Too much fruit

Chapter 584: Heaven and earth confront Shetian, and refugees will be accepted the day after tomorrow

Chapter 584: Heaven and earth confront Shetian, and refugees will be accepted the day after tomorrow

The fist can collapse the sky, and the power can destroy the mountain. The giant spirit god's fist arm is like a horizontal mountain, and one punch leads to the roaring red dragon.

The wind pressure shrank in front of the fist, and the fist forcefully gathered the dancing red dragon, and hit the fist with the tip of the fire-pointed spear.

The powerful force destroyed the real fire, and the bursting wind was like the howling of gods and ghosts, crushing all directions, causing the refugees on the ground to fall like grass.

Even if Yin Tulong took the initiative to attack, flew dozens of miles, and avoided countless refugees, he still could not avoid casualties. As the saying goes, if there are ten thousand people, there is no edge. With ten thousand people, it is difficult to see the edge at a glance, let alone the more than one million people here.

But at this moment, I don’t care about that much anymore.

Yin Tulong and Julingshen were shocked at the same time, and each retreated. Under the interaction of Qi and Qi, the bodies of both sides were shaken violently, their seven orifices were bleeding, and they were even killed by the powerful force transmitted from them.

The blessing of the military formation and the connection of Dao and Fruit make the soldiers and generals form a whole. When the generals of the two sides fight, the energy will also conduct the aftermath to the military formation.

In this whole, the individual soldier is like a cell. Compared with the overall fight, a cell is too fragile. Even if others bear the responsibility, casualties still cannot be avoided.

But this is the normal state of war in this world.

"Fourth grade Taoist weapon!"

However, at this moment, a figure appeared on Yin Tulong's shoulder, also holding a bow and arrow.


The nine dragons roared and turned into the shape of a bell in an instant, but the Giant Spirit God was not fighting alone.

The flames swept across, covering the upper body of the Giant Spirit God, and a burst of flames raged out from it, burning the Giant Spirit God's armor red, and even began to show signs of melting.

The armor on his body was a rock-like khaki color, and a thick aura filled the air from within. The Qiankun Circle hit his body, but it only made his body shake, making it difficult to break the armor covering him.

In the first confrontation, it seemed that there was no distinction between superior and inferior. Although Yin Tulong had accommodated the three altars of Haihui Daoguo and was a real fighting master, the giant spirit god was not easy to deal with.

Yin Tulong shook his spear, and the spear formed a line, piercing the air and piercing the palm of his hand, pouring real fire into it without giving in.

His name is the Giant Spirit God, but this was only his title when he was in the fifth level. His fourth-level Dao Fruit has the same origin as the Giant Spirit God, and he has the power to change the course of the Yellow River and break up the Huayue Mountains. In addition, he is Zhang Zhixuan's Taoist soldier. In terms of strength, he can really compete with the killing talent of Yin Tulong.

The Gang Qi was like a substantial wall of wind, hitting the shadow of the gun, while the big hands turned into claws, grabbing at the main body of the fire-pointed gun.

The flames danced and hid in the shape of a dragon. Nine extremes were clearly visible, trying to wrap up the giant spirit god and the altar.

"The giant spirit is really powerful."

The Giant Spirit God has a Taoist weapon, and Yin Tulong doesn't have one. There are only a few people in Yuxu Temple, but their families are rich. Basically everyone has a Taoist weapon with them, and many of them carry third-grade Taoist weapons. Like Yin Tu Long, he has a third-grade Taoist weapon, the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Shield, which displays its power at this moment.

On the altar he held up, there were five fourth-grade figures, including Lu Tianpeng.

Yin Tulong's discernment was perfect, and he immediately saw that this armor was not only made of extraordinary material, but also contained Taoist fruits. Although he did not know its specific appearance, judging from its effectiveness, it was undoubtedly a fourth-grade armor.

In a battle between two sides, the military formations must not only collide with the opponent's military formations, but also suffer the aftermath of the battle between the stronger ones. This is the cruelty of war.

When comparing arrows to arrows, although the size cannot be compared with the sky-shooting bow, there is a vast aura that fills the universe. Above the head of the person who pulls the bow, there is an eternal aura that lasts forever, condensing the image of the majestic sky. .

The giant spirit god is holding the altar with one hand, and grabbing it like a dragon's claw with the other hand, reaching straight for the fire-tipped spear.

The big bow with a pale yellow color all over its body was pulled open, and streaks of auspicious colors entwined with the bronze arrows, condensing a sharpness as sharp as the sky.

The wind howled fiercely, and the three-headed and six-armed Yin Tulong retreated and advanced again, stepping on the wind and fire wheel to attack and kill. The spear was like a prairie fire, and occasionally there were two magical weapons, one strong and one soft, namely the Qiankun Circle and the Huntian Ling. Attack from left and right.

Seeing that Jiulong was about to encircle him, Lu Tianpeng raised his bow again and shot the blood arrow condensed on the sky bow.

"People from the Feng clan..." Lu Tianpeng whispered.

"Ji Jiji..." Feng Manlou also whispered on Yin Tulong's shoulder.

The two of them also drew their bows and arrows, facing each other in the air as if there was invisible magic power in the arrow tips attracting each other.


The bow was like a thunderbolt, and the arrow was like a rainbow piercing the sun. The two arrows were pointed at the wheat awns, and they hit each other impartially. The auspicious colors and blood light turned into sharp rays of light that were like thunder, colliding and entangled, and at the same time moving towards Shooting in all directions.


