Gentlemen, listen to the sword chant

Chapter 86 The Battle of Lin Guming (2)

Chapter 86 The Battle of Lin Guming ([-])
Although the military orders issued by Lin Guming were spurned by the generals, they were thoroughly implemented, and the military orders were carried out among the entire army.This created a situation. First, although Dake and Yanchang led the army to attack Runzhou, the two of them adhered to the concept of fishing and paddling for selfish desires. Runzhou is surrounded by water, and if the Japanese pirates want to fight, they should fight hard and quickly, and they will retreat after they are hit casually. Anyway, they don’t take the initiative to go to war. King Wu and Yan Yue attacked Hailing. These two people have bitterness in their hearts, and they are soldiers. There was not enough horses, so they couldn't fight the Japanese pirates in Hailing at all, so they could only guard outside the city, surrounded and did not attack, because they dared not take the initiative to attack.But Lin Guming's troops were different. He mobilized the Zhongzhou Iron Army, Wanzhou Army, Qingzhou Army, Shandong Army, Jingzhou Army, Chu Army, Yizhou Army, Yelang Army, Nanzhao Army, Bashu Army, Xiangzhou Army, Guangdong Army, etc. The Zhouzhou Army, Guizhou Army, Minzhou Army, Ganzhou Army, and Jiangxi Army, a total of 55 troops from sixteen towns, attacked Guangling with overwhelming determination.These southern heroes, although they disdain Lin Guming's military orders, thinking that Lin Guming is selfish and only doing things for himself, but they are also selfish and don't say much. Safe, not alone.


When Uesugi learned of Lin Guming's military deployment and combat plan, he felt heavy, "Lin Guming deserves to be a general of the generation, and he should not be underestimated."

The so-called layman watching the fun, Uesugi, as a general, commanded an army of millions, and he saw the purpose of Lin Guming's strategic deployment at a glance.Lin Guming's focus is to attack Guangling, and he wants to regain Guangling at any cost. His attack on Hailing and Runzhou is fake, just to delay, but in fact all his focus is on Guangling.

The Allied Army of Great Liang was originally a mess, and many generals listened to orders and did not listen to announcements. For example, the Western Regions Army and the Xue Guo Army led several groups of soldiers and horses. Lin Guming's battle preparation arrangement put an end to this phenomenon. like a god.

Originally, it was Uesugi who put pressure on Lin Guming, but now the pressure is back on Uesugi.

This battle is a game between the commanders of the two sides. It is still unknown who will win the game. Now that Lin Guming has made this move, Uesugi feels an unprecedented challenge.

"Pavilion Master..." Miyamoto was worried. The enemy army was twice the size of the Japanese army. Even if they had a good location, it would be difficult to win the war.

Uesugi sighed: "If Tojo Goro had listened to my orders and withdrew his troops to Guangling, our army would not have fallen into such a passive position."

"Pavilion Master, it's that Dongtiao Mouse's short-sightedness, he's healed now, he's safe if he led the disaster to Guangling, damn it! Bastard!" Miyamoto finished speaking viciously, and then showed a sad face: "Pavilion Master, what should we do now?"

Miyamoto wanted to persuade Shang Shanqi, so he simply withdrew his troops and retreated towards Jinling, leaving the green hills there. He was not afraid of running out of firewood. As long as he firmly grasped Hailing and Runzhou, he could fight back at any time in the future. Shang Shanqi saw that He pointed to the flag on the sand table and said, "Miyamoto, Guangling is different from Hailing. If Guangling falls, Hailing and Runzhou will also fall one after another. It will be difficult for our army to fight back." gone."

Miyamoto gritted his teeth, why didn't he know this truth?But with an army of 26, how to resist an army of 55?Moreover, it was led by the brave Zhongzhou Iron Army. The difficulty of this battle was already predictable.

Uesugi closed his eyes and pondered, and asked, "Where has the Liang army arrived now?"

"Fifteen miles outside the city, fortifications are under construction."

A war involving 10 people is not just as simple as a direct fight. If it is really such an unruly bloody battle, both sides will suffer heavy losses. Now that Lin Guming borrows Renhe and Uesugi occupies a favorable location, both sides are unwilling to let go of this Advantages, will continue to expand their own advantages, learn from each other.According to the progress of Lin Guming's construction of fortifications, Guangling will be invaded in three days at the latest, and the war will completely begin at that time.

