Too much fruit

Chapter 772: Tathagata is indestructible, the Imperial Supreme Ruler

Chapter 772: Tathagata is indestructible, the Imperial Supreme Ruler

"I think I can win."

A third person came here and interrupted the conversation between Da Zun and Dao Jun. The familiar face made Da Zun pause.

The newcomer was wearing a white robe with gold patterns. His figure seemed to be one with the heaven and earth, breathing with all things. His handsome face faintly revealed a crystal luster, with a divine loftyness, yet without losing humanity. Who else could this be but the good brother of the Great Venerable?
But how did this good brother find the two of them and how did he approach them quietly?
The Great Master and the Taoist Master were watching the show here, and even Manjusri didn't notice that there were two more spectators in the distance. Jiang Li's strength was much weaker than Manjusri's now, but he was able to spot the two of them and get so close to them.

Not long ago, this clone of the Great Master had met Jiang Li. Although he did not see through Jiang Li completely, after a brief fight, he had already made a rough estimate. The Great Master knew that Jiang Li did not have such ability at that time.

And now, after just over a day, this good brother has made further progress. This is really amazing.


The Great Master laughed and said, "My dear brother, I am testing the eyesight of Taoist Li. Your participation in the competition may be a bit of a distraction."

"Brother, do you think I will lose?" Jiang Li smiled, not showing any tension for the upcoming battle. "And with Daojun's wisdom, he will definitely come to the same conclusion as me."

"Oh?" Dazun asked with interest, "Will you win?"

"It will win."

"That may not be the case," the Great Venerable looked at the old Taoist and said, "Let's not talk about anything else. Just look at this old Taoist. He won't let you win. He also needs to ask Manjusri to take people back to the Buddha Kingdom to make trouble for the Enlightened One."

The outcome of this battle is not only a contest concerning the orthodoxy of the Jiang family. The superiority of Jiang Li and Manjusri is also a continuation of the struggle between the Enlightened One and the Taoist Lord.

Daojun needs Manjusri to take people back to block the path of the awakened one and prevent him from being promoted in the best condition.

The awakened one must complete his own reconstruction of the future of the Buddha Kingdom, and at the same time, he must let go of the Buddha Kingdom and be promoted to the second level.

The confrontation between the two also adds another meaning to the outcome of this game.

The Great Venerable is indeed one of the old monsters, and he knows the contradiction between the Awakened One and the Dao Lord very well. Not to mention that his current clone is one of the four Asura Kings of the Fire House Buddha Prison, so it is possible that he has met the Taibai True Lord and obtained information from him.

His words also removed the obstacle of Daojun, while he himself remained out of the matter.

From beginning to end, this troublemaker never took part in the battle himself. He just used some tricks on the side, allowing Jiang Li to be pushed forward.

In this case, it is no wonder that even though Jiang Li has been reluctant to return to the Divine Capital to obtain the Son of Heaven Dao Fruit, the Great Venerable is still not worried at all, and has not made any small moves. At most, he is putting some pressure on his good brother at this time.

As for personally causing trouble for Jiang Li, that's really not the case.

Not to mention the princess's previous words, the original intention of the Great Venerable was just to let Jiang Li accommodate the Emperor's Dao Fruit, not to put him to death. If he really did that, then he would be in a tangle, and all the previous investment would be wasted.

Not only could he not do it himself, he also had to lend a hand to Jiang Li at the critical moment to protect Jiang Li.

“But don’t worry, my dear brother. I’m here and will never let this bully harm you. It doesn’t matter if you lose. The worst that can happen is that you can win it back next time.” Da Zun said, patting his chest.

"Then I would like to thank you, brother."

Jiang Li replied with a fake smile, then looked at the Taoist with white hair and beard, "Taoist Lord and Enlightened One, is there no room for maneuver?"

"The behavior of the enlightened one is too dangerous." Daojun said slowly.

I didn't say my decision, but this sentence was enough.

The Taoist is determined to prevent the enlightened from being promoted.


After hearing this answer, Jiang Li sighed softly, "It's a pity that I have to disappoint you two."

After he finished speaking, Jiang Li walked out of the high cliff, walking in the air, his aura exposed to the perception of people in the distance.

As for the Great Master, ripples slowly appeared in his eyes, like the rippling of a pool of water. His pupils swayed with the waves and spread out, reflecting the situations of the other two parties.

The road that Guanyin was originally responsible for was a one-sided massacre, and the fire of the drought demon was burning all the monks. In the middle road, Guanyin's figure could already be seen.

At this time, Guanyin stood in the air, controlling the Buddhist light of the monks to bless Wei Tuo's body, allowing him to fight Yin Tulong, who was also blessed by the heavenly soldiers. On the other side, the white-haired monkey waved the iron rod in his hand and fought with the Rain Master. The two...

'Um? '

The Great Master had a keen eye and was able to quickly detect that these two were fixing the match.

