Too much fruit

Chapter 523: The Dharma Eye is Hidden, Using Fake to Cultivate Truth

Chapter 523: The Dharma Eye is Hidden, Using Fake to Cultivate Truth

"The donor is still so naughty." Zhenru layman said with a smile.

Although there were three Dao Fruits in front of him, he didn't care about their magical powers. Instead, he talked about the fact that the perfection of the fifth-grade Dao Fruit was still far away.

Should we say that Jiang Li is down-to-earth and not ambitious?


He just hit the nail on the head once again.

The key is not the fourth-grade Dao Fruit or even the third-grade Dao Fruit, but how to quickly complete Zhuang Zhou's Dao Fruit. Since Master Zhenru has taken out these three items and three Dao fruits, it means that he has a way to help Jiang Li reach the fifth level of perfection in a short period of time.

According to layman Zhenru, Jiang Li was asked to use this sea-fixing precious iron to suppress the flood. If you can't reach the fifth level of perfection quickly, it will take three to five years or something, and the day lilies will be cold by then.

And the layman Zhenru said that Jiang Li was "slippery", which meant he was aware of Jiang Li's thoughts.

After knowing the method of rapid consummation, Jiang Li still made money even if he did not collect these three Tao fruits.

In short, it's free sex.

Zhenru layman naturally saw this, but he did not show any annoyance and still said gently and honestly: "However, this is not something that cannot be said."

"The five-grade Dao Fruit contained by the donor must be Zhuangzi's Dao Fruit. This Dao Fruit has a deep connection with the Enchanted One. The Enchanted Person is not talented, but he has a lot of experience in this Dao Fruit."

In his eyes, he seemed to relive the scene of that day and saw some of the Tao Fruit that left him that day.

When Jiang Li was promoted, he used the Cause and Effect Collection to complete the Dao Fruit, and attracted the two Dao Fruits of the sage Zhuang Zhou and Nanhua Zhenren respectively, but he encountered resistance later. The final fruit of the Tao lies with the layman Zhenru.

He sensed the power of the Cause and Effect Ji and prevented the Dao Fruit from leaving, but he also separated some parts for the Cause and Effect Ji to bring back, and then combined them with the other three Dao Fruits to form Jiang Li's current Dao Fruit - Taoist Zhuang. week.

Perhaps it was precisely because of the part he brought back that Zhenru layman noticed the face of Dao Fruit in Jiang Li.

When Jiang Li heard the words, relevant associations suddenly appeared in his mind, but on the surface he was calm and listened quietly to Zhenru layman's words.

"The fastest way to interpret the path and fruit of the benefactor is to study the relationship between heaven and man and become a family. The deluded person has the eyes of the true Dharma and enlightens the heart with the heart, which can help the benefactor overcome accumulation, integrate all dharmas, and reach perfection." It is true. The layman said with a smile.

Dharma Eye Hidden······

Jiang Li thought carefully about the origin of the Dharma Eye Hidden, "This is really a shortcut." '

He had read various classics in Elder Yun's private library. Although there were not many books related to Buddhism, they were enough for Jiang Li to have a general understanding of them. Among them were allusions to the True Dharma Eye.

[The World-Honored One was holding flowers and showing them to the people at the Lingshan meeting. Everyone was silent at that time, except for the Venerable Kassapa with a broken face and a smile. The World-Honored One said: I have the hidden Dharma Eye, the wonderful mind of Nirvana, the reality is formless, the subtle Dharma door, I don’t have any written words, I teach outsiders to teach it separately, and I entrusted it to Maha Kassapa. 】

This is a famous Buddhist allusion even in the Zhou Dynasty. Holding a flower and smiling, the eyes of righteousness are hidden.

It is said that one day when the World-Honored One was in a big class, he picked up a flower and acted as the riddler without saying anything. No one could understand it, but Kasyapa understood it and smiled slightly.

Then the World-Honored One said, everyone, listen carefully, I have peerless magical power, I can achieve enlightenment instantly, I don’t need to express it in words, just make eye contact. Now it has been passed down to Mahakassapa. If you want to learn it, just ask him.

This is the truth behind the Dharma Eye Hidden. Eye to eye, heart to heart, and mind to understand, you can understand the Dharma. It is really a wonderful way to preach, but it is not friendly to scumbag students.

Zhenru layman wanted to pass on his understanding to Jiang Li with the Dharma Eye Store, so that Jiang Li could reach the sky in one step without spending time to accumulate. He can even use the generous gift from the layman Zhenru to integrate what he has learned and establish his own way.

There is a little side effect in this.

Just like what the layman conveyed, it was naturally an understanding of Buddhism. After Jiang Li obtained the Dharma, because he had [Pure Yang Dao Body] and [Xiaoyaoyou], as well as the Heavenly Escape Sword Intent to cut out external thoughts, he did not need to worry about losing all four elements and becoming a monk. Monk. But is this achievement based on Buddhism considered Buddhism, or is it something else?

The foundation is Buddhism. Even if Jiang Li doesn't leave home and become a monk, he is still better than a monk.

'All the gifts given by fate have been marked with a secret price. There is no such thing as a free lunch. Jiang Li sighed with emotion.

Zhenru layman is really not stingy at all, and he doesn't even think about going for a degree conversion like other monks. However, his approach is more effective and less preventable than a degree conversion.

It can even be said that it is impossible to prevent.

As long as Jiang Li accepts the Dharma Eye of Zhenru layman, his foundation will shift. Even if he holds all the Taoist fruits in his body, he still cannot change his foundation, and he will have to be a Xuanmen monk in the future.

