Chapter 291

The so-called internal and external ambiguity, in the single light, the only one is bright and bright, this is the scene of seeing the nature with a clear mind.

Different qi bureaus have different attribute rules, even for the prototype.

Therefore, Chen Ze can be sure that Zuo Yunfen is using the "momentum" brought by the brook, or the special law of Yuan Qi, to reflect her body, thereby assisting the practice of daily sexual skills.

At this time, the water surface of the stream has exceeded the original height by several feet, and it is about to be lifted up in the air, and Chen Ze continued to say,

"Senior Zuo, I have a little suggestion that should help your daily practice. I wonder if Senior can let me give it a try?"

He appeared to be very polite, still asking the advice of the owner of the place.

"You just have to try." Zuo Yunfen agreed without hesitation, she already believed in Chen Ze.

"Okay!" Chen Ze agreed, and began to let go and do everything he could.

Ribbon-like light blue brilliance floated from his body, covering the surface of the stream layer by layer, and then "hugged" the narrow river directly!

This is a dream-like scene. The stream does not stop here, but is naturally lifted from the middle to mid-air, and the river bed that used to flow through is now wet and exposed.

【Experience value +5000】.
The river section here is like riding an invisible roller coaster, arching an arc in the middle.

The stream hanging in the air was extremely clear, reflecting the three people with different expressions like a mirror.

One was calm and composed, the other turned pale with astonishment, while Lu Ling looked up, pursing his lower lip and clenching his fists.

At this time, I saw Chen Ze stepping forward again, and in just a blink of an eye, he had already crossed a distance of more than ten meters to the edge of the river bed, looking down at the exposed mud basin thoughtfully.

After a while, Chen Ze stepped forward with one foot and stomped on the river bed.

Click, click--

Some mud slopes collapsed, and at the same time, the riverbed uplifted. The originally neat river banks became criss-crossed, and the shape of the river channel was changing rapidly.

It was obviously just a light step, and it didn't look like much strength, but circles of earth-yellow light waves swayed out with Chen Ze's footsteps, and after sinking into the ground, they actually drove the soil layer to churn back and forth, constantly shaping it.

【Experience value +6000】.
At this moment, the brilliance of Chen Ze's body is lingering, reflecting each other, walking around the river bed like a stroll in a garden, and every step he takes, the embankment is reshaped inch by inch.

Seeing this scene, Zuo Yunfen couldn't help wondering if she was in an illusion again.

Although there is no golden body Buddha before, and lotuses grow everywhere, but it is so beautiful.
It's the demeanor of a banished fairy!

In fact, Chen Ze was far less relaxed than it seemed.

His brain is running fast, and the invisible pattern of Yuan Qi is constantly evolving in his mind.

Just changing the terrain can affect the pattern of Yuan Qi. It sounds mysterious, but in fact, the laws of the Qi pattern are closely related to the landscape, vegetation and even the terrain.

On the surface, it seems that Chen Ze is simply changing the curve and straightening it out, but in essence, he is changing the pattern of this part of Yuan Qi according to the profit and loss flow of Yuan Qi.

Fortunately, this place can only be regarded as the prototype of the Qi Bureau, so Chen Ze has the ability to make some changes to achieve the effect he wants.

While thinking about it, Chen Ze had already walked the entire exposed riverbed, and when he finally looked back, he nodded and took two steps back silently, raising one hand to the sky.

"Fall!" Chen Ze couldn't help blurting out.

Swish, lala, gurgling!

The river held in the air by the light blue brilliance immediately intensified its tumbling and surging, and then with a wave of Chen Ze's index finger, it smashed down towards the river bed like cast iron.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa--

The stream returned to its original position, but only halfway down, the channel narrowed after the modification was crowded to the brim, and it was about to overflow.

At that time, Chen Ze raised his palm slightly again, holding five fingers empty, and grabbed a large ball of clear water directly from the stream.

In this way, the original stream was cut and fit into the river bed perfectly, flowing smoothly and cheerfully.

And at the moment when the dust settled on the change of the river course, the other two present were all shocked, and realized that an inexplicable change had become a foregone conclusion.

It was even more difficult for Zuo Yunfen to calm down, because she suddenly felt that the weak qi that she had carefully guarded began to stir agitatedly, swaying like fireworks in the wind.

However, this project has not really been completed yet. After all, Chen Ze still holds the large water polo with a radius of nearly ten meters in the air, and it seems that there is nowhere to put it.

