Too much fruit

Chapter 516 Time goes back, magnificent sword fight

Chapter 516 Time goes back, magnificent sword fight

On the cliff platform, Jiang Li concentrated on sensing for a moment. He even blocked his sense of smell, touch, hearing, and taste, and tried his best to strengthen his spiritual sense, but he still couldn't detect any clues.

Wuzhiqi's magical power is indeed powerful. Even with Jiang Li's current perception ability, he can't catch the slightest trace, not even a whim.

'Also, if Wu Zhiqi's supernatural power is really related to the six-eared macaque, I won't notice it, which is normal. 'Jiang Li thought about various possibilities.

After hearing Jiang Li's words, Li Qinglian's eyes twitched slightly, and she almost smiled wryly.

The five turbid odors!

God knows how Jiang Li was able to control the five turbid evil spirits, so that he was also burdened with such a blame.

Judging from the contact between Li Qinglian and Jiang Li, Jiang Li clearly does not understand the secret of transforming pure and turbid matter, and cannot absorb the five turbidities of heaven and earth to transform spiritual energy like Zhang Daoyi.

It's more like he uses the five turbid evil energies as soldiers to attack, but has no ability to improve his skills.

Let's say he doesn't understand the true secret of Jiutian Demon, but he can control the five turbid evil qi. Let's say he understands, but he can't refine the turbid qi.

Even with Li Qinglian's experience, it is difficult to see through Jiang Li's true nature.

"If you want to see the evil energy of the five turbidities, it depends on the skills of the two of you."

Li Qinglian reached out and held the sword.

"I come."

Without any hesitation, Wu Da took a step forward, indicating that he wanted to fight in a duel. At the same time, his aura changed, and the ability to confuse order disappeared in an unpredictable fluctuation, replaced by pure fierceness, the fierceness of swordsmanship.

Xingbo Daoguo seemed to have left him, and even his grade dropped to the sixth grade.

'No, not falling, falling backwards. '

Jiang Li's senses that had not yet adjusted back clearly sensed a slight change in Wu Da's vitality. It felt like...

'Getting younger. '

It dawned on him: 'His time has gone backwards. '

From the time period of the fifth level to the sixth level, the Wu Da at this time is a Wu Da who has not yet accommodated the Xingbo Dao Fruit.

'In this case, it's no wonder that the second senior brother has been in the sect for many years, but he has not exposed any flaws. '

In the eyes of everyone in the sect, and even in the eyes of the leader, Feng Ziyang was just a sixth-grade sword cultivator, and had nothing to do with a fifth-grade witch cultivator. Feng Ziyang has the life-saving means given by Elder Yu Heng. If he is a witch, how can he explain the life-saving means?

It is common sense that a fifth-grade person cannot carry a fourth-grade killing move.

Thinking of this, Jiang Li secretly observed Wu Da's consciousness using the Emperor's Qi-gazing Technique, and sure enough, he found that his consciousness was partially consumed, which was the consumption to maintain the fourth-level killing move.

'Even this is back in time, it's really amazing. 'Jiang Li thought to himself.

In this way, even if Feng Ziyang suddenly left the sect for a day or two, no one would think that he would be a shaman of the Feng clan.

The biggest evidence, Xingbo Daoguo, has become the future.

This is the hidden method used by the Great Master.

By hiding in this way, no one in the world can notice that something is wrong, not even the other powerful ones.

If Jiang Li hadn't already locked onto Wu Da's identity, knowing that he was Feng Ziyang, he wouldn't have thought of this. The great master's magical power is really hard to guard against.

One can even follow this Zhouguang magical power to imagine that the figures discovered through the causal line before, those members of the Feng clan, were also hidden in this way, including Jiang Li's good eldest brother, Feng Manlou.

'You can even make a bolder guess. Since a person's past and present can be changed at will, is it possible to separate the past body and the present body? '

Jiang Li narrowed his eyes slightly. He finally found the possible evidence that Feng Manlou and Da Zun were the same person.

If the Great Master can really do this, then Feng Manlou and the Great Master may really be the same person.

Not to mention that Jiang Li discovered some clues. After Wu Da returned to the sixth level, his strength had changed, but his sword power became more powerful.

He kept his rank at the same level as Li Qinglian, just to test the incarnation of the best sword in the world at the same level.

For those who practice swordsmanship, the four masters of swordsmanship are monuments that can be called goals, and among them, True Lord Taibai is the pinnacle at the top of the list.

"Wu Dui, please teach me." Wu Dui held the sword formula in his hand and said in a serious voice.

When Li Qinglian saw this, he didn't say he was arrogant. He just held the hilt of Qixing Longyuan's sword and slowly pulled out the sword's edge.

Along with the clear and long sound of the sword, the sharp edge of the Seven-Star Dragon Abyss appeared inch by inch, and the strange appearance of a divine dragon lingering in the abyss gradually appeared. Wu Da suddenly used the sword technique.


The snake comes out of its sheath, and the sword light separates, totaling thirty-six numbers, like an array of heavenly gangs, interlaced to form a sword net.

