Chapter 346 New Era

Kaiping Development Infrastructure Group Corporation.

In the new six-story building, all the windows are made of glass.

Glass is not expensive to make.

It can be regarded as a profiteering business, but China Heavy Industry focuses on the development of people's livelihood, and it has been designated as people's livelihood materials, so the price is very low.

Even so, the new building of Kaiping Development Infrastructure Group Corporation seems "luxury".

in an office.

The staff are sorting out the application forms.

Kaiping has set up construction companies and development companies one after another. They invite workers from the survey department of China Heavy Industry Engineering Department to conduct surveys in Kaiping, using a cooperative model.

Then submit an application to the Kaiping Development Infrastructure Group Corporation to purchase the land use right and carry out the mining project.

In this process, they will invite construction teams from the engineering department.

A sum of money has been invested in the China Heavy Industry system, and the Kaiping Development Infrastructure Group Corporation, which is responsible for the development of Kaiping, has naturally become the biggest beneficiary.

Next is the engineering department.

Due to the rapid development of Kaiping, the engineering department had to set up a branch in Kaiping to meet the needs of a large number of commercial firms.

In the process of mining, some businessmen dug out rich reserves of minerals on the land they bought with the right to use.

Some businessmen also failed.

But there are many successful examples in general.

As a result, more and more commercial firms joined in and established one company after another in Kaiping, following the procedures and systems formulated by the Kaiping Development Infrastructure Group Corporation.

In the situation where Beiping is developing industrialization at a high speed, jointly developing Shaanxi and Shanxi, independently developing Jinzhou, and radiating Shandong and Henan.

The demand for resources such as coal and iron has increased geometrically.

And Peiping's growing agriculture has consolidated its foundation.

Not only merchants, but also craftsmen with skills, many people also flocked to Kaiping.

They make all kinds of furniture, baskets and other light implements.

There are also clothing stores, silk stores, restaurants, food stores, tea stands, accommodation stores, car dealers, livestock dealers...

The rise of a core industry will inevitably drive many upstream and downstream industrial chains, and generate countless industry demands.

The engineering department is already building the house.

Different from the demand in the mainland, the houses here are simpler to build, and they are mainly strong and spacious, which can accommodate more people.

after all.

Workers brought in from the south by countless business houses were not only provided with free meals, but also provided with lodging.

From Shandong, Henan, and even Jiangxi, more and more workers were brought to the area north of Kaiping by business firms.

Those areas with many mountains and little land have sufficient manpower, and businessmen only need to use a good settling fee to attract enough workers.

Even more.

Even people from Fujian, the southernmost city, came to Kaiping.

It's like a showcase for the whole country.

After the summer harvest.

Food prices in Peiping fell again.

There is no shortage of food in the south, but after Beiping solved the food shortage, driven by chemical fertilizers and advanced farm tools, Beiping's food production has steadily increased.

These grains cannot be sold to the south, a small part will be sold to Shanxi, and very little will be sold to Shaanxi.

It will definitely not be sold to North Korea and Japan, nor will it flow into other regions, so the price will naturally drop.

Fortunately, the increase in yield per mu did not reduce farmers' income, but increased slightly.

Compared with the increase in workers' income, the increase in farmers' income is not enough.

However, the land reclamation in many places in Beiping has allowed farmers to have more fields, advanced farm tools, and farmers to cultivate more land.

In the current stable situation, the income of farmers has not been pulled down too far by workers, which is generally the case.

After the first battalion tour of the Kaiping New Army, Zhu Gaochi also visited the rest of the guards.

Finally, he began to visit Kaiping Development Infrastructure Group Corporation.

In this process, they will also visit the field conditions in various places to deepen their understanding of the development of local economy and people's livelihood.

It can be said that the Kaiping model was launched by him, and under the leadership of those smart people, it has fully played its role.

Kaiping Development Infrastructure Group Corporation and the local food stamp bank, the heads of each company, and the owners of various commercial firms.

They all came to meet Zhu Gaochi.

The first is the food stamp bank, and the person in charge introduced the issuance and use of the second edition of food stamps.

"The second edition of food stamps has a smaller ticket value."

"One mile corresponds to one article."

"One point corresponds to ten words."

"One corner corresponds to a hundred words."

"One yuan corresponds to a thousand wen, that is, a consistent, or one tael of silver."

"There are 20 yuan and 50 yuan tickets."

"The maximum ticket amount is still set at one hundred yuan, which is 100 taels of silver, and ten hundred-yuan food stamps are 1000 taels."

"One hundred is 1 taels, and one thousand is 10 taels. It is enough for large-scale trade, so no higher value food stamps have been issued."

Zhu Gaochi touched the new food stamp.

Compared with the old version of food stamps, the special paper used for the new version of food stamps will not melt even if it is touched by water.

Machine production, high pressure and various techniques of engraving, combined, the new version of food stamps has a very unique feel.

Under the sunlight, a delicate swallow pattern will emerge.

