Chapter 293 The Wrath of the Earth

Theaters are blooming everywhere.

As the earliest theater established, the Peking Grand Theater undoubtedly played a central role, with a rich reserve of stage, scene, or musical instruments.

"Gong Shang Jiao Zheng Yu"

An old man enthusiastically taught a class to a dozen students.

He is an old boy.

I think I have good abilities, but I just can't pass the imperial examination, and I haven't been a scholar for decades, and I don't pay much attention to teaching.

This person's family was originally a big family in Shandong, rich and wealthy.

Later, the family was forcibly split up and moved to various places. His branch came to Beiping, and relying on the little floating money obtained after the division of the family, plus the land distributed in Beiping, he can be regarded as a wealthy family in Beiping.

However, the old man was used to having big hands and feet since he was a child, and his income from farming could not be balanced.

The grown-up sons began to complain about the old man. Not only did he not work, but he played with those playthings all day long. For these playthings, the old man spent a lot of money.

Until the establishment of the Grand Theater, one day, someone came to him and asked him to teach his hobbies.

There are still such good things in the world, and you can get paid.

People like the old man, although not common, but many can be found.

"In "Guanzi Diyuan Chapter", there is a method of using mathematical operations to obtain the five sounds of "Gong, Shang, Jiao, Zheng, and Yu". According to the technical report, it belongs to science."

"This is the famous "three-point profit and loss method" in the history of Chinese music. Gong Shangjiao Zhengyu's five-tone is the basic scale of ancient Chinese music, also known as the law of five-degree mutual generation."

The old man became interested while talking.

He began to sing.

"Yi Yu Na Yu! Put me on the drum."

The old man's singing voice is not beautiful, but even ordinary people can hear that the old man's singing is very charming.

And this charm made the students present look excited.

This is exactly the rhythm.

The singing voice of the old man seemed to emerge with a classic rhythm.

"Playing the drums and Janes, I am a strong ancestor. Tang Sun played a fake, and I thought about it. The drums are deep, and the sound of the pipes. It is peaceful and peaceful, according to my chime sound. Yuhe Tangsun! Mu Mujue sound There is a mediocre drum, and a thousand dances. I have distinguished guests, and I am not a fool. Since ancient times, the ancestors have done something. Warm and respectful day and night, deacons have Ke, Gu Yuzhen tastes, Tang and Sun's generals."

"Clap clap clap."

When the old man finished singing, the students applauded excitedly.

"Sir, you sing really well."

"Yeah, sir, he sang amazingly."

The old man waved his hand modestly, "This is a traditional tone singing method, which highlights a charm and makes people feel majestic."

"Now there is twelve equal temperaments, and there are richer tones. On this basis, I heard that there are new instruments, and I invited me to give pointers tomorrow."

The old man was a little proud, a bit of a show off.

After being underestimated for decades, the old man really couldn't help showing off the sudden courtesy.

The students come from the staff of the Grand Theater.

Women make up half.

These people have distinctive voices.

After receiving the praise and admiration he wanted, the old man said with satisfaction: "Actually, the twelve equal laws have their origins."

"In "Lu's Spring and Autumn Annals · Temperament", it began to be linked to the records of the length specifications of the twelve temperaments such as Huang Zhong and Lin Zhong."

"According to the order of the law of profit and loss of three points, the law of the upper fifth is called "lower life" in ancient times; the law of the lower four is called "upper life" in ancient times."

"Starting from the law, the next birth is five times, and the last birth is six times, and the twelve laws can be obtained."

After explaining, the old man sang the old poem again, so that the students present could fully understand. After the old man finished singing, he began to test the students.

Each of these students had their own characteristics, and the songs they sang combined the knowledge they had just learned. Although there were still some flaws, the old man was already intoxicated.

In the eyes of ordinary people, behaviors considered ignorant and incompetent were actually said by the little prince to have a great effect on civilization.

"Our ancestors began to sing from the time of offering sacrifices, and it has been passed down from generation to generation. It is not only singing, but also dance music."

"As the little prince said, this is the treasure of our Chinese civilization and the cultural bond that unites us."

"So I will be very strict with you. If any of you don't practice hard, I won't let you pass the exam."

The old man said with a straight face.

this day.

The Peking Grand Theater received an urgent notice from the headquarters, suspended all work plans, and went all out to publicize the counterattack against the bandits.

On the red-headed document, there is also a notice in a stern tone from the little prince.

This is not only the first time that the Peking Grand Theater has received such a notice, but the entire China Heavy Industry is one at a time.

From top to bottom, Zhou Shifeng personally took strict measures, as if overnight, the center of gravity of China Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. changed.

Technology newspaper, life newspaper.

"The Five Heroes of the Nameless Land!"

"These five strong men from the army and China Heavy Industries went deep into the grassland and told the people on the grassland who is the enemy and who is their own."

