Chapter 371
"fen, inch, chi, zhang, yin... length unit system"

"Yi, Ren, Xun, Chang, Suo, Mo... apply the unit system."

"Width, end, horse, two, plate, block, pheasant... special length measurement units."

"Centimeters, centimeters, silks, seconds, suddens, microns, fibres... the application of small units."

"Ten inches, but the human hand is very arteries. The mouth is an inch, and ten inches is a ruler. A ruler is a ruler, so there are rules for referring to a ruler, and there is a weekly system. The measurement of an ordinary blade is based on the human body."

"There is a saying that the cloth hand knows the ruler. The length between the thumb and index finger of a person of medium height is about one oak, which is about one foot long."

"Inch and chi are units that appeared at the same time. Seconds, suddens, and units appeared in the Tang and Song dynasties, while micro and slender are smaller units that appeared in my Ming Dynasty."


This paper on the unit of measurement container was published in the technical newspaper at length, ending the debate for many days.

Reasonable and well-founded, combining all the sources since history, people have nothing to refute, it can be seen that this person has put in a lot of effort.

Now that the technicians have unified their minds, soon the new unified measurement tool is put into production.

Commonly used rulers, rulers, round tool rulers, triangular tool rulers, tape measures, folding rulers, measuring rulers, tailoring rulers, building rulers...

According to the new paper, factories specializing in the production of units of measurement have adopted a unified standard, and the measurement tools produced have replaced all previous measurement tools.

Zhu Gaochi is also reading this technical report.

"The content in technical newspapers is boring, and my concubine can't read it, and I don't know who would like to read it."

Guo Cailian put on light makeup, stood behind Zhu Gaochi and covered her mouth and smiled.

"Technical specialization, technical newspaper is not an ordinary newspaper, and it is normal for ordinary people not to like to read it, but in my eyes, technical newspaper is more important than ordinary newspapers."

Zhu Gaochi took a sip of millet porridge with a spoon, and hearing Guo Cailian's laughter behind him, the young couple talked about their daily life.

The ruler is engraved ten inches, which fits exactly one foot.

Ten cents are engraved per inch, and each minute is approximately equal to 0.33 centimeters. It is a precise unit smaller than centimeters, and centimeters were not invented in the West until the end of the [-]th century and the beginning of the [-]th century.

In the Ming Dynasty, micro and finer precision units were invented.

One foot and ten inches, one inch and ten centimeters, one minute and ten centimeters, one centimeter and ten millimeters, one centimeter and ten seconds, one second and ten flickers.

It is based on the silk spinning fineness of spring silkworm.

And one sudden is equal to ten microns, and one micron is equal to ten fibers.

These are actually measurable units, which shows the prosperity of ancient scientific civilization.

But in the Qing Dynasty, they used writing to invent to prove that they surpassed the Ming Dynasty.

For example, below the slender, 13 units such as sand, dust, dust, inferiority, accumulation, fuzzy, scrutiny, shou, instant, Shanzhi, instant, six virtues, emptiness, and purity are added, all of which are also four out of ten.

The subtlety of these names has long been beyond the actual measurable level, and they are only occasionally seen in arithmetic books, which shows the social style of the Qing Dynasty.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, they used words to surpass the Ming Dynasty.

And if China didn't still have a Ming Dynasty, which was directly Yuan and Qing, then China, like the West, would fall into a dark period that lasted for thousands of years.

Then the modern West will face an indigenous country that is exactly the same as the Inca Empire, and there will be no such thing as semi-colonies.

Either it was completely colonized by Britain like India, or it was exterminated by the West like the Inca Empire and the population was completely replaced.

Because before the thirteenth century, the science and civilization of Central Asia and West Asia surpassed that of the West, and it was comparable to Chinese civilization in its most prosperous period.

Instead, the West needs West Asia and Central Asia to spread civilization and learn a lot of knowledge.

With the Mongolian invasion in the [-]th century, the entire Asian civilization retreated in all directions. Only the revival of the Ming Dynasty in the [-]th century allowed Chinese civilization to recover.

At this time, the West began to surpass West Asia and Central Asia, and when the Ming Dynasty was replaced by the Qing Dynasty, the West began to surpass Chinese civilization in all aspects.

This is the inevitability of ignorance conquering civilization.

For example, the disappearance of Western Greek civilization has fallen into a period of retrogression for thousands of years.

It's just that the West has begun to revive after a thousand years, while Asia has begun to be conquered by ignorance and entered a period of regression.

This is the fundamental reason for the rise of the modern West.

Only by understanding the theory of industrial revolution, economic development theory, changes in world history, the rise and fall of several major civilizations in the world, historical changes in the East, and the root causes of the decline of Eastern civilization, etc., can you clearly see the context of the planet under your feet for thousands of years.

Zhu Gaochi finished his millet porridge, put down the newspaper in his hand, and was about to set off for Daxing County.

I was working at Shizi Mansion yesterday, and I went to the headquarters to work today.

Although he is a little prince, he actually goes to work, and he also needs to travel between two places. He has no free time every day, which belongs to the kind that is open all year round.

"Your Highness." Guo Cailian called out distressedly.

Zhu Gaochi patted Guo Cailian's hand, then turned and left.

Looking at Zhu Gaochi's back, Guo Cailian was absent-minded for a long time.

In Guo Cailian's heart, her husband is like a god, he understands all the truths.

And the husband who was concentrating on official duties made her even more fascinated. The whole new house was filled with worship, and there was no room for it.

