Chapter 168

The heavy body was severely smashed to the ground.

The dripping blood splashed on the flesh that had been mutated by the stimulation of the dragon's blood.

John looked at the struggling Deadpool who was trampled under his feet, and chopped off the opponent's head with a knife.

At this moment, he was in a certain alley in Italy, where he had just experienced a brief encounter, and two dead servants who were sent to attack him were beheaded by him.

It has been more than ten days since Freedom Day, and John did not want the bet reward for Freedom Day. Although Caesar was very firm, under the influence of John's magic, he still gave up the idea of ​​forcibly handing it over to him.

But I don't know if it was because he was suppressed too much in the battle that day, and the opponent still entangled him, wanting him to teach him.

Originally, John didn't want to agree, but Caesar offered to use their Gattuso family's collection of books in exchange, so John agreed to the request.

Of course, Chu Zihang, who knew the news, also made the same request. Since one sheep was chased, and two sheep were also chased, John did not refuse. Brother Waste Material also pulled in.

Excluding the time spent on teaching, during this period of time, apart from studying in the library as usual, John was sent out to perform tasks.

For this reason, the executive department also set up a special team specifically for him. Except for him as the executor, the rest of the staff are logistics personnel.

But in fact, John doesn't need support staff very much. If he doesn't want to expose the dragon wings and other flying methods, even the plane that sends him to missions can be saved every time.

After putting away the Lingling Light Ball stripped from Deadpool's body under his feet, John contacted the logistics team to let them clean the floor and finish.

Now John has collected a lot of words spirits, and has made a breakthrough in the research of dragon alchemy. After a while, he will be able to start experimenting with making words spirits alchemy props.

But this will have to wait until the mission is over. His current mission is to track down the organization that sells evolutionary medicine in Italy.

According to the analysis, this so-called evolutionary medicine is actually made from the blood extracted from the body of a pure-blooded dragon. For mixed-races, this kind of thing is extremely addictive and depraved.

Once ingested too much, within a short period of time, the hybrid will degenerate into a deadpool because the balance of dragon blood in the body is broken.

It is also because of this that during this period of time, there have been a large number of deaths of young girls in Italy, and the perpetrators of these cases are all mixed races who are on the verge of getting out of control.

After all, when the bloodline is improved, the mixed races are generally excellent, which is very attractive to ordinary people, like a sweet trap, attracting those lost little white rabbits step by step to death.

"Commissioner John, the next target is two kilometers away from you. You can check the exact location on your terminal. This is the last target in this area."

Just as John was concentrating on waiting for the logistics staff to arrive, the team members' voices sounded again in the headset.

John didn't say much. He took out the mission-specific bomb mobile phone made by the lunatics in the equipment department from his arms, clicked on an icon on it to confirm the location, and disappeared into the darkness.

In the dim old factory, Vera slowly opened her eyes, and the pain from her body made her wake up from the coma.

Twisting her body slightly, pain like a knife cutting her skin came from all over her body, making her howl in pain.

Only then did she realize that she was now in an old old house. With the help of the moonlight cast through the hole in the roof of the factory building, she saw clearly that she was firmly fixed on a sheet of paper by thick wires. Iron chair.

These wires were deeply cut into her skin, and because of her unconscious struggle before, blood oozed from many places on her body.

And there was a piece of black filth under her feet, and the faint rancid smell in the air made the girl turn pale involuntarily.

It seems that the prey has been awakened, and the hunter entrenched here has also awakened from his deep sleep.

Vera saw a pair of shining golden eyes slowly open in the deep darkness in the distance, those eyes that were obviously not human, and the air that froze as the eyes opened.

It terrified this young girl in her prime.

The feeling as if she was being targeted by a top predator, and the tingling sensation as if the blade was slashing across her skin, made her instinctively let out a sharp siren.

"You're awake, sweet baby!"

It was like the sound of rusted iron pieces rubbing against each other, followed by the sound of some kind of metal colliding with the ground.

"Ahhh!!" Vera let out a sharp scream.

Because she had never seen such a monster before her eyes.

Under the moonlight, a bluish-gray figure slowly came out of the shadows.

This monster is in the shape of a human, but it has nothing to do with humans, because its body has blue-gray scales, its legs are curved like the hind legs of a beast, and its sharp claws are shining.

Especially the face of the other party, like a demon crawling out of hell, there is no trace of human beings at all, only the deepest horror.

"Monster! Monster! Don't come close to me! Don't!!" Vera struggled frantically on the chair, trying to stay away from the monster, but everything was in vain.

And it seemed that her wail was wonderful music for the monster in front of her, who closed her eyes and seemed to be enjoying her scream.

But soon Vera couldn't move anymore. Fear, coupled with the fact that she didn't drink or eat for an unknown period of time, and because of the continuous blood loss from the wound, she didn't have much physical strength.

It's just that with Vera's silence, it seemed to anger the monster in front of her. I saw the monster who was still intoxicated by her wailing, opened those inhuman eyes again. chills.

"Sing! Why don't you sing! My baby!" The monster's face became more and more ferocious and distorted, "Sing to me!!"

"Ahhh!!" Vera let out a sharp and piercing cry again.

The reason was that the monster in front of her appeared in front of Vera at an incomprehensible speed. Its fingers pierced into Vera's shoulder like a knife, and a bloody blood hole suddenly appeared on her shoulder.

