Too much fruit

Chapter 626: Refining the demon, Baqi will appear

Chapter 626: Refining the demon, Baqi is about to appear

A golden firework flew out from the Shennong Cauldron, suspended in the air, swaying like a candle in the wind.

The golden flame did not emit any heat and seemed to be illusory. However, Jiang Li observed with his heavenly eyes that when the golden flame swayed, the space also fluctuated, just like the deformation of the air when a general flame burns.

This was not the Yuan Qi fire that Jiang Li had drawn from the Shennong Cauldron in the past, but the true Sun Fire, the flame absorbed from the Golden Crow skeleton.

And for this flame——

Jiang Li opened his mouth and immediately became stuffy.

The body instantly became transparent inside and out, like light. You can clearly see that the golden flame spread out immediately after entering the esophagus, assimilating the entire light body.

Jiang Li transformed himself into the body of Yuan Qi with the Eight-nine Mysterious Techniques, and assimilated this true sun fire with the innate Qi characteristics, just like dropping a drop of ink into a pool of water. Although the ink infected the water, the water also diluted the ink and then absorbed it.

Jiang Li had previously used the transformation ability of the Eight-nine Mysterious Techniques to accommodate six scenes, leaving only the two scenes of heaven and earth. However, in his practice of "Shaping Tomb", he still stayed on the wind-shaped energy and rain-shaped clouds, and did not After practicing Yang-shaped sun, you cannot easily absorb the true fire of the sun.

He is taking the essence of the Three Tombs to create his own technique, but that does not mean that he is almost ready to complete the Three Tombs. To achieve great success in any of the Three Tombs, you need to be at the second level, otherwise you won't have such a strong foundation to master the Three Tombs.

Jiang Li used Xuan Gong to transform yin and yang, and at the same time, the signs of the Eight Diagrams emerged in the sea of ​​consciousness. The nine seas of energy in his light body also took shape, with each of the eight seas occupying one of them, and the rest of the sea of ​​energy was used as the Nine Palaces and Eight Trigrams. The center contains the true energy of the demon.

In this way, the method of the Three Tombs has been further integrated, and the "Huangji Jingshi Shu" has also been further improved.

The meaning of the three tombs combined is to use the eighty-nine mysterious skills as a link to evolve yin and yang.

The eight qi merged into yin and yang respectively, and then merged. The sea of ​​qi in the middle palace fluctuated again, and yin and yang merged again. However, it was not the manifestation of Tai Chi, but the arrangement and combination of yin and yang yarns one by one to form the Bagua, which then spread from the inside out.

In an instant, the Demonic Qi in Zhonggong Qihai encountered a majestic innate Qi impact, and the extremely exclusive Qi encountered an unprecedented attack.

The light body turned into a flesh body again, and the Yin and Yang Yao spread to many acupoints and blended with the talisman. The Yin and Yang Yao replaced the talisman and became the foundation of the "Xing Tomb" technique, which belongs exclusively to Jiang Li's "Xing Tomb" .


Based on the phases of heaven and using the Eight-nine Mysterious Skills, Jiang Li simulated the yin and yang of heaven and earth, and the eight shapes of mountains, rivers, clouds and air.

One is divided into two, two is divided into four, four is divided into eight, eight is divided into sixty-four, endless evolution.

Feeling the changes in his body, Jiang Li slowly opened his eyes. There seemed to be lightning flashing in his eyes, and a faint light faded in the vertical marks between his eyebrows.

The energy of the sun spreads in the body, and then, a stream of taiyin energy surges from the lower abdomen of the Dantian, and also disperses in the limbs and bones, combining with the energy of the sun.

The foundation of "Qi Grave" lies in the word "refining", which lies in the virtue of fire. Jiang Li himself also has the virtue of fire. Although he has understood the method of change and can change at will, he still prefers the method of fire virtue in essence. "Qi Grave".

The True Secret of Jiutian Dang Demon was created by Taoist Lord Li Boyang. It uses the transformation of yin and yang to transform demons into Tao, turning turbidity into purity. This is the most fundamental method of yin and yang. Jiang Li has now obtained the Eight-nine Mysterious Skills, which means he has obtained the change of yin and yang. At the same time, the "Huangji Jingshi Shu" he created is also about returning to yin and yang in the form of eight trigrams, eight qi and eight forms.

Now he has transformed into a body of light, dominated by Qi. The Qi of Taiyin and Sun surges into the middle palace, fixing the Demonic Qi, and the eight innate Qi rush in at the same time.

But now, with the operation of the Eight-nine Mysterious Techniques, the Eight-Qi formed a formation around the center, and each talisman appeared in the acupoints all over the body.

"The emperor's wisdom is in the world, and the eight innate powers are innate."

Jiang Li has not reached the corresponding level, so naturally he cannot directly absorb the true fire of the sun. However, he is now strong enough to withstand the true fire of the sun.

"One qi turns into ten thousand qi, all things turn into one qi, refine!"

