Hogwarts: From Squibs to Greatness

Chapter 85 Need for Speed ​​(please subscribe and ask for tickets)

Chapter 85 Need for Speed ​​(please subscribe and ask for tickets)
The impact just now was so violent that it attracted the attention of people around, including a guard.

He rushed in front of Harry and the others with a serious face, and asked sternly, "What the hell are you doing?"

"The car is out of hand," Harry gasped, clutching his ribs as he got up.

Ron ran to pick up Hedwig, who was still yelling, causing many onlookers to say they were cruel to animals.

Facing such a situation, Harry and Ron glanced at each other. Under the gaze of everyone, they pushed the car and disappeared on the platform.

Harry and Ron found an empty corner, and Harry finally comforted Hedwig along the way.

Harry held his ribs and asked Ron, "Why can't we get through?"

"I don't know..." Ron looked around anxiously to make sure no one in the corner had noticed their conversation.

"We're going to miss the train!" Ron's tone was full of urgency, "I don't understand why the passage was sealed..."

Harry looked up at the big clock in the station. He was a little dizzy and felt as if he was about to vomit. Ron felt the same way. He kept pacing in place.

In the end, Ron was still a little unwilling to give up, and pulled Harry back to the platform again, and then he was under the gaze of the guard just now.

Ron carefully pushed the car against the wall and pushed it with all his strength, but the partition wall still remained motionless.

"It's over!" said Ron blankly. "The train is leaving. What if Mom and Dad can't come and pick us up? Do you have Muggle money on you?"

Harry gave a dry laugh: "The Dursleys haven't given me pocket money for six years."

Ron didn't care whether it would attract the attention of the guards, and he lay directly on the partition wall, pressing his ears to the cold wall in an attempt to hear something.

"There is no sound!" He said with a sad face, "What should we do? I don't know how long it will take for Mom and Dad to come back to us."

They looked around, and some people were watching them, mainly because their actions and movements just now were too strange.

"I think we'd better go back to the car and wait." Harry was a little uncomfortable with those strange eyes. "It's too much attention here..."

"Harry!" Ron's eyes lit up, and he called, "Car!"

"What's wrong?" Harry was a little confused.

Ron's face was full of excitement at the moment: "We can drive to Hogwarts!"

"But I think..." Harry hesitated, but Ron cut him off.

"We're stuck, right? We have to rush back to school, don't we? In a real emergency, underage wizards are allowed to use magic. What's the "Restriction Act" No. 19 or what? There are rules..."

Harry turned from panic to excitement in an instant.

"Can you drive?"

"No problem." Ron said, turning the car towards the exit, "Let's go, if we hurry, we can still keep up with the Hogwarts Express."

They walked briskly through the curious crowd, out of the station, and back to the old Ford Anglia parked on the side road.

Just when Harry and Ron were making plans that would shock Hogwarts.

On the Hogwarts Express train that has already departed, the train moves forward along the track.

At this moment in the carriage, Hermione searched every carriage, but couldn't find Harry and Ron, and appeared anxiously in the carriage where John was.

"Harry and the others are not on the train."

John put down "Cutting-edge Magic: Controlling the Brain" in his hand, and looked at the worried Hermione in front of him.

"It's not a big deal. They should have missed the train. You don't have to worry too much. The school will send someone to pick them up when they find out that Harry and Ron haven't come."

"But..." Hermione pursed her lips when she heard John's explanation. She was actually worried that something would happen to Harry.

After all, on the day of shopping in Diagon Alley, she asked Harry why he didn't reply to her letter a month ago, and she knew what happened to Harry at the Dursleys' house, and what the house-elf Dobby did.

"Don't worry, there are amulets here, and I will know as soon as they are in danger."

Hearing what John said, Hermione had no choice but to sit on the chair and look at the book in front of her with uneasiness.

Just when John was about to continue reading, he accidentally glanced out of the window, and he seemed to see a touch of familiar blue.

Take a closer look, isn't that the Weasley family's speeding car?Immediately, the neglected memory in John's mind jumped out.
Before focusing on the study of the Philosopher's Stone and the Animagus ritual, he didn't care about many things, including that troublesome house elf Dobby.

When he saw the speeding car, he remembered that Harry and Ron had no choice but to drive the speeding car to school because Dobby had deliberately closed the station passage.

John could clearly see the excited expressions on the faces of Harry and Ron in the car.

He kept his sights on the speeding car, but soon the speeding car disappeared into the clouds under Ron's control, and John lost track of the speeding car.

After thinking about it, John took out a raven-shaped alchemy monitor from the ring while Hermione wasn't paying attention, and threw it out through the gap in the car window.

According to John's instructions, the raven-type alchemy monitor will catch up with Harry and the others.

John stopped paying attention to these, and continued to read the books in his hands, killing the time on the road.

Soon as the train arrived at the station, the first-year freshmen followed Hagrid and disappeared into the dark path just like they did back then.

And those who are promoted to the second grade do not need to walk the path of founders again, but change places.

On the muddy path outside Hogsmeade Station, carriages that were not drawn by horses in the eyes of most young wizards were waiting there.

