Gentlemen, listen to the sword chant

Chapter 79 One mistake, every step is wrong

Chapter 79 One Step Wrong, Every Step Wrong
As expected, Lin Guming was born in a family of Wu Zong. He had a very high strategic vision and quickly made a strategic plan, but he deliberately ignored Huaiyin, and also ignored his own army from the north and south of Wuzhou and the rebel army from Taozhi Mountain.

"Your Majesty, you have hundreds of thousands of powerful soldiers in Wubei, and there is no problem defending Huaiyin with Wunan's army?" Lin Guming looked at Xi Shen.

Xi Shen cursed secretly in his heart, he didn't want to send troops, he didn't want to fight, he just wanted to reap the benefits, but now with the knife resting on his neck, Xi Shen showed embarrassment: "This..."

"Huh?" Lin Guming glared, and said calmly: "My lord and the hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses of the King of Wu, can't they still defend a mere Huaiyin?"

"You can hold it!" Xi Shen said bravely.

Lin Guming glanced at the crowd again, poured a glass of wine on his own, raised the wine bottle with one hand, and said coldly: "I will put the ugly words first, and now I have invested no less than 200 million troops in the four counties. People, if any county falls, don't blame the general for not being sympathetic."

Everyone trembled and raised their wine bottles.

Xi Shen wept and sighed, thinking that originally he wanted to use all kinds of soldiers and horses to fight against the Japanese pirates in Japan. Now, what should I do?But he couldn't show this kind of thing. With a wave of his hand, he ordered his subordinates to bring barbecue wine and drinks, and wanted to have a swig with all the warriors.


Guangling City.

The site of the former Kochiba Kendo Hall.

Uesugi, dressed in casual clothes, accompanied by dozens of generals, entered Guangling in a carriage and came to Dongying Street where he was originally. museum.Everything has changed, but nothing seems to have changed. The martial arts hall has long been covered with dust, and no one has set foot in it for a long time.

The street is still so lively. Although the king of Wu ordered the withdrawal of troops and civilians, most of them did not leave except for the civilians with military status. On the contrary, because of the absence of King Wu, the life of the common people became better after Dongying soldiers came. .Of course, this is just a fake appearance after whitewashing, because the Second Allied Army of Japan has lost its commander, and the generals of the various ministries strictly forbid the soldiers to spare the people in order to avoid accidents, so that the people must not arouse their hearts of resistance.After Shang Shanqi visited the martial arts hall, he rode on his horse again. Accompanied by hundreds of warriors, he drove into Wu Wangfu in a mighty way. , when I come again, things are different, who would have thought that this place would belong to us?"

Uesugi chuckled lightly and said, "The war is not over yet, maybe...we won't be living far away?"

Toshi Miyamoto disagreed, but did not refute.

Since Uesugi was airborne in Wunan and served as the commander of the Second Allied Army, he drafted a document to suppress bandits, ordering the army to clean up the grass in various mountains in the Wunan area to prevent the possibility of looting the food delivery team.In addition, Uesugi also promulgated a new household service, copied many wealthy businessmen and local tyrants, distributed their property to the poor, ordered the recruitment of soldiers and horses, supported many pro-Ying faction businessmen and officials, and set up an emperor to maintain law and order in the city. Alliance Army.The treatment he promised was much better than that of the King of Wu. He was paid, and he didn’t have to go to the battlefield to charge. There were many people who actively participated in the Imperial Association Army.Of course, Uesugi didn’t expect this group of puppet troops to go to the battlefield. He knew the ignorance of the people at the bottom. As long as they were given a little bit of power, they would be able to embarrass the people to the greatest extent, manage the order of a city, and make Daliang People sing red faces, why not do it?

For a long time to come, Uesugi will work in Guangling's former mansion belonging to King Wu and direct the war.

When King Wu left, he almost took away everything that could be taken away from the palace and even the Wunan area. In order not to bear the eternal infamy, he could not burn many things in a single fire. The only thing King Wu could not take away was Wunan. A vast area of ​​land.

The land is good. The land along the east of the Yangtze River is rich, and the green fields are like a picture scroll. If you plant the seeds this year, you will have a bumper harvest in autumn. At that time, there will be a steady stream of food. With food, the army will have a foothold.

Miyamoto lowered his eyebrows slightly: "Pavilion Master, the Great Liang court issued an appeal against thieves. A few days ago, the 28th Route Army and Horses completed an alliance in Xuzhou City. This is the current deployment plan for the Wubei area." At that time, Shang Shanqi would not be called Marshal.

