"and many more!"

But it was John who held down Paul's arm, which was just a stone's throw away from the storage warehouse.

"Use this." He handed over a slender fish knife.

Paul nodded and took the fish knife. He used the tip of the knife to pick up the cover, but he couldn't lift it. He was so angry that he just stabbed it through the gap.

This poke, followed by a sticky damping sensation, immediately froze Paul on the spot.


The companion raised his flashlight and shined it.

The light shone between the gaps in the cover of the storage bin, illuminating a pair of terrifying naked eyes that were as big as ostrich eggs.

One side was being penetrated to the end by Paul's fish knife.


After a moment of silence.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh monster-"

"Ugh vomit vomit!"

Large clusters of slimy tentacles like gonorrhea cauliflower suddenly burst out of the storage warehouse, drowning all the workers like a wave.

Blah blah blah blah.
The sound of waves?
A strong wave hit him in the face, knocking Paul out of his daze.

At first glance, he saw a huge squid fishing boat towering as high as a mountain.

The red paint on the surface of the hull seemed to have come alive and was squirming, like a thick blanket of bacteria that was about to cover the hull.

Another wave hit us head-on, shaking the rubber raft beneath us.


Paul rolled his eyes hard and saw John's face.

"We. Where are we?" Paul could only murmur vaguely.

His memory was quite confusing. He only remembered the mysterious and sudden death of the technician in the warehouse, the shocking changes on the deck, the monster hidden in the life raft, and then the struggle until he fell into the rubber boat.

"Are we saved?" Paul thought hard.

Before he could get an answer, he noticed something strange on the bow of the squid fishing boat in front of him.

That's a face.

A green-purple human face covered with sucking arms and legs.

"Devil." Paul recognized the monster's face that should have been lying in the cold storage freezer.

This face now grows on the bow of the ship, and the scarlet flesh-like tissue starts from it and differentiates into a network of blood vessels to cover the entire ship.


The hull of the ship swells and contracts like a huge naked heart.

The devil's face on the bow of the ship looked at Paul, with a subtle expression that seemed to be a smile but not a smile.

Paul almost fainted. He felt that his soul and body collapsed at the same time, turning into a stream of pure nutrients that was filled into the other party's body full of blasphemy.


Fortunately, the sound of the whistle pulled him out of his thoughts.

He turned around and saw a brand new ship sailing towards him.

Yes, it's a squid fishing boat owned by the same company. It's the boat that called me via radio.
Paul was heartily rejoicing.

Finally saved.

The squid fishing boat quickly approached, and a group of sailors in thick uniforms leaned on the deck railing and threw down a rope.

How can one rope be enough?
Paul looked up worriedly and saw the sailors on the deck staring at him closely.


Paul saw clearly the tangled tentacles hidden under their hoods, surrounding the dead gray faces and trying hard to restrain the tendrils of flesh that were fluttering in the wind.


Paul loosened his hand stiffly, which caused the "rope" to twitch.

Take a closer look.

Where is the rope?
It was clearly a thick fleshy tentacle with a round eye glaring at the end, as if complaining about why it didn't cooperate.

They are monsters!

The people on this ship also turned into monsters!

Paul retreated in panic, only to bump into the squid fishing boat that he had worked so hard to escape from.

The devil on the bow was staring at him.

There is also a monster behind him!

"Paul." But John said doubtfully,

"What are you afraid of?"

"They have all turned into monsters!" Paul roared excitedly, but accidentally dropped his chin into the sea.


With a long flexible neck attached to the back of his neck, John swam out like an eel, picked it up with his chin, and handed it to Paul.

And Paul stupidly rolled up seven or eight arms and legs to take over the chin. The pus spit out, stuck, and then shrank, and then swallowed it into the translucent intestinal cavity. Several faces passed by the entangled heads of each other, as well as Captain Nojima's sinister, sinister eyes like poisonous snakes.


Paul put his chin back on, and twisted his almost melted neck 360 degrees, giving a panoramic view of the mutated mountain of flesh beneath him that was made up of a dozen people.

"turn out to be."

Paul murmured and was completely enveloped by the sudden and wild dance of tentacles,

".I, I also became a monster"

"Recently, the mass disappearance of offshore squid fishing boats has continued to escalate, and the families of the missing persons have launched a joint protest, demanding that the fishing company give a reasonable explanation."

"Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Matsumoto bowed and apologized at the press conference and announced that the recent rumors about the disappearance are mostly untrue, and the fishing company involved has been ordered to suspend operations for investigation."

