Too much fruit

Chapter 370 Schrödinger’s Wushan

Chapter 370 Schrödinger’s Wushan
The boss is so dedicated, no wonder the people under him are so capable of causing trouble.

In the past, Gale and Chisel, one of the Nineteen Gods and Demons, attacked and killed King Lu, prompting King Lu to turn to the ghost path to save his life, which single-handedly caused a severe drought in Yongzhou. Later, a great master sealed the emperor and appeared to take over the pot, allowing all parties to Breaking away from the emperor's death ignited his ambition.

Even before the severe drought in Yongzhou, Ho Luo Shen took the opportunity to attack the Dinghu Sect.

The Demon God Sect always appears at the forefront of trouble, taking the lead in the charge, and then taking the blame after the incident is over. It is worthy of being the source of trouble.

"Can't we start from myself?" Gongsun Qingyue couldn't help but ask after listening for a long time.

Being able to involve time and space, and making it difficult for Tianxuan, Taixue Jijiu and others to attack it, this is most likely the Great Master's Dao Fruit magical power.

There are all kinds of strange Tao and Fruit in this world, and there are indeed some Tao and Fruit magical powers that are difficult to deal with, but there is absolutely no Tao and Fruit magical power that cannot be cracked.

If so, then go and deal with the person who has this path.

There is no need to really deal with the Great Master. As long as he is put into an unfavorable situation, such as being injured, the excluded Emperor may be able to be captured and find a way to crack it.

"My teacher has also thought about this, but if you think about it carefully, if you want to use this to crack the great master's magical power, it will be as difficult as climbing to the sky."

Tianxuan shook his head and said: "The Great Lord is not like the Emperor who is about to reach the end of his life and appear to be repelled by the Dao Fruit. He is the unquestionable strongest in the world. It is simply impossible to defeat him like the Emperor. Moreover, the Great Lord is the undoubted strongest in the world." Zun's magical power involves Zhou Guang, which is extremely weird. It is extremely difficult to find him. Do you know where the main altar of the Demon God Sect is?"

Jiang Li and Gongsun Qingyue shook their heads.

"All forces have secretly cultivated die-hard loyalists who accommodate the demonic Dao Fruit and let them infiltrate into the Demon God Religion. Our sect is no exception. The main altar of the Demon God Religion is actually not a secret to the senior sects. ," Tianxuan said slowly, "It's on the three mountains of Liangzhou, above Wushan Mountain."

"Wushan?" Jiang Li raised his eyebrows, "Wouldn't Wushan be destroyed by strong men more than 200 years ago?"

Just like there are five of the four heavenly kings, there are originally four mountains in the land of three mountains, and the fourth mountain is Wushan.

It was only because Wushan was razed to the ground that it became the Three Mountains.

Wushan occupies a very large area. If a new force emerged from the ruins of Wushan, it stands to reason that it would have been known to the whole world. How come only the top leaders of each force knew about it.

"Wushan is indeed destroyed," Tianxuan nodded lightly and said, "So the main altar of the Demon God Sect is on Wushan more than 200 years ago."

"This!!!" Jiang Li almost couldn't help but gasp, "Can the Great Master go back to the past?"

With his keenness, he would naturally not fail to hear what Tianxuan meant.

It is not that there was a general altar of the Demon God Sect on Wushan Mountain more than 200 years ago, but that the Great Master established a general altar on Wushan Mountain more than 200 years ago.

The main altar of the Demon God Sect is not located in the present, but in the past, so even though it is so obvious, most people don't know where the Demon God Sect's main altar is.

'That's not right. If it was really on top of Wushan in the past, then people in the past would definitely know about it. ' Jiang Li thought again.

"Theoretically, it is possible to go back to the past, as long as the Great Master can have the power to reverse the entire world...including himself," Tianxuan denied Jiang Li's conjecture, "For the Great Master, it is impossible to flow back an object. Even someone's time can indeed be achieved, provided that the object of rewinding is weaker than him. To go upstream and go back to the past is equivalent to rewinding the years of heaven and earth, including himself. What about the world that is always greater than him? How can you be weaker than him?"

Just like God cannot create a stone that he cannot lift, the Great Master cannot reverse the world that is always stronger than him, even if he becomes the number one existence in the world.

Because the Great Lord himself is in heaven and earth.

Tianxuan explained for a moment, then continued: "He did not go back to the past, but made Wushan reappear. And because of the reality that Wushan was destroyed, he hid the reappeared Wushan in a space similar to the Cave Heaven Paradise, as if he had returned to the past. He threw Wu Shan back to the past. The great master's attainments in magic are the best in the world, and even the Enlightened One, Dao Lord and others cannot reach it."

[Got it, Schrödinger’s Wushan. 】

Jiang Li was stunned.

The Great Master has no way to go back to the past, but he can rewind Wushan to before it was destroyed, and then use magic to hide Wushan as if it were still in the past.

In this way, the main altar of the Demon God Sect seems to have been established in the past. It is known to all parties, but no outsiders can enter.

This may not sound as exaggerated as going back to the past, but it's still appalling enough.

But such a great master is not the best in the world, there are five others who can tie with him... No, there should be four now, and the emperor has been excluded.

【The height of the strongest...what kind of scenery is it? 】

The collection of cause and effect showed Jiang Li's exclamation. He couldn't help but ask: "If we go back in time for more than 200 years, wouldn't the Great Master be able to bring people back to life?"