The severe pain caused Vera to wail again, and just like what he said, the monster seemed to hear the wonderful fairy music, and closed its eyes to enjoy it again.

But soon this wailing sound weakened again, intermittently like a tape recorder with no power.

Suddenly, the monster swallowed by instinct became irritable again, wanting to make his precious "gramophone" sound again.

So just when he was about to hurt the opponent again.

In the next second, the monster suddenly looked back, and saw a fist in black gloves filling his field of vision.


There was a dull collision sound, and the monster was directly sent flying by this powerful punch, accompanied by the noise of a large number of objects being smashed into pieces, and disappeared into the deep darkness in the distance.

John slowly retracted everything, and looked at Vera who was tied to the chair.

I saw John waving his hand slightly, and saw that the iron wire that bound the opponent seemed to have gained life, like a thin metal snake slowly loosening its entanglement.

Then John flipped his wrist and took out a bottle of healing medicine and fed it to the girl in front of him. The wounds on her body glowed with a misty green light, and those wounds healed slowly as if going back in time without leaving a single scar.

Even the nearly pierced blood hole on his shoulder healed slowly, only the punctured clothes and blood stains proved that there was a wound there just now.

Looking at the girl who was only about 16 years old in front of him, John thought for a while and waved his wrist again. Lockhart's well-researched and sophisticated Forgetting Charm was released, erasing the memory of this experience in the girl's mind.

At the same time, under the effect of magic, all the blood stains and torn clothes on her body were restored as before, and the pain she had suffered could not be seen at all.

After doing all this and confirming that the girl in front of him will not wake up in a short time, John slowly walked to the position where he just punched Deadpool.

I saw the Deadpool just now, lying quietly on the ground at this moment, the part of his face hit by John has been completely sunken, and a large amount of stinky blood seeped from the wound and gathered on the ground, emitting a "bah!" "呲" sound.

Even so, this Deadpool is not completely dead, as can be seen from the arm that he wants to raise from time to time, and the sunken part that is slowly recovering.

But John would not give the other party a chance to fully recover. He swung his wrist directly, and the invisible blade was drawn out of the air, directly cutting off the other party's neck, and completely cutting off the last life force of the other party.

After taking out the Yan Lingguang ball in his body, John said directly

"The task has been completed, and the logistics team will deal with the corpse as soon as possible."

"At the same time, a hostage was found here. The other party's vital signs are stable, and he should have just been captured."

After saying this, John slowly left the abandoned factory building and waited outside for the arrival of the logistics team.

Soon several black SUVs drove up and stopped in front of him, and then several people in uniform got out of the vehicles and ran towards the factory building for the follow-up sweep.

And John saw the arrival of the logistics team, and after confirming the completion of the mission on the mission terminal, he left here without disturbing the others.

At the same time, the tugboat "Moniah" trembled in the storm on the upper reaches of the Yangtze River.

This is a rare torrential rain in autumn. The rain poured down violently, and the wind speed reached level five. All the other ships were docked to take shelter from the wind. Only the xenon lamps of the Moniach flickered in the rain on the restless water.

Professor Manslundstedt, also the ship's captain, stood at the wheelhouse window.A splash of rain "smacked" on the front window and then burst open, the wind howled and the boat rocked, and Mance stood steady, smoking a cigar, waiting for news.

A baby was crying faintly from the rear cabin, and Mance frowned, "Go and see what's wrong with that baby, it keeps crying, doesn't any of you know how to take care of a baby?"

"Professor, the current main members of the executive department are not married, where do you expect us to learn how to take care of babies?" The girl sitting in front of the monitor said without looking up.

She is about 23 or [-] years old, with black hair, a typical Latin beauty, and wearing a combat uniform specially made by Kassel College.

"Call the captain, now I'm the captain of the Moniach, not your substitute professor." Mance took a puff of his cigar, "Everyone, don't leave your position. Since I'm the only married man, I'll go Take a look at our dear baby. Selma, pay attention to the life signals of the two of them, if there is any abnormality, close the line immediately!"

"Understood!" Latin girl Thelma replied.

"Captain, I received a signal from the Yangtze River Waterway Maritime Safety Administration that the storm will continue in the middle of the night, the wind will increase to force ten, and the rainfall will reach 200mm. It is a rare rainstorm, which may be accompanied by thunderstorms. They are mobilizing helicopters to rescue us , suggest that we abandon the ship." The third officer took off the headset and said.

"Respond to them saying that our ship has a deep draft, the hull is still stable, and can survive the heavy rain. There are several sick people on board, so it is not suitable to abandon the ship." Mance said, "You don't have to worry, this is the Moniach, It's not a tugboat, it's a warship, and a Category 12 storm isn't a problem for it."

He looked up at the dark sky outside, was silent for a while, and said to himself, "But this heavy rain reminds me of the ice sea in Greenland ten years ago... Every time I approach these things, I feel like a catastrophe is imminent."

He went to the rear cabin, and the front cabin was very quiet. Everyone had undergone rigorous training at the Kassel Academy, staring at their own screens, operating swiftly and silently.

Two entangled heartbeats echoed in the earphones. In Selma's heartbeat monitoring window, green light spots rising and falling indicated that the two young and strong hearts were still beating normally.

(End of this chapter)

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