Stop contacting LPL, we are so unfamiliar!

Chapter 370 The only chance in this life! The S1 World Championship Finals begins now!

No matter who the opponent is in the finals, nothing can stop the G2 team from winning three consecutive world championships!

In front of LPL host Xiao Yu, in front of all LPL fans, when Dark said this finals declaration with great arrogance, all LPL fans were trembling, and some even My whole body was shaking!

Because the momentum displayed by Dark at this moment is really too astonishing.

Just like a warrior who lives towards death, if anyone dares to stop him, his end will be very tragic!

"Okay, then thank you player Dark for accepting our post-game interview. Let's see you at the Paris finals."

The host Xiao Yu was also a little frightened by such momentum, so much so that she was stunned for a few seconds before finally remembering to finish the post-match interview.

But what she never expected was that Dark did not immediately agree like other contestants interviewed, but immediately asked a rhetorical question!

"Huh? Shouldn't you wish our G2 team to win the world championship and successfully achieve three consecutive world championships?"

Dark looked at Xiao Yu suspiciously. After all, if he were the host from another competition area at this time, he would definitely say such a wish.


Dark's request immediately stunned Xiao Yu. You must know that she is the LPL host. If she wishes the G2 team at this time, wouldn't it mean that she does not want the FPX team to win the world championship?

And if she really said this blessing in front of the camera, her comment section would definitely be washed away by fans of the FPX team.

Because in their opinion, at this time, she must be resentful because the IG team did not make it to the finals. She was so jealous that she didn't want to see the FXP team win!

"Of course it should. Then I wish the G2 team in advance to achieve the results they want on the stage of the finals."

In the situation of being "enemies from both sides", Xiao Yu finally had no choice but to choose a compromise method, which not only satisfied the requirements of the Dark players, but also avoided the possibility of being criticized.

But for the majority of FPX team fans, such a compromise is naturally useless. After all, isn't the "results" the G2 team "want to achieve" the world championship? !

"With your good words, the G2 team will definitely win the championship!"

Dark chuckled softly, asked Xiao Yu nothing more, and then ended the post-game interview.

Compared with Dark being "approachable" in post-match interviews, he and his teammates were much more "aggressive" in post-match group interviews.

Facing reporters' questions, the players from the G2 team made the following remarks that made LPL fans gnash their teeth with hatred.

"In the finals, we must still seal the FPX team 3-0. After all, we have already defeated the RNG team and IG team, so the FPX team must also score 3-0, because the LPL family must be in order!"

"It's really going to be 3-0. In last year's finals, we were overturned by the IG team. We are still brooding about it. We regret it when we think about it in the middle of the night. So this year, we will definitely not be able to be succeeded by the FPX team again."

"If I remember correctly, the LPL division believes that this year is their most promising year, because they have gone from the semi-finals of S7 to the runner-up of S8. It stands to reason that they will definitely win the championship this year."

"But this idea is really ridiculous. To be honest, e-sports is not a simple logical reasoning. If it is really that simple, our three consecutive championships this year seems to be more logical."

"The G2 team must win three consecutive championships. I'm telling you, it's useless for anyone to object!"

"In the S9 World Championship, the G2 team will not lose a game and win the global championship and three consecutive world championships!"


Amid the applause and blessings from all the reporters at the scene, the post-match group interview belonging to the G2 team finally came to an end. Everyone in G2 was able to finish all work for the day and return to the hotel.

However, when the video content and text content of this post-match group interview were posted online by major media, all LPL fans, especially fans of the FPX team, immediately exploded!

Because in their opinion, not only Dark, but all the players from the G2 team have no intention of treating the FPX team as a human being!

Although it is indeed difficult for the FPX team to defeat the G5 team in the BO2 finals and win the first world championship trophy for the LPL division.

But how can LPL fans tolerate the G2 team's "arrogance"? !

"Okay, okay, I hope the G2 team will continue to be so arrogant! They seem to have forgotten how the RNG team lost the quarterfinals last year, so this year, it is the G2 team's turn to taste the consequences of arrogance!"

"Arrogant soldiers will be defeated! Do you really think that our FPX team is easy to bully? We are the summer champions of the LPL division after all!"

"Although the Swiss round was a little more difficult, in the knockout stage, our FPX team eliminated the triple crown champion SKT team and the second-ranked FNC team in Europe!"


"Have you ever seen the name of the theme song for this year's S9 World Championship? Phoenix! Phoenix Nirvana! Our FPX team is the little Phoenix team! So this year's world champion must be FPX!"

"The G2 team is indeed very strong, and so is the Dark player, but our FPX team has SuperCarryDoinb with its own system! The little hat king still wants to stop our coin brother's wandering? Absolutely impossible!"

