Chapter 208
And the little clever Chen Ze has already called out the system to start the search.

【Retrieving, please wait.】

[Do you choose fusion skills? 】

【Fusion, please wait】.
【Successful integration】

So [Chen's Inner Alchemy (Disabled)] added some new content, and even had some surprising changes.

That is, the level limit of the skill upgrade has been loosened a little, and the upper limit of the [Chen's Inner Alchemy (Disabled)] level has been increased after two completions.

So Chen Ze immediately tried to inject experience points.

↑[Longmen School Inner Alchemy (Disabled)] Lv6 (0/5000)

Open the eight channels, adjust the breath and listen to the breath, the truth of the porch, the power of the river chariot, and the body posture.
For a while, Chen Ze had a little more knowledge and many little tricks in his mind, which would undoubtedly make his life in the stage of refining Qi more smooth.

The content of the alchemy method heard from Liang Yi is like an introduction, allowing the system to complete more things.

In particular, the double-cultivation of alchemy, the inspiration brought to Chen Ze was not limited to himself, but made him realize a deeper level of content.

That is about how to deal with the obstruction of the decline of the heaven and earth Yuan Qi in the practice of alchemy.

But he still has a few things to do before he makes a new attempt.

When Chen Ze walked out of Xianyue Hospital, his anxiety had eased a lot.

Cultivating immortals, the most important thing is to be happy.

As soon as he left the door, Chen Ze happened to see an orange shadow flashing under the roadside tree.

Chen Ze kicked off, and in the blink of an eye, he jumped seven or eight meters away to the tree with an afterimage and grabbed a certain fat orange by the nape of its neck.

"Meow! Meow-meow-meow~"

When Daju was lifted out of the grass by Chen Ze, there was still dirt on his paws, and the word "Happy" was written all over his face.

Pushing the big orange to the ground, Chen Ze waved his claws and kneaded and fumbled.

During the stroking, Chen Ze used his heart to feel the powerful beating of the heart in Daju's body.

Sensing this gathering of powerful Yuan Qi, at this moment he sincerely realized the magic of life.

After a rough meal, Daju had completely lost his ability to resist, lying on the ground like a useless cat.

Sure enough, I'm not a murderer. Chen Ze was in a good mood, but there was an unpleasant sound in his ear.

buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz --

Gather Qi and take shape!

A bright light burst out from Chen Ze's palm.

Life is precious, mosquitoes must die!
So, following his will, Chen Ze stayed at home for two days, playing all the way from "Sunny Day" to "Mario Super Maker 2".

The main reason is that I went to find Liang Yi's fusion skills and spent 20 experience points.

This made Chen Ze have to rush to collect a wave of experience points.

While staying at home, Chen Ze also recognized his own heart.

My recent mentality problems mainly come from two points.

[-]. The improvement of strength leads to an imbalance of mentality, or a little expansion.

[-]. Too many people have been killed in a short period of time.

Chen Ze's response to this was to let nature take its course, and he didn't want to force himself to do anything that was pure and ascetic.

After all, no one is perfect, he just has such an escaped temperament, and deliberately suppressing his heart will probably backfire.

in the bedroom.

Seeing that the experience pool on the panel had risen back to 20 points, Chen Ze finally leaned back, stretched out his hand and began to pick up the little white fox.

The intelligence of the little white fox made him see unlimited potential.

So Chen Ze even found time to add another set of configurations on top of the original one, and even made a special table for the little white fox.

To be precise, it is a virtual anchor: Fox-official, who focuses on accompanying and watching movies, and occasionally plays simple games as a cameo.

Double live broadcast, double experience points.

【Experience value +300】

【Experience value +400】.
At this time, the mobile phone beside the table rang suddenly.

"Alipay has arrived, two, ten, ten thousand, yuan."

So the barrage in the little white fox's live broadcast room immediately exploded.

"The old man who took care of the anchor is hammering!"

"Follow the host, thank you for following the host."

"Fox Fox (cries) my Fox Fox (cries loudly) (red face sticks out tongue)".
Chen Ze took a look at the phone. Although the payer was a stranger, he knew that it should be the reward for the matter of the research director.

