Chapter 296 The Ignorant Enemies
The cold wind from the extreme north plunged the grassland into a long winter, like a frosty world, and people could not spend more time outdoors.

But even if this is the case, they still have to endure the pain of being cut by a knife. The herdsmen at the bottom have to risk their lives to take care of the cattle, sheep, and horses.

What they fear most is that overnight, these livestock will freeze to death.

This is something that happens every year.

Fewer livestock freeze to death, and they will survive more people in the coming year, and if more livestock freeze to death, they will die more people in the coming year.

Poor care of the livestock will be severely punished by the chiefs.


Finally passed.

Fortunately, in winter, not many cattle and sheep of their tribe died of freezing, nor did many people die.

Haci Wuhai counted the remaining livestock in the tribe.

"Last winter, only [-]% of the livestock in the tribe froze to death. It is really the protection of the Longevity Heaven."

The leader of the tribe breathed a sigh of relief.

Winter is horrible.

Fortunately, most of their livestock survived, and more tribes would freeze to death more than half.

As long as there is more rain this year, the surviving livestock can continue to reproduce.

"Go to Dardai's tribe and ask him to exchange tea."

Haci Wuhai ordered.

"These people are as greedy as Han'er." The tribal leader scolded.

Haci Wuhai did not make a sound.

They survived the winter, but there were many more challenges, each of which was a matter of survival for the tribe.

To be precise, in the depths of the grassland, they are fighting against the harsh environment of nature every day of their lives.

The familiar tribes close to the Central Plains must be tribes that have reached a tacit understanding with the Central Plains.

Otherwise, not to mention exchanging materials with the Central Plains, they might be taken away by the Central Plains army one day, because these acquaintances lost their basis—the unknown location.

in other words.

These acquaintances exchanged the right to survive with the Central Plains with their own safety.


What a life of luxury.

Haci Wuhai is very envious of the Han'er in the Central Plains, and he very much hopes that his tribe can also be self-sufficient.

But a single mode of production cannot be self-sufficient.

Any nomadic civilization in the world must be close to farming civilization.

According to Western scholars, every settled civilization in the world has been continuously threatened by nomadic civilization throughout history.

In the far western desert grassland, some supplies can be obtained from the Western Regions. Although there are not many, it has broken through zero.

Then in the vast central and eastern grasslands, they can only obtain the materials they want from the Central Plains.

The Central Plains can be self-sufficient, which shows how rich the products are.

Winter passed and spring came, but the people in the tribe couldn't laugh, and everyone's face was heavy and full of depression.

The tribal leader cursed and returned empty-handed.

"Dartet is as bad as Han'er, and his greed is unacceptable."

With the yelling of the headman.

Everyone knew that they might not be able to exchange the supplies they needed from the Dardai tribes.

"Daldai and the others said that Han'er gave them less materials in exchange, so the price will double this year."

The headman told Haci Wuhai.

"We can't even get the tea back."

Thirty percent of the livestock froze to death in winter, and I don't know how many people will starve to death this year.

If too many livestock were exchanged, more people would surely starve to death.

This is unacceptable to the leaders and the Taiji people.

Because too many people died in the tribe, it is difficult for the tribe to continue, and the end is to be swallowed by other tribes.

The experienced elders in the tribe have already begun to wipe the weapons.

War brings death.

This is a truth that the people of the Central Plains know very well, so the people of the Central Plains do not like to fight, so Confucianism and Taoism discourage the kings from fighting rashly.

The pursuit is governance, because the Central Plains can be self-sufficient.

People in the grasslands also know that war brings death.

In every war, countless people will die on the grassland.

But war is inevitable for them.

Because there is no war, they are still waiting to die.

Daming became stronger, and because of the exchange of goods and materials with Daming, the tribes like Daerdai prospered in terms of their population and livestock.

The areas with fertile pastures are all close to the Central Plains.

The farther away from the Central Plains, the poorer the grasslands, and many deserts appeared.

And it is precisely because they are farther away from the Central Plains that they maintain a strategic advantage.

right to life and security.

Haci Wuhai resisted the impulse.

Whether it is to plunder Daming or attack Dardai, there is no advantage in terms of the strength of the tribes he controls.

But God made a decision for him.

Precipitation on the steppe.

God has not rained for a long time.

According to later science.

The precipitation in these areas is completely different from that in the inland of the Central Plains, and the average annual rainfall has been reduced by a full double!
The entire human history is closely related to nature.

For example, the short-lived Tubo Empire.

During that period, the precipitation in Tubo was closer to the level of the Central Plains, and the climate became warmer, which supported the birth of the Tubo Empire.

They acquired farming techniques from the Tang Dynasty, and the technicians of the Tang Dynasty taught them how to farm, and they were even able to farm on the plateau.