"According to informed sources, the fishing company involved seems to have an interest transfer relationship with important cabinet officials. Currently, the Association of Families of the Missing has filed a relevant lawsuit with the court."

"The Baqi Cultural Festival is in full swing, and dozens of mobile game overseas servers will start activities simultaneously."

". Countries have further expressed concerns about the nuclear wastewater discharge plan. The Prime Minister of Malaysia recently called the Prime Minister's Office to discuss relevant matters."

". Tokyo Electric Power Company issued the latest announcement that due to unexpected non-human factors, it is estimated that no less than 5,000 tons of untreated nuclear sewage has been discharged into the ocean."

".At least 32 people were injured in the riots in front of the Prime Minister's residence. So far, the police have arrested more than 146 protesters."

The Prime Minister's Assistant sat bored at the table and scrolled through his mobile phone, monitoring the news and public opinion in recent days.


Just as he was yawning quietly, a rush of footsteps came from far away in the corridor.


A large group of people roughly pushed open the outer door and rushed in menacingly.

"Who are you?" The assistant officer was so frightened that he stood up involuntarily.
"Hurry up and stop!"

It's over, it's over, he only has one thought in his mind.

Someone is coming to my door. I'm going to be assassinated. I'm not the Prime Minister. Don't shoot me.
He had thought that such a day would come as early as when he implemented the Prime Minister's orders to cover up facts, manipulate public opinion, arrest people, and forcibly suppress protests.

However, he soon noticed that these strangely dressed people did not seem to want to cause trouble, but had a clear goal and went straight to the conference room.

"Hello," the auxiliary officer hurriedly greeted him, forced out a false smile, nodded and bowed,

"Excuse me."

However, after he uttered half a syllable, the nearest man in a robe and a crown silenced him with his eyes.

What kind of eyes are those?
The auxiliary officer could not recall any details related to it.

Only the cold and emotionless intimidation was directly engraved into his bones, as if he had returned to the barbaric era millions of years ago when he was still drinking blood, sitting in a circle with the weak and incompetent primitive people, trembling. Pray that God can grant them a way to survive.

Life and death are taken away, and they are allowed to be slaughtered.

So when the Prime Minister shook the aide's shoulders to wake him up, he realized that he had been standing there for an unknown length of time, and his thighs were so sore and swollen that it felt like a steel needle had rolled over him.

The Prime Minister told him extremely excitedly that the plan to further increase the discharge of nuclear wastewater had been unanimously approved. "How... how is it possible?" The assistant officer, who came back to his senses a little, had a look of disbelief on his face.

"Obviously there are still more."

"See for yourself!" The Prime Minister rubbed his messy hair and pulled the assistant to the door of the conference room.

"What will happen to those who object!"

The assistant officer looked as he was told.

Just one glance.

He was frightened by the bloody carnage scenes in the room and was so frightened that he continued to vomit.

"Hahahahahahahaha" only the prime minister's crazy laughter still echoed,
"Let's all die! Let's all die. Let's all die, hahahahahahaha——"

Los Angeles, California.

The new Academy Awards ceremony is in full swing at the Dolby Theater on Hollywood Boulevard.

Celebrities from the global entertainment industry gather here, and the shining stars almost eclipse the spotlights on the stage.

In such an occasion where a group of superstars can be hit by throwing a stone, even Stephen, who was not attending the ceremony for the first time, could not help but feel nervous and his palms became sweaty.

As a film director with a professional background, he has a career that is so smooth that others can envy him.

Over the years, he has made many acclaimed films, and Gui Zhi has occasionally won awards at major film festivals, but today still has special meaning for him.

Stephen's entry is the favorite to win the most nominations at this year's Oscars.

Although the American theme and values ​​​​that run through the entire film are indeed flattering to cater to the jury, there are so many politically correct films these days, how come he can only produce an award-winning hit?

And the results did not disappoint everyone who watched.

Tonight, Stephen won multiple awards including "Best Picture" in one fell swoop, becoming one of the few biggest winners in all previous ceremonies.

After the awards are over.

Ceremony backstage.

Stephen sat alone in the messy dressing room, arranging his appearance in front of the mirror. From time to time, he took out his mobile phone and turned on the screen, staring at the time numbers to try to calm down his excitement.

Even now, with the heavy trophy in hand, Stephen's heart is still filled with a sense of unreality.

Stephen knows best how much he weighs.

Although he is somewhat famous in the film and television industry, he is still far away from the handful of people at the top of the pyramid.

Whether it was the difficulty of raising investment, or the embarrassment and helplessness of finding actors, competing for scripts, and competing for locations, Stephen had experienced it all.

