Too much fruit

Chapter 130 Qishan Jiang Family

Chapter 130 Qishan Jiang Family
The Jiang family used to have power in the government and the public, and there were many officials, especially those who were separated from the family. They spread all over the states.

However, there are pitfalls in the way of the imperial court. If the royal family wants to manage a certain official, even if the official is extraordinary, he is no different from ordinary people.Therefore, after the main family moved overseas, most of the members of the branch family resigned and left, and now you can still see a group of former officials in the branch family who have no realm but no strength.

As the holders of the earth and dao fruits, they left their own gods and lost their cultivation bases.As for Shenyu, which is the land it governs, new officials were appointed by the imperial court. Unless one day the new officials can be slaughtered and returned to their original posts, otherwise, it is impossible to recover.

But there are also some people who did not choose to resign, but adhered to their loyalty and patriotism, and stuck to their posts. In other words-they betrayed.

These people still serve as court officials, and Jiang Zhaoyi, the current governor of Fufeng County, is one of them.

This is one category.

There are also people who are separated from the family, still thinking about the master's family, running around for the master's family, always thinking of welcoming the master's return.

This is also a category.

This type of people originally accounted for the majority, and those from the Jiang family who joined the Dinghu School all belonged to this type.However, due to the departure of the main family, each branch family suffered a blow, especially this kind of branch family was the worst.After the severe beatings, many branch families have recognized the reality, and some even chose to change their surnames to hide, and they are only a minority at the moment.

The rest can be divided into two categories, one is those who live in a group and just want to continue; the other is those who preserve their strength relatively intact and want to annex the rest of the family.

The penultimate group is Jiang Li's invisible allies. Once they are sure that Jiang Li is really up to it, they will follow.

The last category, in fact, should be said to be a family, Qishan Jiang in Yongzhou, separated by six veins, living in Yongzhou for generations, defending the ancestral land.This lineage can take root in Yongzhou, which is rich in anti-thieves.

The scum that Jiang Yang mentioned was this family. In the past two years, they have been busy annexing the other branches.

"The Qishan branch wants to annex it because it has a fifth rank. I think this is the one that blocked the news." Jiang Yang said angrily.

"Fifth grade?" Jiang Li muttered.

Although there are many strong people in the sect, there are six of the fourth rank alone, but if it is really released to the world, the seventh rank and sixth rank are the mainstream.Even counting the older generation, the old and the old, the seventh-rank and sixth-rank are still the mainstream.

As for the fifth rank, there are countless Dao fruits above the fifth rank. According to the ancient records of the sect, from the fifth rank to the first rank, all the Dao fruits add up to only three thousand.That is to say, even if it is the weakest fifth rank, it can still rank the third thousand among countless creatures in the world.

The Qishan branch has a fifth rank, which can be regarded as the top among the current Jiang family.

"I remember Qishan is in Fufeng County, right?" Jiang Li asked.

"Of course it's in Fufeng County, not far from Jiangshui," Gongsun Qingyue said, "When the Jiang family came out of their ancestral land, it was in Qishan that they formed an alliance with the Ji family."

"That's right." Jiang Li laughed.

The carriage continued along the official road, and after running for about twenty miles, there were many mountains and ravines. Between the mountains, a small but prosperous county stood.

Even in the midst of drought, Qishan County is still prosperous.The long river named "Seven Stars" passes through the county town, and it has become the source of life for the surrounding villages and towns.

Jiang Li quietly got down from the carriage. The red cassock should have been the most eye-catching color, but at this moment no one was paying attention. He passed through the crowd like a ghost, heading for the residence of the Jiang family in Qishan.

There is no need to ask others, just follow the hot wind and find the shady place in the city, that is where Qishan Jiang's family is.

Jiang Li didn't take any detours, and came to the gate of Jiang's residence.

The scorching air of summer quietly weakened as it approached this mansion, and the cool feeling seemed to be before summer.

Drought is a major difficulty for ordinary people, but it is not a trivial matter for aristocratic families.There are practitioners here, with various Dao fruit abilities, so there is no need to worry too much whether it is the temperature of the mansion or the harvest of the fields.

At the gate of Jiang's mansion, six servants with big arms and thick waists guarded the gate. Judging from their strong energy, they are all considered martial arts masters. The spirit energy of the leader has surpassed the limit of ordinary people, and he is a nine-rank practitioner By.

I just don't know what kind of Dao fruit this practitioner accommodates.

Jiang Li glanced at the leader of the servants, and flitted past the gate like a phantom.

His figure turned and changed several times, inserted into the weak point of vision of the six people, and passed by them obviously, but to these six people, it was like a ray of breeze blowing by, and even brought them the slightest breath. cool.

Entering through the gate, servants can be seen patrolling everywhere in the mansion, their steps are neat, obviously well-trained, one can tell that they have made preparations to guard against foreign enemies.

However, this can only be wary of idle practitioners.

Jiang Li walked through the mansion silently, like an invisible ghost, without disturbing anyone, a mysterious pattern appeared in his eyes, he could see the aura, and looked for the strongest aura in the mansion.

After several turns and turns, Jiang Li came to the side of the main house in the back house, his eyes fell on the roof, his eyes reflected a red aura, and there was a faint anger.

Fire and wood are the main streams of the Jiang family, especially in the separated families, who basically practice the two kinds of exercises.On the contrary, it is the main family, because of the plasticity of the innate qi, it presents the shape of a hundred flowers blooming, and there are exercises of various attributes.

It's just that the anger in front of him is a little too weak.

'Not the fifth grade? '

Jiang Li frowned slightly.

This is already the strongest aura he found, but this aura is only up to the seventh rank, not even the sixth rank, let alone the fifth rank.

Jiang Li's original plan was to find the fifth grade, directly activate the killing move left by Elder Tianxuan, and give him a shot of justice from the sky, completely clearing this stumbling block.Although this is suspected of killing chickens with a sledgehammer and wasting a hole card, it is the simplest and most direct way to break the game.

Apart from your reliance, it depends on what else you can do.

Since he wanted to make a move, he had to wipe out the threat with the momentum of sweeping the hole, instead of dawdling until the end before being forced to hand in the ultimate move.

As a result, the fifth member of Qishan Jiang's family was not at home.

'It's bad luck for you. '

Jiang Li's gaze became cold, and as he stepped out, his whole body seemed to be floating, darting towards the main house.

Since the fifth rank is not there, and there is no sixth rank, then there is no need to worry too much, and kill all the seventh ranks you see.

You can't get rid of your dependence, it's okay to get rid of your pillars.

 The third is completed.

(End of this chapter)

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