But this temporary change quickly restored the barrenness of the Tubo area. Even when modernization later generations, the population of the plateau did not exceed that of Tubo at that time.

This is the power of nature, and the power of science appears powerless in front of nature.

on the grassland.

The terrain of the plateau is relatively stable, with relatively small ups and downs, but there is also little rain. Under such natural conditions, people can only live by water and grass.

Compared with the stability of the climate chain in the Central Plains, the climate chain stability of the grassland is too weak.

There is little rain.

Then cattle and sheep will inevitably reduce the number of herds, and people's survival has reached the most critical moment.

They also need tea from the Central Plains.

They can't live without tea.

We also need salt, cloth, porcelain, iron pots, spirits...and even food from the Central Plains.

"Send someone to tell Bolin Timur Taiji that we are willing to join them." Khari Wuhai made the final decision.

Bolin Timur was very happy to learn that Hara Wuhai had joined.

He told the knights sent by Hari Wuhai.

"Han'er is a coward, a coward."

"They dare not come to the grassland to take revenge on me, but only dare to hide in the castle. Haciwu Haitaiji's decision is correct."

"Only by joining forces can we destroy their cities and rob them of their property. Only in this way can our tribe become stronger."

"Bolin Timur Taiji, are we going to attack Han'er's city?" The knight was a little frightened.

Bolin Timur comforted: "The lives of our steppe knights are precious and we won't waste them under the city wall, but we can go around the city wall. There are too many Han children, and they have countless wealth, all of which are within our reach."

The knight breathed a sigh of relief.

The castles in the Central Plains are tricky, and he is not willing to attack those castles.

Bolin Timur stepped forward and became the leader.

More and more people choose to join him.

But Bolin Timur would not take out the food of his own tribe to support these tribes.

So although an alliance has been formed, they are still scattered, and the pastures cannot allow too many people to gather together to graze.

Since it is so slack.

Then it is impossible to know how many of the tribes that Bolin Timur agreed to join are sincere and how many are mixed.

Only the outcome of the war will be known.

If Bolin Timur wins the battle, those swinging tribes will really join him and be eligible for a share of the spoils.

If Bolin Timur lost the battle, if Bolin Timur was still alive at that time, he would soon become an unknown tribe and eventually disappear in historical materials.

Bolin Timur is no fool.

On the contrary, because of the harsh environment of nature, they have their own rules of survival, they must be generous in some ways, and treacherous in some ways.

Bolin Timur would not attack Daning Castle. The last time he sent troops to sneak around Daning was already the biggest adventure.

So he preached that Han'er was afraid of him and did not dare to retaliate against him.

It is also a kind of fame.

Just as people in the Central Plains pursue their own fame, fame and fortune.

Prairie people also pursue their own fame, such as Bolin Timur.

At least.

In the current background, Bolin Timur is indeed one of the few people who dare to jump out, and he became a man of the moment.

"Is Han'er really afraid of Bolin Timur?"

Some of the wizards in the tribe couldn't understand the recent situation.

Bolin Timur offended Daming, and Daming has not sent troops to attack Bolin Timur so far. Is it true what Bolin Timur said?

Dardai sat behind the short table, took a sip of the wine from the flagon, and then cut the barbecue with a knife, which had no seasoning.

Daming's spices are too expensive, and Daming doesn't produce spices, so they have to go far away to buy them, so Daldai eats this kind of barbecue.

"I don't think things are that simple. I went to Kaiping a few days ago. You haven't seen the scene there."

After returning from Kaiping, Dardai stayed in his tribe and never went out, drinking all day long.

The wizard had never seen Dardai like this.

Darday is a very smart person. He knew how to compromise and fight when he was young, and he knew under what circumstances he could not do the best thing.

So over the years, their tribe has become one of the wealthiest tribes in the vicinity.

They resold the materials from Daming to other tribes, not only supporting themselves, but also feeding more newborns.


On the railway platform, the first steam engine locomotive appeared.

The annual output of China Heavy Industry's steam engine factory has grown from two to three hundred units per year at the beginning, and has gradually grown to more than 2000 units per year as the market demands.

The support of this output also comes from the development of coal mining, coke industry, iron mining industry, iron smelting industry and other industries.

All industries complement each other and are indispensable.

In the supply and marketing cooperative next to the railway station, a large number of second-hand first-generation steam engines appeared, and the price only cost 50 taels of silver, or even 30 taels of silver.

Such a cheap steam engine is even lower than the manufacturing cost of Beiping, so businessmen can't help but purchase it.

Mines don't need such an advanced steam engine, they only need a steam engine for pumping water.

Although advanced steam engines are more efficient, they can also make a profit buying these cheap second-hand steam engines.

(End of this chapter)

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