It is conceivable that modifying the qi pattern in this way consumes Yuan qi and even the spirit. Chen Ze's temples on the forehead twitched slightly, and he already felt a little out of strength.

If it is broken down into parts and sent back to the stream little by little in a long stream of water, it will be fine.

But that was too tiring, and Chen Ze didn't want to take the effort.

Since it is not sent back to the stream, then
Chen Ze's heart moved, and he had a bold idea, so he suddenly raised his head and looked around the entire courtyard and beyond.

The mountainous suburbs are sparsely populated, and the nearest other houses are also one kilometer away.

In other words, there is only the courtyard of Zuo Yunfen nearby.

"Senior Zuo." Chen Ze pointed to the vegetable field beside him with a smile and asked,
"Is this Chinese cabbage delicate? Is it okay to add more water?"

Hearing this, Zuo Yunfen was slightly taken aback, and almost didn't realize that Chen Ze was calling her.

"Chinese cabbage?" Zuo Yunfen repeated the word dully, "Water."

At this moment, she felt a strong sense of unreality in her heart.

This person who is full of brilliance and holds the river in the air actually asks himself whether the Chinese cabbage is precious or not?

It's as if the emperor held a big golden pan and asked the beggar if he wanted to put the ear root in the miscellaneous pancakes.

I must be dreaming. Zuo Yunfen became more determined in her mind, and even secretly reached out and pinched her waist.

"Senior Left!"

As a result, there was a pain in my waist, and I didn't wake up from the dream, but Chen Ze urged me again,
"Senior Left?"
"It's okay." Zuo Yunfen finally came back to her senses, and vaguely guessed what Chen Ze wanted to do.
"Just water it, it's easy to feed!"

In fact, pouring such a large amount of water into a pocket vegetable field of more than [-] square meters in one go is no different from being flooded. Even Chinese cabbage, which is famous for its coolness and humidity resistance, cannot withstand it.

But Zuo Yunfen obviously wouldn't go to Chen Ze for such a little Chinese cabbage.

But what happened next was beyond her expectations.

"it is good!"

After Chen Ze responded, he looked up to the sky and laughed loudly. He moved his hands repeatedly, pushing the big water polo all the way to the sky like a volleyball.

"Suck—" Chen Ze stopped his laughter and took a long breath, then punched the sky with an impeccable posture!
This Dragon Rising Fist was so powerful that it produced a sonic boom effect.

After that, one second passed, two seconds passed, and when the time of continuous advancement reached the third second, a sudden change occurred.

Just between Chen Ze's punching fist and the straight line formed by the big water polo hanging in the sky, countless colorful color blocks suddenly appeared out of thin air, and then collapsed and gathered into a ball of gorgeous ball-shaped Yuan Qi.

The moment the ball-shaped Yuan Qi took shape, it immediately flew towards the big water polo in the sky in the direction of Chen Ze's punch like a bullet fired from the chamber!

【Experience value +2000】.
Wow——The big water polo hit by the Yuan Qi bomb sank exaggeratedly like a sofa, and then stretched to the limit like an explosion. The whole big water polo exploded, turning into countless tiny water droplets and overflowing in all directions, and It is still subdivided until it cannot be distinguished by the naked eye.

【Experience value +20000】

On the ground, Chen Ze, who punched this punch, was extremely happy. He opened his arms towards the sky like an embrace, closed his eyes and waited quietly.

What is he doing?
Zuo Yunfen, whose scalp was numb from the series of tricks, couldn't help but continue to speculate.

But soon, as the first drop of water fell on her face, she finally understood what was going on.

The first drop of water was like a vanguard, and then more and more small drops of water fell from the sky, until the faint and sparse water curtain filled the surroundings, covering the sight in front of him with a layer of filter.

The rain was pouring down one after another, like ox hair swaying all over the sky.

It's raining.

Like the last camel to crush the straw.

Zuo Yunfen, who had been trying to be brave all the time, finally couldn't hold on, and fell to the ground again, trembling and stretching out her palm forward.

The slender rain is icy and cool, not only does not prick your hands, but also gives people a gentle feeling like a spring breeze.

What is it, what is it?
At this time Zuo Yunfen was already speechless, but even in her heart, she didn't dare to speculate, for fear of underestimating this miraculous scene.

Because she knew that she was not qualified to speak out at all.