"Pass down our military order to arm the archery towers, city towers, and drum towers, and defend them for seven days at all costs."

"Miyamoto, seven days, this is the minimum time limit I gave you. If you keep it for seven days, you will be a hero, and I will give you a serious credit."

"If it's less than seven days, you can kill yourself by harakiri."

Seeing that Uesugi had never been serious before, Miyamoto also became serious, and bowed down to salute: "Obey."

Uesugi stared at the direction belonging to Hailing on the topographic map of the sand table. If he wanted to make achievements in this campaign, the breakthrough was still in Hailing. Now he hoped that Hailing's Tojo Goro would really stick to Hailing with the mentality of seeing death as home.He has 12 soldiers and horses, and the Wuzhou North and South Army has [-] soldiers and horses. He also occupies a favorable geographical position. Moreover, the Dongying people have strong individual combat capabilities. If Tojo Goro can break through and attack Lin Guming, then It will be able to disperse Lin Guming's troops and buy time for Guangling.It's just... Tojo Goro has a prejudice against Uesugi, if he follows Yanchang and Dak and sits on the sidelines, then this battle will fall into a quagmire.

He had already secretly ordered the guards of Jinling to send [-] troops to support Guangling. The journey would take ten days. As long as Gongben could hold off for seven days, the direction of the war would be rewritten.


Thirty miles away from Runzhou County.

The defense line to the southwest of Runzhou is controlled by the Western Region Army, the Bingzhou Army and the Shanxi Army. The iron wall is impenetrable, and a fly cannot be let go; the defense line to the northwest of Runzhou is controlled by the Snow Country Yanyun Cavalry, Jizhou Army and Zhao Army, and is invincible.Tian Jiao Xinye, the defender of Runzhou, watched for several days. Seeing that the Liang army had no signs of attacking or attempting to retreat, he was itchy and upset. He sent several elite soldiers to stop them, but they were all beaten back. When Xinye learned that the troops who came to attack Runzhou were guarding the Western Regions and the border gates of the Great Wall for Daliang, his heart sank.You must know that the Western Regions Army and the Snow Country Army are troops second only to the Zhongzhou Tiejun Army. They are very brave, strong and strong, and their individual combat capabilities are extremely strong. They are not inferior to the soldiers of Dongpu.Fortunately, these soldiers were stationed on the defense line, neither attacking nor withdrawing their troops, as if they had come to "tour the mountains and rivers".Tian Jiao knew very well in his heart that the Western Region Army and the Snow Country Army were troops that supported the First Prince and the Third Prince. They were unwilling to serve the court forces that supported the Little Prince as a watch. The attack on Runzhou this time was just a formality.However, Tian Jiao was anxious. He heard that Lin Guming had led an army of 55 to attack Guangling. If Guangling fell, Hailing and Runzhou would be left alone and helpless. It would be a matter of time before they were captured.On the one hand, Tian Jiao rejoiced that the Allied forces did not take the initiative to attack him, and the two sides did not invade the river. On the other hand, he was annoyed that the two groups of people blocked the only way to pass, preventing him from sending troops to support Guangling.

On the tower, Tianjiao Xinye looked at the gunpowder smoke in the sky far outside the city. It was the smoke from cooking. He could only pray for Guangling in secret.


When Tojo Goro learned that it was Wuzhou's local troops who came to attack Hailing, he couldn't help feeling contemptuous. He secretly disdained Wu Nan's army to be vulnerable, and the truly powerful troops had long since died in Suzhou and Jinling. He thought so in his heart, all the softies who were greedy for life and afraid of death like King Wu, and besides, Wu Bei's army was a bunch of drunks and riches.In addition, he was even more ecstatic when he learned that there were only 120 banners to attack Hailing. He was already prepared to live and die with Hailing.

The deputy general came to report that it was Lin Guming who had led 50 troops to the city of Guangling, and the battle was imminent.

"What's the matter with me?"

Tojo sneered.

The deputy general pondered for a while, then hesitated and said: "General, no matter what, Guangling's troops are also the main force of my Second Allied Army. They are all Dongying men. We are all loyal to His Majesty the Emperor. We should work together. General, please put down your personal responsibility." Good grudges."

