Too much fruit

Chapter 889 Jiang Li’s Good Reputation

Chapter 889 Jiang Li’s Good Reputation
"Kunxu Mountain..."

In the Imperial City of the Divine Capital, Jiang Li suddenly looked towards the direction of Kunxu Mountain, "A mountain has disappeared. This location... is the mountain where the Immortal Palace is located."

The war had just ended, and the aftermath of the chaos in the heavens had not yet dissipated. After all, everyone was involved and disrupted the heavens. But Jiang Li's perception ability is not limited to Yi Dao, but also Dao Guo.

[I am the State], this Dao Fruit magical power enables Jiang Li to merge himself with the state and territory. He can not only draw the national power into his body, but also sense all kinds of natural changes within the territory.

In the past, whenever there was a major disaster, the emperor would sense it in advance and either send experts or take action himself to eliminate the disaster before it happened.

Although Jiang Li has not yet become the emperor, as the fusion of Dao Fruit deepens, he has also acquired this perception ability.

He felt the disappearance of a mountain as if he was sensing pain somewhere in his own body, and based on his memory of the topography of Kyushu, he made an accurate judgment and came to the conclusion that the Immortal Palace had disappeared.

It didn't take long to move the mountain, only a few breaths, and Jiang Li's magical powers might also have been taken into consideration.

However, as long as the mountain is about to fall to the ground, Jiang Li will eventually feel it. Even as Jiang Li's Tao fruit fusion deepens, he will be able to sense it even if it is in the sky.

If you want to avoid it, you either have to leave Da Zhou and not enter the Buddhist Kingdom, or you have someone to help you.

And this person cannot be weak.

In Jiang Li's mind, such a person is the only option except the Great Venerable or the Heavenly Lord.

According to Jiang Li's idea, there must be someone helping the Fairy Queen in this action.

Who could it be?
As Jiang Li thought about this, he looked at Zhu Huian who was sitting not far away.

He was in the Daming Hall of the Imperial City at this time, sitting directly in the position where the eldest princess and Gongsun Qingyue used to handle memorials, and below him sat his own royal servant, Palju Huian.

What happens next will require Zhu Huian’s help, so naturally he has to know about it.

"Mr. Huian, the late emperor is about to be buried. I'd like to trouble you to do more running around in the court." Jiang Li said in a gentle voice.

A rare look of excitement appeared on Zhu Huian's solemn face. He certainly knew what the burial of the late emperor meant.

"I understand."

Zhu Huian understood and agreed, then calmed down a little and said, "Leave everything to me."

During this short period of time, Zhu Huian had already thought of various plans in his mind, or he had already begun to anticipate them.

These include but are not limited to "When the weather gets cold, Sikong puts on the emperor's robe to warm himself up" and classic routines borrowed from the market such as "The Great Zhou Dynasty will be established, and King Jiang Li will be king".

In a word, he wanted to take the blame for Sikong's promotion.

It wasn't Sikong who wanted to sit in that position. It was all us who did it. If there is to be a record in history books, let it be us.

Although they are just superficial efforts, they are really indispensable.

Zhu Huian thought of dozens of contingency plans in a short time, and at the same time asked Jiang Li: "Sikong, there may be some discordant words among the Ji family. May I ask Sikong how to deal with it?"

This statement naturally leads to the question of how severe the attack on the Ji family will be.

If Jiang Li is interested, then there will be discord even if there is no discord. If he doesn't have that idea, then he will raise his tolerance limit.

"I still believe that the Ji clan elders will consider the overall situation." Jiang Li said in a gentle voice.

While speaking, Jiang Li was already sensing his dog and discovered that it was now outside the Zongzheng Mansion.

Xiaotian followed Taibu Ling.

The eldest princess had previously told the Grand Assigner to give them time to make a choice before the late emperor was buried, otherwise she would be the one to tell Jiang Li about the existence of the Map of Mountains, Rivers, and States.

This is a lie.

When she said those words, Jiang Li was actually listening beside her. If the Ji family did not make a choice in a timely manner, Jiang Li would take action directly.

He didn't have much time to make decisions for people. If it wasn't for a smooth transition, Jiang Li would not hesitate to take direct action.

As for what will happen after the transition, it depends on Ji's performance.

"Wait a moment."

Jiang Li said this, closing his eyes slightly, and actually started waiting.

At the same time, Xiaotian turned into a gust of wind and entered the Zongzheng Mansion with Taibu Ling.

The chief astronomer walked without stopping. He went straight to the main hall after entering the Zongzheng Mansion, where three old men were waiting.

All three of them showed signs of old age. Although they were still standing tall, they were already showing signs of old age. One of the old men with white hair and beard even dozed off.

These three are the remaining elders of the Ji family.

The battle with Jiang family almost wiped out all the ghost cultivators of Ji family, and the remaining older generation had gone through the assassination of the previous head of the clan and the rebellion of the eldest prince, and there were not many leaders left.

After Taibu Ling came back, he immediately recounted the previous conversation, emphasizing the fact that Tu Bo had died.