Of course, this was handed over after being distributed by Wang Zhenguo.

Although he didn't know how much Wang Zhenguo left, but after several cooperations, Chen Ze still chose to believe in Lao Wang's character.

After all, you should go find him.
Chen Ze glanced at the wardrobe.

And a large suitcase full of dollar bills was quietly lying in the closet.

Heavy suitcases filled almost half of the table.

Crack, clack, squeak—

As the lid was opened, the contents inside were fully revealed.


"Did you rob a bank?" Wang Zhenguo almost lost his expression control as he looked at a box of extremely eye-catching dark green bills.

"I won the lottery." Chen Ze, who was crossing his legs, smacked his mouth.

"Then your legs are pretty fast."

"That's not true. I carried the plane back from the United States overnight."


During the silence, Wang Zhenguo's gaze passed over Chen Ze: "Stop pretending, hurry up and close the door."

"Uh." Chen Ze got up and ran for an errand.

When he came back after closing the office door, Wang Zhenguo had already pulled out a banknote detector from some corner.

Obviously he no longer intends to pursue the source of the money.

After staying in this industry for a long time, Wang Zhenguo is very clear about a truth: the more you know, the more dangerous you are.

Hush huh huh huh huh huh—

The pleasant sound of counting money is endless.

Until all banknotes have been passed over again.

"250." Wang Zhenguo paused and added, "U.S. dollars."

"Fidelity?" Chen Ze asked casually.

"No guarantee." Wang Zhenguo shook his head seriously, "I'll take five yuan a catty, and I'll give you a [-]% discount."

Chen Ze: "?"

The two looked at each other for a moment, then laughed together.


After a while, after laughing, Wang Zhenguo finally returned to his normal expression and asked, "Isn't it because you want to buy my company by making such a big scene?"

"That's not enough." Chen Ze boasted casually, "Our Boss Wang's family has a big business, so we don't care about this little money."

"Stop talking." Wang Zhenguo put all the dollar bills back into the suitcase, "Tell me, what's the matter."

Chen Ze didn't answer directly, but imitated Liang Yi as a riddler,
"It's a little dirty and I want to wash it."

"Wash and wash." Hearing this, Wang Zhenguo sat up straight from the chair, folded his hands on the table in front of him,
"What kind of washing method?"

"Wash it however you want." Chen Ze didn't seem to be on the same channel as him.

"." Wang Zhenguo continued after being silent for a while, "Do you think we have a machine similar to an ATM, where old money is thrown in and new money will be spit out automatically."

"." Chen Ze chose to take the initiative to apologize, "Okay, I took it for granted, Lao Wang, tell me how to do it."

"It depends on your needs." Wang Zhenguo looked quite professional, "Are you in a hurry to use it?"

Chen Ze thought for a while and gave a negative answer.

"Are there any special requirements for currency?"

Chen Ze shook his head again.

"Do you want to be safe or..."

"Be safe, it's okay to get a discount." Chen Ze gave the answer without hesitation.

"There is no rush and no request." Wang Zhenguo muttered and gave a comprehensive plan that integrated physical entrepreneurship to financial investment and international precious metal bond transactions.

"Let's talk about it first." Wang Zhenguo emphasized, "I have to draw three points. This is a friendly price."

"Hmm." Chen Ze nodded and had already selected from the form Wang Zhenguo sent, "I think this one is pretty good."

"Which one?"

"That's it."

"Oh, this one, this one is indeed a little bit better than the one I picked.".
So in the not-too-distant future, a 15-yuan local pork buffet restaurant opened grandly next to the software park in a certain district. Internet celebrities from all walks of life checked in one after another.

But that's all for later. Back in the current office, after Chen Ze and Wang Zhenguo finalized the general plan, they casually asked: "How did you find out about those sticks?"

"He's done a lot of tricks behind his back, so we can't still hold on to something, right?"

"It should be soon." Wang Zhenguo lifted the big suitcase off the table, "Several people have been locked."

"Park Mincan, the executive director of Bokang Pharmaceutical." Wang Zhenguo took out a document from the bottom of the table and handed it over.

And Chen Ze took the file and flipped through it while listening to Wang Zhenguo's explanation.

