Gentlemen, listen to the sword chant

Chapter 123 Recovering Jiangdong

Chapter 123 Recovering Jiangdong
Guangling left behind an empty city, Honma Qianhezi left, and the 30 army brought the whole city's food, gold and silver, pots and pans, armaments and horses, everything that could be taken away, and everything that could not be taken away Burn the fire.The statement did not go away, but thanks to the protection of the old lunatic, he survived safely. After all, the old lunatic is only a human being, not a god. It is the limit to kill 3000 Japanese pirates with one sword, and his talent is amazing.

Slowly, Chen Ci, dressed in tattered python robes, walked slowly to the top of the city tower, looking at the devastated city with broken walls and ruins. The number of innocent people killed by the Japanese pirates exceeded 10, and the number was not much more.Gradually, it was getting dark, the fire was still on, billowing thick smoke rose into the blue sky, more and more people gathered towards the tower, their eyes were filled with resentment, hatred, confusion, hesitation...

Chen Ci held the winter solstice sword so that his body could barely stand, he tore off the python robe, and said: "Jiangdong men, now the country is ruined and the family is destroyed, the Japanese pirates in Dongying are treacherous, killing people for no reason, mutilating lives, tearing up the wartime. The regulations are not as good as pigs and dogs. Since the imperial court promulgated the call for thieves, soldiers from all over the country have heard of righteousness and went to disaster. As firm as a rock, with the will to fall into the battle, and the fierce sacrifice, it is enough to show the essence of national independence and establish our country of Daliang Jiangshan."

More and more people came to the city numbly.

"My lords, Japanese pirates are aggressively invading our land. Today, they committed a massacre in Guangling. They left, went to Jinling, and went to Suzhou. Their ambitions are well known. They massacred us all. Liang compatriots, rob our property, burn down our houses, rape our wives and daughters, gentlemen, can you just watch the Japanese pirates ravage our beautiful rivers and mountains? Are you willing to see the Japanese pirates misbehaving on our land? "

The statement tried to wake up these numb people.

I don't know who shouted, "Destroy the invaders, drive out the Japanese pirates!"

It seems that people's dry blood has been awakened. Jiangdong people have never been weak pussies, nor are they paperless men.

"Recover the lost land and expel the pirates!"

Chen Ci said: "We will never surrender, and we will never bow to the Japanese pirates..."

On this day, Chen Ci stood on the Qiong Tower and gave a speech.


When Lu Qian and other hundreds of warlords came to Guangling with their army, they were all shocked. The formerly prosperous city was buried by the flames of war, the houses were crumbling, the fire spread, and countless people were struggling in the sea of ​​flames. When the officers and soldiers arrived on tall horses, they suddenly discovered that this is an area, and the rice fields along the way were all burned. There was a tragic massacre here, and tens of thousands of people gathered in front of the city tower, listening to the statement Passionate speech.

"Sorry, we're late."

More than 100 generals, including Lu Qian, were dismounted and expressed their deep apologies.

According to incomplete statistics, more than 10 innocent people were killed or injured within Guangling and its towns, shocking the Great Liang Empire.

In the next half month, Lu Qian and other generals from Wubei area will have to distribute food to Guangling refugees tacitly. Take out food, help the local people rebuild their homes, and survive this winter. At the same time, many people mainly use their speeches to win over the army and establish a rebel army. People with lofty ideals came to join the army.Lu Qian and other northern warlords also supported Chen Ci as their leader, and the Wuzhou coalition army was actively building.


Royal Palace.

The little prince stood in front of the bronze mirror, and there were two maids serving him to change his clothes. It was hard to imagine that this little prince who was naive and pestered Huangshi for fishing and kicking Cuju a while ago suddenly changed his temperament and became taciturn. Never smiled, with gloomy faces all day long, the two maids shivered, fearing that one of them would get a knife and go to jail if they didn't serve well.After the eldest prince was dressed, he tied up the jade belt again, looked at himself in the mirror, and nodded slightly. If the old officials saw it, they would not be able to help pointing, saying that the little prince was treacherous and dared to wear a five-clawed golden dragon. robe?
"Well, the little prince is satisfied."

At this time, a eunuch was defeated and said that it was the Minister of the Ministry of War who asked to see him.


The little prince came to the main hall and met Lin Xiaoce. Ever since Huangshi planned a coup at the cost of his life, eliminated the traitors in the court, and replaced more than half of the important positions of the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty with the generals of the Zhongzhou Iron Army, the court Above the hall, the little prince is the only one to follow, who would dare not follow?

Lin Xiaoce was wearing an official robe, and reported the matter of Honma Qianhezi massacring hundreds of thousands of people in Guangling. Calmly, he muttered: "I know, isn't Yan Dong going south? It's time to go to the battlefield. This war should end."