"When he went to Shanqi and asked me to retreat without a fight and give up Hailing, why didn't you say so?"

The lieutenant general whispered again: "Perhaps, the commander-in-chief had expected this result long ago, let us give up Hailing to defend Guangling?"

Tojo was taken aback, indeed, this possibility is really possible, but he, Tojo Goro, relied on his identity, knew his mistakes and corrected them, but he would not admit his mistakes to Shang Shanqi, a little Chiba Kendo school, so he sneered and said: "In the end, it is still It's not for his own selfish desire? Then what do you say, it's too late now, and I can't leave, I really have the will but powerlessness. "

Tojo Goro himself had a big prejudice against Uesugi. If Guangling fell and the Allied forces were defeated due to Uesugi's wrong command in this battle, then in March Uesugi secretly dispatched an army of [-] troops to make a surprise attack on the prime minister. Huaiyin was completely annihilated, and two consecutive defeats were caused by the wrong command of the leader. Then Uesugi will definitely be impeached by the military government and the cabinet. This is what Tojo Goro is happy to see. However, if Uesugi was not skilled enough and was captured alive by the Liang army, that would be a shame for him.

The lieutenant general knew what Tojo was thinking, and the lieutenant only felt bewildered and regretful about the self-consumption within the Dongying nation. The Liang army would be the one who would reap the most benefits. For the sake of the overall situation, the lieutenant had no choice but to kneel down. The deputy general knelt down without saying a word, a little displeased, and said coldly: "What are you doing?"

"General, the last general knows that the general and the commander-in-chief are not on good terms, but the Liang army is coming in menacingly, and Guangling and Hailing's lips are dead and their teeth are cold. If Guangling falls, the Liang army will definitely point their swords at Hailing. At that time, our army is in danger; secondly, garrison Guangling The entire army is all the children of my Second Allied Army, and they are all one family, General, at this critical moment, please ignore the past and send troops to help." The lieutenant general's tone was sincere and his voice was sonorous.

This is also true, it is a family behind closed doors, no matter how conflicts arise within the family, it is harmless, it is all about the family, but no matter what, the enemy cannot take advantage of the loopholes.

Why doesn't Tojo know this truth?He just can't understand Uesugi, and he can't understand a little Chiba kendo samurai pointing fingers at the Second Allied Forces.Seeing that the deputy general asked for orders, Tojo was no longer indecisive, and immediately said: "Send my military order to open the city gate and attack the Wuzhou army."

Tojo never cared about the Wuzhou army. He always maintained a contemptuous attitude and thought that the Wuzhou army was a group of people who bullied the weak, feared the hard, greedy for life and feared death. The bravest and bloodiest Wuzhou army had already died in battles in Suzhou and Jinling.Furthermore, the Wuzhou army was divided into north and south, and the two sides had always been at odds. Although the enemy army was slightly higher than his own, Tojo didn't take it seriously. He believed that with his own brave and noble Dongying warriors attacking, he would be able to defeat any Wuzhou army.


The Wuzhou coalition army garrison outside Hailing.

This time, King Wu attached great importance to the attack on Hailing, and dispatched Xu Xiao, the most powerful general under his command, to the front line to direct the battle in person.Xu Xiao, courtesy name Fengluan, was the former governor of the Hailing Army. He had commanded the army in Hailing for more than ten years. In terms of seniority, he was in the same generation as Yu Changling.King Wu ordered Xu Xiao to lead his troops to fight, and he had many considerations.First, Xu Xiao was originally the governor of Hailing, and he and his troops are very familiar with Hailing's fortifications and surrounding terrain, even more familiar than the Dongying people; second, Xu Xiao and Xu Xiao's troops are all Hailing defenders , has a unique feeling for Hailing, and deeply hates the Dongying people stationed in Hailing.Combining the above two points, letting Xu Shan personally lead troops to fight will have unexpected effects.

At this moment, in the big tent of the Chinese army, Xu Xiao looked ugly and angry. He was arguing with a general of Wu Beijun. General, now that the enemy is at hand, and our own side is really fighting because of disagreements, then the people who see the joke are from Dongying. Therefore, the two of them were angrily sitting on both sides of the sand table angrily, and neither looked at the other.

