Too much fruit

Chapter 640: Both want and want, the sword of the princes

Chapter 640: Both want and want, the sword of the princes

Imperial City, Daming Palace.

This is where the emperor used to deal with memorials, and it is also where the eldest princess now conducts official business. Discussing here means that this is a political matter that can be made public later.

As soon as King You heard that the meeting place was here, he knew that the other party was coming fiercely.

In the Daming Hall, the eldest princess Ji Lingguang is sitting behind the royal table at the end. Below and to the left, Tianxuan is sitting on a Taishi chair. The same chair is empty opposite, reserved for King You.

As for the others, even the old head of the Meng family, who was ranked among the three nobles, had to stand and lost the treatment they received during the last discussion.

Under Tianxuan, the leader was a middle-aged Confucian scholar with a high diploma. His Confucian robe was incompatible with the other officials, standing out from the crowd like a chicken, facing the old head of the Meng family on the other side.

When King You saw this person, his heart sank slightly.

'Taishi ordered Xiao Zhi, Taixue is on Tianxuan's side again this time...'

Among the three princes and nine ministers in the court, Fengchang, also known as Taichang, is the most special, because this position is held by the Imperial Academy, and he is the only one of the third rank. Although he is the ninth minister, his speaking power is still higher than that of the other three princes. Only the head of the Jiang family who serves as Sikong is considered to be higher than him.

As soon as he opened his mouth, King You decided on the separation of the family and said in a cold voice: "The head of the Jiang family just moved out of the divine capital, but it is not dead. When will it be the turn of the separation family to take charge?"

Under Taichang, six orders were set up to assist Taichang in taking charge of the etiquette and sacrifices of the country. This aspect had little impact on the situation of the Zhou Dynasty, but it was a top priority for the royal family. Therefore, the three positions of Taibu, Dazai, and Taizhu are all held by members of the Ji family, and they directly intervene.

And the reason for the attack was so appropriate that even Meng Jun, the old head of the Meng family, had to secretly praise it for being brilliant.

All kinds of eyes on the left and right fell on King You. Tianxuan, who was sitting, also looked at it and said with a smile: "His Royal Highness is here. I am about to send someone to invite you."

"It is truly our great fortune to have such a capable person. It is truly a blessing to this palace to have such a good disciple."

However, Tianxuan remained calm, her flawless jade-like fingers tapped lightly on the armrest, and she said with a slight smile: "Yes, how can the person who caused trouble take the decision? The head of the Jiang family secretly returned to Jiuzhou to connect with the Buddhist kingdom. Abandoning the country, fortunately, Jiang Li, the branch of the family, understood the righteousness well and did not join in the evil deeds of the main family. He united the branches of the family and took actions to bring order to the chaos. "

"I heard that the Jiang family's criminal branches want to return to the capital of God?"

Although there is no distinction between the Ji family and the Gongsun family, the responsibilities of the two parties have long been distinguished. The Gongsun family has no power to interfere in government affairs.

King You was able to grasp the key points, and Tianxuan did not give in too much. He clarified the behavior of the Jiang family and labeled him as a troublemaker. If the master's family lost its righteousness, it would naturally be the branch of the family that came to power. King You's argument was self-defeating.

No matter what the actual situation is, at least the Ji family and the Jiang family are allies on the surface, and there is no contradiction.

Don't say anything that is not conducive to unity.

The positions of Taishi and Taile are held by the students of Taixue Jijiu. As for the order of Taixue, it is relatively unimportant. Those with excellent medical skills are selected to serve.

With the Imperial College offering wine and standing on Tianxuan's side, it was equivalent to two third-level officials joining forces. The rest of the courtiers lowered their eyebrows and looked like clay sculptures, not daring to come forward to compete with Tianxuan.

Theoretically speaking, Taishi Ling and Taile Ling can be selected by Taixue's sacrificial wine, but in fact... In order to show that Taixue is not really free from the court, Taishi Ling and Taile Ling are chosen by Taixue. Two fourth-grade experts from Taixue were in charge.

Why did Taishi Ling Xiao Zhi dare to confront the head of the Meng family, one of the three princes, because he was also a fourth-rank man, and he also represented the Taixue in offering wine.

While speaking, King You looked at Tianxuan with deep meaning. The branch family was referring to the Jiang family, and he also meant the Gongsun family.

Because the head of the Jiang family is another third grade, and he is also the head of the Jiang family who jointly controls the country.

However, with the arrival of King You, the atmosphere began to become more active.

Simply labeling the separation as a rebellion would eliminate the possibility of Jiang Li ascending to the throne. As for the incompatible conflict between the Ji family and the Jiang family...

King You strode forward and sat directly on the opponent's Grand Master's chair. His expression no longer looked downcast as before, but instead became solemn.

The moment he opened his mouth, he was very aggressive and pointed to the key point, and the atmosphere immediately became lively.

