Too much fruit

Chapter 182 The Nine-Day Devil Spell

Chapter 182
Not aura, but evil wind.

The turbid and evil air gathered towards Zhang Daoyi, turning into black winds and swirling around his body.

Zhang Daoyi was in it, still calm and unmoved, with a kind of calmness as if a mountain collapsed in front of him without changing his face, but the true energy in him suddenly became violent.

It's like water and fire are incompatible, and like wind and thunder are stimulating each other, Zhang Daoyi's qi is constantly rising, and his true qi shows incomparable explosive power between breaths.

'His true qi, when faced with evil qi, is like a real dragon that has been passively turned against its scales. It is extremely violent. This seems to be the real power of this true qi, and...'

The gossip in Jiang Li's eyes was turning, the stars were rising and falling, and he keenly grasped the decay of the evil spirit.

The evil qi of the five turbidities and Zhang Daoyi's true qi restrain and regenerate each other. While the evil qi decays, a hint of inspiration appears, which is absorbed by Zhang Daoyi and fuels its momentum.

Pointing to the singular point and then advancing, against the crazily evolving Xiantian Qi, he continued to advance, and the more the Xiantian Qi was resisted, the faster the transformation speed. In a blink of an eye, Jiang Li was surrounded by clouds like a sea, a dragon gradually manifested in the cloud.

The dragon probes its claws, and the singularity advances again. The two finally collide, and the entire stone table is turned into dust in an instant.


Jiang Li suddenly extended his palm, and a stream of primordial qi joined the berserk innate qi to balance all qi and stop the violent advance.

Zhang Daoyi also refers to a retraction, the singularity splits and turns into yin and yang qi and returns to the body, and the swirling black wind gradually disappears.

"What's the name of this merit?" Jiang Li asked.

"Purity comes from filth, purity comes from turbidity, the true formula of nine heavens to eliminate demons." Zhang Dao replied.

The deeper the filth and evil and the stronger the turbidity, the purer it will be, and the clarity will be revealed. The demons in the nine heavens are swayed, not only the demons of the world, but also the demons of heaven and earth.

This technique is specially created for the evil, absorbing the evil and growing it, the true formula of the Nine Heavens Smite Demon, worthy of the name.

"Dayan fifty, escape one, this is "Qi Grave"?" Zhang Daoyi asked.

"It's the 'Grave of Qi', but it's my 'Grave of Qi'." Jiang Li replied.

His "Grave of Qi" has gone out of his own way, which is different from the "Grave of Qi" of the master's family, and it can be said to be Jiang Li's exclusive.If another person came, even if he had the same kung fu, he wouldn't be able to practice such a feat.

At the very least, those from the master's family will never be able to practice "Qi Grave" to the point of transforming the five turbid evil qi.

Thinking of what Zhang Daoyi had shown before, a hint of fanaticism flashed in Jiang's heart.

The five turbid evil qi can be transformed into aura, which shows that the two have the same origin. If the innate qi is integrated into the five turbid evil qi, can we understand the mechanism of its transformation and transform into aura?

If this is the case, Jiang Lizhi's skill will definitely be the best in the world, and no one can match it.

Even if he can't study it himself, he will definitely be able to do it after he masters the ocher whip and understands the ocher whip's ability to transform foul energy.

This trip is worth it.

Jiang Li's gaze met Zhang Daoyi's, and he could see the same blaze in his eyes.

This person, I am afraid that he has gained something from "The Grave of Qi" and wants to improve further.

However, his harvest is definitely not as much as his own, not only because he does not see it as thoroughly as Jiang Li, but also because the Nine Heavens Smite Demon Secret Art does not go deep into the origin of Qi Dao like "Qi Grave".

"It's late at night, and it's time for me to say goodbye."

Jiang Li pretended to glance at the sky and said.

He can't wait to test his idea and try to transform the five turbid evil qi, but it is not appropriate to study other people's unique skills on his territory after all, and he will be besieged, so let's leave.

Coincidentally, after this period of time, the elixir that Jiang Li had taken before was also digested to a great extent, and his true energy had recovered to about [-]%.

Zhang Daoyi was also eager to verify what he had obtained, and immediately said with a smile: "That's right, then the poor Taoist will not keep more fellow Taoists."

The two parties exchanged politely, and Zhang Daoyi personally sent them out.

The moment the gate of the Taoist temple closed, both sides accelerated their pace at the same time.


Jiang Li hurriedly urged Feng Manlou to find another place to stay.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he took a step, the surroundings suddenly darkened, and the night became pitch black. Jiang Li opened his mouth involuntarily, and laughed.

'Yu Ruyi!Woe! '

Jiang Li suddenly recovered from the frenzy, an extreme sense of trembling appeared on his body, and the hairs all over his body stood on end.

The crisis came too fast and too abruptly, and he couldn't even avoid it. The three flowers gathered together and cast it immediately, and the innate energy condensed into a turtle armor.

But before the air armor was formed, there was a sharp rubbing sound, and the unformed air armor was broken in an instant, a mournful long rainbow cut over the three lights covering the body, and one of the three flowers on the top suddenly became half dark.


Jiang Li's zhenqi erupted all over his body, his congenital qi crazily fought, eighty-eight 64, and continued to evolve, Yuan qi completely lost control, sweeping the earth like a mad dragon, and suddenly——

The divine light in Jiang Li's eyes was intense, and the Son of Heaven's Wang Qi Technique sensed a dissonance, so he turned around and slapped him.


The talisman seeds in the eight acupoints burst out at the same time, pulling Xiantian Qi into a dragon shape. The real dragon roared angrily, and hit back behind him, colliding with a bright red sword light.


The earth exploded, and the portal of the Laojun Temple collapsed in an instant. In an instant, the strong wind plowed the ground, and the innate qi hit the sword light, quickly refining the sword energy, and in a blink of an eye, most of it was refined. Howling wildly, slamming the claws furiously, shattering the remaining sword light with one blow, a round sword pill flew to the rear.

"Who dares to be presumptuous here!"

In Laojun's view, a black and black seal formula was cast out and turned into a big seal cover. The sword pellet hit the big seal, and immediately burst out thousands of sword qi, piercing through the air, and the sword qi criss-crossed. It made Laojun extremely confused both inside and outside.

Afterwards, a burst of energy suddenly rose from a distance, and the sword pill turned into a red rainbow once again, rising through the sky, piercing the big seal, flying straight into the sky, and disappearing into the starry sky like a comet middle.

The darkness around him also dissipated at the same time, and the moonlight shone on Jiang Li again. Everything just now seemed to be an illusion, making him feel as if he was in another world.

But that trembling feeling still remained in my heart.

'Sword Maru...'

Jiang Li took a deep look at the Taoist temple behind him.

As far as he knew, the sword cultivators of the Sanqing sect liked to use sword pills as weapons, instead of practicing flying swords directly like Senior Brother Feng.

And this person stayed outside the Taoist temple, and he shot just right, it was hard not to let Jiang Li think too much.

It should be known that the people of the Shangqing sect specialize in talismans, and few of them involve in the way of sword cultivation. On the contrary, there are many people in the Taoist sect who are proficient in swordsmanship, both practicing flying swords and using swords.

 Fourth more.

(End of this chapter)

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