At a glance, there are at least a hundred carriages here, and the carriage without horses makes this thing full of weirdness.

But in John's eyes, there were four Thestrals as black as night standing quietly in front of each carriage.

"What pulls this car?"

Hermione looked at the strange carriage in front of her curiously, and asked John curiously. Neville, who was approaching by the side, quietly pricked up her ears.

"The chariot is pulled by a magical animal called thestrals, which can only be seen by those who have seen death."

Hermione just wanted to continue to ask something when she heard this, but John had already boarded the carriage first, so Hermione had to temporarily suppress her curiosity.

The inside of the carriage was dark, with a faint musty and straw smell.

After all the students got on the bus, a hundred carriages lined up and headed for Hogwarts along the dirt path.

The Thestral carriage was pulling towards Hogwarts. After approaching the main entrance, John saw winged boars on the main entrances on both sides.

Enter the main entrance, follow the uphill driveway, and finally arrive at the stone steps of the oak gate at the entrance of Hogwarts Castle.

The students entered the auditorium from here, and soon the first-year students carried by the black ship also entered it.

Just coming to the auditorium and not seeing Harry and Ron yet, Hermione's uneasiness rose again, but at this time John had already sat at Hufflepuff's long table.

Hermione also had to sit down temporarily, waiting for Harry and Ron to arrive.

But Hermione just waited and waited until the sorting started, and a little wizard was sorted into the corresponding college. Harry and Ron didn't show up, and what's worse, Snape disappeared too.

Although Harry explained last semester that Snape chanted the spell to save him, it was Quirrell who wanted to steal the Philosopher's Stone, not him.

But Hermione always felt that Snape still looked at Harry with malice in his eyes. Even if the other party was not a bad person, he still had prejudice against Harry.

If Harry and Ron were caught by Snape, it would definitely not be good.

Sure enough, when the sorting was about to come to an end, Snape entered the auditorium through the side door, came to Professor McGonagall and said something in Professor McGonagall's ear. Hermione clearly saw that Professor McGonagall's face turned livid.

Then Professor McGonagall hastily handed over the work of the branch to Professor Sprout, and hurriedly followed Snape and left the auditorium.

John also noticed this scene, and he knew that Harry and Ron were now in the small room at the back of the auditorium, waiting for their teacher to judge them.

And their feat today will also spread to the school, because the picture of the speeding car flying through the sky was seen by six or seven Muggles, and this news will definitely be published on the cover of the "Daily Prophet".

Sure enough, the next day Ron received Mrs. Weasley's screaming letter, coupled with the "Daily Prophet" report, the whole school knew what happened yesterday.

For this matter, except for Hermione, who was worried that Harry and Ron would be expelled, and Slytherin, who was gloating, most people regarded Harry and Ron as heroes.

Among them, the Weasley twins are the most, they have been complaining about why they didn't think of such a cool way of admission.

But this matter was soon overwhelmed by another matter, and that was our new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor this semester, Mr. Gilderoy Lockhart.

Many little witches in the college are actually his fans, including Miss Granger.

In addition, from the first day, Professor Lockhart spared no effort to show up in all classes. Now even wizards born in Muggle families got to know this handsome new professor with gleaming teeth when he smiled.

Regarding Lockhart's behavior, John's attitude is actually very neutral. As long as he doesn't offend him, he doesn't care about the behavior of this jumping clown jumping up and down in the academy.

Even with a fixed magic generator, with Lockhart's current performance, even without that curse, he would soon be ruined.

But it's a pity that a guy without self-knowledge can easily lose himself in praise.

As one of the top students, John, who joined the club created by all the teachers, naturally caught Lockhart's attention.

Especially in the second-year Hufflepuff's first Defense Against the Dark Arts class, the other party not only didn't write a single word of the questionnaire he handed out, but even burned the paper with magic power.

But Lockhart, who had heard of John's great record of single-handedly killing the troll, chose to ignore the opponent's behavior from the heart.

John originally thought that this guy would make trouble for him, but it seemed that he was not that stupid.

Now that the other party backed down, John continued to do his own thing. He now found a new research topic, which was to solve the werewolf problem.

This kind of dark magical creature born with a high probability due to an error in the Animagus ritual has brought pain and suffering to many people in the wizarding world.

Among them is the future Mr. Lupine, who not only has to endure the rage after becoming a werewolf every month, but also faces the discrimination against werewolf wizards in the wizarding world.

Without a job, without a place to live, these werewolf wizards, except for the part that is willing to degenerate, live in poverty and cold.

And because werewolves are contagious, the number of this part of the population is still increasing.

This is why the person who invented the wolfsbane potion in the future will be awarded the Merlin Medal. After all, the werewolf problem is also a headache for the Ministry of Magic.

After completing the New Animagus ritual and attending the teacher's funeral, John is going to Knockturn Alley to catch two fallen werewolf wizards and come back to study.

As for those werewolf wizards who remained kind like Lupin, John had other plans to arrange them, of course, after he solved the werewolf problem.

 There is another chapter, which will be posted on a regular basis tomorrow morning, everyone, don’t wait, it’s too late and it’s best to keep sleeping

(End of this chapter)

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