Too much fruit

Chapter 22 Reborn, Crystal Belly

Chapter 22 Reborn, Crystal Belly

The wind is up.

The treasures of heaven and earth and ganoderma lucidum on the island sway in the wind, traces of pure medicinal power overflow to the roots, enter the earth, and flow into the water veins.

If someone can see through the rocky ground, they can find that at this moment, strands of medicinal liquid are gathering from all directions to form a huge network, and each strain of precious medicine contributes its medicinal power, blends into the water veins, and then gathers to the center of the island through the flowing water. valley.

On the rocky walls of the valley, the waterfalls were mixed with the liquid medicine and became colorful, and the pool below was even more colorful, and a strong medicinal gas permeated around the pool.

The ocher whip on the stone statue of Shennong emits a crimson brilliance, covering the pool, using the collected medicinal power as the source, and using the medicinal properties as the material, it creates a dark yellow color.

"Hundred herbs refine the black and yellow liquid, and all things in the land contain the real body. Sure enough, the ocher whip can only exert its real effect on specific people."

Gongsun Qingyue watched the dark yellow color gradually assimilate the beautiful liquid medicine, and murmured.

It's been four years since the Dinghu faction got the Zhebian. In the past four years, it's not that the middle and high level of the faction didn't think about actually owning this Taoist weapon, and they tried many methods for this, but all failed in the end.

The only thing the Dinghu faction can do is to use this to transform the poison and open up such an island that can normally cultivate elixir.But even this alone is enough to benefit the Dinghu faction endlessly.

Gongsun Qingyue thought of this, sat down cross-legged, and quietly felt the mystery of good fortune by the side of the pool.

But in the pool, Jiang Li was suffering abnormally.

The black and yellow liquid penetrated into the pores of his body, and all kinds of unimaginable feelings appeared on him.

Sometimes he was relieved as if under the warm spring sun; sometimes, he was exposed to the wind and rain as if in a violent storm; The bleak autumn wind, the cold wind, trembling all over.

Spring, summer, autumn, winter, the scenery of the four seasons cycle alternately, and Jiang Li is also suffering from comfort, heat, bleakness, and freezing cold.

He had no choice but to hold on to the last clarity in his heart, relying on his Dao fruit ability [seeking back to the truth] to suppress the restlessness brought about by the torment, and silently waited for the end of the muscle-changing marrow cutting.

Gradually, Jiang Li seemed to have forgotten the comfort and pain, breathed slowly under the pool, and fell asleep like a baby.

Time passed slowly, as if a lifetime was so long, but also as if it was only a moment.

When Jiang Li regained consciousness, he felt an astonishing change.

He was clearly at the bottom of the water, but Jiang Li could breathe freely. The long breath seemed to be reflected in it, but in fact it was in effect, making him not afraid of the underwater environment.In addition, he felt that his spirit seemed to be integrated with his physical body, and he could "see" every corner of his body, and feel the activities of various organs, muscles, muscles, and bones.

'Is the Yijin cutting the marrow over? '

With such thoughts in mind, Jiang Li saw the still rich black and yellow liquid.

It seems that he didn't consume much medicine.

[The thought of losing money flashed in Jiang Li's mind, and then he looked at the book that only he could see. 】

Such a line of words appeared on the karma collection, and then the pages of the book were quickly turned forward, and it took a full two hundred pages before stopping.

[······The liquid of black and yellow seeps into the pores of the whole body. 】

Two hundred and three pages ago, such a sentence appeared.

What follows this sentence are all kinds of feelings, as well as changes in the body, and even a picture of the meridians of the human body.

The karma set recorded all the changes that Jiang Li experienced.

As the pages of the book were turned over, various physical changes and movement of qi entered the eyes, and Jiang Li's face also began to change.

At first, his complexion was normal, then it gradually turned green, then crimson, then withered yellow, and then blue.His complexion gradually changed, and the true energy in his body also changed accordingly.

Jiang Li's practice of wandering spirit and qi movement was originally focused on using the spirit to control qi, and it was characterized by the control of true qi. Now, after undergoing a lot of muscle-changing and marrow cutting, his control over the body and grasp of true qi are even better. Going up a floor, and with the help of Dao fruit ability, it can completely control the true energy to reverse the previous changes.

With the movement of true qi, the feelings of spring, summer, autumn, and winter reappeared in the perception, and the calmed black and yellow liquid fluctuated again.

Strands of inexplicable air flow enters the body, circulates the muscles, bones, flesh, internal organs, penetrates into the meridians, and blends with the true qi, making the Zhongzheng and peaceful true qi more pure.

At the same time, the stone statue on the water pool was once again stained with a layer of red light, and the ocher whip began to emit a halo again.

This made Gongsun Qingyue, who was comprehending the change at the side, look suspicious.

As far as she knew, there had never been such a long period of muscle-changing, and she was not a strong man, so why did it take so long.Moreover, if you read it correctly, it should have stopped before, why did it start again?
Gongsun Qingyue noticed the abnormality and wanted to intervene, but she was also worried that Jiang Li would be affected, which would make Yijin Cutting Marrow fall short. In the end, after much deliberation, she chose to wait and see what happened.

"Let's realize it for a while."

She meditated by the pool and closed her eyes again.

On the other side, Jiang Li was once again immersed in the changes of the four seasons. His body continued to absorb the power of the medicine, tempering his body, and a radiant glow appeared all over his body, and gradually became more intense.

Time and time again, Jiang Li repeated the recorded qi circulation method, the white light on his body gradually became stronger, and his skin seemed to be affected, becoming white and crystal clear, like crystal.

until finally—

Jiang Li opened his eyes again and looked at his body.

I saw that with the movement of zhenqi, my skin gradually became transparent, and the subcutaneous texture was faintly visible, especially on the torso...

Jiang Li looked at the crystal-like body, and images of internal organs, meridians and blood vessels slowly appeared in his mind.

He tilted his head slightly, and dug out a sentence from his memory: Shennong's belly is as transparent as crystal...

It is said that Shennong is different from ordinary people. His stomach is as transparent as crystal, and he can see all kinds of internal organs and the changes of the things he has swallowed in his body.

With this crystal belly, Shennong tasted all kinds of herbs and recorded the effects of various medicines.

Now, although Jiang Li doesn't have a crystal belly, he has a similar figure in his mind, and also faithfully shows the various changes in his body.

The movement of true qi in the body was no secret to Jiang Li. Referring to the scene in his mind, he began to regulate and modify the movement of true qi, gradually improving towards a more suitable direction.

The righteous and peaceful Qi flows through the internal organs, smelting the essence, gradually becoming purer, and gradually being tempered into a liquid state.Jiang Li could clearly feel that there was a surge of water in his body, not just a simple feeling, but a real feeling.

His true energy turned into liquid.

(End of this chapter)

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