"Now Jiang Li is crusading against the Taiping Sect in Liangzhou. After the Taiping Sect's rebellion is settled, Jiang Li can renew the covenant with the clan as the head of the Jiang family and expel those rebels from the Jiang clan. In this way, the clan will also be able to There is no need to be tied down by old oaths.”

Tianxuan spoke slowly, and the information contained in his words moved many people.

Among the courtiers present, Tai Bu Ling, Tai Zhu Ling, and Da Zai Ling were all members of the Ji family, as well as the newly appointed Zong Zheng, who was naturally an elder of the Ji family. After Tianxuan said this, even the Ji family diehards who disliked Jiang family began to be tempted.

After revising the oath and eradicating the main Jiang family, the remaining branch families are just some small figures, and only Jiang Li is considered a person.

Not to mention other people, King You was a little tempted.

But he still suppressed this thought forcefully.

This is a proposal given by Tianxuan as the opponent. Ji may benefit, but Tianxuan and Jiang Li will definitely benefit even more.

And now Tu Bo is cooperating with Tianjun, if the plan goes well...

'Rather than find another ally to constrain you, it would be better to completely break the oath of heaven. '

With such thoughts flashing through his mind, King You said calmly: "Where is the evidence? Without conclusive evidence, I cannot tolerate slander against the Jiang family."

At this moment, King You is Jiang's die-hard ally, dedicated to the stability of Jiang's family.


"Master Manjusri from the Buddhist country was a member of the Jiang family before he became a monk. Recently, he used clever tricks to steal the magic whip from Yuxu Temple."

Tianxuan's voice was also calm, but the words she spoke made King You's heart suddenly sink, "Others may not know about the ability to strike the divine whip, but you King You don't know it, right? Or do you believe that Manjusri stole the whip?" Is the divine whip just for fun?"

King You's expression changed.

The divine whip may have no effect in the hands of others, but if it is placed in the hands of a specific person, it can pose a huge threat to practitioners of the divine path, especially those whose original owners belong to the heavenly realm.

Tianxuan presented the evidence, and King You could unilaterally deny the evidence, but now she presented the threat, and no matter how negative she was, she could not change the threat of the Jiang family.

Originally, he believed that the Jiang family was a bunch of bereaved dogs. Without the third rank, even the ocher whip and the Shennong cauldron were gone, it was nothing to worry about. However, he did not expect that the Jiang family would do a big job without saying a word.

King You didn't want to believe that this was done by the Jiang family, but he had to guard against it.

"I've finished my words. Regarding Jiang's return to the capital of the gods, who is in favor and who is against it?"

Tianxuan looked at the change in King You's face, clapped her hands gently, and said to the Gonggun gathered here: "This matter is originally a private matter of the clan and the Jiang family, but after all it involves the position of the three princes, I think , we still need to listen to everyone’s opinions.”

After the words fell, someone stood up and said loudly: "The Jiang family leader is very promising at a young age. He took charge of the Dinghu faction and made many contributions to the imperial court at a young age. My mentor once met with the Jiang family leader. , I am amazed that this is a dragon among people, not a thing in the pond. Regarding the return of the Jiang family to the capital, I have the minister Yang Yan to second my opinion.

"Yang Yan, a student of Mr. Hui'an..." They are all acquaintances who are qualified to participate in the court meeting. They know their respective details quite clearly. As soon as Yang Yan finished speaking, someone thought of the doctor who once served as a doctor of the Five Classics of Taixue. Zhu Hui'an.

Many of the people present had a deep friendship with Zhu Hui'an, and some even studied under Zhu Hui'an.

Yang Yan played Zhu Huian's signature, which immediately aroused many people's thoughts.

Not everyone in the court was against Jiang Li, there were still many people who were neutral. Zhu Hui'an had a very high reputation among these courtiers. Once he expressed his stance, people immediately followed him.

"Chen Lin Qiran seconded the proposal."

"My minister Yu An seconded the proposal."

Several people came out before and after, decisively seconding the proposal. They were all people who were deeply favored by Zhu Hui'an, either his students or his friends.

However, there were still many people who did not step forward and observed Taishi Ling Xiao Zhi's actions.

Under the gaze of overt or covert eyes, Xiao Zhi finally walked to the center, saluted, and said loudly: "On behalf of the family master, I, Xiao Zhi, approve of the new head of the Jiang family, Jiang Lijin, taking the position of Sikong."

Seeing Xiao Zhi, who was offering wine on behalf of the Imperial Academy, the others immediately said in unison: "I second the proposal."

Meng Jun, the old head of the Meng family and Situ among the three masters, saw this and knew that there was nothing he could do to stop it. He then said: "Old minister Meng Jun, second the proposal."

As a result, most of the courtiers present agreed, including even two members of the Ji family, Tai Bu Ling and Da Zai Ling.

King You's face gradually darkened. He wanted to object, but he also knew that there was nothing he could do to save his life.

Tianxuan not only wants to stop Yin Lusi, she also wants to get the position of Sikong for Jiang Li. It can be said that she wants both and wants, and is extremely greedy.

