Too much fruit

Chapter 777: One call of Namo to call the Tathagata, one arrow from the sky to kill Manjusri

Chapter 777: A cry of Namo calls upon Tathagata, an arrow comes from the sky to kill Manjusri
"Buddhist Guanyin, you——"

The palm strike from behind was something Manjusri could never have anticipated. He had never thought that Guanyin and Tan Wuwei would join forces.

It was obvious that they were allies. The two of them took advantage of the enlightened one's retreat to seize power in the Buddhist country. They had been fellow travelers for many years. Even though he had deceived her before, they did not turn against each other.

But now...

Tan Wuwei used his magical powers to confuse the enemy's divination, which also confused Manjusri's divination, so that he failed to detect the crisis in time, allowing Guanyin to succeed. The two of them joined forces and put this ambitious man in the most unfavorable situation.

"Are you also Tianjun's man?" Manjusri resisted with all his might and tried to delay time with words.

"No, I just owed him a favor."

Guanyin said in an indifferent tone that Manjusri had never heard before: "Back then, Ji Jiji was plotted against by the Enlightened One, and after a battle with the Taoist Lord, he had to give up his foundation in the Buddhist country. And the one who accepted his gift was me."

"Back then, I was able to enter the Buddhist kingdom because of the help of fellow Buddhist Guanyin." Tan Wuwei said slowly.

"Right now, I think it's better to form an alliance with the Heavenly Monarch than with Manjusri Buddha friend," Guanyin said calmly, "Manjusri Buddha friend, you are too selfish."

First, he made Guanyin bow to the Queen of Immortals, and then he secretly sought Guanyin's incense and spiritual power. The former was forced by the situation, but the latter was purely due to Manjusri's selfishness, pitting his allies.

Moreover, if we connect the events before and after, we can know that Manjusri has been hiding some of his strength from the beginning. If he had not done so, perhaps Guanyin would not have to bow to the Fairy Queen.

These two things combined were enough to create a rift between the two, but they only endured it because they had a common enemy.

"Buddha Manjusri wants to make the Dharma image of Vairocana Tathagata complete as quickly as possible, which requires the willpower of a strong person. You have already started, so you will not stop here. Buddha Guanyin cannot trust you."

Tan Wuwei also spoke in a calm voice, with a lofty indifference, "This time, even if you can defeat Jiang Li, you will be injured and need to be saved by us. Manjusri Buddha friend, you might as well guess how long I can see into the future."

How far into the future can we see...

Tan Wuwei's prediction of the future is subject to various factors, especially the future related to the strong. The more powerful the existence, the wider the impact of its every move, causing the variables of the future to continue to increase, so the future that Tan Wuwei sees will be limited.

When fighting with a strong man, she might only be able to see the future one or two breaths later.

However, this kind of judgment of time does not actually depend on variables, but on Tan Wuwei's own limits. If her limit is to be able to see the future after one day, but when she tells Manjusri, she only talks about the future within half a day, then...

Manjusri will deviate from Tan Wuwei's predictive range, and then be guided by Tan Wuwei unknowingly.

It seems that Manjusri is in charge and Tan Wuwei is following his orders, but in fact, that is not necessarily the case. Maybe it is not yet the stage where he allows Tan Wuwei to control him, but there is definitely some deliberate inducement.

When Manjushri's sensitive mind came up with this result, he became very confused.

It’s not just because of the humiliation of being deceived, but also because Tan Wuwei is going to make a big move next.

Because she can see the future.

I said this deliberately because I knew that Manjusri's already confused state of mind would be affected by this.

But what if you know?
When Manjushri's mind was in great confusion, a white lotus fell on his forehead and endless Sanskrit chanting poured into his mind.

Talking about inaction is to save Manjushri.

Just as we saved the people of Yongzhou before, we should now save Manjushri.

However, Manjusri's level of strength is above the level of inaction, so it is not easy to save him.

With this in mind, Manjusri quickly calmed his mind and stabilized his state of mind. He was a powerful being second only to the enlightened one in the Buddhist kingdom. It was ridiculous to want to convert him!


"Buddhist Manjusri, don't you think about how I was able to deceive you about the power of incense and thoughts?" Tan Wuwei said leisurely, "Because I learned the method of controlling people's hearts from the Heavenly Monarch."

As soon as he finished speaking, Manjusri had an ominous premonition in his heart, and then he realized that thousands of praises were echoing in his mind. It was as if his thoughts were divided into two parts, and contradictions gradually emerged.

"You...Buddha friend Guanyin, after converting me, did you let me listen to her talk about inaction? Or to the Heavenly Lord? Or to you?" Manjusri's forehead was also covered with beads of sweat, but he was still trying to find a way out. "My today may be your Buddha friend's tomorrow."

"Don't worry about that, Manjushri Buddhist friend." Guanyin said lightly behind him.

At the same time, Tan Wuwei chanted the Sanskrit sound again, and the vast power of thought poured into Manjusri's sea of ​​consciousness.

His face was distorted, half of it gradually became peaceful, while the other half was still showing signs of struggle. Even though his mind was in turmoil, he was still resisting.

However, he was already seriously injured and could not withstand the combined spellcasting of two third-grade masters at this moment.

The Sanskrit sounds became louder and louder, deafening, and began to wash over every corner of Manjushri's consciousness. Manjushri's resistance became increasingly weaker. In his ears, heart, and mind, there were only Sanskrit sounds and countless praises.

"My old mother has no life, my hometown is empty."

"My old mother has no life, my hometown is empty."

