Too much fruit

Chapter 100

Chapter 100
"Little guy, your comprehension is not bad."

In the dark living room, Elder Tianxuan only wore a single shirt, with long hair like a waterfall, sitting in front of the dressing table, while combing his black hair, he judged Jiang Li, "He is also very good at judging the situation."

Jiang Li has been unknown in the outer sect for three years, and has been acting in a low-key manner until he was raised by Elder Wan. It shows that he is a very cautious and low-key person.

Logically speaking, even if he came under Elder Tianxuan's sect, he should hide a part to avoid being seen through by Elder Tianxuan, but it can be seen that he showed his talent for understanding during this night visit, but he did not maintain a cautious and low-key temperament.

He saw his own situation and Elder Tianxuan's desire to let him improve quickly, and seized the opportunity in front of him to grow, instead of keeping a low profile and shrinking.

This is not low-key, but it is cautious enough, and it is the most life-saving way.

Such behavior shows that he has grown up compared to before, and...

"Trust in me and Qingyue?" Elder Tianxuan stopped combing his long hair.

This kind of trust came a little too quickly, unlike what Jiang Li should have.She thought she would have to teach Jiang Li a few more times before she could let go of her guard, but she didn't expect to be trusted the first time.

It's a bit counterintuitive.

Elder Tianxuan recalled the past, her powerful spiritual cultivation enabled her to remember all the memories clearly, and she could even rewind them like Karma Collection.

Then, she discovered the blind spot.

"The only possibility for Jiang Li to trust him is the conversation I had with Qingyue when he realized the nature of herbs..."

Elder Tianxuan smiled, "It's unexpected, it's exciting."

Surprisingly, Jiang Li was able to perceive the outside world in that situation, and was able to hide it from himself.

What is expected is naturally the confrontation between the two apprentices.

Judging from the current situation, Gongsun Qingyue's defeat is set, but her performance is still expected. If she intervenes a few more times...
It's getting interesting.

Thinking about that scene, my worries about the current situation faded a bit.

Tianshu Hall.

Yun Jiuye stood behind the main hall facing the cliff, leaning on the railing, and rubbed the space between his brows wearily.

Behind him, Ling Wujue asked in a timely manner: "Senior brother, is there any gain?"

"Jiang Li is protected by Jiang's luck, and has a special fate, and now he is a disciple of Elder Tianxuan. It is difficult to count him," Yun Jiuye shook his head and said, "I counted him with eight odd numbers first, but failed , and changed to the Nine Star Dunjia, the fortune is still blurred, and finally I asked you to find the horoscope recorded by the sect, and use the double star gods to predict his life, but it still failed."

Speaking of this, Yun Jiuye showed a hint of confusion, "Not only is his fate special, but his fate is also indescribably weird, extremely complicated, shrouded in thick fog, and it is hard to see clearly."

To sum it up, it's just four words - can't figure it out.

With the help of such a person, Gongsun Qingyue's difficulty has risen by more than one level.

"Fortunately, I took the lead and dealt with the grievances of the Jiang family's separation. Unless Jiang Li doesn't want this influence, he will have to go out to deal with the Jiang family's separation in the near future," Yun Jiuye said again, "Jiang's separation is enough to distract him a lot, and it has delayed him for a long time."

Although the disciples who were born in the Jiang family have attached themselves to Jiang Li, the branch families behind them have not really attached themselves yet.

Although the Jiang family is in decline, the emaciated camel is bigger than the horse. If the branch families can be reunited, it will definitely be a big force, and Jiang Li will never give up.

"Do you want to..." Ling Wujue gestured in front of his neck with a bandit air.

It was an excellent opportunity for Jiang Li to go out.

"Don't mention this matter again!" Yun Jiuye sternly said, "Although our true inheritance is a competition, we can't even think about fighting each other and murdering the same family!"

And are you Elder Tianxuan a vegetarian?Hidden hands on her disciples?
Yun Jiuye didn't say this sentence, but his eyes already expressed the meaning.

"Then just dragging Jiang Li?" Ling Wujue said a little angrily.

"It's enough to delay him." Yun Jiuye was not in a hurry, "Jiang Li's realm is a little weaker now. If he is delayed for a while, his promotion will be one step late. If it is on weekdays, it doesn't matter if it is a step late, but right now... ...the storm is coming."

The six strong men represent the pattern of the world, and the loss of one of them represents a turbulent situation. I don't know how many people took advantage of the situation to rise up.

Now the Great Zhou Emperor is not dead yet, but that turbulent atmosphere has already appeared.Many people are staring at Shendu, waiting for the result, waiting for that opportunity to come.

Although Yun Jiuye didn't intend to overthrow the clouds, he also found a little chance.If you make great contributions in this turmoil, the position of the young master will be stabilized.


Although Ling Wujue was upset, he also knew the seriousness, so he responded immediately, and did not mention embarrassing Jiang Li again.

On the other hand, Jiang Li didn't know that his dear senior brother ordered him not to embarrass him, so he returned to his room, turned forward the causal book, and analyzed it word by word.

Is there anything wrong with my own behavior, is there any mistake in my words, and is there any mystery hidden in Elder Tianxuan's behavior.

The energy of research is comparable to the research of Mr. Lu Xun by the textbook compiler in the previous life.

Unexpectedly, this analysis really made Jiang Li discover something.

"The trust I showed was a bit too much. This may make the old goblin discover something, but it's not a bad thing."

If they were discovered, it would not be Elder Tianxuan who would be ashamed, but Gongsun Qingyue.With this master's temperament, it may be too late to watch the excitement.

Moreover, aware of Jiang Li's trust in them, Elder Tianxuan will also take advantage of the opportunity to give her trust.

In this way, the trust between the two parties was gradually established, and the relationship between the master and the apprentice became more harmonious, which is gratifying.

The inadvertent action had an unexpected harvest, but it made Jiang Li a little unexpected, and it also gave him a new idea.

The harvest tonight was not small, not to mention Ying Longbian's teaching, but the many talismans, which benefited Jiang Li a lot.It can only be said that there is a big gap between having a master and not having a master, especially when the master is still a fourth-rank powerhouse.

Just one night like this made Jiang Li regret why he didn't learn from his teacher sooner.

and so--

Go again tomorrow night!

If the trust between the master and the apprentice has really been established, the more small stoves the better, Jiang Li plans to visit the master's boudoir tomorrow night, and listen to another class, and deepen the relationship between the master and the apprentice by the way.

Then, time passed in a hurry, and quietly, came the next day.

In the early morning of the next day, Jiang Li, who hadn't slept all night, took a Buyuan Pill, and planned to go out to say hello to the master, and make an appointment for tonight's class by the way.

But as soon as he came out, a female disciple came to report that someone from outside the temple was looking for him.

(End of this chapter)

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