In today's practice system, one uses Tao and Fruit to elevate oneself to the corresponding realm, and then uses techniques to transform one into combat power. The potential accumulation brought about by the promotion of Tao Fruit is like stuffing the vitality of heaven and earth into the body, and then allowing the practitioner to develop it from within.

The true energy of the demon was refined into yin and yang, and the true energy was torn apart and turned into two parts, the yin and yang fish. This is the true appearance of the true energy of the demon.

A roar echoed in the body, and the sound of thunder was restrained within the body. The demonic energy was like a weak little girl. Under the fixation of the lunar sun, eight big men attacked at the same time, and was split apart.

And time has passed by an hour and a half without realizing it.

'The Eight-Nine Xuan Gong is indeed the most changeable method, the most adaptable method. What's even better is that it matches my current method, allowing me to take another step forward. As long as you continue to go down, reverse the innate transformation of yin and yang, and achieve Tai Chi, it is not a problem at all. This is the method of diligence...'

The more I know the importance of the Eight-Nine Mysterious Techniques, the more I want to improve the Eight-Nine Mysterious Techniques quickly. This will not only improve the technique and improve my realm, but also allow the Dao Fruit to be performed. It can be said to kill three birds with one stone.

But in this case, wouldn't it mean that we should focus on cultivating the eight or nine mysterious skills and put fighting on all sides and conquering demons as secondary tasks?

Stop it quickly, this shouldn't be the way to interpret Qingyuan Miao Dao and Zhenjun Daoguo. It will make Erlang look like a sex demon.

I stayed with Tianxuan and Gongsun Qingyue all day long, and then the progress of Daoguo fusion increased steadily, and my strength became stronger and stronger. When outsiders saw it, oh, this is how the Daoguo was performed.

Jiang Li used his own uniqueness to find the fastest way to improve. It would be absolutely impossible for another person to improve the Eight-nine Mysterious Techniques through this method, let alone interpret the Qingyuan Wonderful Way and the True King's Way. Yes, but others don’t know.

It was impossible for Jiang Li to reveal such secrets related to his own foundation.

Yin Tulong grasped the fact that the Three Tan Haihui Great God had a grudge against the Dragon Clan and stared at the Dragon Palace to pluck out the wool. He tried to make a name for himself as a Taoist Dragon Slayer. If Jiang Li used this method to achieve Taoism, he didn't know what would happen. name.

A soft-hearted Taoist?

The Tiger of Dinghu Sect?
Just thinking about that kind of future made Jiang Li feel that his eyes were dim and his future was not bright.

But I still have to be a little careful.

No matter how high one's state of mind is, one still has to face the influence of various temptations. If one has not been affected in the past, it is just that the temptation is not strong enough. For example, Taoist Guangcheng is also a master of Xuanmen, but if he is allowed to jump to the first rank and become a heavenly master all of a sudden, let's see if he will be tempted.

Don't say it's shameless, you have to give it a try even if you risk your life.

The temptation faced by Jiang Li was not as big as being directly promoted to the first rank, but he himself had some thoughts about it, which could be said to have hit Jiang's key point.

Jiang Li didn't know if Yang Jian wanted to be shameless, but he himself probably didn't care about shame.

The only thing to worry about is whether this method of advancement will cause rejection by the path and fruition.

Just as Jiang Li was weighing his options, a faint wave of evil energy entered Jiang Li's senses.

He immediately raised his head, his eyes flashed, and he saw the source of the evil spirit.

In a Taoist hall of Yuxu Temple, there is a golden bell falling in the hall, with the mouth of the bell pointing downwards, and evil energy flowing out from the edge, vaguely evolving into a ghostly image.

Two little Taoist boys were standing outside the hall. They were shocked when they noticed the evil spirit spreading out. "How is this possible? The Nine Dragon Divine Fire Shield is a third-grade Taoist weapon. How could it allow evil spirits to leak out?"

A Taoist boy called out: "Lingyu, go find Uncle Dragon Slayer quickly. No, it's better to call the temple master too. This is safer."

The Taoist boy on the other side was a little sleepy, and he was about to take action when he heard this. Suddenly a trace of black energy flashed in his eyes, and his face suddenly became distorted, "Uncle Dragon Slayer punished us to guard the gate just because we are taller than him now. He is simply unworthy of a human being. If you ask me, you might as well lift the divine fire cover and let this evil spirit go."

"Where did you come from as a madman? You want to release evil spirits secretly just because you are guarding the door. And you can't lift the divine fire cover. Forget it, why am I telling you this?"

The Taoist boy suddenly whipped his leg and swept it towards Ling Yu, "Ling Yu, you are possessed by an evil spirit. Let me wake you up and you will be exempted from the punishment of guarding the door."

As he spoke, Tao Tong's face also had a dark air.

"Jie Jie Jie, Bai He, look at how much better you can get."

Lingyu Jiejie smiled slyly and moved his yin hand towards Baihe Taoist.

The two Taoist boys started fighting at the door, using all kinds of dirty tricks.

Just as they were fighting happily, light and shadow suddenly flashed, and the yin and yang lines evolved into hexagrams, surrounding a figure that appeared in front of the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Barrier.