Lin Xiaoce hesitated to speak.

"Master Shangshu, are you worried about the famine in Wanzhou?"

"Yes, Your Highness, if the famine in Wanzhou is ignored, it will definitely cause commotion. Now the empire is already riddled with holes and needs to recuperate. It can no longer bear the torment."

"Well, I have my own plan. I sent an order to order the household department to open the granary to help the victims."

"As ordered."

After Lin Xiaoce retired, the little prince went to the East Palace and found the little princess. This princess, who was eight years older than himself, was once the most beloved little princess of the late emperor.

The little princess was insane. First she learned that Chen Ci was supported by the Dongying people as a puppet and became the king of Wu. Then she learned that the Japanese pirates were defeated on the front line. Chen Ci's life and death were uncertain. Came to visit her, the little princess actually doesn't like this younger brother very much, but I heard that he is very popular in the court. At only 12 years old, he won the support of the Zhongzhou Iron Army, and even the support of the Imperial Army, and became the actual helm of the court. One of them, the little princess wanted her brother to help her, so she sent troops to Wuyue to find out about her husband.

"Sister, I brought you pastries, try them."

"Thank you."

Watching his sister taste the pastries, the little prince's eyes flashed a cold light. The pastries are poisonous, colorless and tasteless. They can kill people in three days, and there is no medicine to cure them. Three days later, the palace was under martial law, and the princess died. The death is unknown. Bai, in the end, the little prince blamed this incident on the third prince who was defending against the enemy at the Great Wall in the north, because this pastry was exactly the pastry that King Zhao of Handan paid tribute to.

The ruling and opposition parties were furious.


The Guangling Rebellion spread all over the world. The Japanese pirates committed crimes in Guangling for three days, killing more than 400 innocent people. Blood flowed like rivers, set fire to the city, burned rice fields, massacred people, and raped women. In the wild, with a radius of hundreds of miles, blood flows into rivers, trees collapse, and falling geese have no branches to live in.This matter spread all over the world, and the princes from all walks of life shared the same hatred, put aside their grievances, and were deeply angry at the atrocities of the Japanese pirates. You must know that Luoyang, the country of Great Liang, has lasted for more than [-] years, although there have been countless large-scale battles.Tartars on the prairie, barbarians in the great desert, and savages in the south of the Five Ridges have invaded several times. Although there have been frictions, they have never had such a bloody massacre of innocent people. No, it is a massacre. .

On January 25, the [-]th year of Tai'an, Qingzhou Mu sent [-] cavalry troops to Wuyue to form an alliance with the Wuzhou rebels.

On the 25th day of the same month, the kings of Shandong, Wanzhou Mu, Jiangxi Wang, Ganzhou Mu, Jingzhou Mu, and Xichu Wang all rushed to Jiangdong to join the Guangling League. .

On the 3th, Yan Dong, former Shangshu of the Ministry of War, led the [-]rd Cavalry Corps of the Zhongzhou Iron Army to Jiangdong, joined forces with the Allied Forces, and became the most powerful forward legion of the Allied Forces, with [-] cavalry, ready to trample Japanese pirates at any time.

The momentum of the Allied forces reached an unprecedented high.

Not only that, many people with lofty ideals also prepared their own money and food, went to Wuyue, joined the allied forces, and used their own strength and methods to defend the dignity of the country.

As King of Wu, Chen Ci recruited troops in Jiangdong. In just over a month, he gathered a rebel army of no less than [-] people, and there was a steady stream of people joining the army. What's more, he was heard in Jinling and Suzhou. The young people who committed the atrocities of the Japanese pirates also started riots in the city, trying to take the opportunity to control the city, or set fire to it, or killed people, disturbing the order of the two cities.

The night of Jiangdong is coming.

Taian 25 January [-]th.

The much-anticipated Battle of Jinling and Battle of Suzhou started at the same time.

Hundreds of thousands of rebels formed a front and launched a general attack on Jinling and Suzhou at the same time. The horn of counterattack sounded. With the joint support of the two places, in just three days, the allied forces marched triumphantly, broke through Jinling, and killed many Japanese pirates overnight. With more than 3 people, more Japanese pirates had to rely on Suzhou.

Fifteen days later, the city of Suzhou was broken. So far, the whole territory of Wuzhou was recovered by the rebels.

Honma Chizuko brought the remnants of the defeated soldiers back to the sea level, and hurriedly boarded the battleship to flee to Yuezhou, but because of the hasty retreat, many soldiers were wiped out, and only less than [-]% escaped.

"Marshal, let's go." A lieutenant with a disheveled face watched Qian Hezi staring at the sea, and couldn't help persuading him.

