Too much fruit

Chapter 359 Another person who faked his death

Chapter 359 Another person who faked his death
The life lamp is a magic weapon that can sense the condition of its owner.

By entrusting a trace of separated soul consciousness, lighting the wick, and using the strength of the light to determine safety.

If the lights go out, it means the disappearance of the soul consciousness, and the death of the person with soul consciousness.

This is the basic effect of the life lamp.

Extremely convenient, but also quite dangerous.

Just because this trace of soul consciousness can not only be used to confirm life and death, but can also be used as a guide to perform curses.Since the soul consciousness and the body's soul are one, this kind of curse is almost irresistible and can only be endured.

This also makes things like life lamps extremely rare. Only people who can trust them in life and death will entrust them with life lamps.

Even within the sect, generally speaking, the life lamps of the disciples are not kept.Who knows if there is anyone in the sect who wants to harm others.

Now that Gongsun Qingyue said that Tianxuan's life lamp was extinguished, Elder Tianji couldn't help but look stern even though he knew that this was most likely false.

If Tianxuan really fell, the problem would be huge.


It should be said that once this news spreads, the problem will be huge.

Tianxuan was attacked by the Third Rank at the feet of the Emperor. The biggest suspect was the Emperor, or the Third Rank related to the Emperor.

Because she had already shown her opposition to the emperor before, and because all parties did not believe that a third-grade person could hide it from the emperor and attack Tianxuan.

The emperor is at least an insider.

This is the consensus of most people.

"Nephew, have you thought it through?" Elder Tianji asked solemnly.

The news came from Tianxuan's direct disciples and was credible.This means that the emperor will be pushed to the forefront.

The Emperor is the elder of Gongsun Qingyue, and the Ji family and the Gongsun family are actually the same clan.

Elder Tianji asked this because he wanted to ask Gongsun Qingyue if he knew the consequences of this behavior.

In response to this, Gongsun Qingyue just sneered and said: "I would like to ask that person whether he thought carefully when he took action against his master and junior brother."

The junior brother was semi-passively directing and acting on his own that time, but the master this time was not directed by Tianxuan and Jiang Li.

If that person hadn't taken action, how could the current situation have happened.

"It's just a cycle of cause and effect." Gongsun Qingyue said.

Now that you have done it, you should accept the consequences of dealing with the backlash.

With the attack on Tianxuan, the internal conflicts within the Ji family have become increasingly acute.

"Then let it be as you say."

Seeing that Gongsun Qingyue had made up his mind, Elder Tianji stopped trying to persuade him and chose as she wished.After giving Gongsun Qingyue a last deep look, Elder Tianji turned and left.

After he left, Gongsun Qingyue, who had always had a calm face, finally changed his facial expression.

She lost her composure, frowned and held out a white jade board, stretched out her hand to press it on it, and felt it carefully.

After a while, Gongsun Qingyue put down his hand and sighed softly, "Still no response."

This wordless heavenly book contains Tianxuan's mark, allowing her to use the mark to lure Gongsun Qingyue into his dream.Ever since Gongsun Qingyue came to Shendu, she has been waiting for Tianxuan to pull her into sleep, but there has been no response.

If it weren't for the mark inside, Gongsun Qingyue would have really doubted that something unexpected had happened to Tianxuan.

And Jiang Li...
Gongsun Qingyue sensed another connection and felt uneasy.

Jiang Li has her power seal on his hand.

This power seal, which had been painstakingly refined by Gongsun Qingyue, represented his identity and power. Before Jiang Li left the sect, Gongsun Qingyue personally handed it to Jiang Li to facilitate his actions.

Within a certain distance, this power seal can also be used to determine Jiang Li's safety.

Previously in the Dinghu Sect, Gongsun Qingyue could not sense the power seal beyond the distance. Now that the distance is close, she can confirm that Jiang Li is generally fine, and then...
Jiang Li also disappeared and never showed up.

Now that Tianxuan is missing and there is a lot of commotion, Jiang Li should come to see Gongsun Qingyue and communicate with her to avoid any accidents.

As a result, Jiang Li also disappeared like Tianxuan.

Both men's lives were probably not in danger, and they are both missing.This is either because it is inconvenient for both of them to contact Gongsun Qingyue now, or it is difficult for them to return to meet each other, or the two of them cannot contact each other for some reason, or even...
These two are probably together!
Gongsun Qingyue feels that the latter is very likely.

And if one was not the master and the other was the apprentice, and the master Tianxuan was above them, Gongsun Qingyue would really doubt that there was anything going on between them.

But despite this, Gongsun Qingyue still felt unhappy, so he simply let his master "die".

