Too much fruit

Chapter 154 Taiyin House, Shuicheng Guicalyx

Chapter 154 Taiyin House, Shuicheng Guicalyx

After all, it is rising too fast, and its reputation is not loud enough.

And as far as Jiang Li's achievements are concerned, how many people would believe him?

Even though Ming Yang had previously admitted that Jiang Li might be able to kill the seventh-rank and sixth-rank, he still didn't quite believe it.How many people can stand shoulder to shoulder with Zhong Shenxiu?
And even for Zhong Shenxiu, it must be quite difficult to face this situation.

But soon, he will believe it.

Jiang Li suddenly approached like a frightened bird, three flowers gathered on the top to protect his body, and they disappeared when touched, his five fingers stretched out, thunder and lightning surged, and the black electric light filled the air.

"Changfeng tens of thousands of miles."

Sensing the danger of the thunder, Ming Yang immediately shouted, bursting with righteous energy, surging out from the acupoints around his body, bringing up a mighty wind, meeting the thunder, smashing nearly ten thunders, but the thunder was endless, seemingly endless, crazily excited, like a thunderstorm.

At the same time, Jiang Li stepped on the ground, and the innate qi fell into the ground, and a crack spread straight to Ming Yang's body.

Although he has never practiced related techniques or martial arts, his innate qi is like an arm, even if he only uses it to drive rocks and divide soil, it is enough to show impressive power.

The cracks in the ground cracked under Ming Yang's body, and a stream of vigorous ground energy broke through the ground and rushed straight to his lower body.

Ming Yang was shocked immediately, and retreated like flying.


The earth qi rises and collides with the thunder method driven by wood qi. The two merge and add more power. Jiang Li advances again, and six strands of yuan qi are sent out.

Ming Yang's retreat caused the wind to dissipate, and it was difficult to stop the confrontation of Yuan Qi.

Jiang Li, on the other hand, had a strange light in his eyes, using the Tianzi Wangqi technique to detect the changes in Yuan Qi, and then constantly adjusted it, so that the divine sense and true energy were completely integrated, even if the volume of Yuan Qi continued to skyrocket, he could still control it.

'This is Qi Wu and Yi...'

It feels like people and Qi are completely integrated into one body, regardless of you and me, even if the body size skyrockets, it still doesn't get out of control.

Jiang Lixin swung his hand forward, and the Qi surged like mountains and seas. The sky and the ground were full of Qi machines, Yuan Qi filled every space, permeated the air, refined the righteous Qi, and saw that the wind was disintegrated bit by bit, and even under the pressure of the Qi machines, Ming Yang felt it was difficult to breathe.

'Not good, even the air was replaced by his true energy. '

Such a powerful zhenqi made him feel that he was not as good as the sixth rank, and it was indeed terrifying.

At this moment, Ming Yang had to admit that the opponent did have the ability to leapfrog to kill the sixth rank.If he was careless, he would die in Jiang Li's hands.

Ming Yang immediately held his breath to prevent the other party's true energy from entering his body through his breath, and then the brilliance flowed on his body, and a phantom could be vaguely seen to merge with him.

"Poverty cannot be moved."

"Mighty can't be subdued."

The Seventh Grade Dao Fruit·Gentleman's ability is used, [Poverty and humbleness can't move] keep the body solid, not affected by qi depression, and resist the suppression of qi mechanism, [mighty and unyielding] can greatly increase the explosive power of true qi, and the strong wind will rise again.

"Gentlemen are harmonious but different."

The essence of Confucianism is re-exported, the gentleman's style rises mightily, the gangster wind sweeps across, and confronts Yuan Qi, the strong wind is like a sword, dancing wildly around.

The gentleman is harmonious but different, which means that the gentleman gets along harmoniously with his surroundings but does not go along with them at will, and does not get along with villains. Now Ming Yang's righteousness is a gentleman, and Jiang Li's Yuan Qi is a villain, and the two are different.