Who would have thought that defeat would come so quickly?
No one expected that the Great Liang army would have such tenacious combat and mobilization capabilities. They were not afraid of death and only wanted to charge. This was a force they had never seen before.

Qian Hezi stared at the cavalrymen who were attacking not far away. The military flag was fluttering, as bright as blood. She saw the statement in armor, and the two were separated by several miles.

Honma Qianhezi suddenly laughed loudly: "You guys go, I won't go."

"Marshal, don't be arrogant, stay in the green hills without worrying about firewood, we haven't lost yet, we go to Yuezhou, and we can make a comeback. They are just a group of stragglers gathered temporarily for profit..."


"Satou, let's go, take the soldiers to find Uesugi, I won't go."

"Hundreds of thousands of troops have been defeated, where else can I go?"

"Blame me, I can't bring you back to your hometown with glory, blame me, blame me."

"I am ashamed, I am ashamed of hundreds of thousands of troops."

Sato sighed, yes, the hundreds of thousands of troops were defeated, he thought to himself, even if hundreds of thousands of pigs stretched their necks and let the enemy chop them down, it would take ten days and a half a month, right?How did you lose so quickly?Even now, he feels dizzy.

In the end, thousands of soldiers and Qian Hezi, who were too late to evacuate at sea level, stood on the beach and watched the battleship slowly leave. They all put down their weapons, their faces were heavy, and they no longer had the will to fight.


Here comes the statement.

Dozens of generals followed.

"You have won, and the glory belongs to the Dongying nation. I will wait for you on Huangquan Road." Qian Hezi scanned the group of people with vicious eyes, and then drew his knife and killed himself.

So far, the generation of generals who have played a pivotal role in the Japanese cabinet and the military government have called a curtain call, and the blood was blown away by the waves.

Thousands of soldiers dropped their swords and surrendered.

"Kill them, kill them all." A general scolded.

Tens of thousands of troops approached, ready to move, trying to swallow these remnants alive.

Those soldiers also watched the enemy approaching nervously, their faces were numb, and many even closed their eyes, but they didn't want to. At this time, Chen Ci waved his hand: "Stop, keep them, don't kill them, it's useful to keep them!" .”

The generals frowned.

But Chen Ci is after all King Wu, the current spiritual leader of the Rebel Army.

The statement said: "It's too cheap to let them die like this, so it's useful to keep them."

Everyone woke up like a dream, not to mention that in this special period, a large amount of labor is needed to build a new city. These thousands of people are free coolies. They can't bear to kill them like this, otherwise, wouldn't it be cheaper for them?Before killing them, they must be tortured in every possible way. Moreover, there are indeed other uses for keeping them.


The news of Jiangdong's recovery caused the whole country to erupt.

This is the turning point of the Japanese pirate rebellion.

From house to house, the people wore sackcloth and filial piety, marched out of the city spontaneously, and mourned silently for the young people with aspirations from all corners of the country who died in this flat land for the sake of the Jiangdong community. Tombs of heroes were built and inscriptions were erected.From the Suzhou naval battle to the present, the cumulative number of soldiers who died on this land has exceeded 50. They are all other people's children, husbands, and fathers. They are all heroes, and they will devote their lives to Given Jiangdong Sheji and national security, they deserve to be immortalized and admired by the world.


Uesugi was restless. On this day, countless warships sailed from the sea level, and more than 3 Japanese soldiers fled in panic.

Honma Chizuko died.

Shigeru Miyamoto looked at this scene with a shocked expression on his face. He knew that the war was coming, but he didn't expect the war to end so quickly. Honma Chizuru's hundreds of thousands of troops were completely defeated. change.

With blue veins popping out of his forehead, Uesugi Qi was furious, "Qian Hezi, you are short-sighted."

It was precisely because she violated the combat regulations and harmed innocent people that the enemy's anger was ignited and they were defeated. It was all because of Qian Hezi's self-willedness and her will to go her own way. She really deserved her end.

"A letter, report to the cabinet, inform the military government, posthumously designate Chizuko Honma as General of Dongying."

"As ordered."

Uesugi looked at the retreating soldiers on the deck, all of them lost their minds, delirious and listless, he couldn't help shaking his head, Shigeru Miyamoto asked suspiciously: "Pavilion Master, what should we do now, should we be ready to go to war at any time? ?”

"Miyamoto, take a boat right away and send the letter back to Japan itself. Don't come back."


"There is no reason, this is a military order."

Shigeru Miyamoto seemed to realize something and was taken aback, "Marshal,"

Uesugi showed a relieved smile, "Miyamoto, with me guarding Yuhang, if the Great Liang army comes, they will all be buried here."

(End of this chapter)

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