"Come on, FPX team! This year must be our most promising year in the LPL!"

"FPX team, come on! You will also become the team that enters the world championship for the first time and directly wins the world championship!"

Faced with the "arrogant words" of the G2 team players, all LPL fans and FPX team fans couldn't help but speak out on major media platforms.

But when they saw their unrealistic rhetoric, all the G2 fans said that they were the ones who sneered.

After all, all the speeches of LPL fans are based on their fantasies, but the speeches of G2 team fans are all based on facts!

For example, the so-called fatalism of the theme song. If I remember correctly, last year's theme song Rise meant reaching the top, which is exactly the same as the word "ji" in the IG team.

But what about the end? The team that has truly reached the pinnacle is not the G2 team?

As for this year’s so-called Phoenix Nirvana…

Although judging from the team icon, the FPX team is indeed a Phoenix team, but whether it is a Phoenix or not depends on the soul of the team?

If we only look at the surface, if an orange cat writes the word "王" on its forehead, can it also say that it is a tiger? !

"FPX, stop barking, LPL, stop barking."

"When the World Championship finals starts, you will know that the G2 team is the real and eternal king in this world!"

Therefore, after facing the strong arguments from LPL fans and FPX fans, G2 team fans chose not to say more and were ready to use facts that speak louder than words to destroy their ridiculous delusions!

And just after the scolding war on the Internet came to an end for the time being, the day after the S9 semi-finals, all members of the G2 team, who had rested for a night in a Spanish hotel, set off again.

Because the venue for the S9 World Championship Finals, which is about to start in a week, is the AccorHotels Arena in Paris!

So in order not to delay subsequent training and preparations, the G2 team set off immediately and arrived in Paris that same day, and then quickly checked into a local hotel.


"Everyone, I saw someone on the Internet saying that we are too arrogant this year. It seems that we don't take the FPX team seriously at all, so we will definitely lose miserably in the next finals."

"What I want to say about this is that these people still don't understand our G2 team very well."

"To be honest, to see whether a team is arrogant or not, the main thing to look at is their performance on the field, not their remarks off the field."

"But when did our G2 team not say harsh words off the court but play fiercely on the court?"

Because the G2 team arrived in Paris one day later than the FPX team, the G2 coach immediately began leading the players to prepare for the final round of the finals the night after checking into a local hotel in Paris.

"So this time in the S9 finals, our G2 team is still the same. In order to win our third world championship trophy, we must do everything we can in this week!"

Before the official training started, the G2 coach looked at all the G2 players and said solemnly and decisively.

"Before formulating the tactical plan for the finals, it is necessary for me to introduce this FPX team to you first, because their overall strength cannot be underestimated."

"On the surface, this FPX team does not have any top-notch players except mid laner Doinb, but when these five players are added together, their combat effectiveness is still very strong."

"The FPX team is a new team in the world championship. I won't talk about the LPL championship. I will mainly introduce the five starting players of the FPX team."

"The first one to bear the brunt is the mid laner Doinb. As I just said, this person has his own system and can often lead his teammates to perform perfect tower jumps with four packs of two in the bottom lane or three packs of one in the top lane."

"And Doinb prefers to play some functional mid laners, such as Ryze, Galio, and Stoneman who appeared in the Swiss round, as well as Titan and Rambo who appeared in the knockout stage." "There is another point worth mentioning. One thing to mention is that no matter what mid laner Doinb plays, he always likes to use meaty outfits."

"In other words, in the FPX team, Doinb mainly plays a role as a rhythm driver. After he helps his teammates gain an advantage, the bottom lane LWX player will provide late-stage output."

"Of course, in addition to mid laner Doinb, the rhythm engine of the FPX team also includes junglers Tian and Xiaotian."

"I have discussed this person's strength with Dark. It can be said that he is the strongest jungler besides Dark this year. Especially the two heroes Lee Sin and Qiyana, he is still very good at playing."

"Especially in the second game of the Swiss round, if Xiaotian Lee Sin hadn't snatched a dragon, the FPX team would have fallen to the 0-2 group. In that case, whether they could advance to the quarterfinals would have been a question."

"Then there's the bottom duo, LWX plus Crisp."

"On the surface, these two people look unremarkable, but in fact, these two people are terrifyingly stable, especially the LWX player. His KDA is simply terrifying, and he and IG team's Jackeylove player are two extremes."

"One always dies suddenly, the other never dies suddenly."

"As for the support player Crisp, his support play is still very spiritual, and he often surprises him."

"But Crisp's surprise is different from Hilisan's. Hilisan's surprise is operational and ideological, while Crisp's surprise is positional and tactical."