In this way, the consequences of the attack can be maximized, the Ji family's people can share the same hatred, and the bad breath in their hearts can also be vented.Killing two birds with one stone, killing two birds with one stone, Gongsun Qingyue thought it was wonderful. 'The situation has changed to this point. If they are really fine, they should show up soon. ' Gongsun Qingyue murmured in her heart.

That is to say, she is mentally prepared, otherwise, when she comes to the divine capital, her junior brother is dead and her master is missing, she may not collapse.

At this time, Jiang Li and Tianxuan were still on their way back to the divine capital.

When he left, he used the Star Escape Technique to escape for nearly a thousand miles, but when he came back, he was not in a hurry, and he had no intention of returning to the divine capital immediately.

The wheelchair came down from the top of the mountain directly against the wind. The two walked for about an hour and rested in a small pavilion on the side of the road for half the night. After that, they did not take the official road, but walked on the remote path.

They are not in a hurry at all.

It's the emperor's side that should be anxious.

The emperor felt that the advantages of getting rid of Tianxuan's trouble outweighed the disadvantages, and he was completely able to accept the subsequent impact.

But the premise is that Tianxuan can be removed.

If not, then Tianxuan will take advantage of the situation to guide them when accepting the disadvantages and backlash, and the trouble will be far greater than before.

"Three days are enough to affect fermentation."

Tianxuan pushed the wheelchair and chuckled: "Maybe some people now suspect that I am dead. After all, it was a third-level attack, and it might even be the emperor himself."

A third-grade attack against a fourth-grade attack would have resulted in a narrow escape from death. If the emperor had taken action himself, even the last glimmer of hope would have been lost, and the situation would have been reduced to ten deaths and no life.

"Master, do you want to fake death?" Jiang Li knew the elegant meaning after hearing the song, and asked knowingly.

"That's right," Tianxuan reached out and touched Jiang Li's head, looking like a child who could be taught, "Weishi's death can trigger conflicts and push the emperor to the opposite side of most people."

Another person died, and it was still related to the emperor. The emperor was even the murderer.

This time, all the pressure was on the emperor.

Tianxuan is an important figure in the Ji family. Even if she can be killed, who else cannot be killed.After understanding the situation, those in the know would probably think that the emperor was really crazy for the sake of immortality.

Even members of the Ji family can no longer bear it.

This situation should have been expected by the Emperor, and he might have even prepared relevant responses, but the Emperor definitely did not expect that Tianxuan would have to face such a situation even though he was not dead.

The trouble was not solved, but instead caused even greater trouble. Two troubles met together, and the original response was based on the premise that Tianxuan was dead.

Jiang Li thought about it carefully and felt that this was a very good move. In this case, did he need to inform his senior sister again so that she would not worry after receiving the news?

"No need to worry about Qingyue."

Tianxuan, like a prophet, saw Jiang Li's worry and said with a smile: "There is a mark of my master in the wordless heavenly book. If my master is ill, the mark will have its own reaction. When the news reached Qingyue's ears, she read the book With the mark, you will know that there is actually no danger in being a teacher.”

"As for the elixir, you said before that the Shennong Cauldron has always been in a slow and unhurried state. If my teacher guessed correctly, the refining of the elixir takes 49 to [-] days and is made in Tianjin. Take the Dayan Five Ten, the opportunity to escape one of them."

This "one" is a glimmer of hope.

Jiang Li is well versed in the principles of Yi Dao, and he also knows that this statement is correct.

Moreover, the elixir involves immortality. It is difficult to achieve true immortality, and it is absolutely impossible to refine it in a short time.Qiqi 49 days is already a very reasonable number.

Even if it wasn't 49 days, the two of them should still have a lot of time given the state of the Shennong Cauldron.

"That's very good." Jiang Li nodded lightly, feeling relieved.

At this time, they didn’t know that Gongsun Qingyue had arrived in the capital.

Actively sensing the mark requires a lot of effort. Tianxuan will not do this if it is not necessary.

So, the two of them walked leisurely for another day. When walking became boring and the scenery got tired of looking at it, they used the escape method to return to the divine capital.

By the time they returned to the vicinity of Shendu, a certain news had already spread in Shendu.

Even ordinary people knew that a royal nobleman was attacked a few days ago, which led to the previous earth-shattering earthquake.Now that the noble man is dead, the whole god is afraid that there will be a big earthquake.


Tianxuan, who used illusions to cover herself and Jiang Li, didn't expect the situation to change like this, "Am I dead?"

She really wanted to fake her death, but in her expectation, she would have to wait until she returned to the divine capital to secretly add fuel to the flames and let herself "die".

Before this, Tianxuan's life and death should be unknown. Some people may suspect that she is dead, but it has not been truly confirmed.

As a result, she was already "dead" before Tianxuan could push her.

(End of this chapter)

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