The Great Industrial Ming Dynasty Started from Beiping

Chapter 331 The Gathering of Strength

Chapter 331 The Gathering of Strength

"Masters, let's eat first."

The cafeteria received the notice, prepared a midnight snack for the overtime staff, and walked in with a trolley full of food.

"thanks, thanks."

The steward thanked you repeatedly, and then greeted the people, "Come and have a late-night snack first, and you will have the strength to think when you are full."

People didn't move.

They go all out to get things done.

This is a spirit that is hard to see in later generations, and can only be seen in some places.

Devotion has become an object of ridicule.

It's not that people are wrong.

But now in Peking.

Everyone wants to give.

Even if Seventh Sister misses her child, even though she hasn't returned to work, it's a voluntary help.

But she still didn't rest from morning till night.

My voice is hoarse.

According to science, this kind of behavior is unhealthy, and the efficiency ratio is not high, but the combination of work and rest is more efficient.

But do not know the miracle.


It was created by man.

One miracle after another.

No one feels that they are at a disadvantage, no one feels that they are exploited, and no one feels lazy.

The steaming supper has cooled down.

The chef in the kitchen sighed and pushed the cart away, he was going to reheat the supper.

"How late you work overtime today, our kitchen will stay with you. As long as you are hungry, our kitchen will definitely let you eat hot food."

The master said firmly.

"That's not necessary. Your kitchen will be cooking for the Grand Theater tomorrow. You've worked hard. Go back and rest early."

"Haha." The master chef patted his chest hard, "We are a strong man, not to mention staying up all night, even if we don't sleep for three days and three nights, we can stand upright and cook good food."

Erhu accompaniment sounded.

Then there are three rows of porcelain and copper chime bells.

A person is wearing a braces, with a wooden support on his stomach, holding a thin awl in both hands, and the chime bells are struck, making beautiful music sounds.

Then the flute sounded.


Synthesized the magnificent and fast-paced prelude.

"We workers have power."

A middle-aged staff member started with a loud and broad voice.


Behind the staff, there are three rows of staff, and more than half of them are women. It is Zhao Rui's suggestion.

He said he was at school once.

After the morning exercises, I don't know which class sang the song first, and finally the girls' class also sang. This scene he will never forget for a long time.

Zhao Rui is the child of the widow of the Zhao family.

The widow of the Zhao family is a famous actor in the Peking Grand Theater.

Zhao Rui, who inherited his mother's appearance and voice, studied for many years and graduated from school, unexpectedly became one of the temporary managers.

His suggestion was finally adopted.

In the end it was decided that his idea was the best, and after a few tries, it was unmistakable, and all the musicians accepted it.

Of course, it is mainly the musicians who flesh out the programme.


"We workers have power."

The chorus sounds like beating in people's hearts.

This sentence seems to have magical powers. After people hear it, their hearts will be filled with strength.

It's a song that empowers people.

"Busy at work every day!"

The male lead singer sang the short seven words with continuous ups and downs. It sounds unforgettable, but it is particularly eye-catching.


A hey.

Reminds people of construction sites.

The workers holding the big stone plates are working with boiling heat. Anyone who goes to the construction site will feel the power of the construction site.

"It was changed into a high-rise building."

"Building railroad coal mines."

"The transformed world has changed a lot."

Seventh Sister is the lead singer of the female voice, mainly in the chorus.

Tears flowed as she sang.

What other people think she doesn't know.

But she knows.

Although she has suffered a lot and endured many hardships, it is precisely because China Heavy Industry is behind her.

Let her not only survive, but also live like a human being.

She stood confidently on her balcony.

She confidently single-parented and gave birth to her most beloved child.

She confidently believes that tomorrow will be better.

She sang with tears in her eyes.

This is the word written by the little prince.

Is there anyone else in the world who understands what the people need like the little prince?

In Seventh Sister's heart.

The little prince is already a symbol.

It is impossible to happen on the road of this Western industrial revolution.

Because of the workers in the West.

They have to bear the greatest pain in the world, and finally started one battle after another with the rulers of the West.

And the Chinese model.

It is a theory born on the basis of the continuous struggle of Western workers.

Ming dynasty.

There are no challengers.

Peiping in Ming Dynasty was a monopoly.

And Peking.

There are abundant resources.

Unlike New China, which is sandwiched between two giants, it seeks to survive and develop from the gap.

The master chef in the kitchen had just left the gate with the cart, and gradually stopped when he heard the voice behind him.

He had never heard this new tune before.

But he seemed to hear the most beautiful music in the world.

He reluctantly stayed where he was.


The male singer looked behind excitedly, raised his eyebrows and said loudly: "Start the machine."

Seventh Sister led the crowd and said happily: "Boom, boom."

"Raised the hammer."

"Jingle bells."

at this time.

"Ding ding ding dong."

In the steam engine factory.

The old man Wansan led his apprentices, tapping on the thin tubes, which will be installed in the steam engine, a new attempt.