However, neither King You nor Tu Bo would go directly to Liangzhou to join the war just because they could not stop Tianxuan. They still have to be wary of Tianxuan attacking Yin Lusi... No, they still have to be wary of Taixue.

A Tianxuan, even if he takes action, Tu Bo is here, and he can be guaranteed to be fine, but if there is also an imperial scholar, Mo Yiling...
Tu Bo may have great strength and be able to block the offensive of the two third-level combatants, but Yin Lusi cannot.

If there is a third-grade war, Yin Lu Division will most likely not be able to survive.

Therefore, even though he strongly disagreed, King You still suppressed the anger in his heart and said: "In that case, let Mrs. Jiang come back."

After saying that, he stood up and walked away.

Afterwards, the eldest princess made a final decision and announced that the new head of the Jiang family would be promoted to the position of Third Duke and enjoy the power to open the mansion. He would not be famous for his praises and homage, and would not follow the rule of entering the court. He would go to the palace with swords and shoes.

The power to open the mansion rests with Da Zhou, and he is treated as a real king. As for the three-piece suit at the back, it is a treatment that no king can enjoy. This in itself is a manifestation of the pursuit of imperial power by ministers. Since the founding of the Zhou Dynasty, only the head of the Jiang family can have it.

The eunuch beside him immediately drafted the decree and passed it on all the way.

And the news from the palace quickly spread throughout the city, including a mansion in the upper city of the city.

Yang Yan came here as soon as he left the palace, entered the mansion by familiar routes, and walked to the back garden.

A middle-aged Confucian scholar was reading books in a garden pavilion and watching the spring scenery.


Yang Yan stepped forward to salute, and explained in detail what happened in the Daming Palace. Finally, he focused on the reactions of the courtiers.

"I seconded the proposal after seeing Junior Brother Xiao Zhi express his position." Zhu Hui'an shook his head and sighed, "Teacher, I have been in business for many years, but when it comes to reputation, I am still not as good as you."

One has been in business for many years, while the other has been quietly doing academic work and training disciples in the Imperial College. On weekdays, he does not even go out to the Imperial College or attend court meetings, but the gap in reputation is still so huge.

After Zhu Hui'an sighed, he lowered his gaze again, and the expression on his face gradually faded.

"But I won't lose to you, teacher."

[The sword of the princes has the wise warrior as its edge and the upright and upright man as its sword; it goes up to the round sky to obey the three lights; it goes down to the earth to obey the four seasons; it neutralizes the will of the people and brings peace to the four villages. Once this sword is used, everyone within the four seals will obey you and obey your orders. 】

Jiang Li sensed the message coming from the Dao Fruit and felt a little moved in his heart: 'It's done. '

Among the three swords in the world in Zhuang Zhou's Daoguo, Jiang Li has always been able to use the sword of a commoner, because he is a commoner and cannot be favored by the emperor or the princes.

Until the Dao Fruit was perfected and promoted to the fourth level, Jiang Li had not been able to use the other two swords until now.

Those who were promoted to the rank of Three Dukes enjoyed the status of kings and nobles, and were given the right to open mansions. They could recruit officials themselves. During the Warring States Period, these were princes. With this position of power, Jiang Li had the foundation to use the sword of the princes. It was also because of the changes in the magical power of Dao Fruit that Jiang Li immediately knew that things were done in the capital of gods.

'It's just a little too late. '

Jiang Li shook his head, receiving the information from the Sword of the Princes.

He has been promoted to the fourth level, and the fifth level magical power of the Three Swords of the World is a bit outdated.

However, with the ocher whip around, Jiang Li is not worried about not having enough level. If the Three Swords of the World are useful, he can use the ocher whip to temporarily increase his level.

While thinking about it, I have completely accepted the message of the Sword of the Princes...or the sword's intention.

The sword of the princes knows and uses people, and uses the mind and will to law the heaven and the earth, and uses people. When the sword is drawn out, all the people will obey, and it is to use the power of heaven and earth to calm people.

This magical power of Zhuangzhou Daoguo can be used to govern the country and bring peace to the people. It can also be transformed into a sword to do things that are in line with people. How to use it depends on your mind, not where it is used.

Okay, this is very Zhuangzi.

Even after being promoted to the fourth rank, Jiang Li still found it difficult to see through Zhuang Zhou's realm. He was able to understand the "Huangji Jingshi Shu" more than half of the time because of the great master's wisdom obtained from the Tao Fruit.

"I take my words back, Zhuang Zhou's magical power will never go out of style."

Whether it is the [One-Chi Punch] or the [Three Swords of the World], they are magical powers that can be used for a lifetime.

The sword intent flowed in Jiang Li's eyes, and a sword light slowly appeared in his hand. With the sword intent of Fa Tian and Fa Earth, it fell towards the statue at his feet.

Thousands of incense thoughts slowly stagnated under the sword, and the power of faith belonging to Huang Tian gradually faded away the complicated thoughts under the sword light.

"It saves me from using Tiandun Sword Technique to kill them all."

(End of this chapter)

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