He took out a military topographic map and placed it in front of Uesugi.

Uesugi looked at it carefully.

Nowadays, except for Xuzhou City, which is empty of troops in Wubei area, other places can be described as impenetrable and indestructible.Wubei area is not as good as Wunan. There are only five prefectures and cities. The southeast, south, southwest, and west directions of Xiaxiang, Huaiyin, Haizhou, and Piaocheng are surrounded by stars, and Xuzhou city is surrounded by stars. If the Dongying people want to attack Xuzhou directly, unless they step over from other counties, they can only choose to attack from the direction of Qingzhou, Wanzhou, and Zhongzhou, but that is obviously a fantasy.

"Well, the chief general who deployed the military order is quite elegant, and he is a character." Uesugi Qi simply commented.

He pointed at Xia Xiangjun, and said with a smile: "If my guess is correct, the chief commander of this military deployment should be Lin Guming who guards Xia Xiangjun, right?"

Toshi Miyamoto was puzzled: "Why did the pavilion master say that?"

Uesugi smiled slightly, and he pointed to the densely marked words on the map, "Look, Huaiyin is jointly guarded by Wu's northern and southern armies. He did not resist the withdrawal of the troops. Therefore, it was impossible for Xi Shen to deploy troops, and he certainly would not be the King of Wu. Secondly, looking at this Haizhou, the northern army and the western army were stationed together. This is really unbelievable. After death, the northern and western armies headed by the eldest prince and the third prince have been separated for a long time, and they are willing to join forces to garrison Haizhou? It is unbelievable, so they are definitely not the ones who are deploying troops. Looking at this city again, it is like a hodgepodge. Gathered soldiers and horses from all walks of life in the south."

Miyamoto was even more suspicious. He scratched his head, "Which side of the army has the courage to unify such a complicated coalition?"

Uesugi held his chin, thinking, "I have two candidates in mind, one is the Yizhou Army in the southwest, but it doesn't look like it, it shouldn't be, no accident, it must be the general of the Zhongzhou Iron Army, Miyamoto, you go Find out, the leader of the Zhongzhou Iron Army who came to the Wubei League is the number of grandsons of Lin Pojun."

"As ordered."

Miyamoto was about to leave, but Uesugi stopped him casually, "Wait."

"Does the master have any orders?"

"There is an old saying in Daliang that 'it is a joy to have friends from afar'. Since the princes of the 28th Route traveled thousands of miles to Wuyue to fight with our army, I can't be stingy, I have to give a small gift. Order the whole army, Adjust the 100 flags of the army to stand by."

Miyamoto was shocked. Originally, he thought that at this juncture, he only needed to defend, because the Dongpu people had a natural advantage over logistics.They occupy the entire territory of Wunan and Yuezhou, and as long as it lasts until autumn, they will have enough food to continue the war; but the Daliang Allied Forces are different, they have a size of 200 million, and they only occupy the poor land of Wubei. Taxation is definitely not enough, it can only be provided by the imperial court, but those ministers in the imperial court who want to make money from wars will inevitably be exploited layer by layer. If it is in the hands of the local army, there may not be much left, and the morale will be frustrated by then , no more power to fight.Besides, now that the Great Liang Allied Forces are making an initial alliance, it is the time when their morale is high. To launch a war at this time is really a bad idea. Miyamoto can't figure it out.

"Pavilion Master, where shall we... fight?"

"Take the Ten Banners to attack Huaiyin, and the 90 Banners to attack the Prime Minister. Let's test the combat capabilities of the Zhongzhou Iron Army first."

"As ordered."

Uesugi took this opportunity to test Lin Guming's military quality and the ability to mobilize the coalition forces.First, first feint to attack Huaiyin. He wants to see if Haizhou and Piaocheng will send troops to support, how fast the support is, how strong the support is, and the main attack is the same. Some have extremely high military literacy.To be honest, Uesugi never cared about the Great Liang Allied Forces from the beginning to the end, but the war cannot be won by force alone. The real war is a war of the heart, and he wants to attack the heart.The Great Liang Empire is too vast and boundless, and the number of soldiers and horses is far more than here. If it is really necessary to launch a continuous war of aggression, relying on the military power of Japan, it is almost impossible to accomplish this feat.Uesugi knew this truth very well, so after obtaining Yuezhou, he began to plan.War is not about killing off the other side's soldiers, it's a bad idea, people can't be killed, Great Liang has resisted the wilderness and the barbarians of the grassland for hundreds of years, isn't it just a confrontation?It can be imagined that even if Dongpu really won by force and captured Wuyue, it would only implement military rule in name, and it would not be able to achieve the common prosperity of the whole nation culturally, economically and politically like Great Liang.

