Too much fruit

Chapter 622 Rebellious Disciple

Chapter 622 Rebellious Disciple
Jiang Li and Tianxuan did not notice Gongsun Qingyue's arrival, or they might have sensed it, but they had no time to take care of it at this time.

Rolling from the hill to the grass below, Jiang Li finally prevailed and firmly occupied the top, almost face to face, facing Tianxuan.

Tianxuan's eyes were like spring water, reflecting Jiang Li's figure, and her eyes were rippling, as if they were going to melt his figure.

"It seems that I am still stronger." Jiang Li said slowly, his heat getting even stronger.

His body felt like it was on fire, and he felt a strong urge. Especially when he thought that his long-cherished wish was about to come true, Jiang Li couldn't control himself.

"I still don't know who was squeezed like a puddle of mud by my mother last time."

Tianxuan still refused to admit defeat, giggling, her legs quietly turned into long snake tails, stretched out from under her skirt, and strangled Jiang Li.

Gongsun Yuanxi and Jiang Li only got along for a short time. Although they were in love for three days and three nights, it was still strange to meet again. Even though Tianxuan actually knew that she and Jiang Li were not without feelings, she still had to act on the surface.

She would make mistakes and follow Jiang Li's wishes to appear as Gongsun Yuanxi again, just to lay some groundwork and then proceed step by step.

But now after being with Jiang Li like this, all the unfamiliarity was gone, only an unspeakable hot emotion remained.

So she chose to find another way and save what she saw so that she could deal with the old goblin later.

Gongsun Qingyue was watching from a distance on the hill, and saw the grass swaying. His face was unconsciously dyed with a layer of red glow, and then a layer of green. He felt that his black hair was not the same as the grass and trees all over the mountains and plains. Same, green.

Tianxuan doesn’t know that the past was before and the present is now.

The master and apprentice are quite similar in some ways, and they both like to challenge themselves.

Anyway, the person related to Jiang Li is Gongsun Yuanxi. What does he have to do with Tianxuan?
As for whether it will be exposed in the future, let's talk about it later. Anyway, now, Tianxuan just wants to be bold again.

This is a dreamland, isn't it?

Until now, she has not really used her strength. If the third-grade Dao Fruit of the plug-in appears, isn't it just a matter of seconds to suppress this kid?

She must be made aware of her position as a side room.

Although it felt very green and was actually very green, it was a done deal, and he had communicated with Jiang Li in advance, so Gongsun Qingyue could only swallow the bitter pill temporarily.

However, even at this point, Tianxuan refused to admit defeat.

In fact, if Tianxuan calmed down, she would realize that Jiang Li's feelings were a bit too passionate, and it was not like he was treating a woman who only had a casual relationship. But now, she was a little dizzy. The impulse swept through her calm heart. She also followed the impulse and didn't want to think too much.

Just looking at it, Gongsun Qingyue couldn't help but breathe quickly.

"This slut is really shameless. It's in broad daylight, and in the open air. It's disgusting, disgusting."

Moreover, perhaps because of the mutual echoes of Fuxi and Nuwa, this fiery emotion fermented extremely quickly, and now it has turned into a raging fire, causing the heart to beat violently.

"Men are the creatures that can least withstand provocation, Yuan Xi."

Tianxuan couldn't help but exclaim, and then the two of them rolled into the lush grass.

Come again for three days and three nights if you can!
Sometimes putting on a mask means taking it off. Now that Tianxuan is wearing another face, her behavior has become wilder.

It was covered by grass, and she didn't dare to detect her spiritual thoughts, so she could only see the shaking movement, but couldn't see the whole picture.

Faced with such provocation, Jiang Li just wanted to shake his head.

Jiang Li stretched out his hand and pressed it on Liu's waist, and the two rolled it twice more, leaving a moon-white jade belt in place.

Gongsun Qingyue roared crazily in her heart, and used her bare hands to preserve everything she saw.

But it's loud.

Like mountains and flowing water, like green willows and orioles, it rises and falls at times, which really made Gongsun Qingyue blush.

Is it that exaggerated?

After all, he is still at the fourth level, so he won't be nearly broken apart like he was before, right? Jiang Li's physique so exaggerated now?

Just thinking about it, Gongsun Qingyue couldn't help but use her hand as a fan to drive away the heat.

Save it, save it all, and let this old goblin see how sexy he is.

Gongsun Qingyue, full of resentment and gloating about misfortune, preserved these sounds.

But suddenly, the grass suddenly became quiet for some reason.

On the other side, in the green grass, Snake Tail had quietly changed back to its original shape. Jiang Li looked at the pretty face that was crying and complaining. The vertical marks between the eyebrows were shimmering, and another face appeared in his eyes, as if it were empty. In fact, his eyebrows were furrowed, and his elegant face in the past was in a daze.

He just looked at it like this, then suddenly lowered his head, leaned into Tianxuan's ear, and whispered: "Master."