As for what happened in the Buddhist country, the princess didn't explain it clearly, and the Grand Asura Commander didn't know either. But the fact that Tu Bo was dead was enough to alert the three old men to the situation.

After the three of them heard this, they looked dejected. One of the elders looked at the old man with white hair and beard and said, "Brother Changfeng, you are the current Zongzheng. What do you plan to do? If we hand over the Shanhe Shejitu, we may not be able to guarantee that we will be able to regain the throne of the Son of Heaven after 60 years."

Another old man continued, "I received a secret letter from the King of Yue a few days ago, saying that more than half of the kings in the south have submitted to the Heavenly Sovereign, and the Taoist Shen Hou from Yuxu Temple has also surrendered. Brother Changfeng also knows the power of the divine whip in Shen Hou's hand. The King of Yue hopes that we can secretly support the Heavenly Sovereign."

"How about we bet on both sides?" The first old man thought for a moment and suggested.

Betting on both sides, you won't lose if either side wins, this is an old tradition of aristocratic families. Although the Ji family is a royal family, they can also be said to be an aristocratic family.

The current Zongzheng Ji Changfeng opened his slightly closed old eyes, glanced at the two people, and said slowly: "Bet on both sides, offer the map of mountains and rivers, or secretly support the emperor, you want me to choose?"

The two nodded.

"Then I tell you, there is no choice. The choice is given by others, and we cannot decide what to choose."

Ji Changfeng smiled sarcastically, "I know Ling Guang's personality. She is decisive and will not drag her feet. Since she has made her choice, she will not conceal the existence of the Mountain and River State Map. Jiang Sikong should have known about it. Give her some time to see who in the royal family is involved with the Heavenly Monarch."

"Right now, Ling Guang might be outside, listening to us."

As soon as the words fell, the two old men turned pale, especially the one who had secret contact with Yue King Ji Wen.

"Brother Changfeng, this joke is not worth taking." He released his spiritual thoughts while trying hard to smile.

"It's already this late, how can I be in the mood to joke?" Ji Changfeng said slowly and calmly, "As a person, the most important thing is to know oneself. What we should do most now is to protect the roots of our clan, instead of thinking about where to blossom and bear fruit. The result of greed is to lose more."

The old man who was forcing a smile had a layer of cold sweat on his forehead. When he was about to wipe it off, he suddenly found that the sweat had evaporated into water vapor.

His body began to heat up, emitting large amounts of water vapor, and the internal Qi in his body became restless as if it were on fire.


When his mouth opened and closed, a stream of flames burst out from all seven orifices and ignited from all hundred orifices.

The true energy and blood in his body turned into firewood, and in an instant his whole body turned into ashes.


Ashes fell onto the chair and scattered everywhere, but they did not affect the chair at all. The flames suddenly disappeared like an illusion, and only the pile of ashes proved that it had appeared.

A vermilion figure appeared at the entrance of the main hall at some point, and his phoenix eyes slowly swept over the remaining three people in the hall.

"Zongzheng is right. I really want to see who in the clan is involved with Tianjun."

The princess walked into the main hall and said calmly, "I can still control the situation if I take action. If it were someone else, it might not be possible. It's better to be decent and give up control of the cave and hand over the map of mountains, rivers and states."

Her words were plain, but the murderous intent that came with them showed her clear attitude.

As the words fell, Ji Changfeng and others also felt the heat at the same time, as if there was a flame burning in their bodies.

"That's why I said there is no choice."

Zongzheng Ji Changfeng smiled bitterly, slowly stood up, and said: "Your Highness, I am willing to hand over the magic formula, but there is one thing I would like to ask Your Highness to tell me. Did Jiang Sikong really accept the Emperor's Dao Fruit?"

This question is a little unclear, but considering the special nature of the Emperor's Dao Fruit, it can be explained.

Although the Emperor's Dao Fruit has some significant shortcomings, it is trustworthy in terms of fairness.

The emperors of all dynasties were fair-minded people. Although the late emperor had done a bad job, if the emperor had not caused trouble, the late emperor would have most likely been able to maintain his integrity in his later years.

It was rumored that Jiang Li had the Dao Fruit of the Emperor, which cleared his somewhat bad reputation.

Compared to Jiang Li's cleared reputation, the other side's Heavenly Emperor is a bit worse.

None of the people who know about Tianjun’s operations consider him trustworthy.

It can even be said that Jiang Li's reputation before he was cleared was better than that of Tianjun.

"He does contain the Emperor's Dao Fruit." said the eldest princess.

Upon hearing this, Ji Changfeng's expression softened noticeably.

I'm afraid Jiang Li never thought that he would win in such a place one day.

It can only be said that compared with the Great Venerable and the already exposed Heavenly Sovereign, Jiang Li's bottom line still has room to be lowered, and it is not small.

As for the fact that Jiang Li was not bound by the Emperor's Dao Fruit, there was no need to say more.

Xiaotian quietly retreated from the door of the main hall, never expecting that his owner would one day have a good reputation.

Of course, it is not ruled out that the old man had no choice but to trust Jiang Li.

In any case, this mission has been completed, go back and report.

(End of this chapter)

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