Although the fight was very realistic, in the eyes of the Great Venerable, it was still clear that "Wuzhiqi" was far inferior to the Rain Master. But it seemed that the two were fighting against each other, and "Wuzhiqi" was not at all inferior.

"So he pretended to be this monkey. So, the third-rank monkey that appeared in Lingtai Mountain is Wuzhiqi?"

The Great Master already had an idea in mind.

The ripples and light and shadows in his eyes dissipated, and he continued to focus on Jiang Li's figure and the upcoming battle.

Manjusri, like the sun rising into the sky, was high above, and in the Buddha's light that formed the sun, he looked down at Jiang Li who had finally appeared.

"Four people..."

He sneered, "I will kill the four of them as well. Jiang Li, it's time to let the Jiang family's orthodoxy return to my hands."

The benefits of the two treasures, the Ochre Whip and the Shennong Cauldron, to the Jiang family members are incomparable to anything else. Jiang Li was able to grow so fast, and the two treasures played an indispensable role.

If he could obtain these two items, Manjusri's strength would leap forward again. Perhaps he wouldn't even need to wait until he occupied two states before he could stand shoulder to shoulder with the strongest.

At this time, Manjusri still did not realize that there were two spectators watching the fight.

As he spoke, Buddha's light shone everywhere, illuminating all directions. The sword of Manjusri drew the light of the sky, and the most powerful and masculine power of the sun entered his body through the sword of Prajna wisdom.

The Dharma image of Vairocana Tathagata itself only represents the sun's omniscience, but it does not have the power of the sun. However, at this moment, Manjusri is using the Golden Crow Taoist instrument to pull it together with his own Qi Fen power to absorb the power of the sun for his own use. The Qi that had already risen to the limit is rising again.

The momentum was increasing rapidly and violently, and it was so strong that the other three grades present could feel suppressed.

The power of "Qi Fen" is known for its strength. Theoretically, it can reach nine times that of people at the same level. At this moment, he is drawing the power of the sun for his own use. In terms of strength alone, Manjusri has surpassed the sum of Taoist Guangcheng, Taoist Guangyuan, and Mo Xuankong.

Faced with such a powerful momentum, Jiang Li could no longer hide, and all kinds of strange phenomena appeared.

Mountains rise from the ground, wind and thunder are surging, water turns into a swamp, fire from the sky spreads across the land, and the sky moves strangely and the earth rumbles.

Heaven, earth, wind, thunder, water, fire, mountain and swamp, the eight innate scenes became substance, and the power of heaven and earth protected Jiang Li.

It is [Materialization outside the Mind], it is the Imperial Sutra of the World, and it is also the variation of the Eight-Nine Mysterious Arts. The techniques and supernatural powers are in perfect harmony. After completing Zhuang Zhou's Dao Fruit, Jiang Li has also made a leap in level.

What's worse, the foul and turbid air surged in from all directions, but after entering the eight innate scenes, it turned into various vital energies, making the eight scenes continue to grow stronger.

"Nine Heavens Demon-Slaying Secret..."

Manjusri observed with the round light of wisdom and noticed the change from clarity to turbidity, with murderous intent in his eyes.

Jiang Li turned turbidity into clarity, harnessing the mighty vitality, which was simply going against the grain. In the Dharma Ending Age, he used the vitality of heaven and earth, and the power of "Qi Tomb" was fully revealed by him. His momentum was also constantly rising, and it seemed that there would be no end.

The entire world seemed to be rejecting Manjusri, and he wanted to make everything in heaven and earth his enemy.

And when the two energies come into contact——


The heaven and earth were shaking, the wind and clouds changed color above, and the earth dragon turned over below.

Two peerless auras collided, and everything in the onlookers' field of vision was spinning, and all things in the surrounding heaven and earth were shaking because of these two forces.

The innate eight qi are formed by all things. When Jiang Li and Wenshu work with all their strength, they naturally move all things because of the qi. Especially at this moment, Jiang Li controls the power of heaven and earth, and is closely connected with all things. Every move will make all things respond.


It was like the sound of a huge bell, and then everyone discovered that the distance between the sun and the eight innate scenes was shortening.

"The vital energy of the two of them overwhelms the whole world, and even the distance between them is compressed." Taoist Guangcheng coughed lightly and saw the truth of the change in distance at a glance.

The overwhelming force crushed everything above and below. When the two forces collided, the space that served as the carrier was compressed, causing the earth to riot and the distance to be shortened.

"Back off."

Taoist Guangcheng made a prompt decision and asked Taoist Guangyuan and Mo Xuankong to retreat with him.

The fight between these two people will unleash the massive power of the "Qi Tomb". Every move they make will be accompanied by unparalleled power, and the impact on the surroundings can be said to be earth-shaking.

In this situation, even if the friendly party is willing to help, it will be difficult for them to play much of a role, and may even hinder their own people.