Although Jinzhou Shipping Administration has conquered the transmission device required by the huge machine, it is also highly effective for steam engines.

To install steam engines on ships, many problems need to be overcome.

It's not a qualitative difference.

Just needs improvement from the exterior to the interior.

Wansan is trying to research here.

The cost of labor is high, but if the experiment is qualified, it will be put into factory production.

"Ding ding ding dong."

Wansan liked hearing these voices very much.

After listening to it all his life, he can't live without it.

Even thought about it.

When he died, let the apprentices be on his grave, and each apprentice had to knock hard, otherwise he would have to get up and teach him a lesson.

Technology Division.

The master master who rushed back from the countryside led his apprentices to "jingling".

One of the graduates was taught by the master's apprentice.

"What did you learn in school, look at what you knocked, what kind of potholes look like."

The graduates are very wronged.

He didn't learn this in school.

The master ignored it.

At this age, if you don't beat or scold, how can you become a weapon, how can you take on great responsibilities and withstand any hardships in the future.

The old master is also beating.

As a seven-legged columbine, he has collected many problems and knows which aspects need to be improved.

He is not tired at his age.

Why are my apprentices tired.

The master master had to work overtime, and his apprentices followed suit.

Peking Grand Theater.

The male singer sang: "Created the plow and the hoe."

Seventh Sister: "Good production."

"Created guns."

"Send it to the front."

Rehearsal after rehearsal.

They sang more and more proficiently, and the details were optimized and optimized.

Musicians are constantly improving.

In the military factory.

The managers of the military-industrial joint office are stationed in the military factory.

Although the workers in the factory are off work, the lights are still bright, and the technicians are drawing drawings.

They discuss a new assembly line.

"Bows and arrows can't pierce the armor of our soldiers, but the lead bullets fired by our soldiers can't be stopped by the opponent."

"The little prince's grenades are equipped for cavalry and infantry. When you get close, you will fire the gun first, and then throw a few goddamn grenades. I want to see which enemy can stop it."

A manager of the military-industrial joint office laughed.

He is the general of the guard and concurrently serves as the steward of the military-industrial joint office. This method is conducive to the general's understanding of new weapons, and it is also conducive to the military factory's understanding of the needs of the guard.

"The iron casing of the grenade is powerful, but if there is a more powerful gunpowder, the effect will be stronger."

Staff discuss options.

"Hey hey hey, hey."

The oral song raving on the construction site is too powerful.

Seventh Sister led the choir.

displayed on stage.

"Our faces are glowing red."

"Our sweat is dripping down."


The moon outside climbed over the treetops, and under the dark blue sky, the lights in the city of Peiping were brightly lit.

It's getting busier every year.

Merchants supplemented the economic links and helped to ensure the circulation of materials.

The vendors in the streets and alleys were smiling from ear to ear, and they said everything nicely, and the buyers were very satisfied.

Until the middle of the night, most of the markets in Beiping City were turned off.

Only the Peking Trade Center.

It's still brightly lit.

The trade center is the distribution center of Beiping's bulk trade.

The types of goods here have already surpassed those in the Jianghuai area.

The Jianghuai region has been the world's most abundant commodity center since the Song Dynasty.

In the restaurant.

Countless businessmen entertained and talked about new business and cooperation.

Several North Korean mission staff.

Entrusting North Korea's bottomless actions, the tributes to Beijing are several times a year, and they all pass through Beiping. Others come here, and it is difficult to rush back.

Although Zhu Yuanzhang repeatedly ordered North Korea to limit the number of tributes, North Korea did not take it to heart.

However, the North Korean mission is different from the Japanese mission.

The North Korean mission was very obedient and respected the rules of Ming Dynasty.

As for Japan.

There are many Japanese missions here, and all of them say they are orthodox.

Later, two Japanese missions killed each other in Daming, causing Ming to ban the Japanese missions.

Several members of the North Korean mission warmly received Zhang Bo.

They are itchy.

I want to invest in Zhang Bo and make money together.

The North Koreans in Peiping are not surprised, people have long been used to it.

There are many Korean women sent by North Korea in Yanwang Mansion.

Zhang Bo did not refuse anyone who came, and negotiated many matters with several members of the North Korean mission. The table was full of delicacies from mountains and seas, and he basically didn't move his chopsticks.

Zhang Bo stopped eating after a few mouthfuls, and the North Koreans were too embarrassed to put down their chopsticks.

Celestial people are really extravagant.

In the end, these North Koreans exchanged 10,000+ taels of food stamps at the food stamp bank.

North Korea is poor.

But Yangban in North Korea is very rich.

The Yangban in North Korea is solidified. From civil to military, it is basically hereditary. In order to ensure the stability of the class of the Yangban, the offspring will eventually follow the identity of the mother.

The identity of the mother is the identity of the offspring.

This ensures that the two classes of people can recruit concubines at will, and it will not allow the two classes to expand new blood.

In Daming, anyone who can read can change their environment.

(End of this chapter)

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