Too much fruit

Chapter 756: The Strongest Realm

Chapter 756: The Strongest Realm
Time slows down at this moment and gradually freezes.

Jiang Li could see with his own eyes that the movement of all things slowed down, and the particles in the air went from moving to stillness and solidified in mid-air.

Then, Wu Zhen seemed to float over slowly but quickly, pushed away the solidified particles with his body, and pressed his palm on Jiang Li's shoulder.

"Hmph! Want to escape?"

As he said this, time began to flow again.

"The Great Master's clone, right? The Great Master's clone that was trapped by the Law of Cosmic Light?"

He chuckled.

Everyone knows that the Great Venerable is the only person in the world who possesses the magical power of the universe. Even if he is sitting on the crater of the Demon God Cult's leader, even if he stirs up trouble everywhere and is called "the world's number one shit-stirring stick", he is still safe and sound.

No one in this world can take the life of the Great Master, the most they can do is stop him.

All of this is because of the Great Master’s magical power of the Universe Light.

If it weren't for the magical power of Cosmic Light, even if the Great Venerable was stronger than he is now, he wouldn't be feared so much.

And now, the only great master who possessed the power of the universe light, his clone was trapped by the universe light. If this was true, it would be the funniest joke.

Wu Zhen said with a teasing look in his eyes, his aura surging, and hexagrams flew out of him, wrapping around Jiang Li like a rope. At the same time, the stagnant time returned to its normal flow rate.

"Got you."

When the world in Jiang Li's eyes began to move again, the first thing he saw was the approaching Shura Ghost Mask and a pair of teasing eyes.

That look seemed to be saying, you've come to this day.

Just by looking at the look in his eyes, one can imagine how happy the other person is at the moment. As everyone knows, the great master has a small heart like a woman, and he can't stand seeing someone being happy after offending him.

Although Jiang had been targeted by Big Brother several times, he basically retaliated against him as soon as he got back at him. This caused Big Brother to feel very upset, and today he was finally able to take revenge.

In response, Jiang Li simply blinked at Wu Zhen's gaze, and then his eyes quickly turned gray, and ashes floated off his entire body.

The method of the cosmic light is indeed powerful. Jiang Li was not careful enough to be affected by it. Moreover, his body is only a primordial qi, and he cannot use enough power to resist Wu Zhen's cosmic light. However, once the restraint is released, the transformation of the five turbid evil spirits will continue.

During the time when this Yuan Qi was being condensed, Wu Zhen couldn't do anything with it.

As for regression...
"It seems that you are not able to reproduce the reversal of time by relying on your own magical attainments." Jiang Li chuckled.

He had long guessed about the Great Master's method of splitting his body, and had basically confirmed that the Great Master used the magical power of Cosmic Light to separate his past body, thus forming a clone.

So the question is, can the Great Master's clone at the fourth level wield the magical power of cosmic light brought about by the third level of Tao fruit?

When Jiang Li saw Wu Zhen condensing time, he knew that he could not actually display the cosmic light magical power of the Candle Dragon Dao Fruit.

Wu Zhen combined the Yi Dao method with the Qi Men technique to condense time, or to say, to achieve an effect similar to condensing time, instead of using the Zhou Guang magical power. Therefore, his method would have a delay, unlike the Great Venerable who could easily control time.

"Is this the realm of the strongest?" Jiang Li asked with a hint of inquiry.

"This is the realm of the strongest."

Wu Zhen retracted his hand and said, "Tao fruit is cause and effect. The essence of supernatural power is the embodiment of the cause and effect of gods, Buddhas, demons and monsters in the past. Some of them are simply the power they have cultivated, which exists in the form of cause and effect in Tao fruit. What people in the past could do, people today can do too. Those who can do this are the strongest."

After he finished speaking, he seemed to feel that it was not specific enough, so he added, "Except the emperor."

After all, none of the magical powers in the Son of Heaven's Dao Fruit could be obtained through cultivation, and even the Son of Heaven's Dao Fruit was created. Although the Son of Heaven himself received the cultivation insights of the Sons of Heaven of past generations through the Dao Fruit, he was still a little bit behind the other strongest people in terms of realm.

The Emperor himself is strong by force, not by virtue of the Way.

The other several most powerful ones have comprehended the essence of the magical powers and are able to restore the magical powers without relying on the Tao Fruit. Even such a profound magical power as the Cosmic Light can be manifested by the Great Venerable through his own means.

Their realm should be catching up with the original owner of Daoguo.

Jiang Li originally thought that his realm was already comparable to that of the strongest, but now it seems that there is still a little gap, at most the same as the emperor.

"I see."

He chanted softly, and this body of Yuanqi had already mostly collapsed.