"He should be the top person in charge of SK Group, the parent company of Bokang Pharmaceutical."

At the beginning of the file is the information introduction of this person, and a photo of his ID is attached.

The photo showed an ordinary-looking middle-aged man with few wrinkles, his hair mixed with a little silver was combed back, and his collar and tie were neatly trimmed.

It basically belongs to the type that can't be found even if it is thrown into the middle-aged social animal pile.

The big boss, right? Chen Ze silently labeled this person in his heart.

"The other people are also more critical roles."

Wang Zhenguo's words continued,

"Like this secretary, the general manager of the import and export goods department, and the finance department"

After reading the entire document, Chen Ze finally had a clear understanding of his opponents.

All of them looked well-dressed, and they didn't expect to clean up some old silver coins behind their backs.

"Within a week!" Wang Zhenguo finally said, "I can catch their rat tails within a week!"

"Look for me anytime you need it." Chen Ze threw the document to the opposite side and stood up, "Let's go first."

"No more, rich man." Wang Zhenguo leisurely returned to the computer, "Thank you for your great business."

"Then give me another discount?" Chen Zeshun climbed up the pole.

Wang Zhenguo did not answer this, but silently picked up the coffee cup to see off the guests.

It wasn't until noon when he came out from Wang Zhenguo's place, so Chen Ze went to have an early meal and drove straight to the Pangea Biology Industrial Park.

After entering the park, along the way, Chen Ze clearly felt that the security measures inside had been strengthened a lot.

From time to time, you can see well-armed uniformed men passing by in jumping cars, and brand-new surveillance probes are installed in many inconspicuous corners.

It would definitely not be so easy for Chen Ze to make another encounter now.

Of course, this time he was visiting in an aboveboard manner.

Not long after, in a spacious and bright office with floor-to-ceiling windows with excellent views, Chen Ze saw Ling Sifeng, who always looked exquisite no matter how busy he was.

"It's the first time seeing you on a serious occasion." Chen Ze said with a smile.

"The second time." Ling Sifeng corrected while making coffee, "Don't forget the time at the restaurant."

"That's right." Chen Ze sat down on the sofa area indifferently.

After serving the coffee, the two sat and chatted for a few minutes before getting to the point.

"How's that bald director?" Chen Ze forcibly restrained the urge to cross his legs.

"It's pretty good." Ling Sifeng sipped his coffee quite elegantly, "It's just a little bit of a distraction."

"What's wrong?" Chen Ze violently stirred the coffee while adding a lethal amount of sugar into it.

"His wife said that after watching a movie all day, he stared at one movie back and forth, sewed his passport to his clothes, and then hid in a corner talking to himself."

"." Chen Ze didn't expect the director to take his nonsense seriously.

It fits the popular stereotype of the eccentric scientific genius perfectly.

"What happened next? Do you want to see a psychiatrist?" Chen Ze finally began to taste the coffee carefully.

"I'll be fine once I got back to the company yesterday." Ling Sifeng said with some helplessness, "He has such a temper. Once he enters the laboratory, no one can control him. I haven't seen him until now."

Like this, Chen Ze said casually: "Look more closely, don't be kidnapped again."

"I know." Ling Sifeng nodded solemnly, "I have already arranged for him to work overtime for a month."

"It's too oppressive, so he has no objection?" Chen Ze felt a little bit aggrieved for the bald brother.

"Of course I have an opinion." Ling Sifeng burst out laughing, "He also protested that one month is not enough, and moved all the beds in."


"By the way." Ling Sifeng proactively mentioned with insight, "Didn't you say last time that you want to participate in the project research together?"

"That's right, I was a bit harsh last time, so don't mind." Chen Ze began to be polite.

"What?" Ling Sifeng said seriously, "Speaking of which, I haven't thanked you enough yet, you have already helped me too much."

"If you want to thank you, let's talk about it after everything is over." Chen Ze soberly refused to open the champagne at halftime.

After all, the real mastermind behind the scenes hasn't been defeated yet.

beep ring beep ring beep——

The phone rang, and Ling Sifeng pressed it off.