Zhu Gaochi went out, got into the carriage and went to Beiping Railway Station.

At the end of the new year, the number of people in Beiping City increased instead of decreasing, and people came and went on the streets, forming a "torrent".

People carried baskets and even pushed wheelbarrows.

In the basket, the wheelbarrow is full of necessities for the New Year.

"Write Spring Festival couplets."

At the writing booth, a middle-aged man just yelled a few times, and a business came to his door.

"If the handwriting is not good-looking, I won't give you money."

"I wrote them all."

The middle-aged man pointed to the written Spring Festival couplets hanging on the stall. The customer looked carefully before nodding in satisfaction.

Zhu Gaochi's carriage passed by.

There were two carriages, Zhu Gaochi and Zhang Quan accompanied Zhang Quan in one, with a coachman, and the carriage behind had three guards and a coachman.

Beiping City was built according to the scale of Yingtian Mansion, of course it can only be said to be a reference.

However, the straight road in Beiping City is very wide.

People walk on both sides of the straight road, and the road in the middle is reserved for mule carts, donkey carts, and horse-drawn carts.

It's not that the narrow streets of the film and television city were used as the main roads of ancient cities because of the influence of inferior film and television dramas.

In the early days, people couldn't even accept that Daming had bird guns, all thanks to the gift of film and television dramas.

The main road of Yingtianfu can be compared to the two-way six-lane road of later generations.

A notice board was erected at the entrance of the street with traffic laws written on it.

"Enter from the left, exit from the right"

"Easy and avoid heavy."

"No horse racing."

"Seriously violating traffic laws and causing casualties will be punished by three years of criminal law and a high fine."


The traffic law has been perfected since Tang and Song Dynasties.

Driving on the right has already begun in ancient times, and because of traffic disputes, there were records of trial cases in the Song Dynasty.

Including "urban management".

Zhu Gaochi's carriage passed by several policemen, who were patrolling the street to prevent some vendors from placing their stalls in the middle of the road.

In fact, the industrial revolution could have started in the Song Dynasty, instead of waiting until the Ming Dynasty.

Those who say that the Industrial Revolution could not have happened in China are just echoing others, who do not understand the great achievements of ancient China, and are limited by their own level of knowledge.

However, the Song Dynasty had an unavoidable problem, that is, the failure of the external military strategy, which was the main reason why the Song Dynasty could not enter industrialization.

The premise of developing industry requires a stable internal environment, and the technological level of the Song Dynasty has far exceeded the threshold of entering the industrial revolution, but because of the failure of the external military, the Song Dynasty lost this opportunity.

Then after entering the Yuan Dynasty, it is even more impossible to have an industrial revolution.

Throughout the history of the world, there has never been a civilization that has been conquered by ignorance and maintained its development. There has never been a single case of maintaining the current level. Regression is inevitable.

All the gates of Beiping City were opened.

Because too many people and vehicles entered and exited the city gate, even so, there was a certain congestion, and the gatekeepers were sweating profusely to clear the traffic.

"The little prince has the foresight." Zhang Quan flattered him.

Although Zhu Gaochi's carriage did not hang a flag, the doormen naturally knew who was sitting in the carriage.

They even helped the people push the carts so that Zhu Gaochi could get out of the city as soon as possible.

"That's for sure. I don't have a long-term vision at all. How to develop industry." Zhu Gaochi smiled casually.

Zhang Quan is the "old man" around him, the most trustworthy person.

If it wasn't because of Zhang Quan's talent, Zhu Gaochi might have released it to great use, but Zhang Quan himself didn't have any ambitions, and he was content to stay by the little prince's side.

"Fortunately, several new urban areas were not expanded in Beiping City, otherwise the city walls would have to be demolished." Zhang Quan sighed.

After all these years, he is still amazed by the changes in Peking.

"People seem to have money all of a sudden, and when they have money, they don't save it, but spend it vigorously."

"It's only when they save their money that they're finished. There are so many commodities on the market just to stimulate people's consumption."

Taking advantage of the waiting time, Zhu Gaochi chatted with Zhang Quan to kill the boredom.

The reason for stabilizing the working environment of workers and raising wages for workers is to make workers dare to spend money.

Coupled with the culture of comparison and pride in China since ancient times, under the greatest effect of face, it will indeed stimulate people to consume.

What your family has, my family must also have, otherwise it will appear that I am worse than you.

The premise is that people have money and a stable environment.

The same is true for future generations.

Buying a car for the sake of buying a car, even if the car is bought back, it will be less than [-] kilometers a year, and it will be left in the parking space to eat ashes.

Don't fight for steamed buns, it's a small thing to starve to death, but it's a big deal to lose face, and the pursuit of living like a human being.

"The capital of merchants and the funds of ordinary people need to be recycled, so that the market economy can be revitalized."

"In this way, China Heavy Industry's production and distribution model will not encounter congestion, otherwise it will be like this."

Zhu Gaochi pointed to the gate of the city.

It took a full quarter of an hour before Zhu Gaochi's carriage left the city smoothly.

This is why Zhu Gaochi did not build a city wall in the new city.

The population of industrialization is concentrated, and the city of Beiping will have a population of 100 million, or even several million in the future.

In the daily inflow and outflow of massive supplies, the city wall is fixed and cannot keep up with the level of economic development, which will gradually hinder economic development and is not conducive to population flow.

The development of firearms is changing with each passing day. Before heavy artillery, the city walls will lose their military role and will inevitably be eliminated.

(End of this chapter)

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