Too much fruit

Chapter 630: Visualize Heaven and Earth, Karma Tathagata

Chapter 630: Visualize Heaven and Earth, Karma Tathagata
It's hard to see the end of the vast space, like an underground world, with high or low stone pillars standing, and futons placed on some stone pillars.

It can be seen that this should have been a place for preaching.

But these were not the reasons why Jiang Li said the word "breathtaking".

His eyes fell on a natural high platform in the middle. There, a huge halo was suspended vertically on a high platform. Towering mountains, dark palaces, and purgatory-like valleys, with figures meditating or fighting, were all in the halo.

Jiang Li had flown out of this halo before.

This halo is the main altar of Huozhai Buddhist Prison.

"The Kingdom of Buddha in the palm of your hand? Or should you say..."

Jiang Li exhaled slowly, knowing clearly that this incarnation did not need to breathe, but he still made such an action, "A imagined world."

Since Karma Tathagata has created incredible techniques such as the "Mara Sword Code", he naturally has the pinnacle of attainments on this path. But before that, Jiang Li never thought that the main altar of Huozhai Buddhist Prison would exist in this form.

Compared with the halo in front of him, Tianxuan's Taixu illusion seemed extremely inferior.

Even this possibility may not become a reality.

There is no possibility for other high-level officials to betray the Buddha Kingdom, but the Enlightened One does. Even if it is theoretically impossible for him, the leader, to betray, the possibility still exists.

Even the behavior of Lou Shuangying when he was guided by the Secret Sword of the Inner Demon and transformed into the figure of Karma Tathagata may not be a true madness, and it may be intentional.

After hearing this, Karma Tathagata let out an incomprehensible laugh and said, "You can see it, and people in the Buddhist country will naturally see it too."

More importantly, it exposes the connection between enlightened beings and Karma Tathagata.

The Fire Mansion Buddha Hell is not anywhere, it is right here, in the dream of Karma Tathagata.

Jiang Li's heart moved, "Because the Enlightened One has never tolerated the Bodhisattva path and fruition."

Of course Ye Tathagata knew who this familiar person was, and even when talking to him, Jiang Li felt as if he was talking to layman Zhenru.

No wonder his whereabouts were discovered immediately due to his attainments in Taoism. How could he not be exposed in this world?

'Grandma's collection of cause and effect, why is it recorded in such detail? Jiang Li looked at the words in front of him, and the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

Jiang Li slowly said the name, "Lou Shuangying went to contemplate Wuzhi Mountain not just to improve the Demonic Sword Code."

"Of course." Karma Tathagata said.

[Based on Jiang Li's skill of recognizing people, which he has honed on his master and sister, he can see that this person's body shape is exactly the same as Zhenru's. Just by looking at his chin, Jiang Li can picture the face of Zhenru's in his mind. There is no doubt that the information received from Lou Shuangying that day was correct. 】

It is not false, nor is it an intangible thing. Whether it is the palace before or the mountains we see now, they are all real. The double shadows of Luohu, Jidu, and Lou also appear in the palace in the form of physical bodies, not consciousnesses.

When I saw him today, it was impossible to say for sure that no one could match him, but he could already see some of his legendary abilities.

The previous Dao Fruits must all be of the human genus. No matter how bad it is, they must have the human genus in order to be promoted to the human Dao Fruit.

There is no doubt that he is the Lord of the Fire Mansion and the Buddha Hell, the Karma Tathagata who has been fighting against the Enlightened One for many years, the most mysterious and powerful person.

What is the skill of recognizing people developed from master and sister? Can’t we remove the first part?
That is to say, there is something important now, otherwise you will have a good harvest.

Jiang Li's eyes fell on the figure in front of the halo.

Practitioners in the Buddhist country will naturally not bully enlightened beings because of the so-called different types of Tao and Fruit, and they do not dare to bully. However, the deviations caused by different paths do exist.

All this is to make people in the Buddhist country aware of the connection between the two, and even find out the truth.

According to legend, what Karma Tathagata carries is the third level of the Great Self-Heavenly Path and Fruit. He takes the hearts of all living beings as his own mind and all business as his own will. He is the master god of outsiders in Buddhism and the master of the emperor and demons. His ability to grasp the mind is unparalleled.

No matter how powerful Jiang Li's skills in identifying people were, he had only met Master Zhenru a few times and was not familiar with him. If he can see it, then of course those who have spent decades or even hundreds of years with the Enlightened One can also see it.

A real dream.

Wearing a black robe embroidered with dark patterns and a hood, most of his face was covered, only his chin was exposed, and his snow-white hair hung down on the side of his face. Wearing a string of rosary beads around his neck, showing his connection with Buddhism, he sat cross-legged in front of the halo.