It is difficult to refine the righteous energy with one qi, but under the pressure of that huge body, the wind is still difficult to fight.

Jiang Li took another step forward and pushed out with Pingping's palm. Yuan Qi was like a mountain like a wall, and the gentleman's wind collided with it, like a stormy wave hitting the shore. Although he was violent, he could only smash himself to pieces.

The energy mechanism is entangled, and the strength is transmitted through the air, which makes De Mingyang's energy and blood churn, and his internal organs are on fire.

He is not a martial artist, and he does not have a strong physique. Facing this kind of violent crushing, if he hadn't been guarded by [Poverty and lowliness can't move], he would have vomited blood and was seriously injured at this moment.

"Jiang Zhihuan."

Seeing that Ming Yang was falling into decline, Ji Chengye immediately stopped drinking. Jiang Zhihuan, governor of Fufeng County, heard the words, his figure retreated and sank into the ground, and then suddenly appeared in the place where the strong wind was raging.


The phantom of the mountain hit Jiang Li's body, and the rocks fell to the ground with such force that one of the three flowers on Jiang Li's top was moved by it, and then... it disappeared.

Jiang Li didn't turn his head back, his eyes flickered, and a snake flew into the long sword at his waist.

"The Seven Techniques of Yin Talisman: The Snake of Real Meaning."

The long sword turned into a snake, and suddenly bit the rear, the soaring three yuan also doubled the power of the "Shenyi Dharma Snake". The black snake slammed into Jiang Zhihuan's palm, knocking him back several feet away, smashing down the last remnant wall.

After repelling Jiang Zhihuan, Jiang Li's qi became stronger, and the Eight Qi Conflict seemed to reach the limit of his current control.

His appearance of Shennong is also displayed to the extreme, with long hair flying all over his body, like a god or a demon, he draws out a strand of Yuan Qi with a wave of his palm, and escapes one of them, and in a short time, Yuan Qi evolves into various miraculous phenomena.

If the Heavenly Lord is angry and thunder strikes violently, Yuan Qi will turn into a rain cloud, enveloping the lightning glow like a dragon and snake, breaking the wind.

Like a volcanic eruption, unparalleled flames blasted, and the steam was steaming, and Ming Yang's body suddenly appeared dry.

There are also storms...
As soon as the third strange phenomenon appeared, Ming Yang knew that he was about to reach his limit. He suddenly shook the scroll in his hand and tore out a page, "Three of us must have my teacher."

"Tian Xingjian, the gentleman is self-improvement."

The first sentence refers to the ability of a sixth-grade Daoguo teacher, while the latter sentence refers to the records torn from the pages of the book.

A wisp of smoke rises from the pages of the book, suddenly manifesting a phantom several feet high.

I saw the white Confucian uniform beside him, and the parallel fingers were scribbled, and the word "dry" was formed in a blink of an eye.

The immensity and infinity of the air spread on the characters, and there were ripples in the space, thunder clouds, flames, storms and other strange phenomena instantly disintegrated, and an invisible wave centered on Ming Yang and expanded outwards.

No mistake, this is definitely the method of saving his life bestowed upon him by Master Ming Yang.

Can't hide, even if Jiang Li comes and goes like the wind, he can't avoid this move.

At that time, a little light manifested from the center of the eyebrows, rose above the head, and turned into the sun.

"Taiyin House, Shui Cheng Gui Calyx."

The guard move bestowed by Elder Tianxuan is used, and the bright moon hangs high, shining forever.

The lunar moon is like a bright mirror, reflecting the phantom of the other party, and then seeing the yin qi lingering, the same invisible wave spreads out from far and wide with Jiang Li as the center.


Frost condenses wherever the wave passes, covering every inch of space with frost, while the wave on the other side makes ripples.

Same method, different essence.

Standing under the bright moon, Jiang Li felt that his heart was like the full moon, reflecting that phantom and the word "dry".

 Slowly, finally the second update.

(End of this chapter)

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