Too much fruit

Chapter 828 Heaven?

Chapter 828 Heaven?

The temples in the Buddhist kingdom basically enshrine the images of various Bodhisattvas and Arhats, and Jiuhua Temple is no exception.

In the main hall of the temple, there is a Bodhisattva with a face similar to that of the Chakravartin.

However, as we all know, the Chakravartin is not a Bodhisattva but Yama, so this Bodhisattva statue seems more like a kind of unwillingness of the Chakravartin and actually has no specific effect.

The King of the Wheels usually forbade others to enter the main hall to worship, as if he was ashamed to let others see his ugly unwillingness. Therefore, the main hall of Jiuhua Temple was the place least disturbed by outsiders.

Jiang Li was in the main hall at this time. He sat cross-legged in front of the Buddha statue, and the half of the Haotian Mirror slowly fell down, and the transparent front that was not like a mirror faced Jiang Li.

Jiang Li pointed his finger at his brow, and the tiny fragments were slowly drawn out, pointed forward, and merged into one with the half mirror.

The visible fragment itself does not necessarily connect with half of the mirror, but it can be easily integrated, and the crack is slowly disappearing, which makes Jiang Li secretly marvel.

As the fragments of the Haotian Mirror merged, Jiang Li's innate Qi also slowly merged into it, refining the mirror step by step.

The process was quite smooth. After all, the mirror itself was shattered at the end of the Dharma era, and was eroded by evil spirits for a long time before finally falling into the hands of the enlightened one for who knows how many years.

If there was any problem, the Awakened One would have discovered it long ago.

The innate Qi seeped in bit by bit, and Jiang Li gradually felt the harmony between the Haotian Mirror and himself. The heart of a sage was reflected in the precious mirror, and the mirror reflected the heart. The heavenly eye was harmonious with the mirror, and the mirror was used to observe.

The already clear world became further refined, the space had layers and structures, and became visible to the naked eye. It was even possible to penetrate the space and see another layer of space, and see the world of the living outside the world of the dead.

The Haotian Mirror was in a broken state, with only one tenth of its power remaining, and it was difficult to use in the Five Turbidities and Evil Worlds, but it still gave Jiang Li a lot of help.

Jiang Li obtained this mirror and observed the space. The mirror showed the surrounding scenery, and then moved outward, penetrating the barrier between yin and yang and seeing the huge Lingtai Mountain.

Afterwards, the perspective began to rise towards the sky, and Jiang Li's spiritual consciousness also wandered along with the scene in the mirror, as if he was actually there, traveling in the sky.

The earth was moving away, and the air was gradually becoming thinner, replaced by fierce winds and layers of clouds.

Half of the scene in the Haotian Mirror was still moving upwards, the heavy clouds were gradually clearing, and some changes occurred in the level of space.

Suddenly, the scene changed. Heavy clouds fell to the ground, piling up, but not crowded, but rather flat. Although there was wind around, it was no longer as fierce as a strong gale, but was gray and white, passing slowly.

The Haotian Mirror clearly reflected the turbidity in the wind, and the five evil turbidities were even so thick that they were directly reflected in color.

Although this place is at the extreme end of the sky, the filth and dirtiness here is much worse than on earth.

Jiang Li controlled the mirror and moved the perspective, only to see that everything around him was turbid. The turbid color flowed with the wind, leaving obvious tracks, occasionally bypassing a few broken pillars, and bringing out the sound of wind.


The Haotian Mirror moved towards the direction of the broken pillar, and more and more scenes appeared on the mirror.

The towering mountain-like gate was mostly ruined, and behind it were layers of clouds arranged in sequence. Some palaces and pavilions, some complete and some incomplete, were visible in the turbid wind.

"Is this... heaven?" Jiang Li murmured in a low voice.

In the boundless world above the clouds, palaces are arranged like stars, layer upon layer.

And in the center behind the gate, an extremely spacious road extends, at the end of which is a majestic palace.

"Leaving a mark at the top of the sky, could this top of the sky be the legendary heaven..."

For the first time, Jiang Li felt shocked, both by the vastness and grandeur of this boundless world and by its dilapidated state.

All the glory has come to an end, covered by the calamity of the Dharma Ending Age.

Compared to this place, even the first city of the Great Zhou Dynasty - the Capital of Gods - seems ordinary. However, such glory is ultimately a thing of the past, and everything before our eyes is nothing but a pile of ruins.

Restrictions, rosy clouds, mysteries, wonders, everything is gone, only the five turbidities and evil airs are flowing with the wind.

But Jiang Li still found it difficult to control his thoughts and controlled the Haotian Mirror to move forward.

The surrounding scene was passing by quickly. The palace and clouds that seemed close together before were now far away, and the road seemed extremely empty. Obviously, there was a deviation between what was seen and the actual scene, just like looking up at the sun from the ground, it was just a ball of light.

Fortunately, the Haotian Mirror is powerful enough and space has no meaning to it. The mirror switches the scene and in a blink of an eye it arrives at a palace that seems to be where a giant lives.

The half-mirror reflected a vast space. Jiang Li saw that the five turbid evil air became lighter and colorless here, and was replaced by a transparent air that was almost invisible and crisscrossed.

The scene in the mirror moved slowly, and Jiang Li saw that the structure of the space was flowing like waves, and the transparent aura began to show a light blue color.

Then, blue clouds emerged, and within the heavy clouds, a vertical eye the size of a small boat slowly opened.