"Namo Mahavairocana Tathagata Vairocana Buddha."

A little noise was mixed in among the repeated praises, and then a powerful mental force was injected into his sea of ​​consciousness, counteracting Tan Wuwei's Sanskrit chanting.

Is this someone offering incense and mental power to Manjushri, or is this mental power strong enough to counter the Sanskrit sound of salvation?

Manjusri grasped this last straw, merged with this power of thought, and tried to calm his mind.

But when this thought force merged into his consciousness, Manjusri found that it did not seem to be directed at himself, but...
In the consciousness, it seems as if seeds are taking root and sprouting.

It seemed to have been buried deep underground for a long time. Now that it was able to grow, it could not be stopped. It absorbed water, extracted nutrients, and broke out of the soil.

A Buddha image appeared in Manjusri's consciousness and gradually became clearer. Looking at its shape, it was exactly -


The peace that occupied half of his face was distorted, and infinite horror appeared in Manjusri's left eye, but light gradually came out of his right eye. The image of the Great Sun Tathagata that had merged into his body came alive, and its true master began to awaken.

A spot of light appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness, and then filled every corner, even Tan Wuwei's Sanskrit chanting was squeezed out.

"There is no one like the Buddha in the heavens above, and there is no one like him in the ten directions.

I see everything in the world, and there is no one like the Buddha.

Namo Mahavairocana Tathagata Vairocana Buddha. "

As a long and long chant sounded, Manjusri could feel that he was being replaced, from the depths of his consciousness to his physical body, he was gradually being occupied by another being.

At the same time, an old sigh seemed to sound from the darkness, causing infinite despair to emerge in Manjusri's heart.

He seemed to realize that the last ray of hope was fading.

"No!" Manjusri struggled and shouted.

Tan Wuwei's expression suddenly changed.

Her ability to foresee the future allowed her to perceive the changes that would follow. Tan Wuwei retreated into her vacuum hometown without hesitation and moved across the sky.


After less than one-tenth of a second, the Arrow that Pierces the Sky and the Arrow that Sorrows the Sun pierced through the mountain, passed through the afterimage left by Tan Wuwei, and penetrated into Manjusri's body.

The sword wound on his chest penetrated into Tathagata's indestructible body, pierced through Manjusri's heart, and then a red figure emerged from behind him.

It was a wooden whip, all red in color, carrying an ancient aura and traces of time, and it dealt a fatal blow to Manjusri.

The five turbidities and evil spirits in the heart are rapidly intensifying, devouring Manjushri's innate Buddha energy and sweeping through the blood vessels throughout the body.

The ochre whip has the ability to transform primordial Qi, especially when used on Jiang's innate Qi. Although Manjusri's innate Buddha Qi has changed its appearance at this time, it can still be affected by the ochre whip.

With the ochre whip as the center, the innate Buddha Qi is transformed into the five turbid evil airs, which permeate the body and mind, and infuse the decay from heaven and earth into every cell, every bit of true qi, and every wisp of divine thought.

"Ochre Whip..."

Wenshu suddenly gained a little freedom. He lowered his head and looked at his chest. He saw the wooden whip piercing his heart. "Jiang Li!"

Hatred, resentment, sadness, despair... emotions that are difficult to describe in words fill the mind.

"Jiang Li! Jiang Li! You——"

"I am unwilling to accept this!"

He let out a long howl toward the sky, then lowered his head and died.

This powerful Buddhist and leader of the Jiang family reached the peak after numerous schemes, but suddenly fell to the bottom and eventually died here.

His essence, energy and spirit were all transformed into the five turbidities and evil spirits, and his indestructible body turned dark, while his body solidified like a stone statue.

Then, the five turbid evil spirits that permeated the body quickly gathered and returned to the heart to be absorbed by the ochre whip.

"Jiang Li!" Tan Wuwei shouted softly.

Guanyin also turned her palms at the same time, and the divine light came out.

The five turbidities and evil spirits are useless to other people and may even be harmful, but this may not be the case for Jiang Li.

The five turbidities and evil spirits are transformed from Manjushri's essence, energy and spirit. More importantly, Manjushri also practices "Qi Tomb". Even though his foundation has changed now, it still has something in common with the innate Qi.

If this falls into Jiang Li's hands, there will be endless troubles.

In the loess plain, the wind and sand were blowing. Two figures stood on a high slope, looking at the pierced mountain from afar, and they could clearly see all the changes in their sight.


Daojun sighed and lowered his right hand. "What Daoist Fellow Jiang said before is correct. He really disappointed me."

The Great Venerable murmured in a low voice: "You actually used this method to cut off the possibility of the old Taoist taking action."

The true spirit of Vairocana Tathagata has been awakened, and Manjusri is destined to be replaced. If we don't want to face a resurrected ancient Buddha now, there is only one way to go - kill Manjusri.

Even if it was the Dao Lord, it was impossible for him to protect Manjusri in this situation, and the revived Tathagata could not be manipulated by others. Therefore, the Dao Lord Li Boyang gave up.

In this way, Jiang Li avoided a hostile situation with Daojun without any effort.

His last words to the two were, "What a shame, I have to disappoint you both."

Now, Jiang Li has indeed disappointed the Great Master and the Taoist Master.

"That's all."

Daojun sighed softly, and his figure dissipated into clear light and slowly dissipated. He left directly without caring about what happened next.

Manjusri is dead, so whether he stays or not is no longer relevant to the situation.

But for the other side, things are not over yet.

Amid the sudden violent wind, a figure descended from the sky.

Jiang Li, he is here.

(End of this chapter)

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