"If the soul is not scattered, it can be done," Tianxuan replied. "Even after 200 years, the remains of Wushan are still there, but the soul of a person is destroyed within a few breaths after death, and is still affected by the evil energy of the five turbidities. It will be annihilated. And the more powerful the existence is to deal with, the greater the consumption of the Great Master's magical power. Zhouguang's magical power is not invincible. For example, the Emperor, if he was in his prime and his power was still higher than the Great Master, he would not be afraid of the Great Master at all. magical powers."

It's a pity that the emperor was badly beaten, and he may have been attacked by an unruly man.

Now that I think about it, the emperor's appearance is similar to that of Wushan being hidden.

Both combine magical powers and magic to achieve a state that seems to be in the past and not disturbed by the present, somewhere between existence and non-existence.
The other three levels cannot break Wushan's spell, so naturally they cannot defeat the methods arranged by the Great Master on the Emperor.Speaking of this, Jiang Li and Gongsun Qingyue were both a little silent.The storm was coming, and they also felt the pressure.

The centuries-old order of the Great Zhou Dynasty will be broken, and what will follow will be the torrent of the times like a huge wave washing away the sand.Who could die in this torrent, including Jiang Li and Gongsun Qingyue.

"Next, you will practice well in the mansion for the time being," Tianxuan ordered. "Nantiansi has been taken over by Ji Lingguang again, but Wan Dingtian and Xiang Huaiyi are on the run. When the secret of the sky is completely clear, The Master will personally do the divination, and you’d better not leave the house before they are captured.”

Both of them nodded.

Then, Tianxuan seemed a little tired and waved her hand. Jiang Li was about to leave, but Gongsun Qingyue sat still.


Jiang Li's eyes twitched slightly, he picked up the little red dog that had been kneeling next to him, and left the pavilion with slight, slow and non-disturbing movements.

The door slowly closed after he left, as if there was an invisible hand pushing it.

The atmosphere in the hall seemed a little silent...and solemn.


Tianxuan's infinitely beautiful body relaxed and no longer maintained a dignified posture. She held her cheek with one hand and looked at Gongsun Qingyue. With a hint of teasing, she smiled and said, "Qingyue, do you have anything else to say to your master?"

Gongsun Qingyue looked at Tianxuan with a faint look. When their eyes met, there seemed to be an invisible undercurrent surging, "I heard from Jiang Li that the master was injured after fighting with the emperor that day, but he still relied on Jiang Li to transmit his innate energy. , I was able to recover. Even so, it took three days and three nights of breathing adjustment."

For three days and three nights, a man and a woman faced each other, and neither of them were ugly. They could be said to have the appearance of a celestial being, especially her master, whose appearance could be said to be peerless in the world, and her awe-inspiring and inviolable temperament.If Jiang Li had nothing on his mind, Gongsun Qingyue wouldn't believe it.

Unless Mr. Jiang is a eunuch... No, even if he is an eunuch, he will probably have ripples in his heart when facing her master.

"So you look at your master like a sneaky cat?"

Tianxuan met the faint gaze and said slowly: "Master can also tell you that after that, Master has been getting along with his good disciple day and night. Jiang Li originally said that he wanted to meet you as soon as possible, but Master stopped him. .”

Gongsun Qingyue felt that his head was a little heavy, and there was a flash of fire on his body.

"Are you anxious?" Tianxuan chuckled, "Are you jealous?"

The fire turned cyan.

Jealousy and the sense of danger of being cheated made Gongsun Qingyue face to face with the authority of the old goblin, and her past experience of defeating Tianxuan gave her great courage.

Then, Tianxuan's eyes suddenly sharpened, he sat up straight, exuding the majesty of a master, and said: "For such a trivial matter, you arranged for your master to die, and spread the news to the whole city. As a master, Should I praise you for your filial piety?"

Gongsun Qingyue's momentum weakened.

"Jiang Li, this duck has almost been stuffed into your mouth. Who dares to spit it out? You are not living up to expectations, and you are jealous of your teacher."

No matter how weak Gongsun Qingyue's momentum is.

"Master, I will tell you now, Master did it on purpose. Disciple, do you want to fight with Master?"

Gongsun Qingyue's momentum was extremely weak.

With one vigorous effort, then another, and three times exhausted, Tianxuan easily crushed Gongsun Qingyue to death with a series of blows.

However, after being suppressed, Gongsun Qingyue lost his previous jealousy.Tianxuan's behavior made her dispel her suspicions.

It seems quite normal for Tianxuan to be so arrogant and retaliate against his disciples.

As a disciple, Gongsun Qingyue knew that his master was a narrow-minded person.

When Confucius came and saw Tianxuan, he had to say, "Only women and villains are difficult to raise."

If Tianxuan appears weak, it will make Gongsun Qingyue doubt whether this master has really done anything to feel sorry for him.

"In order to repay your filial piety, my disciple, I will reward you by copying the Yin Fu Jing three hundred times."

Tianxuan's revenge was not over yet. She just heard her say leisurely: "Master, I will give you three days to copy the scriptures and give them to me. You are not allowed to use spells, you are not allowed to ask your junior brother for help, and you are not allowed to shoot left and right like your junior brother."

Gongsun Qingyue was defeated and withered.

(End of this chapter)

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