Chapter 305 Rumors Spread
"Send someone to tell Fang Jie everything here. I didn't expect Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang to be more vigilant after suffering such a big loss."

"There is no way for us to enter Baidi City. Now I have tried all kinds of disguises, and I have thought of many ways. What should we do? Fang Jie, please give us a little hint."

At the moment when the military order was sent out, Fang Jie almost couldn't believe Shi Jian's ability when he received the news.

He still thinks it is very powerful, and according to his current ability, it is very easy to think of any place.

How could it be impossible to enter Baidi City? It also proves that Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang have completely blocked Baidi City.

People inside can't get out, and people outside can't get in at all.

Only in this case, Shi Jiancai would encounter this situation and convey Fang Jie in a letter.

"If there is really no way to enter Baidi City for this matter, then forget it. No matter what, Baidi City is still very big. Now that he has fled there, he is called Emperor."

"And I took it as the seat of my court. It is conceivable that the foundation there is still very large. Even if you walk in, you may not be able to see Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang."

"Now that their vigilance is so high, why don't you bring everyone back first, and when you come back, I hope you can do one thing."

Shi Jian was a little unbelievable about Fang Jie's matter, why did he have to do it?
It is completely possible to use his own way to treat his own body.

Since he dared to spread the epidemic on us, and made many people suffer unspeakably, life would be worse than death, a person who can get along with such a means.

Is it still necessary to go on like this with them?

But there was no way, since it was Fang Jie's order, he couldn't disobey anything, Shi Jian led many killers directly to the outside of Baidi City.

They were going to attack Baidi City at night, and now they started to attack them within the gates of each city. For three days in a row, people would come here in these three nights.

Moreover, the casualties outside Baidi City became more and more serious. Whenever a soldier died, Liu Bei would send many people to continue guarding here.

Moreover, his vigilance has been strengthened, Shi Jian really doesn't understand, this will only scare the snake, is it really useful?

He brought the others back three days later, and Fang Jie wrote thousands of instructions in the letter, no matter what the final result was, no matter how many people were killed or not, he hoped that he could leave there quickly.

Shi Jian turned around and left with the people.

Both Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang were very curious. Only a few people came, and they would sneak back at night. Whose idea was it?

With Fang Jie's ability and his intelligence, there is absolutely no need to do so.

But if this matter has a lot to do with the Qiang people, it would be a little bit unbelievable.

The Qiang people seem to have been quiet for a long time, and there has been no news from the Qiang people recently, so I saw that Zhuge Liang sent people to investigate all the time.

It's just a pity that I got a Xiaoxi in the end. I didn't expect that two people died on Shijian's side. I finally learned from their corpses that they were definitely under Fang Jie's command.

"Fang Jie is really hateful. I didn't expect it to be so endless, and he has come to Baidi City with us. It seems that we must try our best to fight there."

"And I got the news that he has arrived in Hanzhong. Hanzhong is a very important place, and I heard that many places have been taken down by them, and they have been guarding them all the time. Now we just need to take it down. After Hanzhong."

"Whether it's Cao Pi, Cao Cao or Fang Jie, these people are all in our pocket. Now that we have become the emperor, we don't need to refute anyone. Today's Baidi City is our home."

"I don't know Liu Bei, do you think this is feasible? If it is really possible, we can definitely open Fang Jie and Fang Jie to fight."

Zhuge Liang was brave and resourceful, and he served a very smart man. Back then, he could directly piss off Zhou Yu to death with his own strength, and he also did a lot of things.

At this time, he also won a lot of victories, but only when he met Fang Jie, he was a little confused. Every time he was doing anything, he didn't play cards according to common sense.

It made him a little confused, but now when the matter came out again, he inadvertently felt a little bit embarrassed.

Now when he saw Fang Jie again, he felt that this matter was nothing to Fang Jie.

Liu Bei is also ready to surprise, this is a very simple matter.

Liu Bei suddenly remembered one thing.

"People say that Fang Jie and Cao Pi are very smart, and they also pay attention to the interests and feelings among the common people, and they don't take their own affairs to heart. I feel very curious."

"If he really doesn't care about other people, then the current Yizhou Cheng is already in the eyes of the extraordinary. Those people are worse than death, and they are in great pain. Why can't they treat those people?"

"Did you never want to save them?"

"Let's say we send some people to create some rumors immediately. This will definitely be very harmful to them. In this case, once the rumors spread, it will not be so easy for Fang Jie to control them. .”

"We also know that with all our soldiers, victory on the battlefield is very simple."

"But if one day the common people revolt, then the difficulties Cao Pi and Fang Jie face will be the most troublesome for him."

The words of the people are often the one thing that scares them most.

So at this moment, he knew in his heart what he was most worried about.

Cao Pi was very nervous when he heard the news in his heart.

I was especially afraid that I had just come to Hanzhong and thought that I could stay in this place well, and Jiangshan would have Fang Jie to help beat it down.

Moreover, Cao Cao repeatedly told him that as long as there is a day for Fang Jie, there is no need to ask too much about everything.

The only thing I need to do is to trust him, trust him, but up to now, the news of Cao Cao's retirement has slowly faded.

No one continues to pay attention to who Cao Cao is, and no one knows where Cao Cao is now.

It seems that what they are already concerned about is who will win the battle between Cao Pi and Liu Bei.

The moment Fang Jie came out, he also heard the news. He never thought that they would use the epidemic to spread the word.

For Cao Pi, this made matters worse.

It's not that I don't want to care about these ordinary people, it's just that I'm facing the conditions at that time.

There was no way to save them. In that era, some people often died suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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