The general Xi Shen transferred to fight this time is Shen Yan, who was the former governor of the Huaiyin Army. He is comparable to Xu Xiao in terms of military rank and status; How it came about remains to be investigated.Xu Xiao is different. His military positions are all based on the military merits earned by fighting on the battlefield and accumulating a lot of heads, and he is gradually promoted. He looks down on a dude like Shen Yan. The military rank purchased from Wuzhou Mu by means of this method, the reason for the dispute between the two this time is that the military order did not match.Xu Xiao suggested to attack Hailing by force. He is very familiar with Hailing's fortifications and knows its weak points. As long as the army unites and forces a strong attack, it will take at most three days to recover Hailing. However, Shen Yan doesn't think so. It is a matter of time before Lin Guming's troops capture Guangling. Attacking Hailing will only increase casualties. Instead of this, it is better to besiege and not attack. Follow the example of Yanchang and Dake. As long as Guangling falls, Hailing and Runzhou will be isolated and helpless At that time, with the alliance with the army, Hailing can be obtained at the least cost.When Xu Xiao heard the words, he scolded Shen Yan for being short-sighted, greedy for life and afraid of death; Shen Yan in turn ridiculed Xu Xiao for being greedy for meritorious service and making fun of the lives of soldiers for that little military achievement. In short, neither of them could convince the other.At the end of the quarrel, Shen Yan waved his sleeves and sarcastically said: "If you are really that powerful, why didn't you let Hailing go before you fired an arrow and sent out an army? If you are really so powerful, why didn't you go and attack by yourself? Say, what is your intention? Are you trying to deceive me and let me be a pawn of the Wubei army to serve as a stepping stone for you? You are so cruel."

Xu Xiao's face turned red like a pig's liver. These words were full of sarcasm. Being insulted by the child in his own eyes, the veteran Xu Xiao was furious, and he sacrificed his long sword, "Boy, don't try to provoke discord, I will come on!" When you killed the enemy on the battlefield, you were still drinking milk in your infancy, and if you dare to speak rudely, I will kill you."

Seeing that Xu Xiao was angry, Shen Yan couldn't help laughing. He peeled off his armor and exposed his chest, "Come on, cut here? Okay, Xu Xiao, I can't see that you are really a white-eyed wolf. I am Huaiyin." Governor, my lord has kindly asked me to withdraw my troops from Huaiyin, and gave Huaiyin to your king of Wu to settle down, but you are so kind, hypocritical, trying to trick me into using our army to charge, but if the trick fails, you still want to kill me? Come on, go here Kill me, if you don't have the guts to kill me, you're an idiot."

Xu Xiao was furious, and seeing being ridiculed like this, his eyes were red, "Young man with a yellow mouth, I will kill you!"

After all, he stabbed for the sword without any hesitation. Seeing Xu Xiao's real action, Shen Yan was startled, and hurriedly rolled to dodge. Xu Xiao chased after him. All the generals in the camp were dumbfounded. After chasing after, Shen Yan ran ahead, like a bereaved dog. For a while, chickens and eggs were beaten in the big tent, making a mess.Shen Yan's face changed, and he scolded angrily as he ran: "Xu Xiao, you are full of guts, you dare to kill me, you wait, when you return to Huaiyin, I will report this matter to the governor, you wait to be punished." Let's deal with it by military law."

"Ge Lao Tzu, even if you are punished by military law, I will kill you, a naughty boy." Xu Xiao's eyes were red, his face was ferocious, and no one dared to stop him.

Seeing that he was almost cut by Xu Xiao's long sword several times, Shen Shan was so frightened that he was scared out of his wits, and he said angrily, "What are you doing in a daze, stop him for me."

Everyone woke up like a dream, and hurried to say good things.

Xu Xiao was just impatient, and when he saw a group of people coming to stop him, he also compromised, but his eyes were still red, and he shouted: "You son of a bitch, come on, don't run away, let me see if I dare to kill you."

Shen Yan panted heavily, seeing that Xu Xiao was being controlled, he also took a rest, and said in disbelief, "You wait, I won't tell you, I swear I won't be human."

Seeing that Shen Yan dared to speak harshly, Xu Xiao became angry again. With a roar, he struggled a bit, kicked several people away, and rushed up again with his long sword in hand. !"