Or simply go to the Buddhist Kingdom and maybe inherit the first position in the future and become the boss.

It seems that the golden hoop and the sacred iron will cause trouble in the future. In fact, once Jiang Li accepts the Dharma Eye Store, he has become one of his own, and it doesn't matter if there is no trouble in the future.

He was really considerate and made sure there would be no future troubles. Even if Jiang Li wanted to accuse, he couldn't find anything to blame.

But if it’s just this kind of income gift...

Jiang Li felt that he should be unwilling.


He slowly exhaled and said, "The words of lay people are more than a hundred times better than the Zen sounds of the Buddha's kingdom." "It seems that the donor is unwilling." Zhenru layman shook his head with regret.

Saying this represents Jiang Li's will, and he has no intention of changing jobs.

"If it's just the Dharma Eye Hidden, I'm still willing." Jiang Li said shocking words.

You don’t need the three Taoist fruits, but you have to accept the Dharma Eye Hidden. After you accept the Dharma transmission, you don’t need to worry about subsequent hidden dangers.

Zhenru layman restrained his expression of regret and looked at Jiang Li for a while.

Then, he smiled, with a bit more interest than the previous gentleness, with the air that a person should have, rather than the constant emptiness.

"It seems that the donor is very confident." He said with a smile.

If you want to accept the teachings without letting your foundation sway towards Buddhism, then there is only one way, which is to have an understanding of the teachings that is comparable to the teachings, or the so-called Taoism.

Just like adding salt to a glass of water, the proportion of water and salt determines the final saltiness.

If Jiang Li's glass of water is large enough, then the added salt (Buddhism) will not be enough to make him salty.

On the contrary, if it is not enough, the added salt (Dharma) will penetrate Jiang Li and turn him into a salted fish.

It was a very simple and easy-to-understand comparison method, but it surprised layman Zhenru, and even Hui Neng, who always had a dead expression on his face and seemed to be filled with despair, was moved by it.

"Since the donor has good intentions, how can the deceiver refuse?"

As the layman said, he gently raised his hand in the shape of holding a flower, and a lotus that had not yet bloomed appeared naturally between his fingers.

"The flowers bloom and see me, and I see the Tathagata."

He didn't speak, but a mysterious voice sounded in Jiang Li's mind. The lotus buds slowly unfolded and bloomed, not earth-shattering, but shocking.

It's like a wake-up call and sudden enlightenment. An indescribable experience appears in the heart. There is obviously no content, but everything seems to be clear in the heart. All thoughts in the heart are empty, and there is silence and nirvana.

The subtle Dharma is not based on words, but it is indeed the case.

But at this moment, a mixed thought emerged, and the vast and vast will broke the empty realm. Amidst the endless praise, scriptures appeared one after another.

"...Born to kill by nature, this is the principle of Tao. All things in heaven and earth are robbed, all things are robbed by human beings, and all human beings are robbed..."

The scriptures of the "Yin Fu Sutra" and the method without words are mixed together, breaking the meaning of emptiness, and at the same time, a golden lotus appears in the sea of ​​consciousness.

The True Dharma Eye does not focus on words or shapes. Those who can perform this method must either have the relevant path and fruit, or their realm has reached the level of a Buddha. In this way, the meaning of teaching is close to Tao. It was originally invisible, but when it was broken at this moment, it became tangible. It fell into the inferior state and the effect was greatly lost.

However, it was precisely because he fell into the inferior category that Jiang Li had the opportunity to eat it.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, a vertical eye surrounded by yellow clouds collided with the lotus. When the two touched, the lotus collapsed into countless flying petals, and the vertical eye was suddenly scattered into countless words. Huang Yun even dispersed into a ball of dense air.

Jiang Li borrowed Ji Jiji's Huangtian incense to collide with Zhenru layman's Zhenru Dharma Eye Store. Just like Ji Jiji usurped the way of heaven, he used human thoughts to corrupt the Buddha's mind, knocking the superior Buddha's mind into the lower vehicle, and also dispersed it through the Buddha's mind. People think about it.

Jiang Li's soul turned into a dragon and snake and flew to the intersection between the two. His body shape was like the arc in the center of Tai Chi, isolating the two sides and connecting them.

Jiang Li himself was quiet for a moment, empty of all thoughts, pure and peaceful, and then suddenly his body shook, with a leisurely look, and slowly chanted: "Not on this shore, not on the other shore, not in the middle of the stream, I ask you about your body." Where is it? No mind of the past, no mind of the future, no mind of the present, return to your true colors!"

The pores all over his body seemed to be glowing, and his texture was transparent, like Buddha, like Tao, and sacred. He seemed to be alone and alone in the world, and he seemed to be far away from the world and detached from the world.

"The donor's move caused the Dharma Eye Store to fall into the lower realm. Originally, the donor did not need to worry about cultivation issues before the third level." Upon seeing this, Zhenru Layman showed a trace of regret.

Originally it was not written in words, but now it has become a Buddhist saying. This is undoubtedly inferior and has lost its true meaning.

"But only in this way can the layman's things be turned into mine, isn't it?" Jiang Li said with a smile.

He is very greedy and does not want to let go of the opportunities in front of him. He is not greedy and only takes what he can get.

[Using false cultivation to cultivate truth, and using Buddha’s thoughts and human thoughts to consolidate his own practice, Zhuang Zhou’s integration of Taoism and Fruition finally made progress. 】

The causal set refreshed a line of text in a timely manner.

(End of this chapter)

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