Because reality is not like playing games, there is no setting to protect friendly units from damage. Under such a powerful offensive, friendly units will also become part of the attack.

With the strength of third-rank warriors like Taoist Guangcheng, it is not impossible for them to fight back and protect themselves, but doing so might affect Jiang Li's performance and indirectly lead to a confrontation with Jiang Li.

So, let's leave the battlefield to Jiang Li for the time being.

The same situation also applies to Tan Wuwei. No matter how miraculous her Maitreya Dao Fruit is, she has to retreat.

Even the monks who had retreated a hundred miles away were affected.

Elder Kaiyang and Bodhisattva Guangli stopped fighting and retreated from each other, while Shen Hou shouted loudly: "Retreat! Retreat another hundred miles! No, retreat another three hundred miles!"

It is not safe even if we retreat a hundred miles. We must at least maintain four hundred miles to ensure our safety. If necessary, we will have to retreat further, even all the way back to Daxing County.

"Huh, Brother Daoist Jiang has finally arrived. I can finally put my heart at ease."

While Shen Hou was shouting, he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, then looked around, looking for an opportunity to rebel again.

But before he could find an opportunity, a loud noise in the distance caught his attention.


The space was shaking, Manjusri's momentum was about to reach its peak, but Jiang Li was still absorbing the power of heaven and earth.

However, Jiang Li suddenly attacked at this moment, and Manjusri responded immediately.

Jiang Li still had room to continue climbing, but Wenshu would not give Jiang Li time. Rather than waiting for Wenshu's momentum to reach its limit and letting him strike first, it would be better to take the initiative and interrupt his power rise.

However, Manjusri also expected this.

Manjushri Bodhisattva is famous for his great wisdom among the four great Bodhisattvas. The light of Vairocana Tathagata is also the light of wisdom. In addition, Manjushri himself is also very cunning and can be said to have grasped Jiang Li's intentions clearly.

At this moment, the two of them attacked at the same time, and the compression of space immediately accelerated, just like a piece of paper being squeezed inwards from both sides, creating wrinkles.

The ground was compressed, and a fault appeared where the two people were originally. A large area of ​​ground was squeezed towards the middle, revealing a bottomless hole.


When the squeezing reached its limit, the Buddha's palm came out again, the Yuan Qi shook, and the two people collided.

"Light Gathering Buddha's Crown Seal."

"Huangji manages the world and uses Yuan Jinghui."

The light of the Great Sun Buddha shines everywhere, the eight innate scenes spread out, as powerful as a comet hitting the earth, the shocking force shakes the earth, and violent waves of Yuanqi are generated.


Storms, thunder, water, fire, countless strange visions were mixed together. The violent shaking of space produced numerous phantoms, and two blurry figures could be vaguely seen facing each other.

The ground that had been compressed into one place suddenly rose up. This was because the collision of two extremely powerful forces produced an invisible suction, which turned the compressed strata of the thousand-foot land into mountains, rising up like a trapped dragon ascending to the sky.

The mountain crashed into the storm and thunder, just enough to support the two of them, and the collision of power reached its peak.


The sun was shattered, countless rays of light shone everywhere, the eight scenes shook, and the wind, thunder, water and fire all shook.

Jiang Li shook his arm, and cracks appeared on his body that was the combination of the three elements, while Manjusri's body was as heavy as a mountain and did not move at all.

The strength of Tathagata's indestructible body was indeed amazing. Jiang Li's body, which was tempered by the Eight-Nine Mysterious Arts and the Three Elements, was not able to defeat him. After all, he did not have the Immortal Execution Sword in his hand.

Moreover, in the past two days, Manjushri's practice of Vairocana Tathagata's Dharma form has improved rapidly and dramatically, which is incomparable to the previous time.

As he thought about it, his strength was shaken and the protruding peak suddenly increased, turning into a force of thousands of feet, and shattered into powder.

"Manjusri's palm power overwhelmed Jiang Li, breaking the balance and restoring the space. But at the same time, the thousand-foot land could not withstand the remaining force of his palm power and turned into ashes."

The old Taoist priest in the distance saw this scene and said calmly: "Although Jiang Li is practicing the Nine Heavens Demon-Slaying Art, his skills are still not as good as Wenshu."

"But Manjusri's realm is inferior to Jiang Li's," the Great Venerable continued, "and his control over the innate Qi is not as good as Jiang Li's."

“Manjusri’s advantage is not just his skill,” Daojun continued.

The Tathagata's indestructible body was stronger than Jiang Li's, and even his mind was at its peak because he had received a huge amount of incense. The external appearance of the Buddhist practitioners was, in a sense, their original spirit.

They are able to become one with the Dharmakāya and transform into a golden Dharmakāya body because the Dharmakāya they have cultivated is as close to their original spirit.

Jiang Li has always been the one who suppressed others with force, and now it is time for him to be suppressed by others with force.

(End of this chapter)

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