"That's right." She put down her coffee and stood up, "It's not too late, let's go directly to the laboratory to find him."

"it is good."

As a result, when Chen Ze arrived at the entrance of the laboratory, hey, it turned out to be the old place.

It was the chief technology officer's personal laboratory, but the new nameplate on the door frame indicated that the laboratory had changed hands.

On the wall next to the door, there are still a large circular patch of repair marks, and almost all the places that were violently damaged by Chen Ze have been repaired.

He was amazed to see it.

It's just that Ling Sifeng couldn't bear the bombardment of the ringtones along the way. After entering the door, he hurriedly explained a few words and left Chen Ze in the laboratory, and immediately went back to answer the phone.

And there was only the bald director in the laboratory. After recognizing Chen Ze, he almost gave Chen Ze a freshly baked medicine sample in a gesture of licking a dog, and vowed that no one would know, which would become reasonable. Experimental loss.

After that, the bald director took Chen Ze and began to talk about his own field, introducing the various parameters and experimental results of this sample in detail.

Regarding this, Chen Ze dealt with it silently, just wanting to spend some time in it, after all, the play needs to be full.

Being idle and bored, he simply used various experimental instruments to gain experience.

【Experience value +1500】

【Experience value +1000】.
I just don't know what expressions will be on other researchers' faces if they see this imported equipment worth 10 yuan being used by him to cut nails.

After wandering around in the laboratory all afternoon, Chen Ze saw that the time was almost up, so he packed the medicine and prepared to leave.

When parting, the bald director even secretly saluted Chen Ze while no one was around.

"A hymn of loyalty." He said silently.

Chen Ze was speechless for a while.

After leaving the laboratory, Chen Ze went to the office to say goodbye to Ling Sifeng.

It was almost dinner time, but she still looked like she was very busy. I heard that she is also in charge of the scientific research department.

"I'm busy, so I won't send it off." Ling Sifeng took the time to raise his head.

"I know, I won't bother you anymore." Before leaving, Chen Ze added a few more words, "Don't misunderstand me, I'm not prejudiced against you."

"I just hope you don't act too much like them in the future."

Hearing that Ling Sifeng suddenly stopped all actions, the whole office was silent, only the fax machine not far away was still humming and printing documents.

"They are them, and I am me." Ling Sifeng raised his head and replied seriously, "Although I can't be the Holy Mother, I will be worthy of my conscience."

Her eyes were very determined, just like when she rushed out of the car accident scene regardless of her own safety.

"Okay." Chen Ze turned around and waved his hands, "Let's go, let's eat together when we are free."


A voice came from behind.

It was already dark when Chen Ze returned home after finishing his meal.

"Wangcai!" Chen Ze called loudly as soon as he entered the door, "I brought you delicious food!"


An excited shout came from the direction of the bedroom, and then a white figure flashed out from the door.

It's just that before taking two steps, the little white fox fell flat on the ground.

"You, you!" Chen Ze went up to pick up the little white fox, "It's not like you haven't moved after watching the movie all day, you're going to become a fat fox again."

After kneading and kneading, he made the little white fox feel aggrieved and whimpered non-stop.

Then go to the balcony and throw the slaughtered native chicken into the rice bowl. After putting down the little white fox, Chen Ze returned to the bedroom.

Turn off the computer after working for a day, and the sound of the humming fan will be reduced, making the room much quieter.

On the bed, Chen Ze stared at the medicine sample in his hand while sitting cross-legged.

This tube container is basically the same as the sample that was snatched at the trade fair before. It is a half-mechanical and half-glass structure.

It's just that the solution inside looks transparent and clear, and it seems to be no different from tap water.

Unscrewing the bottle cap according to the method in memory, Chen Ze slightly poured out the medicine tube and stuck out his tongue to taste a little.

Silently, the [Human Furnace] began to operate.

And following the ping-ping-pong-pong movement in his body, a prompt popped up before Chen Ze's eyes.

【Checking, please wait.】

[Completed testing]

[Test result: unknown compound (nameable)]

[recipe search, please wait]


[Reformation completed, formula loaded]

[Smelting formula is as follows]

[Main material: unknown compound (nameable)]

【Environment: The temperature reaches 800℃】

[Physical attribute reaches 200 points]

[200000 experience points can be allocated]

This powerful medicine has indeed been shipped!