Wu Zhen did not stop him. Even if he used the method of cosmic light to condense it again, when he unlocked the method, this Yuan Qi would still turn into ashes. As for taking this Yuan Qi and looking for the main body...
After discovering that Jiang Li had reached the realm of the strongest, Wu Zhen found something a little embarrassing.

If Jiang Li's real body came, this great incarnation of his might, probably, possibly...would not be able to defeat Jiang Li.

In terms of realm, he is higher, but Jiang Li is better than this clone in other aspects. If they really fight, it is hard to say who will win.

So, I have to let go of this opportunity.

Wu Zhen shook his head slightly, then suddenly raised his hand and a hexagram was shot into the center of Jiang Li's eyebrows.

Jiang Li only felt an extremely strange mark, which then turned into messages and entered his mind.

"This is..." Jiang Li murmured.

"You'll need it."

Wu Zhen said this calmly, letting Jiang Li's figure turn into ashes.

He couldn't help but snort, "You got away with it, kid."

Not only did he steal his idea, but he also hacked his account in front of him. It was simply intolerable, but he had to endure it.

"When you inherit the throne, you'll see if I can still tolerate you." Wu Zhen snorted.

With the precarious situation of the Great Zhou Dynasty, even if he inherits the throne, he cannot be compared with the strongest by strength like the emperors of previous dynasties. When the time comes, it will be time for the Great Master to come out and punish this little brother.

"If you can inherit the realm of the Great Zhou Taizu, it is possible to reach the realm of the strongest in one fell swoop. Unfortunately, the Great Zhou Taizu is not a recipient of the Emperor's Dao Fruit."

As a person who founded a dynasty and even overpowered the Jiang family to become the emperor, the Great Zhou Taizu was naturally a third-rank person, and was at the level of the strongest. The battle of Yongzhou that year was not only the God of War trying to be promoted to the Lord of Arms, but also a ceremony for the Great Zhou Taizu to be promoted to the Yellow Emperor.

If such a person could pass down his realm through the Emperor's Dao Fruit, it would certainly allow the emperors of all generations to become the true masters of Shenzhou.

Unfortunately, the Son of Heaven's Dao Fruit itself is only of the third grade, and is destined to be unable to be accommodated by the strongest of the third grade.

I just wonder if Jiang Li can truly reach the level of the Great Venerable and the Taoist Lord by absorbing the insights of the emperors of all generations. Wu Zhen thought about it and felt that it would be better to leave this question to the Great Venerable, since his clone couldn't beat Jiang Li now anyway.

On the other side, the white-haired monkey that was walking in the city paused, then continued walking with a normal expression.

In my mind, the received information is being sorted out and combined into a Qian hexagram.

'This hexagram indicates...'

After Jiang Li had a general understanding, he discovered that this was actually a kind of magic, a way to break the seal.

The method to unlock the seal by getting in touch with the Great Venerable is most likely the method to unlock the seal of the Son of Heaven.

"Does this mean that I will remove the seal myself?"

Jiang Li originally thought that Feng Manlou, who was staying in the capital, would secretly arrange things to get the first and second princes to be unsealed, and then let Jiang Li clean up the mess. But now it seems that this good brother has Jiang Li in his grasp, and wants Jiang Li to take the initiative to unseal the emperor and release him personally.

His actions made some of Jiang Li's previous arrangements ineffective.

Jiang Li had always been on guard against Feng Man Lou, and even secretly asked the eldest princess to seal the place when the incident happened, so as to prevent Feng Man Lou from stealing the house again. As for the eldest and second princes, they were just chickens and dogs.

What Jiang Li really wants to pay attention to is Feng Manlou.

But now Feng Manlou is just sitting back and watching. Is he so confident about the enemies that Jiang Li is going to encounter that he would force Jiang Li to accept the Emperor's Dao Fruit?

Or is this a smokescreen?

At this juncture, the Great Master suddenly intervened, forcing Jiang Li to think more.

"This troublemaker!" Jiang Li cursed inwardly.

It seemed like he did nothing, but it forced Jiang Li to be distracted. One could only say that the Great Master had almost reached the state of being a troublemaker, where no move was better than a move.

While feeling annoyed, Jiang Li also realized that there was a major variable in the development of the situation.

Under the same night sky illuminated by brilliance, Gongsun Qingyue has returned to the Jiang family's ancestral land.

She released the remaining soldiers from the human bag, ordered them to set up camp, treated the wounded, and killed some of the enemy troops. She then entered the Jiang family's ancestral land.

At this time, in front of the ancestral land Lieshan Hall, Taoist Guangcheng and Momen Juzi had already arrived. Yin Tulong had a gloomy face, hanging in the air and sulking, while Tianmei True God still had a faint smile on his face, puffing out smoke.