Although he really wanted to continue playing such an interesting game, Jiang Li could foresee that Tianxuan would definitely be able to detect the clues when he thought about it afterwards.

As a high-end hunter, he has now caught his prey, but he has also torn off his disguise and is no longer as passive as before.

In order to prevent Tianxuan's counterattack, Jiang Li planned to directly seal the victory and kill the game again.

The swaying grass suddenly became quiet, Tianxuan's body tensed, and Jiang Li took a breath. "You..." Her face was filled with incomprehensible surprise, and her beautiful eyes were fixed on Jiang Li.

Jiang Li was savoring this astonishment and unexpectedness, and felt that in addition to his body, his spiritual feelings were also reaching a peak at the same time.

He had long wanted to see this expression, this expression of losing his composure in front of him.

It's really a pleasure.

With a flick of his hand, his face changed, and Tianxuan's true appearance appeared again. The beautiful and elegant goddess was underneath. But the elegant and pure temperament combined with the clothes at this time created a sharp contrast and blasphemy.

Tianxuan, who showed her true face, unconsciously put on airs, but at this moment, her airs completely had the opposite effect, making Jiang Li feel even more happy.

Tianxuan, who realized that they were in the open air, couldn't help but let out a scream. The magnificent palace instantly rose from the ground, replacing the grass and completely covering the two figures.

After the veil of identity was unveiled, Tianxuan began to recall all the previous events. She felt that an unprecedented sense of social death filled her heart, and her mood collapsed completely like an avalanche.

She has always been in charge, and even after Gongsun Qingyue's scorn, she was able to turn the situation around, handle the complicated relationship between the master and the apprentice with ease, and develop it in the direction she wanted.

But what's going on now?

What is this called?
The little naughty dog ​​has rebelled, and the son-in-law is about to devour the master.

"That's so audacious!" Tianxuan's eyebrows were raised, trying to intimidate his disciples with the majesty of a master.

However, her current deterrent power is really not enough. Even after revealing her true appearance and displaying her majesty, she was completely defeated by her current appearance.

Not to mention, Jiang Li now wanted to see her pretty face lose control.

Then, it started to rain inside the palace.

Due to the hasty construction, this palace looks magnificent, but in fact, the interior is all jade white, with no other decorations, and it looks simple and unpretentious.

But as the rain fell, the simple palace became more poetic and picturesque.

It’s just that the high mountains and flowing water in the mountains and fields have disappeared.

Tianxuan had a sullen face, barely holding on to the teacher's majesty and refusing to speak out.


The low moan sounded, with a lingering aftertaste, that lingered around for three days, until it seemed as if the bones of a person were crispy.


Tianxuan couldn't hold himself any longer, and stared at the source of the low moaning sound with a pair of wonderful eyes - Jiang Li.

There is a good ventriloquist in Dinghu. I forgot about it in the middle and later. I only remember that he can imitate the voices of everyone, especially those close to him, including the respected master.

"Senior sister is resting on my lap now. It would be bad if she heard my sleep talk." Jiang Li said with a low smile.

The current meaning is naturally - Master, you don’t want your senior sister to hear this voice, right?

While speaking, Jiang Li began to reproduce the sounds of mountains and flowing water before Tianxuan, and the shallow singing of green willows and orioles. The sound effects perfectly matched the scene, which was called silky smooth.

Tianxuan now really saw the fangs of this son-in-law. This traitor was simply ambitious.

"Traitor, let go... ah~"

Tianxuan, who couldn't hold back, finally couldn't suppress the rebel's opposition and couldn't help but scream.

As soon as this song started, it started to be endless. It started from a shallow singing and gradually had a tendency to get higher.

This traitor is simply too strong and too rebellious.

Tianxuan finally couldn't hold back anymore, a faint starlight appeared between her brows, Doumu Yuanjun's Dao Fruit appeared, and stars spread all over the hall, making the place look like a starry sky in the universe.

Anyway, now that her identity has been revealed, she no longer needs to pretend that she has no energy left.

To deal with such a rebellious villain, a heavy blow must be dealt.

New strength suddenly emerged, Tianxuan rose up again, like the incarnation of the stars, rolling over Jiang Li with endless gravity until he was shattered to pieces. The unprecedented power made Jiang Li couldn't help but open his eyes wide.

But he is not bad either. The three elements combined into one, even in a dream, can still perfectly embody extreme power and immediately counterattack strongly.

There is a jade couch, all the flowers and pearls are discarded.

He patted and hugged her and sat down, and she gradually fell into a daze and fell asleep.

Hold your tongue, raise your waist and tie your knees.

The dragon spins around, the silkworms linger, the eyes stare, and the feet kick.

The eagle's eyesight is deep, so he lifts his feet and takes a closer look;
The falcon bed is narrow, so you can lie on your side and cross it diagonally.

(End of this chapter)

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