Too much fruit

Chapter 251 Heaven and Earth Oven

Chapter 251 Heaven and Earth Oven
Outside of Yunlai Island, red light appeared on the rippling water surface of the lake, and the confluence of water and fire continued unabated.

A blue dragon shadow flew out from the island, its vigorous dragon body danced, and suddenly landed on the shore, revealing three figures.

"It's so exciting to take advantage and run away."

Yan Qiuchi waved his folding fan, with a smirk on his face, "Brother, I'm afraid I'm going to be very angry now, I didn't expect us to be so careless."

"No," Jiang Li continued, "It's not that we're not particular about it, it's just that we agreed beforehand that this is a hand-in-hand. If we continue after one move, wouldn't it make our colleagues laugh?"

Having said that, looking at Jiang Li's demeanor, it doesn't look like he is worried about being laughed at.

If he, Jiang, was able to ascend to the position of head one day, it would definitely be because of his strength, not because of his reputation.So this face-saving effort is the least valuable to Jiang Li.

On the contrary, for Yun Jiuye, who has already been promoted to the fifth rank, reputation is very important.He already possessed enough strength at present, and it was the time when he needed the favor of everyone, but in this situation, Jiang Li and others intervened.

First it was a robbery, and then the three of them took the next move.This series of encounters can create gossip in the sect with just a little embellishment. Although it can't handle the elder brother, it is enough to make him unable to take the position immediately.

'It's both a catastrophe and a rumor. I feel like I've taken the villain's script. '

Jiang Li couldn't help muttering in his heart.

If he were a senior brother, he would have the heart to chase and kill him now.

Unfortunately, Yun Jiuye couldn't do this.

Not only because it will make my colleagues laugh, but also because...
"Elder Kaiyang, please come forward." Jiang Li said.

Not far from the right side, behind a few piled up boulders, Elder Kai Yang, wearing a hat and green robe, walked out slowly.

The main reason why Yun Jiuye couldn't catch up was because he couldn't do anything if he caught up.With Elder Kaiyang here, could it be that Yun Jiuye could still fight in front of the elder?
Elder Kai Yang raised his bamboo hat, showing a puzzled face, and said strangely: "Although I know that you have practiced Fenghou Qimen, but your attainment is too much, right? You can actually detect the fourth grade Come."

It is true that he is a martial artist, but this does not mean that he can only be reckless.

Elder Kai Yang still knows the method of restraining breath.Even in his realm, he has already cultivated to not leak his true body, and it is impossible for any trace of energy to leak out. If he deliberately hides it, let alone Jiang Li, even the rest of the fourth rank will not be able to find out.

But Jiang Li just discovered it.

"I just feel that it is impossible for Senior Brother to overcome the tribulation without the protection of the elders."

Jiang Li chuckled and said, "Besides, among the elders, only Elder Kaiyang should be the most free."

Instead of asking Elder Kaiyang to go punting, it would be better to let him protect Yun Jiuye, anyway, it is a punishment, where is the punishment not a punishment?

It's easy to come up with this answer with just a little reasoning.

Elder Kai Yang also heard this meaning, curled his lips and said: "You just say that I made a mistake, it's best to be careful."

The other two didn't show much surprise when they saw Elder Kaiyang, obviously they knew about Elder Kaiyang's attire for a long time.

They probably already knew about Elder Kai Yang's operations from their respective masters, and about Elder Kai Yang being punished for punting.

In the end, only Ling Wujue, the direct disciple of Elder Kaiyang, didn't know about it, so it's no wonder that Elder Kaiyang wanted Jiang Li to teach him a lesson.

Of course, it is not ruled out that he still wants to see Jiang Li's strength.

Jiang Li's record of snatching the ghost gate was spread to the sect. Those who are worried like Elder Kaiyang must want to find a chance to see Jiang Li's current strength.

Elder Kaiyang's voice fell, and he seemed to be thinking of Ling Wujue, a disciple. He only felt that his molars were a little itchy, and he wanted to go to the island to clean up this shameful guy.

It's just that at this moment, the ground rumbled and the waves in Dinghu Lake undulated, making people think of the scene of Yinglong Daoguo's riot that night.

Only this time, the source of movement was not the lake, but the islands on the lake.

About ten miles away in the southeast, on an island, the mountains collapsed, and magma-like red springs flowed from the mountain peaks and gathered into streams, forming rivers of fire. Flames shot into the sky, sparks were like rain, and streams of heat were continuously released. , sweeping away the coolness of autumn.

There is no doubt that the "fire" of the converging water and fire originated from this island.

"That's... Qi Pavilion." Jiang Li said, watching the past.

Qi Pavilion is the place where Zongmen refines weapons and casts swords. The ground below it communicates with fire and can melt gold and iron. It is a rare place for refining weapons in the world.

But Jiang Li has been in the Dinghu School for three and a half years, but he has never seen such a scene on Qige Island.

"The oven of heaven and earth has been opened." Elder Kaiyang also looked towards the direction of Qige, with a hint of reminiscence, "It will be reopened after decades. I hope this time the name of the oven will not be dishonored."

The legendary first sword in the world was forged in Dinghu. With this sword, the Yellow Emperor beheaded Chiyou, which completely established his name as the holy sword of the imperial way.All generations of Dinghu sect hoped to forge a sword that was no less than the Xuanyuan sword, but the existence of the Xuanyuan sword, luck, materials, and the strength of the swordsmith are all indispensable.

The disciples of the past dynasties have been striving for it, but they can't even make swords close to it, let alone hold the Xuanyuan Sword.