There were more thunderbolts in the blood rain, from the sky to the ground, slamming on the mountains, the earth and the two giant gods.

One is the Sky Shooting Bow, one of the Five Soldiers of the God of War.

The other one is the Yellow Emperor's magic weapon - the Qiankun Bow and the Sky-shattering Arrow.

The eldest princess also cared a lot about a certain son-in-law, so she asked him to take this royal treasure with him before leaving.

The two big bows came from two rivals. The bows and arrows collided, causing a surge of thunder and lightning, causing the altar to shake. Scorch marks appeared on the bodies of Yin Tulong and the Giant Spirit God at the same time.

And the true fire truly took on the shape of a dragon, roaring towards the giant spirit god and surrounding him.

"Yuanjun." Uncle Feng shouted loudly at this time, raised his hands to the sky, and summoned a shocking storm, coming from the north with a raging sound.

Even the sound of heavy rain could not cover up the roar of the torrent. A raging current was surging from the mountains and heading straight into the battlefield.

The strong wind and the heavy rain together attract the torrent, which rushes in from the side. Looking at its trend, it will first overwhelm the battlefield of the heavenly soldiers and the yellow scarf warriors, and then involve the refugees together. It can be said that it will hurt the enemy a thousand times and damage itself. Eight hundred.

But the Taiping Sect is lacking everything right now, except for people, and they need the negative emotions of living beings.

In the blood rain, there are still endless lights and shadows flowing into the blood-colored sun-like hole, and the sky fluctuates with the majestic aura.

"Brother, fill it in."

However, Yin Tulong also made a move at this time. One of his arms behind him made a throwing motion, throwing out an afterimage. A Taoist riding a dragon-bearded tiger was thrown out by Yin Tulong and rushed into the torrent.

"Pindao is a town, not a settlement."

There is still a lingering sound in the wind.

It is strange to say that after this man and a tiger fell into the torrent, the raging torrent immediately stopped and slowed down completely unreasonably. Although there was still water rushing into the battlefield, the water surface could only reach knee-level and was difficult to wash away. The formation of heavenly soldiers.

At the same time, Jiang Li flew through the air, and suddenly a pure and holy aura appeared on his body, and his face became somewhat solemn.

He stretched out his hand and threw up a rag bag, and blasted out a stream of holy Buddha energy, which entered the bag. In an instant, he saw that the bag had become several times larger. When he opened the bag mouth, a huge suction force captured a stream of panic. silhouette.

"Genotype bag!"

There seemed to be people shouting from all directions, especially on the altar. Uncle Feng was the first to notice something strange and screamed, "Surprisingly..."

How could a human race bag be refined in such a short period of time? !

"What a coincidence." Lu Tianpeng was not surprised at all.

In a short period of time, even with Tianxuan's help, it was impossible to break the restriction, let alone refine the human race bag. But the magic weapon is dead and the person is alive. Since there is no way to change the owner of the human race bag, then become the owner of the human race bag.

Jiang Li created the qi machine of the Holy Mother of White Lotus, and even imitated the real qi exactly the same. With the help of Tianxuan, he was able to identify the restrictions and really deceive this damn magic weapon.

However, the Taiping Sect was neglected because Jiang Li had never used the human seed bag before, so they seized the opportunity at this moment to recruit people.

Really decisive.

This thought flashed through everyone's mind.

He has been able to hold back and not take action, even if the refugees continue to be killed and injured, he still holds back until now is the best time...

A large number of refugees and the followers of the Taiping Sect were sucked into the human race bag, while Jiang Li flicked his eyebrows, a clear light flashed across, and released all his fellow sect members from the fragments of the Taihao Mirror.

I saw practitioners falling to the side of the battlefield one by one, and a group of people at the front immediately raised the strange-looking things in their hands.

"Da da da da da da..."

The ring formed by the six tubes continued to rotate, spraying out a stream of air bombs, pouring mercilessly onto the yellow scarf warrior.

Even though the yellow scarf warrior's physique, which specializes in cultivating the physical body, was beaten to pieces by the sudden rain of bullets, his body was shaking.

In less than three breaths, the wheel gun exhausted the power of the people in the front row, and then someone from the back row came to the front and picked up the same gun.

Jiang Li, on the other hand, was the imperial messenger's human seed bag, advancing forward, constantly sucking in the crowds that were falling into chaos.

The yellow scarf warriors in front were slaughtered, and the refugees were continuously sucked in. This caused the giant spirit god's momentum to decline, and the idea of ​​flying into the air decreased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The situation seems to have come to an unfavorable side for the Taiping Sect.

But Lu Tianpeng remained calm and calm.

"Central army, rear army advance, kill all who stand in the way." He ordered to Feng Bo.

The Taiping Religion still has a large number of soldiers and horses behind the refugee wave. Previously, they had not joined the battlefield due to the obstruction of the refugees. If they advance at this time, they can stop the enemy in time, but——

'Those refugees, those believers...'

Feng Bo's consciousness swept across the earth like the wind, and then he gritted his teeth and issued a message: "March."

At this time, there is no room for excess compassion. What the other party can do decisively, we can also do.

Moreover, massacre can also inspire resentment and resentment, further eroding the sky.

At the same time, the giant spirit god ran, and the strong wind brought by his steps swept through a large number of human bodies, bringing up a tide of flesh and blood, and crashed into Yin Tulong's body of heaven and earth with a fierce and unrivaled force.

"Carrying mountains and crossing seas."

This giant god was like a sideways mountain, crashing into the circling red dragons with an extremely violent attitude.

(End of this chapter)

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