Seeing that Xu Xiao was being forced into a hurry, Shen Yan didn't care too much, and started to run wildly. As a result, the camp was too small, and Xu Xiao almost caught up with him, so he had to run out of the camp. Just like that, surrounded by thousands of soldiers With scorching eyes, there was a wave of Xu Xiao chasing Shen Yan with his sword.Xu Xiao is like a ferocious beast, with red eyes, murderous aura burst out from his body, and thousands of soldiers dared not stop him. Seeing that he was about to be caught up, Shen Yan also turned red eyes, and said angrily, "Take it down for me, this man is crazy. Take it!"

When all the soldiers heard this, they all rushed forward.

Xu Xiao chopped down a few soldiers at will, and scolded: "I see who dares, get out!"

Shen Yan was also angry: "What are you waiting for, what are you doing, this is a military order, take this man down for me, and whoever takes this man down will reward you with a hundred gold and a hundred horses."

With a heavy reward, there must be a brave man, not to mention that these are Shen Yan's subordinates, many people began to move around, and in a short while, thousands of soldiers showed up, and Xu Xiao was restrained. Detained on the ground, struggling frantically, but to no avail, he could only stare at Shen Yan, "Damn it, let me go, you wait, you will either kill me, or I will kill you."

Seeing that Xu Xiao was restrained and unable to move, Shen Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and looked down at him, "I'm not dead, you dare to kill me."

"I'm going to make you cramp! Come on, you'd better not let me go, or I'll be the first to kill you." Xu Xiao stared at Shen Yan with eyes as big as copper bells, wishing to send Shen Yan away. Yan Da unloads eight pieces.

Shen Yan saw that he was surrounded by his own people, and he also saw that Xu Xiao didn't seem to be joking. If Xu Xiao was really released, wouldn't it be letting the tiger go back to the mountain?So, Shen Yan also became serious, walked over, sacrificed the sword, put it against Xu Xiao's chin, and said coldly: "Old general, you'd better calm down, otherwise, my knife really won't have eyes .”

Xu Xiao grinned grimly, raised his head unyieldingly, and spat thick phlegm at Shen Yan.



A group of soldiers were furious. How could Xu Xiao insult his general like this under their noses?
After thinking about it, Shen Yan felt that he couldn't just let Xu Xiao go, otherwise Xu Xiao might be able to do something according to Xu Xiao's fiery temper.Shen Yan thought to himself, it's better to just abolish Xu Xiao, cut off his hands and feet, and abolish the meridian. After all, he has his own reason, and it's really a big mess. Naturally, the Lord Fujun will not bend his elbows.Shen Yan also felt that this was not enough, keeping Xu Xiao's life was always a hidden danger, he had broken limbs, life would be worse than death, but he still had a mouth, and he could still talk, it would really make trouble in the future, he opened his mouth to talk nonsense, and he had to He struggled to explain, and maybe he would beat him up, so after thinking about it, Shen Shan came up with an idea, and simply killed Xu Xiao without doing anything else. What should I say then, wouldn't it just rely on my own mouth?

Seeing that Shen Yan was silent and had a gloomy face, Xu Xiao sneered: "You son of a bitch, talk, why don't you dare to kill me or let me go?"

Shen Yan sneered, and waved his hand, "Xu Xiao, you have no sense of law. It is a serious crime to attack me without reason. I wanted to save your life to make contributions, but you have nothing to hide. You have repeatedly offended me. If I If I don’t kill you, it’s hard to convince the crowd.”

Xu Xiao was disdainful, not only not afraid, but also spat at Shen Yan, shouting: "Come on, kill me, do you have the guts?"

Shen Yan didn't hesitate anymore, and ordered: "Pass on my military order, and behead the traitor Xu Xiao for public display!"

Xu Xiao was taken aback for a moment, and immediately cursed angrily, all kinds of obscenities came out of his mouth.

On that day, Xu Xiao, the former governor of Hailing, was beheaded because he disagreed with Shen Yan, the governor of Huaiyin, and his blood was spattered three feet.

This incident caused quite a commotion among the Wuzhou army. The Wunan army, which was waiting for the general to discuss the siege, saw that the general had not returned. As a result, in the evening, the Wubei army sent Xu Xiao's head. His eyes were all red, and regardless of the reason, he waited for a day. He didn't wait for the general to come with a strategic plan, but he waited for the general's head. What's the reason for this?
(End of this chapter)

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