Moreover, there was not much improvement in terms of conditions, so Chen Ze naturally met all the standards.

The only additional requirement is this [-]-degree Celsius environment.
Chen Ze soon had a calculation in his mind, and after screwing up the potion and putting it away, he continued to meditate and practice.

In the past few days, Chen Ze has kept Liang Yi's advice in mind, and stopped deliberately suppressing his desires. He should think about whatever he wants, but the result is that he is in a better state. A crumbling feeling.

The next day, Chen Ze turned into a night owl again.

During the day, he stayed at home and studied the materials all day long, and he let the little white fox out in front of the computer until the night darkened.

Early morning.

On the relatively neat mountain road, a bright light shot out from behind the corner, and then a delivery boy in a yellow robe drove out on a small electric donkey.

Not long after, the delivery guy arrived at his destination, stopped and dialed his cell phone.

"Because I want to eat meat, I have to eat meat~~"

The cheerful ringtones didn't put the delivery boy in a good mood, because the surrounding environment really made him panic.

In the wilderness, the wind is blowing, and even the rustling of the leaves around is like a demon screaming.

beep.The phone is connected.

"Hello." The takeaway boy said in a weak tone, "I'm at the entrance of the funeral parlor, where is the takeaway?"

"Just put it at the door." A young man's voice came from the phone.

"The door?" The takeaway boy looked at the empty security guard box and the non-existent gate in front of him, and finally chose to be perfunctory.

"It's placed at the entrance of the pavilion, come and get it yourself."

After finishing speaking, the delivery boy put the sumptuous barbecue set meal anywhere, and then rode a small electric donkey and left this gloomy place as if fleeing.

And not long after the delivery guy left, a tall figure walked out from the shadow behind the sentry box and came to the door to take the delivery.

It was Chen Ze.

This is a funeral home located in a remote area at the foot of a suburban mountain. The business is very poor. There are not a few employees guarding it even during the day, so it was chosen by him.

That's right, when Chen Ze first saw the temperature requirement of [-] degrees Celsius, he immediately thought of the cremator in the funeral home.

After taking away the takeaway, Chen Ze entered the security guard box as if he had returned home, enjoying a sip of barbecue and happy water.

After finishing the skewers, Chen Ze looked at the time, and it was almost 1:[-] in the morning. The old man who was hiding in the duty room fishing should have gone to meet Duke Zhou in his dream.

So Chen Ze packed up and left the sentry box, and walked into the hall of the funeral parlor just like that.

There is surveillance, but it is a pity that in order to save money, there is no electricity, which saves Chen Ze a lot of time.

Entering the hall, Chen Ze stared at the mottled instruction map on the wall for a while, then rushed straight to the cremation room.

On the way, Chen Ze passed by the duty room and saw that the old man inside was sleeping more soundly than anyone else. No wonder he was complained about on the Dianping app.

Maybe there is no business, but the management of this funeral home is so chaotic that even the door of the cremation room is only ajar, without any protective measures at all.

You can't wait until the stove is broken, right?Chen Ze even felt a little worried in his heart.

Entering the cremation room, the place is small, dilapidated and old. Apart from a row of lockers next to it and some sundries piled up in the corner, the incinerator in the middle of the room is the most conspicuous.

Looking closer, it actually says "Luxury Stove".

That being said, there's only one furnace in the entire funeral home that works, so they can fool customers with "special offers" and "free upgrades."

In fact, it was just an old-fashioned semi-open fuel cremator that had been in service for decades, which was why Chen Ze chose it.

In recent years, newly produced cremators have relatively complete protective measures. Generally, the furnace body is fully enclosed, and the outside staff must be completely sealed before the incineration process can be started.

Not waiting for time, he immediately began to study it.

【Experience value +1500】

【Experience value +1000】.
Soon, Chen Ze, who came prepared, roughly figured out how to use it after a while of fiddling.

 I had a minor operation, the latest update time may be irregular, please forgive me. (will not be updated)

(End of this chapter)

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