[Karma Tathagata and the Enlightened One are exactly the same two people. 】

It is no wonder that the main altar of the Fire Mansion Buddha Prison has never been discovered and has never been destroyed. When the main altar of the Buddha Prison disappears, it is probably the time when Karma Tathagata reappears in the world.

"I saw a familiar person." Jiang Li said bluntly.

Homo? Buddha······

There is no earth-shattering momentum, but under the background of that halo, no matter how strong the momentum is, it cannot be as shocking as this moment.

There are at least four mountains in the halo. As the halo rotates, the dark-colored scrolls are revealed one by one, revealing the scene of the Buddhist prison.

for example······

The collection of cause and effect confirmed his guess, and Jiang Li was very happy, but it slandered his reputation, which Jiang Li didn't like very much.

Karma Tathagata nodded, confirming Jiang Li's thoughts, "He and the Awakened One have seen each other for many years, and he was even promoted by the Awakened One, so he is naturally familiar with the Awakened One. He will doubt the Awakened One, and other people in the Buddha Kingdom will also be infected by this suspicion, because the Awakened One is a human Dao fruit, not a Buddha."

Treating people with sincerity is his credo and cannot be lost.

Compared to the Zhenru layman who is like a deity, this person does not have that transcendent temperament, but is like a shadow, seemingly ordinary, but reflecting the darkness of all living beings.

Since the path and fruit of the enlightened being is of the human genus, it means that he does not have the ability to absorb the path and fruit of incense belief, and it is impossible to advance beyond the bodhisattva path and fruit of the Buddha genus. The reason why the senior leaders of the Buddhist Kingdom are tacitly believed that it is impossible to betray the Buddhist Kingdom is because they all use the "Bodhisattva Vehicle" to make great aspirations and uphold the Buddhist path.

The path and fruit of the Awakened One belongs to the human genus, and the biggest characteristic of the path and fruit of the human genus is that they follow a path to the end. Human beings can turn to any path, but other paths cannot turn to human beings.

Under Jiang Li's gaze, the dark, shadow-like figure slowly spoke, exactly the same as Zhenru layman but without the earthly voice, and asked: "What did you see?"


There was no intimidating power, but after he opened his mouth, Jiang Li had an intuition that no lie could hide it from him.

Even if it is not a betrayal of the Buddhist kingdom, what about betraying the Buddhist path?
With this possibility, coupled with the evidence, and Manjusri's own thoughts... it is the prototype of a poisonous plan.

"If you are obscured by inner demons, you will bring disaster upon yourself." Karma Tathagata said calmly.

Bringing trouble upon oneself is the judgment he gave to the Buddhist kingdom.

"But, lies can't become true." Jiang Li stared at him and his voice became deeper.

This was his final confirmation. The change of the Great Isla Heaven is unprovoked, which is exactly in response to the statement that the devil has no form. With the power of Karma Tathagata, he can transform into anyone and make people unable to find flaws in their appearance. If the face of Karma Tathagata is fake, then the Enlightened One may not be able to neutralize this attack.

Jiang Li said this because he wanted to know the development of the matter and... confirm the relationship between the enlightened person and Karma Tathagata.

In response to this, a dark aura finally appeared on Karma Tathagata, with a hint of irony, and he said: "It can't be true or false, just like he is clearly an awakened person, but he insists on calling himself a deluded person."

Is it a self-effacing title?

Or is it some kind of hidden expression?
Jiang Li didn't know whether the Awakened One meant the former or the latter, but Karma Tathagata's answer was definitely the latter.

This sentence is enough as an answer.

After the words fell, a wisp of breeze suddenly blew up, ruffling the white hair of Karma Tathagata, and causing Jiang Li's incarnation to disappear like smoke.

The purpose of the conversation had been achieved, and Ye Tathagata soon left Jiang Li behind. He sent the guest away without hospitality.

After Jiang Li left, faint fluctuations appeared on the huge halo, and Luo Hu's majestic figure walked out of it.

"World Honored One." He nodded slightly towards Karma Tathagata, showing respect without being overly respectful.

"Did you swear an oath using the karma curse?"

Karma Tathagata still sat cross-legged and motionless, only a faint voice sounded.

"Yes," Luo Hu nodded, "Jiang Li has shown his sincerity, and I should also show it. However, my way is special, and I have a way to resolve the backlash. But Elder Jiang is not as cunning as the intelligence said. Duduan, at least he didn’t play tricks on this contract.”

This made Luo Hou, a real demon, feel a little ashamed. He knew that his past dealings with other people were all scheming and it was not that simple and direct, but -

That's how we in the devil's path are, don't play if you don't like it.