And the leader of this generation of Dinghu School Qi Dao is Elder Kaiyang.

Even though Elder Kaiyang is a martial artist, he has a lot of attainments in Qi Dao, enough to be among the top ten in Qi Dao of the world.Otherwise, it would not be Elder Kai Yang's turn to lead the team to participate in the Sword Discussion Conference.

At this time, there was also an air machine approaching from behind, obviously the opening of the heaven and earth oven also attracted the rest of the people on the island.

Elder Kai Yang didn't want others to see him, so he said immediately: "The Sword Discussion Conference will be held in the next day, if you three are interested, you can come and have a look, maybe you can get some chance from it."

After finishing speaking, Elder Kaiyang's figure flashed and disappeared abruptly.

At the same time, there were also magnificent qi forces gathering from all directions, either soaring in the clouds or flying across the water, and all parties who came to participate in the Sword Discussion Conference gathered in one place.

"The day after tomorrow, the fifteenth day of the eighth month, will be the Mid-Autumn Festival," Jiang Li recalled what Elder Kaiyang said earlier, "It's really a good time to choose."

This world also has the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the unity of the full moon is also universal in this world.

As a result, at this time of year, a group of people got together to build a magic weapon, and the possibility of a fight was not even ruled out. It can only be said that they had great ideas.

"It's a good time indeed."

A group of people rushed to the place, and when they heard Jiang Li's voice, Taoist Xuanming said: "On the night of the full moon, the yin energy is extremely strong. Yin, earth and yang, such a combination, is the oven of heaven and earth of your sect."

"In other words, the sword discussion conference will be held at night?" Jiang Li asked.

"Of course," Xuan Ming looked at Jiang Li and the others with a smile, "At that time, I hope that the three fellow Taoists can come to visit and witness our great feat of defeating heresy."

"Your so-called heresy will let you know that the times have changed."

Yan Hanqing on the other side was tit-for-tat.

As the two spoke, they had another verbal confrontation.

On the other hand, Jiang Li was thoughtful. He remembered that Qi Changsheng had said that this time the sword discussion meeting was for people from both sides to show their skills and forge magic weapons separately.After the weapon is completed, the two weapons will attack each other, whichever is destroyed first will be defeated. It can be said to be quite simple and straightforward.

In other words, fighting with weapons is inevitable.

"Sounds very interesting." Hearing this, Yu Qiuchi became interested.

But Feng Ziyang said concisely: "Xuanyuan Sword."

For people like him, the Xuanyuan Sword that may be displayed is the most important thing.

As for the others, it doesn't matter which side wins, it's none of Feng Ziyang's business.

Jiang Li also had a similar thought, the Sword Discussion Conference was not important, Xuanyuan Sword was.

'But I'm afraid that someone will attack Xuanyuanjian at that time. 'Jiang Li has a headache.

If you really follow Elder Kaiyang's wishes and display the Xuanyuan Sword, let alone those who may have enmity with the Dinghu Sect, those who attend the meeting will very likely become interested.

Which refiner would not be interested in Xuanyuan Sword.

'No, I still have to go back and ask the master what he meant. 'Jiang Li thought.

At this time, the crisp fragrance like cold plums slowly approached, and the woman in the golden skirt from Kunxu Immortal Palace came with the young man who was suspected of being her son-in-law. She bowed slightly as a courtesy.

"Ming Yuzhen of Kunxu Immortal Palace has met three fellow Taoists. The elders of the hidden faction have heard about my concubine's life experience and are very curious about the three. I would like to ask the three of you to tell me about it. Is it okay?"

Her voice was as clear as a bell, and it was as sharp as a sword. It sounded like she had been in the top position for a long time, but she didn't give people a sense of domineering, on the contrary, it made people feel friendly.

As for the young man behind Ming Yuzhen, he cupped his fists and saluted, but he didn't say a word, and Ming Yuzhen didn't introduce his name.

Looking at it this way, the identity of the son-in-law is even more obvious.

"This..." Jiang Li hesitated.

It was really that the invitation was too abrupt, making it difficult for Jiang Li to weigh the pros and cons.

However, sensing the gradually stronger aura on the island, Jiang Li still made up his mind and accepted the invitation.

Yun Jiuye has gradually adapted to the realm after being promoted, and now Elder Kaiyang has left again, if he doesn't find a shield, he might be chased by Yun Jiuye to get back his position.

Jiang Li was not afraid that Yun Jiuye would attack too hard, but he was afraid that he would defeat the three of them and regain his reputation.

Yan Qiuchi and Feng Ziyang also sensed Jiang Li's intentions, nodded and accepted the invitation.

When Ming Yuzhen heard the words, she showed a faint smile, raised her right hand wearing a golden bracelet, and said, "Please."

The glow suddenly appeared, and a magnificent flying boat came around from the other side of Yunlai Island. The hull, which was made of gold and jade, exuded a fairy spirit in its splendor. It did not look like a human thing. When it drove closer, More dense air is released, turning into auspicious clouds.

"This is the Yaochi Immortal Boat of the Hidden Sect. Three Taoist friends, please come."

Mingyu Zhendao.

 Calvin, very Calvin.

  That's all for today.

  Tomorrow will either be an update of at least 8K, or I will appear in women's clothing.

  Don't worry that it's as hard to do as washing your hair upside down. I can't wash my hair upside down. I can't do it now, but women's clothing... Alas, this can still be done, at least I used to do it.

(End of this chapter)

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