"I asked Yin Tulong why he didn't kill you. It turns out that you have grown up again."

The light between Jiang Li's brows flickered, and the vision of his heavenly eye penetrated the divine fire shield. He saw the real fire burning inside, and the phantom of a snake monster with eight heads and ten tails dancing in the fire.

This snake monster is the fusion of the clones of God Ho Luo.

At this time, all the clones of God Ho Luo were burned, leaving only the phantom of the Basilisk, which looked like a primordial spirit but not a primordial spirit. It was like a shadow, so that the divine fire could not burn him in a short time.

Of course, this was also related to Yin Tulong's continuous battles and his pursuit of Marquis Shen, so he was unable to spare time to refine it.

Jiang Li's voice passed into the bell jar, causing the eight snakes to look at it at the same time, with all kinds of vicious negative emotions in their scarlet eyes.

"It turns out to be Young Master Jiang. No, now it's time to call you Elder Yaoguang."

The cold voice was spitting out a message, and the head of the Yamata no Orochi opened and closed its mouth at the same time, "I am the god of disaster, and now Liangzhou is experiencing floods first, then military disasters, and death disasters. The disaster is so great Everyone in Yongzhou can feel it. With this help, I have greatly improved my strength."

When Yamata no Orochi went to Yongzhou, he wanted to absorb Yongzhou's disaster energy to recover from his injuries. As a result, just after he recovered from his injuries, he was suppressed by a sudden mountain, and he still hasn't climbed out yet.

At the beginning, Jiang Li was still at the seventh level, but now Jiang Li has been promoted to the fourth level. Yamata no Orochi is still being suppressed, which can be said to be a backward version for a long time. Just looking at him like this, he seems to have found a way to catch up with the version.

There were many casualties in Liangzhou, not to mention the millions of civilians who died in floods and military disasters, not to mention other animals.

Moreover, disasters caused by the movement of mountains will also generate disasters. The giant spirit god repeatedly moved mountains in Liangzhou, but it created a lot of disasters, which also became a kind of treasure for the Yamata-no-Orochi.

If Yamata-no-Orochi can really absorb these disasters, it can indeed explain why his clones have soared in strength and caught up with the main body.

The main body of Yamata no Orochi was suppressed, but there was no clone.


"Your clone can't catch up with the main body, so how can it carry such a huge calamity? I guess there will be someone to help, right?" Jiang Li looked at the phantom of the big snake and said calmly.

Hearing this, the big snake suddenly let out a cold chuckle, as if he was not surprised that Jiang Li discovered this.

"As expected of the person who was able to force that person to retreat and ascend to the position of Yaoguang Pojun. Yes, there is indeed someone to help me, and that person is none other than the former Yaoguang Pojun whom you drove away—Lu Tianpeng. It was he who found me and helped me absorb the misfortune.”

He seemed to have no intention of hiding anything and directly told what Lu Tianpeng had done. He was not like He Luoshen to be honest.

"You were honest enough and sold Lu Tianpeng directly." Jiang Li said with a hint of surprise.

"Everyone has a price. As long as this price is met, what can't be bought and sold?" Several heads of the Yamata no Orochi kept laughing, and the others continued, "As long as you are willing, I can even I will also tell you the secret of the Great Master. After all, I was once a general under the Great Master."

As for his price, it is nothing more than rescuing his body.

Jiang Li watched the big snake move its head, and traces of evil energy leaking out circled around Jiang Li, as if it was about to surge up at any moment.

It's just that this Yamata no Orochi has lagged behind the version for a long time. I wonder if Jiang is going to wear the same pants as the great master now. He definitely doesn't know as much as Jiang Li does about the Great Master.

But Jiang Li did not answer immediately, but just looked at the big snake quietly.

Under the gaze of his heavenly eye, he clearly saw the fluctuations of the serpent's phantom, and the evil spirit gradually strengthened, affecting the uncontrolled true fire.

Under this calm gaze, the big snake slowly stopped laughing and closed its mouth. Its sixteen scarlet snake eyes looked at Jiang Li's three eyes.

"I'm curious, did Gongsun Qi meet your price?"

After a short silence, Jiang Li asked.

The big snake's eyes were blazing for a moment, which was a sign of rising murderous intent.

"Your Qi has suddenly become stronger and even keeps rising. But now that you are in the Divine Fire Barrier, where will you get the resources to absorb it?"

Jiang Li continued to speak, his heavenly eyes watching the other party's evil energy fluctuations, "There is only one possibility, your true body is about to be born."

The original body of the Yamata no Orochi was born, absorbing the misfortune that was now permeating the air, so that the avatar's energy also increased and began to rise.

This evil spirit is overflowing, not because Yamata no Orochi is active, but passively.

"Ho ho ho."

Yamata no Orochi's laughter became deeper and hoarse, "The junior at the time has grown to such an extent. I am really impressed by it. But, so what if you can see my state?"

Can you still run to Wuzhishan immediately?

What responded to Yamata no Orochi was the figure that gradually faded away.

(End of this chapter)

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