Too much fruit

Chapter 190

Chapter 190
It is the common people.

These five people seem to have cultivation bases, but they are actually ordinary people who came to visit and pray for rain.

The people watching had already retreated in a hurry at the beginning of the war, trying to avoid the battlefield as much as possible.There were many stampede incidents, and many people suffered, but they basically withdrew after all, and I didn't expect that there were still people nearby.

Zhong Shenxiu felt too weak because they were all ordinary people with no cultivation at all.

Killing five people with a knife, even in Zhong Shenxiu's state of mind, suddenly caused waves when he was caught off guard.

The scarlet red sword light immediately became three-pointed, the sword moved along a line, like a shooting star from the sky, struck the Gewu knife, and the blade swung away, Yang Shun was wrapped in lightning, dodging to bully him, thunder and lightning wrapped around Zhong Shenxiu's left arm like a silver chain, The sleeves were shattered violently, and scorched marks appeared on the arms.

Zhong Shenxiu's true energy spontaneously counter-shocked, resisting the thunder, but his fingers were paralyzed by the thunder, causing the Jiaozhu in his hand to be blown away.

"Zhong Shenxiu, I never thought you would have today!"

Yang Chu laughed and caught the jiaozhu, and then thundered again.

"Zhong Shenxiu, can my concubine's tricks of deceiving minds be considered elegant?"

A small boat floated by on the Fengquan River. Xiao Jiuniang stood on the bow of the boat, her fox tail was erected behind her like an umbrella, and her vertical pupils were playful. It's so vulgar, I beheaded my concubine, how do you feel when I see this technique again today?"

Shicai was when Xiao Jiuniang manipulated the people with deceiving techniques to stimulate their qi and blood, making them rush into the battlefield when the frenzy was weaker like dead soldiers, and exchanged their lives for Zhong Shenxiu's heart.

"Unexpectedly, Zhong Shenxiu, who is the No.1 of the Tangtang Taixue, who is merciless to the enemy, has such a weakness, and it is because of a few ants that his flaws appeared."

Xiao Jiuniang giggled, distracted by words.

But Yang Chu's thunder eyes were wide open, and a four-square thunder mark was laid in the air.

Zhong Shenxiu's face remained calm, and even Shicai's emotional fluctuations seemed to have been smoothed away, the light of the Gewu knife rose like a blue wave, and the knife turned into a dragon, biting the thunder seal.

The fluctuation just now has completely disappeared, and even now if Xiao Jiuniang manipulates the puppets with deceiving techniques, Zhong Shenxiu may be able to kill them without error.Shicai was caught off guard, when Zhong Shenxiu was prepared, he should have the determination to swing the saber.

But the other person was not in the same frame of mind.

Ming Yang was trembling all over, but at this moment his sixth-rank body was breaking out in fine cold sweat. He murmured in a low voice: "Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

It occurred to him that the person who leaked the secret might be him, Ming Yang.

At that time in Linshan Town, Zhong Shenxiu said that a gentleman should follow the way of a gentleman, and ordered to suspend the pursuit and resettle the people.That was Zhong Shenxiu's own understanding of Dao Fruit, and he who said this and also tolerated the Dao Fruit of a gentleman definitely fit the definition of a gentleman.

If we associate it with this, can we deceive Zhong Shenxiu?
So there was the scene before.

Thinking of this, Ming Yang suddenly turned his head to look at Ji Chengye.

This kind of enlightenment should not be explained by outsiders. Ming Yang only mentioned it when talking with Ji Chengye, that is to say, if Ming Yang was the one who leaked the secret, then Ji Chengye would definitely be involved.

Then, he saw Ji Chengye standing quietly not far away, watching all this indifferently like an outsider.

Jiang Zhihuan, the magistrate of Fufeng County, silently guarded from the side.

All the answers are self-evident.

"Why..." Ming Yang gritted his teeth and asked, "Why?"

Why leak it?Why, as a member of the royal family, do you want to secretly support the Taiping Sect?Why is it so vicious?
All of these are what Ming Yang wants to ask.

It's a pity that Ji Chengye won't answer.

If you don't answer, it has nothing to do with him.Answered, how much is also a trouble.

With Ji Chengye's prudence, he would naturally not make such a mistake.

Zhong Shenxiu was injured, and now it is difficult to get out, Ming Yang, as a Confucian practitioner, has a collapsed state of mind, and is no longer considered combat power. The only ones left are the four Taoists and Huilun from the Buddhist Kingdom.


Bailong groaned softly, Huilun clasped his hands together, walked towards the Daodezong people in a slow and steady manner, and said with a smile: "Amitabha, two Taoist priests, the young monk wants to learn the Taoism, and I hope you will give me some advice. "

While speaking, the invisible power of decay acted on the four members of Tao Daozong, and Yuan Zhen's two juniors immediately changed their complexions, becoming pale and lifeless.

The power of the heavens and the people, the five declines of heaven and man.

If the strength is similar, it can still resist one or two. If there is a big difference, then this Dao fruit ability is a big killer, basically it can be said to be unparalleled in mowing grass.

Zhang Daoyi and Yuan Zhen shuddered at the same time, and said lightly, "Back off."

As they spoke, the two palmed together, and the two Taoists flew back wrapped in true energy. Then Zhang Dao waved his sleeves, and an ancient long sword flew out from his sleeves, while Yuan Zhen pointed his sword finger, and the pure white sword light fell on in front of you.

The two raised their breath at the same time, wanting to make a move, but they didn't want Huilun to just smile and chant: "The three realms are like wheels, and life is like flowing water."

A Buddha wheel rose slowly from behind him, and the world of mortals seemed to gather here in an instant. During the rotation, the three of them were surrounded by a dreamlike scene, and they seemed to have entered another world in the blink of an eye.

If the Taiping religion is successful, it will also be beneficial to the Buddhist kingdom.

"This is getting more help."

Yang Chu laughed, and wanted to urge Lei Fa to attack again.

Hu Qishan helped him, the Qing Dynasty sent him to help him, people from the imperial court helped him secretly, and now even the Buddha Kingdom is helping him, all of them are not sincere, but they are indeed helping the Taiping Sect.

This is the general trend.

On the other side, the Rakshasa Ghost King stood in front of Jiang Li dripping with blood, and a middle-aged man in a yellow robe stood behind Jiang Li.

This person is exactly the person from the Taiping Sect that I saw in the temple in Linshan Town that day, a sixth-grade realm, and...

Jiang Li frowned.

At this moment, he fully displayed the appearance of Shennong, his breath spread, and he even noticed a kind of blood fluctuation.

"Are you from the Jiang clan?" Jiang Li looked at the middle-aged man in the yellow robe.

The fluctuation of the bloodline comes from this person.

"Jiang Shi, Jiang Daoshan," the middle-aged man in yellow robe said slowly, "I am the bodyguard of the third son, and I joined the Taiping sect as the envoy of the third son to contact the Taiping sect, but I don't want to say goodbye to the third son that time, that is forever .”

"Jiang Li, as a member of the Jiang family, you disobeyed the master's family and killed the third son. Do you know what crime you should have?"

Jiang Zhuyun really has connection with Taiping Sect.

Jiang Li glanced at Ji Chengye in the distance under the lock of the two's qi, "Ji Chengye can't do anything to me, and he can't even help the Taiping Sect in the open. Right now these people are the last strength they can show. '

'And I still have cards to play.In this case, it is simple. '

Jiang Li smiled crookedly, and replied: "There is no master, I just eliminated a traitor named 'Ji Yunliu'."

 The condition is not good, two updates today.

(End of this chapter)

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