"The ability of the Dao Fruit differentiated by the sword light has been turned into your own ability." Li Qinglian saw the freely controlled sword light and praised lightly. Before the Seven Star Longyuan was completely pulled out, his left hand was already pulling and pulling. , five rays of sword energy flew out from the fingertips, thin and long, which was a kendo method of refining swords into silk.

He flicked his fingers, and the sword wires were like dragons and snakes, cutting vertically and horizontally, intercepting thirty-six rays of sword light. The sword energy collided in an instant, with an endless clang. The sword light and sword shadows clashed, and the cold light flickered, like winter ice crystals reflecting sunlight, gorgeous and Danger.


At this time, Qixing Longyuan was completely unsheathed. Li Qinglian grasped the five fingers of his left hand and surrounded the sword wire, cutting a series of sword lights. Longyuan's sword turned, and the sword energy surged like a tide.

"The Yellow River flows to the east, and the sun sets to the west."

The sword energy was like a great river, rushing continuously, and its sharp edge caused Ashulun and the Holy Infant King to retreat to both sides.

"Absolute sword."

Wu Da also made a prompt decision and used the combined positive and negative Eight Trigrams moves. The sword was like a blazing fire setting a prairie fire, and the sword energy moved around like flames.

Fire and frenzy are different manifestations, but they are the same sword energy. The two collide, and the sharp edges explode, shooting in all directions.


Ashulun's body swelled, and Shura's body blocked the aftermath.

The Holy Infant King's body appeared in fire, the flames were blazing, and the sword energy was burning.

Jiang Li waved his hand casually, and all the sharp edges were directed towards the mountain wall, leaving deep sword marks.

At the same time, two figures flew out from the billowing sword light and jumped into the sky. The sword energy intertwined. From the earth to the sky, the sword light expanded like rings and collided. The sword energy shuttled through the air and came and went. Continuously.

"Bah! This sword energy actually made me feel pain. This guy wearing a mask is really good at it." Ashulun reached out and patted his chest and said.

"Except for the young master of the Jiang family, who is said to be so miraculous, this is the first person who can fight with Senior Li at the sixth level." The Holy Infant King widened his eyes and looked into the air, "Could it be that this one also has the way of swordsmanship?" Four unique postures?"

"I have the four unique skills of swordsmanship, but I still can't compete with Li Qinglian in swordsmanship." '

Jiang Li silently continued, "Even I am only better than Li Qinglian in terms of overall strength, but I dare not say that I am better in swordsmanship." This Li Qinglian has never used Zhenjun Taibai's true swordsmanship. '

True Lord Taibai adheres to the practice of Jin Xing and develops sword techniques, but Li Qinglian, as his incarnation, has never used the sword techniques of Jin Xing, and his true foundation has never been revealed.

Although Li Qinglian said that he would practice different swordsmanship, cultivate hundreds of techniques, and transcend the barriers of True Lord Taibai, until now, Li Qinglian still has not been able to do this. His strongest strength comes from the swordsmanship of Lord Taibai.

However, even if Li Qinglian hadn't used all his strength, it was still amazing enough to be able to compete with the fifth level at the sixth level.

Wu Da can fight against such Li Qinglian, which shows that he is extraordinary.

"Yitian Juejian" loses the blessing of Xingbo Daoguo's supernatural power, but instead highlights the essence of swordsmanship. The sword energy induces Bagua and reverses Bagua, with interlaced changes and endless changes.

Li Qinglian's poetry and swordsmanship go hand in hand, with each poem and sword manifesting multiple visions such as the setting sun, the sea, green mountains, and rivers.

The fantastic and magnificent sword fighting, and the changing attacks of vertical and horizontal movements, attracted the attention of everyone in Youcheng. Even people on Wushan Mountain across the way flashed to watch this sword duel.

Among them, a figure with a horse body and a human face stands alone, which is quite conspicuous.

It's a heroic move.

As a close confidant of the Great Master, this person was responsible for guarding Wushan for the Great Master, and he also had the responsibility to look after Wu Da, a member of the Great Master's clan, to prevent his life from being threatened in the sword duel.

And since Yingzhao has attracted attention...

'The opportunity appeared. "The light between Jiang Li's brows flickered, like the sky's eyes in the sky, looking up and down."

Everyone's attention was on the two of them, including Jiang Li and Yingzhao. Everyone was witnessing the sword duel. This is also an excellent opportunity.

An opportunity to take action against Jiang Li.

Jiang Li's mind was completely empty, reflecting all directions above and below like a bright mirror, taking everything around him under control.

Then, Kong Ming's mind was disturbed, and an external force appeared.


Wuzhiqi is here.

 Why is the second update still so hellish? I'm drunk.

  I owe five updates now. I will find a way to pay off one update tomorrow.

  In addition, by the way, naked heretics do exist, and even now there are people who practice this naked method. However, in reality, naked heretics despise women. There are only naked men, not women. (;д`)ゞ



(End of this chapter)

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