Chapter 96
"The run-up is to gain explosive power when jumping. Generally, it takes about 20 steps, and the distance is about 40 meters. The first jump is also called a flying step. The method is to overlap the upper body and lower body first, and then open it in reverse, just like a fish jump. Same."

"The point and trick of the last jump is to fully extend the upper and lower body, and sit into the bunker in a sitting position.".
Not long after, Chen Ze wrote down all the important points, exited the dream and returned to reality.

Pulling out his relaxed arm, Chen Ze was about to stand up but suddenly froze.

He overlooked a key issue, that is the venue.

The room is so small!
The triple jump needs at least a runway tens of meters long to complete the run-up and take-off, and his own training room obviously does not meet this condition.

Not only that, even the high jump and long jump events prepared by Chen Ze also need a longer runway.

Are you going to run to the city cultural and sports center again?
Chen Ze thought for a while, since they are all here, it would be a waste of time to run back and forth, so it is better to wander around in the martial arts hall first.

So Chen Ze walked around the martial arts gym several times in a row. As expected of a serious martial arts gym, there was no place to practice track and field events at all.

But in the equipment room, Chen Ze still gained something.

【Experience value +200】

【Experience value +300】

【Experience value +100】.
In the training room, Chen Ze faced the floor-to-ceiling mirror and kept shaking the hula hoop around his waist.

On the floor beside him were all kinds of fitness equipment he collected.

Jump rope, balance board, ab wheel
Every time he completes an action, he can gain a lot of experience points, which makes Chen Ze very happy.

At noon, Chen Zelei, who had been busy all morning, lay down on the sofa and called up the property panel.

[Allocable experience points] 98300
【Level】18 (0/41000)

Seeing that the experience pool is quite rich, Chen Ze moved his little hands to raise the character level again.

↑【Level】19 (0/62000)

[Get 5 free attribute points]

Almost without thinking, Chen Ze dropped the attribute points on [Physique] again

An inexplicable force swept across his body, making Chen Ze suddenly feel that his body still has endless room for improvement.

He punched out so fast that even with Chen Ze's eyesight, he couldn't see clearly.

It's almost 200 points. I don't know if there will be a new qualitative change when the [Physical] attribute is raised to 200 points?

After lunch, Chen Ze drove directly to the City Culture and Sports Center.

Stepping into the gate of the gymnasium where he had been away for a long time, Chen Ze couldn't help but run a 10-kilometer warm-up first.

Only when your feet are on a solid ground and you feel the oncoming airflow can you experience a completely different feeling from a treadmill.

Running on a real track is really fun, but running on a treadmill is always less fun.

On the standard rubber runway, Chen Ze kept passing one figure after another without slowing down at all.

When others are sprinting, he is running; when others are resting, he is running; when others are tired, he is still running.

He forced him to be strong, the breeze blew the hills, he let him go, and the bright moon shines on the river.

Even though he was doing strenuous exercise, Chen Ze's state of mind was still focused and peaceful, without any waves.

After 25 laps, 1 meters had been completed, but Chen Ze was still not satisfied, and ran for more than ten laps before stopping.

After looking at the phone, it took less than an hour in total.

After warming up, Chen Ze walked straight towards the bunker, while still thinking about the key points of the triple jump.

Since there is only one bunker, three or five people have lined up to practice here.

Judging by their attire, they seem to be sports students.

Just in time, Chen Ze stood by and observed for a while, took note of all their movements, and even made gestures and jumped several times on the spot.

Finally it was Chen Ze's turn. Compared with the previous few people, his position was obviously far away.

The triple jump usually takes about [-] steps in the run-up. Due to his height and long legs, Chen Ze reserved more distance.

After counting silently in my heart, start, step, and jump!

One, two, three, landing!
Perfect!Chen Ze silently gave his actions full marks in his heart.

【Experience value +3000】

In the bunker, a deep hole was firmly stepped out by Chen Ze, and the distance was farther than all the previous people.

After practicing for the first time, Chen Ze's performance overwhelmed everyone.

"Brother can do it!" The sports students on the sidelines were amazed, they obviously regarded Chen Ze as a colleague.

Those with strong mobility directly took the tape measure up and measured it.

"16 meters six!"


As sports students, they are already familiar with the national standards of athletes.

16 meters, even surpassed the level of athletes in the national standard.

Which professional brother is this who sneaked out to play?
From their point of view, without hundreds of times of hard practice, it is absolutely impossible to make such a standard take-off movement.

While they were shocked, Chen Ze had already confidently joined a team and started the second practice.

Relying on his so-called "professional brother" status, Chen Ze was able to monopolize this bunker, while others were also happy to watch from the sidelines.

After all, professional athletes are what they strive for.

【Experience value +2000】

【Experience value +1500】.
So Chen Ze started a pleasant journey of earning experience again. After the triple jump, there was a similar long jump. Although the experience value was much less, it was still okay.

It wasn't until the evening that Chen Ze ended the practice with full of experience points.

In fact, the experience points of these two sports have not been squeezed out, but because Chen Ze jumps farther and farther, in the end, everyone stopped jumping at all and just stared at Chen Ze.

Imagine having a bunch of dark, muscular guys staring at you all the time, and it's hard to resist.

So for the next two days, Chen Ze spent all his time in the city's cultural and sports center, earning a lot of experience, basically squeezing out the two sports of long jump and triple jump.

He couldn't even remember how much sand got into the soles of his clothes and shoes.

rustling --

The rough gravel kept rising, and Chen Ze fought against the sand again, but this time he used his hands.

The fine sand in the large iron vat has been replaced with coarse sand, with a little salt mixed in.

Through continuous friction, the skin is slightly damaged and then healed, which can increase the thickness and flexibility of the skin to improve the ability to resist blows.

"Uncle, when will you teach me this?"

Lan Shiya's voice came from behind.

Today is the weekend.

"You lay the foundation first." Chen Ze glanced back at Lan Shiya who was practicing hard, then turned back and put his hands into the jar to keep stirring.

Considering that Lan Shiya's foundation was too weak, Chen Ze first asked her to practice the Vajra Longevity Kungfu hard for her body, and then asked Tang Liancheng to help find a female coach to take her to some introductory training programs, mainly to strengthen her body.

After all, I am not in the martial arts gym all the time, and practicing martial arts forcibly without a good foundation will only destroy my body.

Martial arts are meant for martial arts. Although they also have the effect of strengthening the body, many training methods are actually harmful to the body in order to improve the ability of martial arts.

(End of this chapter)

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