The eyes inside and outside the mirror met at this moment.

Jiang Li stared at the vertical eye, his heart filled with both surprise and relief, "God..."

He uttered two words slowly, and as their eyes met, he could already sense an increasingly strong connection.

Jiang Li once served as the incarnation of Heaven, carrying the power of Heaven to fight against the Heavenly Monarch. Since then, Jiang Li has established a connection with Heaven. When he meets the Heavenly Monarch, he can let the power of Heaven descend and hit the Heavenly Monarch hard. But Jiang Li did not expect that one day he would communicate with Heaven in this way.

At the same time, the collection of cause and effect flipped rapidly, and countless pieces of information appeared on the pages. It was this momentary meeting that triggered countless causes and effects.

The cause and effect collection converges the cause and effect, and with the cause and effect lines gathered by Regent Zhou, the cause and effect that Jiang Li has converged at this moment has reached a certain limit.

As the pages turned, vertical pupils the size of small boats were also depicted on them, and blurry fonts appeared on the cause and effect collection.

[First-grade Dao Fruit: ??? ??? 】

【Category 】

The fonts appeared and disappeared, and the pages turned, but it seemed that the book could not carry this information.

The first of the Three Sovereigns, the forerunner of a hundred kings, the first ancestor of human civilization, the Heaven of Taihao... all kinds of identities, magical powers, causes and effects converge into the source of the sky - Fuxi Daoguo.

Cause and effect are the fruit of the Tao, and the "weight" of the cause and effect represented by the first-grade fruit of the Tao is unprecedented.

Even though it was a collection of cause and effect, at this moment there were signs that were difficult to record.

The limit of the causal set seems to have appeared.

Watching the words on the Cause and Effect Collection appear and disappear, Jiang Li saw the stubborn side of the Cause and Effect Collection.

Yes, it is a dead thing.

If it were a living creature, the cautious Jiang would have been on guard long ago.

"Since this road is blocked, why not try another one?"

Jiang Li said this and slowly stretched out his hand.

For the first time, he reached out his hand to the causal set and touched it.

Just like picking up a thread, the pages of the Collection of Cause and Effect were exceptionally light. Jiang Li slowly turned the pages, covering up the recorded pages, and summoned out the page that once recorded the information about the Emperor's Dao Fruit.

The Cause and Effect Collection followed his wishes and shot out lines of cause and effect, which drilled into the jade seal that appeared on Jiang Li's knees at some point in time.

While Jiang Li was preparing for his promotion, news that the Awakened One was convening a Dharma Assembly was also conveyed from the Wufo Temple.

——One month later, the eight Buddhist sects will gather at Lingtai Mountain to hold a Dharma Assembly. At that time, the enlightened one will judge the death of Manjusri and will also issue the first order since coming out of retreat.

As soon as this news spread, there was a sense of impending storm in the Buddhist kingdom, and the original undercurrent seemed to be suppressed.

Later, on the third day, the great Bodhisattvas of the Buddhist world, Avalokitesvara and the Mother of No Birth, sent messages stating that they would not be absent from the ceremony.

At the same time, the news that the enlightened one wanted to ban the practice of seduction spread rapidly in the Buddhist country, shocking the entire Buddhist country.

Three days later, Huineng, the leader of the Buddhist practitioners, paid a visit to the enlightened one late at night.

He came to the back of the Wufo Temple, bowed to the enlightened one who had been sitting under the Bodhi tree, and then reported: "The traveler reported that in the land of Baishan, the black water changed its course. A strong man used his great magical powers to block the water veins and reopen the river, causing the black water to flow toward the heart of the Buddha country."

The White Mountains and Black Waters are a great wonder on the border of the Buddhist Kingdom. The Black Water River stretches for tens of thousands of miles, and its water system is connected with the water marshes outside Kunxu Mountain. Some rivers also connect with the water veins north of Liangzhou. There are many water sources and long rivers, and the widest area of ​​the river is as vast as the sea.

Now that the Blackwater River has changed its course and is flowing towards the heart of the Buddhist country, not to mention the abnormality, the impact alone is enough to alarm the Buddhist country.

If there is a flood during the diversion, half of the Buddhist kingdom may be destroyed.

However, after hearing the news, the Awakened One did not seem to be shocked, but simply said, "Here it comes."

As he was well versed in the law of cause and effect, he might have already noticed the abnormality. It is also possible that when Huineng informed him of the news, the enlightened one immediately knew about the relevant situation.

"What's coming?"

A monkey asked lazily, one arm hanging from the Bodhi tree.

At the same time, a big red dog quietly appeared in the shadows not far away.

This is the messenger that Jiang Li arranged. If there is something urgent, he will inform Xiaotian, and Xiaotian will directly convey the message to Jiang Li.

"The storm is coming."

The enlightened one said, "There are three major formations in Xuanmen, all of which have been passed down since before the end of the law. One of them is extremely dangerous and needs to be set up with water veins. If the confused one is right, the black water was diverted so that this formation can be used."

"This water-based formation seems somewhat familiar. Could it be the Four Seas Paying Homage Formation of the Dragon Palace?" Sun Wukong sat up and said while scratching his cheek.

"Although the Four Seas Chao Yuan Formation of the Dragon Palace gathers the power of the vast ocean, it is far less dangerous than this formation."

The awakened one shook his head and said, "The name of the formation is 'Nine Bends of the Yellow River', a secret formation of the Shangqing Sect of the Great Zhou Dynasty."

(End of this chapter)

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