It can be said that no force can imitate the technology of these most advanced machines and top-secret materials, eliminating potential dangers.

"At the same time." The person in charge of the food stamp bank continued confidently: "It also indicates that the people are fully accepting food stamps, and there is a demand for smaller denominations."

Zhu Gaochi nodded.

Reminds me of the mine I saw locally.

The worker management system of these mines is the China Heavy Industry model, which belongs to both the management of the commercial bank and the leadership of China Heavy Industry.

But it's still different overall.

So Zhu Gaochi asked with concern: "Are these mines issuing food stamps or copper coins?"

"All food stamps are used in the Kaiping area."

"These newcomers are not yet familiar with Beiping. Do you know if they will have any worries when they receive food stamps?"

Zhu Gaochi asked with concern.

"The characters on food stamps make people feel more at ease when using them, and after a long period of publicity, new workers are influenced by old workers and do not resist using food stamps to pay their wages."

The president of the Food Stamps Bank answered very carefully, and finally said with a smile.

"Grain stamps can be purchased in any supply and marketing cooperative, except for bulk trade, which needs to be notified and explained in advance."

Zhu Gaochi had no doubts.


Materials are still controlled, only internally and not externally.

These surplus food will only be used to increase the population of Ming Dynasty, not to increase the population of foreign countries.

Even if it ends up being wasted.

However, Zhu Gaochi thought of the previous Japanese who came to Peiping.

These Japanese were recognized by Jinzhou and came to Peiping for help.

For example, in a typhoon, the staff of the Jinzhou Fishery Administration were rescued.

On the endless sea.

The fleet of these Japanese even took the initiative to escort the ships of Jinzhou, and dared to attack the ships of Jinzhou without taking advantage of the opportunity of no one.

All kinds of behaviors made Jinzhou incredible.

These Japanese are too loyal.

Unbelievable loyalty.

You must know that Jinzhou has used a large number of eunuchs. If this kind of behavior is placed in China, even if it is a traitor, they will feel a little uncomfortable.

But these Japanese didn't care at all, and even took the initiative to solve the hidden dangers that Jinzhou didn't care about.

They want to obtain food from Golden State to train their own team and strengthen their own strength.


Not only is there a shortage of grasslands, but North Korea and Japan are also in short supply.

Where there is food, there are people and horses.

After full consideration, Jinzhou thought it could be agreed, but the Military-Industrial Joint Office decided to meet these Japanese in person.

It can also be regarded as a test.

Do they dare to come to Peiping and hand over their wealth and lives to Peiping?

Finally they all came.

Naturally, Zhu Gaochi didn't need to see them.

The Military-Industrial Joint Office agreed to their request and released some of the restrictions imposed on them by the Golden State, and those controlled materials can be sold to them.

Zhu Gaochi also met Zhang Bo.

The most famous businessman in Peking.

Zhang Bo was very active, and tried to use a calm tone, but the tension in his eyes still exposed his true situation.

Zhu Gaochi patted Zhang Bo's shoulder.

"You are a smart person, a talent who came out of China Heavy Industry. Now that you have entered the society and you have your own platform and career, I don't have too many demands on you, only social responsibility. I hope you will keep it in mind. "

"The teachings of the little prince will never be forgotten by the subordinates."

Zhang Bo said excitedly.

Zhu Gaochi did not tell lies, nor did he use businessmen.

This is a supplement to China Heavy Industry's economic model.

Because even Peking is too big.

Beiping is not just the Beijing of later generations.

Kaiping and Daning, plus Beiping, are as big as three provinces, or even three countries in the West.

If you count Daming.

Merchants must be needed to join in, and through them to supplement the exchange of social resources, so that those who have not been taken into account, or who are unable to do so, can join the industrialization process.

It can be said that the Chinese model is inseparable from businessmen.

Without the participation of businessmen, the Chinese model is tantamount to walking on one leg, and it will inevitably fail and fall to the ground.

Only when the strength of the whole society joins in, can we advance quickly on the runway like a strong person.

What Zhu Gaochi needs to be vigilant about is the allocation of social resources.

Only divide the cake firmly.

Then there will be no problems in society, and it will definitely prosper in an all-round way.

That's why Zhu Gaochi wanted to establish Kaiping Development Infrastructure Group Corporation in Kaiping to put a halter on the heads of businessmen.

Lock up the negative side of capital and bring out the positive side.

Those manpower companies that should have played a positive role, but many of them have been twisted into various blood-sucking methods, etc., will not appear on the land of Ming Dynasty.

Agricultural society after land annexation.

Farmers are not productive surplus owners of the land.

In an industrial society where capital is not restricted.

The workers are not the owners of the surplus of industrial production.

Landlords and capitalists are the surplus owners.

Once this problem is solved, many problems will disappear. What Zhu Gaochi has to do is to allocate social resources.

Peasants and landowners, workers and merchants, are owners of a productive surplus.

This is the new era.

(End of this chapter)

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