Luo Hu's shame only lasted for a moment, and then disappeared, saying: "The chess pieces have fallen, and the winner between the Buddhist prison and the Buddhist kingdom will finally be decided. I hope that Manjusri will not disappoint anyone."

"Manjusri could have left at that time, but in order to be promoted, he stayed in the Buddhist Kingdom. This man has hidden ambitions and will not let go of this opportunity."

Karma Tathagata was extremely determined and seemed to have seen the development of the situation.

It’s not like the Buddha’s kingdom requires Manjushri to be promoted to the third level. If Manjushri was unwilling back then, would the Enlightened One still ask him to be promoted to Manjushri Bodhisattva?
To put it bluntly, Manjusri himself also has a will.

With the Buddhist kingdom's full support and the Enlightenment's control, promotion to the third rank is almost a matter of course, and there is absolutely no chance of failure. If you miss this opportunity, you may not be able to advance to the third level in your life.

Manjusri seized this opportunity and stayed in the Buddhist Kingdom.

Now it's like what happened back then is happening again. If another opportunity comes before us, Manjusri will most likely seize it.

If you can replace the Enlightened One as the leader of the Buddha Kingdom, you can collect the most incense, and you can use this to complete the path and fruition, and even advance to the second level.

There are many Taoist fruits of Buddha that are inseparable from incense.

The path and fruit of the enlightened being is of the human genus and cannot take advantage of this convenience. Manjushri is not the same.

This kind of opportunity, let alone Manjusri, would be extremely exciting for anyone, even a monk who has nothing in all the four elements.

"That's very good." Luo Hu's needle-thick hair was slightly raised, showing a fierce momentum.

He had been waiting for this day, but he had been waiting for a long time.

"Rahu is so sincere, but it seems that I am not sincere enough. Amitabha, it's my fault."

On the other side, Jiang Li confessed, but found that he had a clear conscience, and couldn't help but sigh: "That's right, I'm telling the truth, and I will never lie when I swear, so how can I be dishonest? It seems like I'm in trouble."

After Jiang found that his thoughts were clear, he suddenly felt that the world was wide, the wind was flowing around him, and his body shape faded and merged into the wind.

He walked against the wind and soon saw the building of Yuxu Temple.

At this time, in Yuxu Temple, two Taoist boys were still fighting. Suddenly, they felt the evil thoughts disappear and they jumped away with screams.

At this time, Jiang Li entered the Taoist hall with an ancient sword. He walked in front of the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Barrier and looked at the phantom of the big snake that began to fade.

"Sure enough, there are still clones out there, and this is no better than the Cunning Rabbit Three Caves."

When Jiang Li saw that the phantom of the big snake had not completely dissipated, he knew that the other party was not dead. If he was given time, he might be able to return to his full glory.

The big snake phantom stared at Jiang Li with malicious eyes, and said grimly: "Jiang Li, do you know why I went to the Dinghu sect to find the location of Hanbao in the first place? Because of the order of the Great Lord. The Great Lord also had He is the driving force behind the Taiping Religion, but now, the person cooperating with him is you. "

"Sooner or later, you will be betrayed by the Great Lord and become his enemy. This day is not far away."

The snake's eyes were filled with a blood-like color, full of coldness and resentment, and in an instant, a yellow light as clear as the sky flashed through.

Huang Tian?
Jiang Li caught this ray of yellow light and knew that this statement was probably coming from the person behind Yamata no Orochi.

He deliberately showed the yellow light and did not hide it at all, because what he said was true and everything he said was true. These are divisive words, but also true words.

Jiang Li, Great Master, and Gongsun Qi each obtained part of the power released after the explosion of the Blood Yang, but for the other two, the power of the sky was inevitable.

They will take back what the other two have gained, and then face the sky.

As for Jiang Li and Great Master's Oath of Heaven, we can only say that there may be some minor problems with the shelf life at present, which may have an impact by then.

But there is no need to say more about these.

"What a sin! How dare you drive a wedge between my brothers."

The vertical marks between Jiang Li's brows flashed with divine light, and a ray of light passed through the divine fire shield and fell directly on the phantom of the big snake.

A will like the power of God was exerted on the divine light, and in just an instant, the phantom of the big snake was dispersed into a ball of black energy.

"Humph! This is simply unreasonable!"

The cold and stern voice was the last words heard by the big snake phantom. After the words fell, the divine light shone. The dead big snake phantom was now like a candle in the wind. Most of the remaining black energy was wiped out by the divine light, leaving only a little. Completely burned by real fire.

However, Jiang Li's words were still conveyed to the other end through the phantom of the big snake.

"Brother? Your Excellency is very interested."

Faint thoughts flowed in the yellow light, and soon this ray of yellow light was burned away by the real fire.

(End of this chapter)

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