"He can always appear in a very normal position at an abnormal time, and then help his teammates gain an advantage, so when the time comes, you need to be careful with this auxiliary player."

"Finally, the Gimgoon players are on the road."

"This guy looks equally ordinary on the surface, but I rate him as a world-class top laner."

"He can withstand pressure online, is effective in teamfighting, and can occasionally perform counter-pressure against players of Theshy's level."

"So in my opinion, player Jin Gong is the most stable point in the FPX team."

"And what's more embarrassing is that it's difficult to break through it on the top lane. Once FPX's midfielder and jungler hit three-for-one on the top lane, Jin Gong can still have an advantage in the lane."

"So, BrokenBlade..."

Speaking of this, the G2 coach suddenly called BB's name.


BB raised his head and asked blankly.

"You know your own performance in the semi-finals, but it's still easier for problems to arise."

"Of course I know there are reasons for everything. For example, Theshy is very strong, and Ning is always trying to catch you."

"But if you still have similar problems when facing the FPX team, then I will have to let Wunder players play."

"After all, compared to your offensive attributes, when facing the FPX team, the G2 team actually needs the defensive attributes of Wunder players more."

The G2 coach said solemnly, feeling a little helpless in his heart.

You know, after the S8 World Championship ended last year, the reason why BrokenBlade player was purchased as a substitute for Wunder player was because Wunder's "defense" could not prevent the attack of Theshy player.

So I decided to fight fire with fire, using the BB player's offense and the Theshy player's offense to fight against each other.

Throughout the MSI and S9 World Championships, although BB could not gain the upper hand in the battle with Theshy, at least it would not collapse.

Unexpectedly, the G2 team had too many opponents. They had just sent away the IG team and ushered in another FPX team. At the same time, Jin Gong, a top laner who was as stable as an old dog, appeared.

Fortunately, Wunder has always stayed in the team. Otherwise, it is hard to say how the road will fare in the upcoming finals!

"Haha, after being a substitute for half a year, do I finally get a chance to play in the finals?"

"BB, you have to perform well in the first one or two games. If you accidentally stretch your crotch, I will step in for you."

"You know who I am. Once I go on the field, I definitely don't want to come off again. In this case, I will be the one who finally gets the championship moment!"

Upon hearing this, the Wunder player, who has almost half a million words of plot, immediately beamed and said, after all, being able to appear on the stage of this year's S9 World Championship is what he wants to do most.

But in fact, Wunder didn't just know this news today. Long before the start of the S9 World Championship, he received instructions from the G2 coach, indicating that he would definitely have a chance to play this year.

So since the start of the S9 World Championship, Wunder players have been working quietly for today.

The upcoming finals is the moment when Wunder player becomes the champion top laner again!

"I can't accept your words."

"Originally, I wanted to say that I would definitely not let you get a chance to play, but if you don't play, you won't be able to choose the championship skin..."

"But no matter what, I will definitely try not to make any mistakes on the stage of the finals!"

Facing the veteran Wunder, the young BrokenBlade made a splash.

"Okay, let's start training."

"One BO5, three BO1, we must win them all, and then win our third world championship trophy together!"

The G2 coach said equally impassionedly, and then led the players to start preparations for the finals.


A week may seem like a long time, but it’s actually only six days and they go by so quickly.

Because in addition to the training and preparation itself, the G2 team also needs to do a lot of other things.

After arriving in Paris on the first day, normal training began on the second to fourth days.

After only three days of training, on the fifth day, the G2 team and the FPX team were forced to go outdoors to cooperate with Riot officials in filming the finals promotional video.

On the sixth day, you need to go to the AccorHotels Arena in Paris for the final rehearsal of the opening ceremony of the finals.

During the rehearsal of the opening ceremony, although the place where the Summoner's Trophy should belong was empty, every G2 team player looked there with extremely burning eyes.

Because they all know very well that as long as they work hard and successfully win against the FPX team in tomorrow's finals, then all members of their G2 team will appear there together and hold the Summoner's Trophy high!

Of course, the five people from the G2 team are not the only ones with such scorching eyes. The same is true for the five players from the FPX team standing in line across the stage.

For them, although this is their first time reaching the World Championship Finals, for many of them, this year is already at the end of their careers.

In other words, if the FPX team does not succeed in winning the world championship this year, they will almost lose the chance to win the championship again in the future.

Of course, the same is true for the G2 team. If they fail to win three consecutive world championships tomorrow, then the G2 team will become a "regret" in the history of League of Legends just like the former SKT team.

Therefore, since tomorrow is the only chance in the lives of both teams.

Then, let’s use a hearty finals showdown to decide the winner of the 2019 League of Legends Global Finals! (End of chapter)

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