaochi
Peking City.

After more than [-] years of development, the population of the city has risen sharply, and the government is flourishing and the people are in harmony, showing signs of prosperity.

Zhu Gaochi only took Zhang Quan, his entourage, to the shop in the east of the city.

"There are still a little less people."

Zhu Gaochi was not used to seeing people crowded.

"It's quite a lot. When the prince came to Peiping, there were very few talents at that time."

Zhang Quan explained.

"A city with a population of less than 100 million is not considered a big city."

Zhu Gaochi contempt from the bottom of his heart.

Although Beiping was not the political center of Ming Dynasty, it was also the former capital of the former dynasty after all.

From the Tang and Song Dynasties.

A population of one million is the standard for a big city.

A large urban population means higher consumption and a more prosperous country's economy. Otherwise, how can it support the size of a million-dollar city.

Even when it came to New China, the focus was still on increasing the urban population.

Why do western hillbillies come to China and say in shock that China is full of gold?

A city of millions of citizens.

If any tax is taken out, it is an astronomical figure.

Such a huge market demand.

Of course, it is a paradise for businessmen, so the hillbillies in the West shouted that China is full of gold and rich.


If we have snatched the heritage of Chinese civilization, how can we cherish the things we snatched.

Before the founding of the Ming Dynasty.

Peiping fell for hundreds of years, and then went through the previous dynasty for nearly a hundred years. The population not only did not increase, but declined.

This is true all over the North.

"The eldest son is joking, the north is poor, how can it compare to the south."

"There are a lot of cities with a population of one million in the south, but not in the north. Only the south can afford a city with a population of one million."

Zhang Quanli said bluntly.

Even if his ancestral home is Shandong.


Zhu Gaochi scolded.

"Bianliang in the Song Dynasty, which is now Kaifeng, had a population of more than 150 million. It was the wealthiest city in the world at that time. Ordinary people ate three meals a day."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible."

Although Zhang Quan is a long-term follower, the eldest son has always been kind to others, so everyone in the house is willing to get close to the eldest son.

Just because he refuted the eldest son, it does not mean that he is disrespectful.

This move shows that he trusts the eldest son and can tell the truth to the eldest son, which is more loyal than flattering.

His head shook like a rattle, he didn't believe what the eldest son said at all.

"As far as I can remember, I have never seen anyone who eats three meals a day. Isn't it a waste of food?"

"If you read more books, you will know how to eat."

In Beiping City, where people come and go, the two of them walked to the east of the city before they knew it.

Those who carry the burden, those who perform juggling, those who sell singing, those who cheat money, and the shops on both sides hang high banners.

The two wore ordinary clothes and were not conspicuous in the crowd.

While observing the shops, Zhu Gaochi looked for places that sold coal stoves and briquettes, and taught him a lesson.

People in the Ming Dynasty only ate two meals.

Until the middle and late Ming Dynasty, rich places in the south of the Yangtze River began to eat three meals a day, but the north and Fujian still ate two meals.

"People in the Song Dynasty didn't eat dinner."

"But Bianliang has a population of more than 150 million and there is no curfew. How do you know the prosperity at that time?"

"In the night market in Bianliang City, there are more than [-] kinds of iced drinks alone, and more than [-] kinds of fruit wine, rice wine and sake."

"People in the city sleep late and have money, so of course they eat three meals a day."

"I don't believe it."

Zhang Quan killed him, thinking that the eldest son was talking nonsense.

That broken place in Kaifeng.

It was the king of Zhou who brought tens of thousands of relatives, plus the family members of the army, that barely allowed the population of Kaifeng to exceed [-].

Man's cognition comes from what he sees.

He has been used to the desolation of the north for generations, and has long taken it for granted that the north is poor and the south is rich.

"Too lazy to understand."

Zhu Gaochi saw a grocery store selling coal stoves, and went in to have a look.

The same reason, before the Northern Song Dynasty.

If the people at that time were told that the population of the south would be several times that of the north, they would not believe it either.

After hundreds of years, the vitality of the north has been too deep.

Even to the end of the Ming Dynasty.

The population in the north has only recovered to one-third of the population in the south.

And ancient.

The population of the north is more than ten times that of the south.

That's why in ancient times there was the theory of winning the Central Plains and winning the world. The competition for the world is all in the north, and there is nothing wrong with the south.

There is no other reason.

They all have the same root, the same Taoism, the same system, and the same tricks, so the only thing that can determine the outcome is the population.

In fact, it is also the history of ethnic migration.

The northern population fled to the south on a large scale. In the early Ming Dynasty, the southern population was used to immigrate to the north on a large scale in order to govern and restore the north.

A history of blood and tears.

"Guest officer, what do you want to buy? This store has products from all corners of the country. We have everything you need. We will definitely satisfy you."

The guy Xu Ning came up to welcome him, his face was full of enthusiasm and he was very service-oriented.

"How is the coal stove and briquettes selling?"

"Guest officer is really well-informed!"

Xu Ning's exaggerated tone and half-true greeting.

"Of the one hundred customers who enter this store, there is not one who knows this thing. Only one customer can be called by name."


Before the boy finished speaking, the shopkeeper behind him coughed twice, interrupting the boy's next words.

"Is there anything you want to ask, sir?"

The shopkeeper is the shopkeeper after all.

There are many people to meet.

Although Zhu Gaochi is time-traveling, but because of time-traveling, he is in line with the aristocratic temperament.

With a straight waist, he speaks without any scruples.

Isn't it the nobleman?

"Are there many people buying this briquette and coal stove?"

The shopkeeper was secretly startled.

Honeycomb briquettes and coal stoves are objects made by the craftsmen instructed by the eldest son of King Yan's Mansion. They are used for people's livelihood, and the methods are directly given to the coal mine owners.

The two things are actually very easy to imitate, but there is no consent of the eldest son of Yan Wangfu.

At least in Peking City.

Which businessman dares to make it privately and sell it?

Coupled with the age of the young man in front of him, the shopkeeper already had a vague guess, and his attitude became more and more respectful, knowing everything without saying anything.

"There are many people who ask, but few people buy. Since I bought this item, I have sold less than ten sets so far."

The fewer people use coal stoves, the higher the cost of delivering briquettes.


Zhu Gaochi frowned.

"Many people are not familiar with this thing, so no one is willing to pay for it even if the guys say it's hype."


A gap in the market cannot be filled overnight.

I have to figure out a way myself.

If it goes with the flow, it is estimated that it will take a few years for the common people to get used to this thing and reach a scale.

It will take three to fifty years to promote it to the whole country.

"Thank you."

Zhu Gaochi guessed that the other party guessed his identity.

Nodded and left.

Went to the next one.




The briquettes in the coal stove are burning vigorously.

The mutton skewered on the skewers made a sizzling sound.

A middle-aged man in his thirties, eating a stick, couldn't help laughing.

"This thing is really useful. There is a prodigal son in the family, and he gave it to others for nothing."

"Monk, it's very fragrant, don't you really want to eat it? There are only two of us here."


"After the poor monk came back, he saw the bitter expressions on the faces of the monks. It turned out that the nobleman opened the precept against meat again. It is really a blessing for Buddhism."


"Hi Yao Guangxiao."

Zhu Di scolded with a smile.

It is different from his father Zhu Yuanzhang.

Zhu Yuanzhang attached great importance to Buddhism, but Zhu Di didn't take it seriously.

Buddhism develops too fast.

But he hides it very deeply, let alone show it in front of Yao Guangxiao.

"The prodigal son of our family made a lot of money, and he will send some to your temple as incense money later, so he won't pursue us anymore. We can't always make us vegetarian, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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