But it will be different in the future.

This golden trophy in his hand is like a passport that will take him into the small circle that countless people dream of.

As an industry insider, although Stephen does not have enough status, he is more or less aware of the existence of such a group of people.

This group of people possess unparalleled power and wealth, and can cause industry earthquakes with just one sentence.

But this is only the tip of the iceberg.

Few people know that their influence is not limited to the entertainment field, but extends to all aspects of society.

In comparison, the small film and television industry is as insignificant as a plaything in the palm of your hand.

For this group of people, some conspiracy theorists call them "Freemasonry", "Illuminati", or even some lost civilization organization.

In Stephen's view, although these stories that people talk about are wild and wild, and can even be called absurd and anti-intellectual, how many of the details in them are not groundless, but actually true?
This question will probably be answered tonight.


The door was suddenly pushed open, and Stephen saw a twisted black shadow from the corner of his eye. The next moment, he saw clearly that an elegant gentleman in a tuxedo came in.

Stephen blinked hard, and before he could complain about his useless eyes, he reflexively stood up and faced him.

"Mr. Nolan!" Stephen greeted with an impeccable warm smile.

Christopher Nolan, as one of the hottest directors in Hollywood today, even though his artistic achievements are controversial, at least no one can deny that he has extraordinary influence in the mainstream film industry.

For such a big boss, Stephen naturally has to be careful about flattering.

After shaking hands, the two parties sat down and started talking. While Stephen secretly lamented that the other party had no airs, he also wanted to seize this opportunity to discuss some industry experience with this senior.

But what is particularly surprising to Stephen is that this great director, who became famous for his commercial films and has been criticized for it, actually has quite a philosophical temperament.

"Why do you want to make a movie?" Faced with Stephen's endless talk, Nolan just asked in a thick London accent.

"Why." Stephen quickly went through various alternative answers in his mind, and finally chose a less pretentious one and was ready to talk.

But he just got started.

"Why do you make movies?" Nolan just asked repeatedly.

"I" Stephen was a little overwhelmed,
"Can I hear your answer?"

"What is a person?" Nolan asked again.

"." Stephen began to sweat a little.

Fortunately, Nolan didn't mean to ask him to answer, but asked and answered himself,
“People are vessels.”

"What is God?" Still no need for Stephen to answer, Nolan answered on his own,
“God is just a bigger vessel.”

"Have you felt it?" Nolan looked at Stephen,

"Are we living in a cage? There is no freedom here."

"Freedom." Stephen wiped the sweat on the tip of his nose.

"Yes, literary and artistic creation requires a free environment."

"No, no, no." Nolan interrupted,

"Don't talk to me about hypocrisy, I'm talking about the world, the whole place we live in."

Stephen pursed his lips subconsciously, trying to understand the meaning of Nolan's words.

"The world." Nolan pulled the chair closer,
"The Earth, the solar system, the Milky Way, and the entire universe are all cages that imprison us."

"And the saddest thing is that we, humanity, are not united within ourselves."

"." Stephen was speechless. Astronomy was obviously beyond his intellectual comfort zone.

"Have you been to the factory?" Nolan suddenly asked,

"Automated factories working on assembly lines."

Stephen nodded.


Nolan snapped his fingers,
"Then you must have seen those wonderful containers used to shape shapes."

"They can print out uniform creations, oh, uniformity. This is the key to establishing an industrial system."

"Standards and convergence unite human beings, so they can unleash unimaginable power. This is also the fundamental reason why the Industrial Revolution was successful."

"Can you understand me? Stephen."

"If you want to break the shackles, you must first transform mankind into a unified appearance. This is a necessary prerequisite for gathering strength and the only way out."

At this time, Stephen was about to faint, and could only nod in confusion,

"Yes. Mr. Nolan, what you said makes sense. So, what should we do?"

“It’s important for people to see something.”

Nolan suddenly moved his head closer and spoke of some kind of grand vision in a suppressed low voice.

"Pictures, music, stories. We want to wrap the general public in the cocoon we have woven."

"We want to impact people's values, make people identify with us wholeheartedly, make teenagers addicted to our entertainment products, and guide, regulate and change people's thinking just like dyeing white cloth with bright colors."

"The soul, the root of everything lies in the soul."

"Consciousness is the manifestation of the human soul, so culture will become our best tool to capture this world."

"We don't need violence, just gentleness, gentleness that quietly takes over all the brains on this planet, I mean, humans."

“We are shaping the human soul.”

Nolan raised his head,

"We are saving the world." (End of chapter)

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