"Who brings them a better life, who breaks their peace of life."

"Under the leadership of King Yan, the people of Beiping have achieved a better life, and the same is true in the frontier."

"The hard work of the people, under the operation of the China Heavy Industry system, the people in the frontier got the rewards they wanted."

"People live and work in peace and contentment, get married and have a good harvest, with smiles on their faces."

"But the robber showed up."

"The bandits looted the property of the common people, burned down the houses of the common people, and raped the wives and daughters of the common people. They are inhuman anti-social forces."

"In order to appease the people on the frontier and explain to them the meaning of the battle, I gained the support of the people on the frontier."

"Represented by Dar Dai, these tribes support us, are hostile to bandits, and promise to the little prince that they will always obey Daming."

"But the robbers were in a hurry. They were afraid of being exposed, so they killed our five heroes."

"Our five strong men sacrificed their lives for righteousness. Facing a powerful enemy, they were not afraid at all. They were the greatest warriors who fought against thousands of troops alone!"


"Daldai said: Bandits are the people on the grassland who hate them the most. I hope that the army of Ming Dynasty will eliminate the bandits as soon as possible and bring peace to the grassland and the Central Plains."

"King Ning said: The scene of the sacrifice of the five heroes is moving, the spirit of the five heroes is moving, and the revenge of the five heroes must be avenged!"

"The sergeant of the Five Heroes is called..."

"The staff member of China Heavy Industry among the five heroes is named He Kuan. He is a staff member of the Research Department. He is a hardworking worker and has been praised by the little prince."

"My name is... and I'm He Kuan's colleague. He Kuan is a young man in our department. Everyone says He Kuan is a good young man and he is willing to help others..."

"After our department learned of He Kuan's sacrifice, everyone in the department cried, and many female colleagues passed out from crying. I still can't believe that this kindest colleague left us so abruptly. Dozens of wounds were left on his body, such a cruel method is unacceptable."

"All China Heavy Industry colleagues, learn from He Kuan's spirit!"

This is true for all content.

On the bulletin boards of each factory, the deeds of the five heroes were posted.

Before He Kuan was about to die, facing the evil enemies, he faced the challenge without fear. He said let the enemies come!


"Thirty years ago, we were beaten and could not fight back. This is the law. How much we have been bullied."

"Now we are rich, but they still don't let us go, they always want to bully us and hurt us."

"My grandfather told me that when a group of beasts rushed into my grandfather's house and insulted my grandmother, my grandfather was also beaten to death by that group of beasts. Now that the group of beasts wants to come back, I will definitely pick up a knife and gun , even if it is death, I will not back down, because I don't want the insult my grandmother suffered to happen to my daughter."

Dispatching Department of the Ministry of Railway Engineering.

Zhao Hong's hand holding the newspaper trembled uncontrollably.

He gritted his teeth.

"I want to go to the battlefield!"

"We are soldiers too, we are military workers!"

"There is no order." Some colleagues complained.

"Then make a request to the top."

Letters were sent to the headquarters.

China Heavy Industries.

It is a military enterprise.

Most of the workers are military, that is, soldiers.

The China Heavy Industry system, as well as upstream and downstream enterprises, also have many military workers who are also soldiers.

Military workers are new.

Are they an army?

This requires an opportunity.

"Defending the home and the country is everyone's responsibility!"

Zhonghua Heavy Industry's factories began to put up slogans.

"Two thousand years ago, the ancestors chanted the slogan of resistance, and we must inherit the spirit of our ancestors."

"If people don't attack me, I won't attack others. If people attack me, I will attack them!"

"Kou can go, so can I!"

"Destroy all enemies!"


The power of China Heavy Industry was released openly.

In the huge Beiping, among the countless people, words of revenge, like the wind, blew across the entire land.

Not only Peking.

In Shaanxi, in Shanxi, in Liaodong, and even Shandong.

The tragedy of the five unknown heroes has been heard by more and more people.

The huge public opinion machine, through newspapers, through the stories of countless workers, through military household economic cooperatives, through mining associations...

A monstrous wave was formed.

Even the concubine in Yan Wang's mansion began to ask about Zhu Di's news.

when the enemy appears.


Throughout the place, there was only one voice.

To use a precise word to describe it, it is called being united together.

"The cruel enemy Bolin Timur said: His favorite thing, and the thing he is proud of, is to kill the Han children, ride the Han children's horses, rob the Han children of their property, and humiliate their children. Wives and daughters, watch their husbands, fathers, brothers and children cry and cry, and slaughter them in front of the crying women"

China Heavy Industries truthfully sent out the words of those people to the common people.

Through the newspaper, through the mansion newspaper, through the association, through the factory, through the guard, through the government...

the whole north.

Like a powder keg.

(End of this chapter)

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