Too much fruit

Chapter 174

Chapter 174
Before, Jiang Li had pasted a talisman on Feng Manlou, and asked him to go head-to-head with Fang Yesheng's yellow talisman, just to see what kind of strength this good brother would show.

The result did not disappoint Jiang Li, Feng Manlou knocked back the yellow talisman with both fists, showing his strong martial arts attainments.

In this case, is it possible to drive this yellow turban wrestler to continue testing?

Ginger centrifuge has bad water flowing in it.

Just as he was thinking, the sky suddenly began to darken, and a cool breeze blew.

"All believers, come to the Rain Master Altar."

Yang Chu's voice echoed in and out of the town, and the doctors, laws and warriors of the Yellow Turban put aside whatever they were doing and rushed out of the town.

"The statue of the Rain Master has become?" '

Jiang Li remembered the god statue that could only be seen in outline before.

According to the procedure, it should not be completed so quickly, but now the government has come to make a drastic move, directly asking for rain tomorrow, and the statue of the rain master may have to work overtime, so it can be completed as soon as possible.

Jiang Li and Feng Manlou also went out of town immediately.

At this time, outside the town, the statue of the Rain Master God has been roughly completed. Although there are still some rough rocks, the appearance of the Rain Master Yuanjun has been displayed.

Absolutely beautiful, with the spirit of rain, high above the sky, with the mistyness of gods and gods, Jiang Li saw it...

'General, not as good as Master. '

Jiang Li uttered words of loyalty to Master in his heart.

Anyone who is not as good as the master and senior sister, don't even try to shake Jiang's heart.

But this was his personal thought, while the rest of the doctors stared at the statue with fanaticism, and then bowed their heads respectfully.

Including Jiang Li, there were a total of six doctors standing in front of the newly built wooden altar, while Yang Chu was standing on top of the altar, holding a three-finger-thick long incense stick and holding it above his head.

"Respectfully invite Master Yu Yuan to come to the dharmakaya."

he shouted loudly.

"Respectfully invite Master Yu Yuan to come to the dharmakaya."

The doctors below also shouted loudly, and Jiang Li also noticed it in time and joined them.

Afterwards, those women in yellow shirts, legal orders, yellow scarf fighters, and believers who carved the statues led the people who came out of the town to shout together, and then knelt down to worship.

Strands of illusory thought power floated out from the crowd, gathered in the sky, combined with a golden jade talisman that appeared at an unknown time, turned into a golden light, and threw it into the statue of the Rain Master.

In an instant, light washed down from the center of the statue's brows, tempering the stone body, all the original roughness was erased, and the statue also revealed the color of red gold, exuding invisible majesty.

Seeing this, the common people and believers in the rear worshiped him even more, and even the doctors in front bowed their heads in unison to show their respect.


A thunderclap exploded in the sky, followed by dark clouds rolling in, the wind speed getting faster, and a heavy rain was coming.

The people became more pious and kowtowed continuously, while the moisture above was getting thicker, and a little raindrops had already fallen in advance.

It was at this moment-

An extremely strong sense of presence broke into this area.

Up and down the altar, Yang Chu and all the doctors turned around to look at the same time, their eyes fixed on the owner of the presence.

The scholar with a knife walked slowly, every step was the same length, every step was the same strength, between the steps, there was a unique rhythm, the invisible momentum was like a river flowing eastward, unstoppable , suppressed the shouting people into silence.

"Zhong Shenxiu!"

Yang Chu's eyes flickered with lightning, and he fixed his eyes on this figure, "I thought I would see you tomorrow."

Zhong Shenxiu walked as before, without any pause or haste, always slowly, "If you are not in a hurry to set up the statue, you and I will indeed meet tomorrow, but you are in a hurry."

Because of the rush to erect the statue, the weather changed and the water vapor gathered, which also allowed Zhong Shenxiu to find this small town.

So here he comes.

After he appeared, white air rose from the ground, Jiang Zhihuan's figure appeared in it, and several afterimages flashed, but it was the Shenxing Taibao who rushed to him, and a huge breath rushed in quickly.

"A little arrogance, a thousand miles of joy."

Ming Yang was reciting poems, and was surrounded by strong winds.

And in the rear, there are horseshoes rumbling, and a large number of people are rushing to.

However, the sense of existence of these people is far inferior to the scholar with a knife who is still going forward.

Zhong Shenxiu walked slowly, and the worshiping people in front of him seemed to be wrapped in an invisible wave and separated towards the two sides.

A believer wanted to stop him when he saw this, but when he took a step...

A saber qi burst out from the body, bringing out dripping blood.

This knife broke out from the body, as if a knife was buried in the body, but everyone knew that the knife energy came from Zhong Shenxiu, and it was absolutely impossible to hide it in the body of the believer.

Such a strange scene was truly something no one had ever seen in his life, and it made people shudder.

However, those who can come here are devout believers who believe in Huang Tian wholeheartedly, even life and death cannot stop their fanaticism.

Two yellow scarf wrestlers of the eighth rank attacked from the left and right at the same time, punching Zhong Shenxiu who was moving forward, and four lightning bolts flashed, the laws and orders flew separately, and the thunder method was activated.

However, before they touched Zhong Shenxiu's body, the previous sound of tearing flesh and blood reappeared.


The six sounds sounded like one sound, and the six saber qi broke out from the bodies of the six people. Whether it was the yellow turban wrestler who specialized in the physical body, or the law known as the "Leibian Jiegui", they were all killed by the saber qi that broke out. Lost life.

Zhong Shenxiu kept walking, killing intent every step of the way, and those who stood in his way were killed in an instant, and within a short period of time, they approached the altar.

If it goes on like this, it's hard not to wonder whether the seventh rank will be beheaded like this, and a violent thunder burst out immediately above the altar.

"Zhong Shenxiu!"

Yang Chu stopped drinking, his eyes flickered with lightning, and thunderbolts condensed into a huge eye pupil on the top of his head. The eyelids opened and closed, and in an instant——


The four-square thunder seal was shot out from the thunder eye, like a punishment from the Lord of Heaven, covering the advancing enemy.

Zhong Shenxiu finally stopped, and the "Gewu knife" on his waist suddenly came out of its sheath, and the snow-like blade reflected the thunder mark, and Jiang Li saw the true face of the knife.

It is as clear as ice and snow, and it can reflect all appearances like a bright mirror. When his eyes touch the knife, Jiang Li seems to be able to see his own body reflected on it, and the weak points of Qi will appear on the knife. .


Zhong Shenxiu suddenly let out a surprise, as if he was surprised by something, but the saber in his hand was not slow at all, before it was fully unsheathed, a flash of light suddenly appeared, and a gleam of light suddenly appeared on the thunder mark, it was the saber The light splits the Thunder Seal.


Thunder light erupted from the split thunder seal, and Zhong Shenxiu's figure was suddenly stretched, as if he had turned into tens of thousands of people at once, passing through the yellow scarf warriors and healers in front, and plundered onto the altar. Cut Yang's death.

The unsheathed Gewu Knife did not kill with a sharp weapon, but it was astonishingly fierce. The light of the knife passed by, and the thunder was divided into two points, and the compelling sharpness was reflected in the pair of eyes that were shining with lightning.

 Second more.

(End of this chapter)

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