Xuzhou city.

Xi Shen was furious. He just got up from the bed, had some fun and vented his anger, then dressed neatly, ignored the call of the beautiful girl on the couch, and came to the study alone. The more he thought about it, the more angry he became. Saving energy, watching Wu Nan fall, is to reap the benefits, waiting for the imperial court to send troops to help, but don't want to, this is a good move of his own, but he buried himself for no reason, this is leading the wolf into the house.Now Lin Guming is acting vigorously and resolutely, and has issued a military order to deploy, including Wu Bei's army. In order to prevent Xi Shen from doing things secretly, Lin Guming also bluntly said that hundreds of thousands of troops can't defend a mere Huaiyin. That Xuzhou City deserves to fall.This is just pointing at Xi Shen's head and scolding him. Besides these, Xi Shen is worried about other things.

Now that the various armies occupy his counties and counties, they stand still. If these soldiers and horses don't think about making progress, and don't take the initiative to reclaim the lost land from the south, they just guard the city. After the autumn harvest, how will he collect taxes?These generals from all over the world will definitely step in.In the past few days, some local county guards have written to him, reporting that these soldiers from all walks of life have oppressed the people after they entered the city, causing hidden dangers to the local order.Therefore, Xi Shen is afraid, one is that these soldiers will not leave, and the other is that these soldiers will really leave like this.In short, Xi Shen's current emotions are complicated.

Xi Shen let out a long sigh. He didn't understand how he made such a good move.
"Dong dong."

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Xi Shen was very tired and limp on the bronze throne. He subconsciously rolled a roll of tobacco, lit it, and began to puff.

The military division walked in with a flattering face.

"What's the matter?"

"Your Majesty, a secret letter from Uesugi, the commander of the Second Allied Army of Japan."

Xi Shen, who was originally sluggish, suddenly became full of energy, "Where is the letter?"

The military master took out a bamboo roll from his pocket and put it on the table respectfully. Xi Shen, with a pipe in his mouth, picked up the letter and browsed it carefully. It's really a wolf's ambition, and now I really regret that I got on the bandit ship."

The military master cried and apologized and said with a smile: "My lord, you took the initiative to find them at the beginning, but now we are grasshoppers on the same boat, my lord, now we have no choice. If this news gets out, right now our Wubei area is not a big deal. There are 28 soldiers and horses in the town, if it reaches the ears of Lin Guming and Yanchang, the consequences will be disastrous."

Xi Shen's face twitched.

He was both annoyed and angry.

Indeed, Xi Shen had cooperated with Dongying people a long time ago.For example, when Chen Ci was walking from the capital to Guangling, passing through Xuzhou City, he also specially set up a banquet for Chen Ci, and used the heartbroken poison sent by Dongying people for Chen Ci. Later, Dongying Beichen Kendo Hall specially dispatched killers to be safe.It’s a long story. The Dongying people have been planning wars for a long time. For example, the right-wing elements of the Dongying military government. They are fanatics advocating war. Shen was also deceived by lard. He hooked up with Prince Gong Ji Zai, and secretly plotted with the Dongying people. He wanted to use the death of the son-in-law to ignite the flames of war. The Dongying people also agreed to him. , Dongying people only need Yuezhou, and the whole territory of Wuzhou belongs to Xishen.Although Xi Shen is Wuzhou shepherd, he is the most aggrieved state shepherd in the fourteen prefectures of Great Liang.The rest of the prefectures have more jurisdiction than the vassals, but Wu prefects have suffered from their ancestors, and their meritorious service is not enough, so that they only have five counties.For example, Mucheng Shouyu of Yuezhou occupied eight counties, and the King of Yue only occupied three counties, so Xi coveted the land of King Wu.

But after the war broke out, Xi Shen saw the true colors of the Dongying people. Although they would give Xi Shen a complete Wuzhou, Xi Shen knew that if he wanted to secure the title of Wuzhou Mu, he had to fight with Yue King Juquan In the same way, he bowed his head to Dongying and became an obedient dog of Dongying people.King Juquan of Yue has been burdened with infamy through the ages, and his stigma has lasted thousands of years. He doesn't want to, and he doesn't want to. He also wants to enter his ancestral hall in a fair manner. What he wants is the community of Wuzhou, the praise of the people of Wuzhou, not being a "traitor ""running dog".

Now it is a wrong step, a wrong step, and there is no turning back.

(End of this chapter)

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