Lu Ling, who was also in the rain, was enjoying the long-lost spring rain with his eyes closed, but he opened his eyelids inadvertently, and couldn't look away when he saw the figure in front of him.

With a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, Lu Ling stared at Chen Ze's back obsessively, as if she had caused the rain.

The drizzle is continuous and pattering, as if to wash away all the dirt in the world.


In the slanting wind and drizzle, Chen Ze's hearty laughter spread far and never stopped.


Laughter echoed all the way to the emptied drying yard outside the courtyard.

The girl who was out of breath and covered with an umbrella cloth stopped to wipe off her sweat, when she heard bursts of laughter coming from nowhere, but she couldn't tell when she stopped to listen carefully.

I just feel that the laughter is loud and small, near and far away.

Strange. The girl muttered and ignored it, and continued with the task at hand.

But that man was quite accurate. The girl glanced at the sheets and clothes that had been received in the dry bucket not far away, and looked at the still clear sky.

The drizzle also fell like a big net above her head, but the rain was too light, and the raindrops seemed to fall on her body, so she didn't bother to open an umbrella.

It actually rained!
The girl muttered for a while, then put it aside and concentrated on her work.

After the drizzle ended, the girl carrying the bucket took a long time to move the collected clothes and sheets back indoors.

After sitting down to take a breath, the girl found that her back was already soaked with sweat, but before she could change her clothes, she suddenly remembered something and rushed towards the quiet room with small steps.


"Teacher, I forgot to tell you"

As a result, as soon as she entered through the main entrance, the girl did not see Zuo Yunfen sitting cross-legged in that familiar position.

Strange. The girl ran up the steps, muttering in her heart, and vaguely saw a figure beside the back door, and immediately ran recklessly, and almost fell flat on the ground.


The girl screamed and supported the doorpost next to her, only then did she see that the person sitting by the back door was indeed her teacher, Zuo Yunfen.

The girl shrank her head immediately, but the expected reprimand did not come.

"Old teacher?" The girl quietly opened one eye to look, but saw Zuo Yunfen sitting there with her back to her, her body still trembling slightly.

"Teacher!" The girl turned pale with fright, and immediately jumped up and fumbled back and forth.

"What's the matter with you, are you not feeling well?"

"It's okay." Zuo Yunfen gently pushed the girl away, her tone quite complicated.

It is obviously full of joy but also depressing.

Because at this time she has already felt the changes brought about by the stream changes.

The seemingly simple change of bend and straightness caused the original prototype of Qi Bureau to be slightly moved out of a subtle distance.

Although the concentration of the gathered Yuan Qi has weakened a lot, the effect is many times softer than before.

And Zuo Yunfen's purpose of living here is to use the "potential" of Yuan Qi here to assist in the cultivation of mind, so the weakening of Yuan Qi does not have much impact, on the contrary, the effect of self-cultivation is far better than before.

Just at this moment, Zuo Yunfen didn't even need to close his eyes and meditate, and he could grasp the faint feeling of Qi in his body at any time.

It's like being nourished and like putting a prematurely born and weak baby into an incubator for careful care.

"Old, teacher?" The girl who was left on the sidelines was even more confused, she scratched her head subconsciously before continuing,
"Two people came in just now and said they were looking for you."

Upon hearing this, Zuo Yunfen turned her head immediately, her eyes finally recovered and asked,
"Which two?"

"One man and one woman." The girl added gossip after thinking about it carefully,
"Looks like a couple!"

Zuo Yunfen listened quietly and didn't know what to think, and then continued after a while,
"They've already been here."

"Are you here to ask the teacher for advice?" The girl answered the question as it should be. She often sees this kind of visitor, and she has long been familiar with it.

Unexpectedly, Zuo Yunfen suddenly became serious, and sternly reprimanded,

"Don't be rude!"

The girl was almost taken aback, and was even more curious: "Then why are they looking for the teacher?"

Zuo Yunfen shook her head and didn't answer, but just took a last look at the hard card in her hand.

The card itself is a bit rudimentary, and there is only a rough description of the time and place on it, and there is no other content.

But Zuo Yunfen put it away solemnly like holding a baby, and then said kindly to the girl,

"Did you understand the article I showed you last time?"

"Oh!" The girl who was wondering why the creek behind the house looked a bit strange then slapped her head and asked Zuo Yunfen for advice on the homework she owed before.

(End of this chapter)

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