At the side, Li Qinglian closed his eyes slightly, with sword energy flashing on his body, as if he was comprehending the way of the sword.

"Everyone, I am late."

Gongsun Qingyue did not show the humble attitude of a junior when meeting several people who could be regarded as seniors. Instead, she walked up to them, showed the wordless heavenly book in her hand, and said, "I will not say any more small talk. As for how to deal with the next step, my junior brother has already made arrangements."

Seeing Gongsun Qingyue's attitude, everyone was a little unhappy at first, but when they heard that Jiang Li had arrangements, they suppressed the unnecessary thoughts in their minds and looked at the wordless heavenly book.

Above the heavenly book, there was a flash of light, and a shadow was projected, which was exactly the appearance of Jiang Li.

"Both the Awakened One and Karma Tathagata of the Buddha Kingdom have been reborn. Manjusri intends to use the relationship between Karma Tathagata and the Awakened One to refuse to return to the Buddha Kingdom, but the prestige of the First Seat of the Buddha Kingdom cannot be underestimated. He must establish a foothold in Yongzhou as soon as possible and decide to pursue the victory."

Jiang Li's shadow said: "Manjusri, Guanyin, and the Jiang family's third rank will go straight to the Jiang family's ancestral land, while Tan Wuwei will stay in Daxing to stabilize the rear, and also be on guard against Taoist Guangyuan joining the battlefield again and attacking the Buddhist army from the rear."

Jiang Li actually showed that he knew everything about the movements of the three levels of the Buddhist Kingdom, which surprised everyone who heard it.

This Jiang Sikong was really powerful. He was supposed to be outside the Great Zhou in theory, but in reality, he knew the enemy's movements so well. Even Guangcheng Taoist, who arranged Shen Hou to go undercover, didn't know how the Buddhist Kingdom would act at this time.

"Tan Wuwei's magical power can predict the future. It's not appropriate for her to sit in the rear." Mo Men Juzi raised an objection.

Tan Wuwei had just been promoted, and in terms of strength, she should be at the bottom of the Buddhist country's great masters, but her magical powers could give the Buddhist country a foresight advantage in various confrontations. I dare not say that she has the upper hand, but at least she will not be caught off guard.

Letting Tan Wuwei guard against Guangyuan can indeed ensure that Guangyuan's movements can be detected in time, but doing so is a bit of a waste.

"It's really inappropriate."

Jiang Li's shadow also nodded, agreeing with Mo Men Ju Zi's point of view, but he did not confirm the information he had heard. He only said: "Tan Wuwei's magical power is suitable for hiding in the dark. She is likely to observe the opportunity in the dark and then attack and kill as before."

The last time, it was Tan Wuwei who suddenly attacked, and pierced through Jiang Li's body with one finger. In other words, it was Jiang Li who was attacked, and if it was someone else, there would be no guarantee that he would be intact.

"So, I plan to let Mo Juzi go to Daxing and assassinate Tan Wuwei."

Jiang Li explained his arrangements.

"Assassination won't work on her." Mo Xuankong said.

Even if he is the best assassin in the world, if he loses his concealment, the effectiveness of his assassination will be greatly reduced, which is no different from a frontal killing.

The assassin's invincibility is based on the situation where the strength gap is too large. If the gap is not big, assassination is still better.

Tan Wuwei would undoubtedly be the nemesis of all assassins. Although she had just been promoted, her magical powers could ensure that she would never be ambushed.

"Assassination won't work, but it's enough to verify whether Tan Wuwei is in Daxing City," Jiang Li's shadow explained, "If she is lurking in secret to participate in the battle, Mo Juzi will kill all the middle and high-level officials of the Buddhist Kingdom. If she is in Daxing, Mo Juzi's presence is enough for her to be on full alert and not act rashly."

Regardless of whether Tan Wuwei is in Daxing City or not, this move will make it difficult for her to play a role.

Without her magical power to warn, Mo Xuankong could kill all the fourth and fifth grades by himself. Tan Wuwei's role in the Buddhist monks is actually better than that of the other three grades.

Jiang Li's arrangement really put the assassin Mo Xuankong to the most appropriate use. In this way, Wenshu and others lost their "eyes" to warn.

But there are always gains and losses. When Mo Xuankong left...

Taoist Guangcheng smiled bitterly and said, "It seems that I can defeat many enemies alone."

In fact, there is also the option of letting Taoist Guangyuan join the battle. If the enemy is composed of only third-grade warriors, then Yuxu Temple can be guaranteed to be worry-free and Taoist Guangyuan can also join the battle.

However, even so, it was still two against three.

"And I am still here." Jiang Li's shadow said lightly.

His Sun-shooting Bow was thirsty.

(End of this chapter)

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